Illustration by Alex Aparin

Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide Preview #1

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The start of Gen Con 2010 is five weeks away, which means that the Advanced Player's Guide will be hitting game stores and subscriber mailboxes in just over one month. To celebrate the release of this impressive tome, we are going to be previewing parts of it every week until its release. Last week we recapped the information from the PaizoCon APG Preview Banquet. This week we are going to dig into some details with an extensive look at the races chapter.

As I mentioned last week, each of the seven core races receives a two-page spread of information. Each spread starts out with information about adventurers of that race, taking on each of the 17 classes available (that includes the six new classes found in the APG). This is followed up by alternate racial traits that allow characters to portray members of the race that are a little different than the rest, but still well within the theme of the race. To take one of these alternate racial traits, a character has to give up one or more existing racial traits. For example, take a look at this dwarven racial trait.

Stonesinger: Some dwarves' affinity with the earth grants them greater powers. Dwarves with this racial trait are treated as one level higher when casting spells with the earth descriptor or using granted powers of the Earth domain, the bloodline powers of the earth elemental bloodline, and revelations of the oracle's stone mystery. This racial trait replaces the stonecunning racial trait.

Or how about this Half-Orc racial trait.

Toothy: Some half-orcs' vestigial tusks are massive and sharp, granting them a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage. This racial trait replaces the orc ferocity racial trait.

Each replacement racial trait is made to explore one facet of the race's inherent theme. Elves get abilities that tie them to nature, gnomes get abilities that explore their fascinations, half-elves can take abilities that help them live in both worlds, halflings can focus on their sneaky talents, and even humans are not left out. Humans can take racial traits that reflect their upbringing.

In addition to a host of racial traits, each race also receives a number of favored class options. These options are tied to a race's theme in most cases, meaning that races only receive options for classes that are racially common. Possessing one of these options just gives your character an additional choice whenever he gains a level in his favored class (instead of a skill point or a hit point). For example, take a look at this elven wizard favored class option.

Wizard: Select one arcane school power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the wizard's Intelligence modifier. The wizard adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that arcane school power.

Once an elven wizard takes this power twice, he gains an additional use of that ability. Want more, take a look at this gnome bard favored class option.

Bard: Add 1 to the gnome's total number of bardic performance rounds per day.

Of all the races, only humans have an option for all 17 classes. Here is the human sorcerer favored class option.

Sorcerer: Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.

Although this chapter is only 18 pages long, in a 336-page book, it is absolutely crammed full of new rules for characters of any race and class, a philosophy we took with the entire rest of the book. Next week, we will delve into the classes chapter, starting off by taking a look at the six new base classes in the book, and I might even go into some detail on the changes made to them after the playtest was over.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Asgetrion wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
I am going to go with.... Z
It's C for Cheliax, right? Or do I have to ask the Holy Inquisition to pay you a visit again? ;P

Nah Z, cause that is the end and we all know Cheliax will be their at the end dominating.

I'm gonna say B+. It is a minor change that can, and WILL, completely change the dynamics and playstyle of the class. Like clerics being nerfed down to medium armor, and look at the groundswell of opposition that complained about that (well deserved) nerf.

Here is my take on it.

There are two basic types of sorcerer bloodlines: Arcanists, who inherited magical potency and power, and Combatives, who inherited defensive qualities and assault powers.

The new human favored class ability will benefit the Arcanists greatly, increasing their versatility nicely. That odes not make them more powerful, only a little more versatile, because they still have limited castings that do not improve.

On the other hand, Combatives will always benefit more from taking the Hit Points or the Skill Points. What good are claws if you cannot survive an extra bit of damage? What good is having wings if your Fly skill is abysmal? Your chosen spells list will already do everything possible to increase your combat capability. The possibility of an extra spell is good, but it is actually more helpful to have the extra hit points and the toughness feat to put you on a par with the medium BAB progression in hit points. Your buffs will carry your attack bonus, and you'll even have the option to take an extra spell now and then at higher levels to increase that a little more if you need it. But having more hit points (3.5+2+con bonus=fighter average!)makes a melee sorcerer a viable possibility.

Options options options.

Also, the Elven Wizard ability actually makes sense - it is a weak one, but a high int wizard isn't going to need more spell points, or hit points (if he's in combat he did it wrong, right?)....but being able to let loose another Protective Ward, Blinding Ray, or Diviner's Fortune may make a critical difference. And it further backs up the idea that Elves are good at Wizardry, with their bonus to penetrate Spell Resistance and their understanding of magic items (bonus to Spellcraft to identify items).

I kinda dislike the stonesinger ability, I mean the ability is nice, but why does it have to replace stonecunning, it does not feel right for the flavor of the intimate connection with the earth and stone.

The Exchange

Remco Sommeling wrote:
I kinda dislike the stonesinger ability, I mean the ability is nice, but why does it have to replace stonecunning, it does not feel right for the flavor of the intimate connection with the earth and stone.

I dunno, I actually like it better than stonecunning (I usually play spellcasters of one sort or another though, so I may be biased)

At my table, stonecunning is alright if they are in natural surroundings or the typical dungeon, but the rarely ever are. I mean, what do they do if they are in the trees in the elven forests? Or on a ship in the high seas? Or in an elaborate mansion made entirely of wood and steel? Or on any of the elemental planes, other than Earth? Or what if the DM doesn't use many traps? What if the player/DM forgets to add the +2 since they actually are around stone? Not to mention the automatic check regardless if they are actively searching or not, this can easily turn into a
"DM: Aaaand the floor falls out from beneath you, give me a reflex save.
Player:*rolls dice* A five... DM: you fall 50 feet into spiked pit trap.
Player: Wait! I'm a dwarf so I should have gotten an automatic check to see if the trap was there since it's a stone floor. *rolls dice* natural 20! yay I see it and avoid it!
DM: Crap."-situation.
And plus, it does make sense that an Earth Elemental Bloodline dwarf sorcerer ought to be better at all the earthy stuff than that fruity Earth Elemental Bloodline elf.
But to each his own.

AlanM wrote:
Remco Sommeling wrote:
I kinda dislike the stonesinger ability, I mean the ability is nice, but why does it have to replace stonecunning, it does not feel right for the flavor of the intimate connection with the earth and stone.

I dunno, I actually like it better than stonecunning (I usually play spellcasters of one sort or another though, so I may be biased)

At my table, stonecunning is alright if they are in natural surroundings or the typical dungeon, but the rarely ever are. I mean, what do they do if they are in the trees in the elven forests? Or on a ship in the high seas? Or in an elaborate mansion made entirely of wood and steel? Or on any of the elemental planes, other than Earth? Or what if the DM doesn't use many traps? What if the player/DM forgets to add the +2 since they actually are around stone? Not to mention the automatic check regardless if they are actively searching or not, this can easily turn into a
"DM: Aaaand the floor falls out from beneath you, give me a reflex save.
Player:*rolls dice* A five... DM: you fall 50 feet into spiked pit trap.
Player: Wait! I'm a dwarf so I should have gotten an automatic check to see if the trap was there since it's a stone floor. *rolls dice* natural 20! yay I see it and avoid it!
DM: Crap."-situation.
And plus, it does make sense that an Earth Elemental Bloodline dwarf sorcerer ought to be better at all the earthy stuff than that fruity Earth Elemental Bloodline elf.
But to each his own.

you are kinda missing my point, I mean the stonesinger is losing one earth/stone related power to become more intimate with the earth/stone, at the same time it can not do what all the other dwarves do with stone though.

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