Illustration by Patrick Renie

The New Guy

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well, Friday was my first day as the new Editorial Intern at Paizo, and I must say I'm not disappointed.

One of the first things I noticed in the office was that everyone spoke like a GM at all times, talking about drawing up maps and discussing the finer points of the gnomes of Golarion. It's awesome. Being the only Pathfinder GM in my group back home, my players often don't understand the work that goes into running a game, which, as I'm sure many GMs can attest to, is a little frustrating at times.

At any rate, it has been a fun transition, going from an environment in which I am the most experienced and rules-learned person at the table to Paizo, where I am practically the polar opposite. It puts GMing into perspective, to be certain; crafting the world of Pathfinder is a bit more daunting a task than designing a two-level dungeon for Saturday night's session. Which makes me all the more excited to work here.

Patrick Renie
Editorial Intern

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Tags: Game Mastering Interns Paizo Patrick Renie
Dark Archive

Welcome, now get to work!

Yes, I know what time it is and don't care. The golem never sleeps.

Hey Patrick! Fantastic art!

Welcome to paizo!

Dark Archive

Welcome Patrick!

Are you settled in?

Good, good.

Keep the blog current and don't skimp on the art previews!

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Welcome to Paizo, Patrick!


May your time here be fun and exciting.

Scarab Sages

Welcome. Please make sure your seatback and tray table are in the full upright positions, and keep your hands away from the undead - we bite.

Cool chrome eye-patch!

Now all you need is a haircut and a REAL job! ;P

(Totally kidding of course, that pic reminds me of Nagel)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Holy crap! Paizo resurrected and hired Mitch Hedberg?

Seriously though, Welcome to the crazy!

Welcome, Renie:

Enjoy your internship, you lucky fellow.

I see you've already met Baron Arem Heshvaun and Yoda8myhead will be along presently. I would like you to look back in the blog at the work done by Paizo's first two interns. Subtle hints to follow.

Adam Daigle wrote:

Holy crap! Paizo resurrected and hired Mitch Hedberg?

Ha! I was just thinking that too. :D

Welcom Patrick

I see paizo requires its people to have some kind of artistic talent :)


The Exchange

drow wrote:

... until sleeping :)

Liberty's Edge

Welcome to the fray Patrick, it's... *rolls a d20* ... nice to meet you.

brock wrote:
drow wrote:
... until sleeping :)

...and you have a video camera with youtube upload running on his passed-out head.

Hah. Welcome to the craziness which is the world of Paizo. Craziness? Nay, insanity. Mind-blasting, soul-sucking, insanity. (But in a kind of good, HP Lovecraft way, apart from when someone has left the farmhouse door open and let Mr. Logue and his ogres out, at which point it gets downright weird, but now I must mention Richard Pett too, least the balance not be preserved and the universe end.)
By the way, if you thought you had edited that stat block correctly (they must give you stat blocks for CR 24 horrors to edit on day 1, right?) go back and check it again because if you didn't and it's in a product which I buy I May Get Grumpy (also, Sleepy, Dopey, Bashful, and Doc, at which point with over half the seven dwarves held captive I will hold a controlling interest in the diamond mining industry, and my plans for unleashing Flumph will be complete).
What's that? Daigle is already unleashing Flumph? Aaaargh! There goes another perfectly good plan for domination of the universe.
Anyway, welcome aboard.

Are you sitting at the desk kitty-corner to Crystal or adjacent to her? Mine was the one adjacent. If you're nice to her she will give you candy.

I actually think the whole internship thing is an elaborate scam to get into PaizoCon for free. Oh well, whatever works for you. Nice to have you around.

Welcome aboard Patrick! Ignore all those others, they didn't really eat two of the last three interns...

Scarab Sages

Majuba wrote:
Welcome aboard Patrick! Ignore all those others, they didn't really eat two of the last three interns...


Speak for yourself.

The Exchange


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Welcome, Patrick! I hope your tenure at Paizo is educational, enjoyable, and fruitful.

Please don't forget how much we love art previews in the blog. They will undoubtedly throw some last minute blogs to you to write up and it's always easy to pop up a few images from upcoming products. Just sayin'.

Lantern Lodge

WTF!?! We get a new intern and no one tells me!?!

SM- Your avatar is the painted version of the witch!!! Spoiler much! :p

P.S. Awesome!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

vagrant-poet wrote:

SM- Your avatar is the painted version of the witch!!! Spoiler much! :p

P.S. Awesome!

Huh? No, that's a photo of Sara Marie.

Lantern Lodge

vagrant-poet wrote:

SM- Your avatar is the painted version of the witch!!! Spoiler much! :p

P.S. Awesome!

Well, it isn't exactly the color version of the witch....

An amazingly talented person I know made a couple adjustments to get the hair color to match my own :D

Sara Marie wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:

SM- Your avatar is the painted version of the witch!!! Spoiler much! :p

P.S. Awesome!

Well, it isn't exactly the color version of the witch....

** spoiler omitted **

Oh! Well their really good! So the witches hair IS actually white then?

Scarab Sages

zombie welcome post

Dark Archive

wraith welcome post

yoinks your soul

Lantern Lodge

vagrant-poet wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:

SM- Your avatar is the painted version of the witch!!! Spoiler much! :p

P.S. Awesome!

Well, it isn't exactly the color version of the witch....

** spoiler omitted **

Oh! Well their really good! So the witches hair IS actually white then?

Totally threadjacking this poor intern's welcome thread... But who said anything about white? just know that her hair isn't brown like my avatar.... :P

Good evening, Patrick.

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