Sneak Peek: Hangman's Noose

Friday, January 18, 2008

Here's an artistic sneak peek of our haunting urban adventure Hangman's Noose. Happy nightmares!

Carolyn Mull
Paizo Sales & Marketing Assistant

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Does anyone know who drew the undead coming out of the iron maiden?

Interior artists I've been able to find listed for the module are Drew Pocza, Wayne Reynolds, UDON with Joe Ng, Espen Grundetjern, Roberto Campus, Kevin Yan.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

The style most closely resembles that of UDON but there's no sig and I've never found this on another gallery.

yoda8myhead wrote:
The style most closely resembles that of UDON but there's no sig and I've never found this on another gallery.

I managed to find a copy of this artwork on #UDON crew's deviantart page. The line art is by Joe Ng and the painting is by Espen Grundetjern.

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