As we've mentioned a few times on the messageboards, Facebook, and Twitter, the creative team here at Paizo is deep in the process of ensuring all our products through Gen Con get to the printer on time for the show. That means we've all been pulled a hundred directions a day, and are putting in extra nights and weekends of "all-hands" work hours. Since that means less time for blogs and other content for which we won't pay dearly if it's not available at Gen Con, you get art previews!
The end of the month is quickly approaching, which means we have two new Pathfinder Society Scenarios coming in just a few days. Here are a few NPC portraits from this month's releases, which GMs may want to have on hand to use as visual aids.
Look for Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-19: The Night March of Kalkamedes by Michael Kortes and Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-20: Words of the Ancients by John Compton midweek.
Mark Moreland