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No Sleep for the Wicked

As we've mentioned a few times on the messageboards, Facebook, and Twitter, the creative team here at Paizo is deep in the process of ensuring all our products through Gen Con get to the printer on time for the show. That means we've all been pulled a hundred directions a day, and are putting in extra nights and weekends of "all-hands" work hours. Since that means less time for blogs and other content for which we won't pay dearly if it's not available at Gen Con, you get art previews!

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Tags: Greg Opalinski Lane Brown Pathfinder Society

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The Fate of Falling Stars

Captain Najh Semekh and his two soldiers formed a wall between Shaba Alemas and me. Drawn scimitars gleamed cold with starlight, while Najh's knife dripped rancid black fluid. I drew my own dagger, trying to catch Shaba's eyes, but they were hidden in pools of shadow. The sleeping roc stirred, the sound of its feathers ruffling like the canvas of a ship under sail.

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Tags: Andrew Penn Romine Lane Brown Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction

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The Fate of Falling Stars

The defile descended into shadow as the sun burned itself out along the broad horizon. We left the camels behind, secured within a circle of boulders. The hermit-priest of Sarenrae, Shaba Alemas, led our company by several paces, her coarse robe furrowing trails in the black and yellow dust. Two of the satrap's soldiers followed, casting nervous at the sky in fear of the great roc's return. Captain Najh came next, striding with a wary grace like a desert cat on the hunt. I—palace astrologer, sorcerer, and accused thief—shuffled along ignominiously at the rear. Najh watched me closely, lest I develop a sudden proclivity to flee the vicinity of Azzah's ancient tower and seek the safety of the night.

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Tags: Andrew Penn Romine Lane Brown Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction

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The Fate of Falling Stars

The future is not so mysterious, to those of us who know how to read the turning roof of the sky. When that array of glittering stars beckons you to the gilded paths of fortune, you know you are destined for greatness.

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Tags: Andrew Penn Romine Lane Brown Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction

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