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Pathfinder Player Companion: Mythic Origins (PFRPG)

Take Your Character to the Level After the Next Level!

The release of Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures is looming ever nearer, and I know a lot of you are champing at the bit to get your hands on this tome of unearthly powers and epic storytelling! But we at Paizo knew you wouldn’t be satisfied with just one book on mythic power—even a 256-page behemoth like this will only sate the diehard Pathfinder fan’s hunger for so long. That is why, esteemed reader, we are also giving you Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Mythic Realms and Pathfinder Player Companion: Mythic Origins, which bring the majesty of mythic might off of the page and into the world of Golarion!

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A nondescript wagon creaked down a dark street of the Inner City, the back piled high with canvas-covered wares and the caravaneers perched on the seat and rails. A single horseman rode beside the wagon, looking ill at ease in the saddle. The wagon stopped just before entering a wide, curved avenue, across which loomed an impressive stone mansion. To the casual eye, it looked just like one of the dozens or hundreds of wagons that passed through Katapesh each day.

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It was late, and the doors of Gozreh's temple were closed, but it was not so late that a bit of judicious knocking didn't get a response. A young acolyte cracked the door and squinted at Torius dubiously.

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He scanned the crew and nodded his approval. Though they still bore weapons, they looked little like pirates. Their dark leathers and bandanas had been replaced by loose vests, colorful pantaloons, and varied desert headdresses. As captain, Torius wore a dazzling white kaftan that was subtly enchanted to keep him cool in the blistering heat. Only Grogul still looked menacing, stripped to the waist and showing his impressive array of scars. He'd traded his axe for a pair of long kukris tucked crosswise under his sash at the small of his back.

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No Sleep for the Wicked

As we've mentioned a few times on the messageboards, Facebook, and Twitter, the creative team here at Paizo is deep in the process of ensuring all our products through Gen Con get to the printer on time for the show. That means we've all been pulled a hundred directions a day, and are putting in extra nights and weekends of "all-hands" work hours. Since that means less time for blogs and other content for which we won't pay dearly if it's not available at Gen Con, you get art previews!

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Tags: Greg Opalinski Lane Brown Pathfinder Society

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Bastard, Sword

Rodrick nodded, smiling, absorbing the not-so-subtle reminder that Manius knew he was a thief, and would be watchful. Manius handed the sword off to Rodrick and strode out of the room, a busy man with big plans.

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Tags: Greg Opalinski Pathfinder Tales Tim Pratt Web Fiction

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Bastard, Sword

Rodrick threw the lantern at the dwarf's head. It bounced off the miner's helmet, but didn't deter the attack.

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Tags: Greg Opalinski Pathfinder Tales Tim Pratt Web Fiction

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Bastard, Sword

Rodrick dropped the bell and scrambled toward the slope that led back to the barrow. The linnorm uncoiled with impossible speed, and suddenly its head filled Rodrick's vision, blocking his route to the treasure room.

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Tags: Greg Opalinski Pathfinder Tales Tim Pratt Web Fiction

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In Red Rune Canyon

Tossing aside her blanket, Kagur sat up and looked where Eovath was gazing, but though she had keen eyes, he generally fared better in the dark. "I don't see anything."

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Tags: Greg Opalinski Pathfinder Tales Richard Lee Byers Web Fiction
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