![]() Of Seas and SequelsThis month's scenarios take us from the whirling waters near the Eye of Abendego to the ruined cyclops city of Kadoddi near Sargava, so let's take a look at what's in store! Tags: Enrique Barajas Organized Play Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios Tidas Sidlauskas ![]() Elementals Armed to the TeethIt's been about a week since I returned from my sixth SCARAB, a delightful 4-day gaming convention in Columbia, South Carolina that I've been attending since before I started working at Paizo—and it's now one of the biggest Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild events worldwide. Each year it's been a great experience, and this year was no exception. I've definitely returned with some fun stories. I'll fondly remember the high-level group of adventurers who navigated a dungeon almost entirely by repeatedly casting augury, and the high-level group that nearly decided to throw both major NPCs under a bus and declare themselves queens of a small village makes for a thrilling tale. I can't forget the giantslayers who neither understood giant nor could identify a peryton, referring to instead as a "deer-headed marmot-squeezer." Perhaps best of all was getting through an entire scenario without rolling initiative because we decided that throwing a immense rival party on another plane of existence was a much more fun alternative to raiding someone's home. Thank you Del Collins II, Matt Polkowsky, and the SCARAB crew for putting on a great event, and thanks to David Shaw, Amanda Plageman, Brent Gass, Matt Beebe, Leslie Foster, Chris First, and many others for some great games. Tags: Enrique Barajas Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios Sebastian Rodriguez ![]() Where Winter is Always WarmThis is the time of year when I hear requests for wintry scenarios that involve trekking through Irrisen, delves into ice caverns, or toboggan-jousting (sounds dangerous—please don't hurt yourself trying it). While there are no doubt tales yet to be told of misfit toys that (in the true spirit of Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild) come to life and take over a tribe of gnolls, I'm not a big fan of cold weather—much less reinforcing how nippy it's getting in much of the northern hemisphere by playing an adventure that culminates in getting eaten by an icicle ooze. No, we're instead fleeing the frosty climes by vacationing in the elemental planes: the Plane of Air and the Plane of Fire, to be precise. Tags: Enrique Barajas Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios Sebastian Gomez |