[Gameday XIII] SFS1 #3-21: Frozen Ambitions: Renewal's Blight

Game Master cmlobue

Subtier 3-4, 4-player adjustment

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Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

As the Starfinder Society investigates mercenary laboratories producing an unstable combat-enhancing drug, the latest lead takes an experienced team to the arboreal ghoran homeworld, Ghorus Prime. The Starfinder agents must discover who is funding these dangerous experiments while investigating a growing blight on the forested planet—and determine if these events are connected.


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

You may think you're first to arrive for a briefing, but someone is already there. In the corner, back to the wall, an android stands rigidly straight, as if trying to stretch her height to five and a half feet. Her straight black hair contrasts with her pale complexion, white eyes, and the pale blue tracery of circuits just under her skin. Mildly feminine features are offset by a broad mannish jaw and a compact body composed of wide shoulders, flat chest and narrow hips. A long rifle leans against the wall beside her and a limp backpack lies by the rifle's butt. Her hand is mere millimeters from the arc pistol holstered below her right hip.

She nods a wary greeting.


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male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Obozaya strides rapidly into the room, glancing behind her warily. For a moment, she looks relieved, and then her expression shifts to one of disappointment and dismay as she flops into a chair.

A moment later, an orange-furred skittermander comes dashing into the room. He wears white, yellow, and orange priestly robes and carries a staff bearing the Dawnflower emblem of Sarenrae. "Hello, Obofriend! I saw you in the hallway, and said hello, but you just kept walking very quickly, so must not have heard me. Glad we were heading to the same place!"

He then notices the android in the corner and runs over, holding out two of his free hands to shake with Tofana. "Oh, hello, nufriend! I am Dawnfriend, and look forward to helping you with whatever our newest mission is. I heard a rumor we're going to the Ghoran homeworld.... That's so gree! Don't you think? Can I help you with anything. I can carry this backpack and rifle, if you'd like." He begins picking them up.


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

" I am Tofana." The words barely clear her lips before Dawnfriend is picking up her gear and she quickly adds, [b]"Don't touch my stuff! I carry it myself so that I always have it at hand." After a beat she adds, "But I thank you, nufriend Dawnfriend. Be sure that I will ask for your help when I need it."

Whoa, uncharacteristic diplomacy from Tofana.


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend nods, sitting back down, but can't keep from touching and adjusting it a few too many times in an effort to make sure that it is exactly positioned as it was when he picked it up. "Certainly! And if you're ever hurt, just let me know, and I'll give ya a big hug ... and Sarenrae'll heal you right up! She's the best, isn't she?!"

Having introduced himself to Tofana, he makes his way back over to Obo, who is now clearly trying to pretend that she is asleep. Seeing this, Dawnfriend pulls a blanket out of his backpack and tosses it up onto the vesk, though it's a little big so looks like little more than a shawl. "She works so hard and needs a good nap." Dawnfriend whispers to Tofana.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

The adventure begins with the Starfinders hastily ushered into modest sleeping quarters located on a small Near Space fuel and supply outpost freighter named Safety Flare.

First Seeker Ehu Hadif stands behind a black desk with a holographic projector in its center. He flicks a switch on the side of the projector, and it lights up, displaying a projection of a glass vial filled with yellow liquid.

“Starfinders, I’m glad you’re finally here. Sorry to pull you away to such a remote location so suddenly. The Society has just made a breakthrough, and I wanted to get some of our agents on it as soon as possible.” He gestures to the projected image in front of him.

“Agents recently returned from a mission on Preluria, where they stopped a shipment of a dangerous serum known as shimmersheen. After analyzing samples of the drug, we discovered that the serum is made from a mixture of shimmerstone and kinwood sap. However, the sap we found in the serum differs from samples of the sap from Ghorus Prime, where kinwoods originate. The shimmersheen sap has been corrupted somehow, leading me to believe that something dangerous and nefarious is happening on the planet.” He quickly waves a hand across the holographic display, changing the image to a translucent hologram of a green, forested planet.

“So, we’re sending you all to Ghorus Prime to investigate. Begin your investigation in the capitol city of Memory Willow. Find out what’s causing the corruption, and stop those involved from harvesting more corrupted sap. We suspect that High Despot Jularaz of Vesk-8 may be personally involved, based on his connections to raw shimmerstone and this serum. While you’re planet side, see if you can find any evidence that might prove his guilt.”


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

A corrupt vesk? So very surprising.

Tofana turns her gaze slowly away from First Seeker Hadif toward Obozaya.


F Lashunta | Technomancer 5 | SP 25/25 HP 29/29| RP 7/7| EAC 17 KAC 17 | F +1 R +4 W +5| Init +3 |Per +1 | Spells 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/3

A tall, attractive, female lashunta strides confidently into the briefing room just as the First Seeker activates the holographic projector. Her lashunta armor is accessorized with bits of brightly colored clothing. She would look right at home in a fancy and expensive nightclub. She flashes a cheerful smile and greets everyone with a wave while simultaneously wrestling a fuzzy creature with an oversized head and enormous eyes into her handbag. After the briefing she apologizes for her tardiness.

"Sorry I'm late. Snafu here was chewing on some exposed power cables and shut off power to the command relays on the port side of the ship. It took me ages to get them up and running again." She shakes her head ruefully at the creature in her bag. "This little cutie has been quite a handful ever since I found him."

She turns to Ehu Hadif. "Shimmerstone? I dealt with a mad scientist on Zrulik-3 that was conducting experiments with shimmerstone not too long ago."

Aluradux played #3-09 Frozen Ambitions: Freeing the Herd if it matters.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

No special bonuses for playing other scenarios in the series. Paizo intended for them to be tackled in any order.


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend nods to Aluradux. "Yeah, I have run into some weird shimmerstone stuff. I got a cool staff, but it wasn't any good for anything but hitting stuff, so I traded it for this one, which helps me heal."

A box built onto the back of Dawnfriend's armor, beneath his starfinder backpack, dilates open, and a muzzle protrudes, sniffing the air, as another furry creature peeks out from his pet carrier. "Oh, this is Lexi," Dawnfriend says, holding a treat back for her. "She loves eating exposed power cables, too."


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

Tofana notes the new arrival and pet show and tell, but keeps her attention focused on Hadif. "What does shimmersheen do?"

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

“Shimmersheen is a serum made by combining shimmerstone with corrupted kinwood sap. We know that it can induce rage and a significant increase in strength, but also causes symptoms like difficulties speaking coherently and reduced awareness when used. Recently, we found a shobhad scientist on the planet of Preluria who was creating shimmersheen to sell on the market as a performance enhancing combat drug. Thankfully, some of our agents managed to stop the shipment in time and procure samples. Since then, our scientists have been studying it.”


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend nods. "Okay, go to Memory Willow city on Ghorus Prime. Investigate the kinwood corruption. Check if High Despot Jularaz is involved. Sounds great! Any other tips?"


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

"Such as a contact in Memory Willow?"

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

“I would start asking around the spaceport. Listen for any rumors of unusual activity in the forests nearby. Memory Willow has a Xenowarden chapter based in the Vineside district. I’m willing to bet that if anyone has seen or heard of anything harming kinwood trees, it would be them.”


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend nods. "Okay! I love making nuXenofriends!"


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

Tofana nods. It's a starting place. And the Starfinders, 'just do it!' philosophy seems to work out more often than she'd expect.

"And what are we doing for transport?" She's hoping they'll be assigned their own ship. Commercial passage would probably be more comfortable, but she values the flexibility of having her own vessel.

Culture and computers checks to research Ghorus Prime, Memory Willow, kinwood, and High Despot Jularaz after the briefing. (Theme benefit: reduce DC of checks about criminal stuff by 5 )

Computers: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
Culture: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26


F Lashunta | Technomancer 5 | SP 25/25 HP 29/29| RP 7/7| EAC 17 KAC 17 | F +1 R +4 W +5| Init +3 |Per +1 | Spells 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/3

Aluradux speaks into the sophisticated computer on her wrist. "Mr. Fancypants. What can you tell us about kinwood trees?"

A hologram of an armadillo wearing a monocle appears and speaks with a posh accent. "Right away ma'am. Accessing library..."

life science with library chip: 1d20 + 19 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 19 + 4 = 32


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats
cmlobue wrote:
The adventure begins with the Starfinders hastily ushered into modest sleeping quarters located on a small Near Space fuel and supply outpost freighter named Safety Flare.

Dawnfriend says to Hadif, "So is the Safety Flare taking us straight there and dropping us up, or sticking around?"

Once the questions are answered, Dawnfriend also begins looking into what he knows about the place.

Culture w/ library chip: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 4 = 25

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

“Jularaz is the high despot of Vesk-8, a frozen planet far from its system’s sun. Rumor has it that he sees his posting to Vesk-8 as an insult, and much prefers the society and lifestyle of the Veskarium’s inner planets. Since Vesk-8’s penal colonies are the primary source of shimmerstone, the Society suspects his involvement in the production of shimmersheen. As for motive, it’s possible he meant to use the serum to leverage for a better post or position. Keep watch for anything that might confirm his involvement. We certainly can’t say anything for sure without evidence.”

“Ghorus Prime is the adopted home planet of the ghorans, a species of humanoid plants. The planet was supposedly a wasteland until the ghorans arrived and revived the sapient kinwoods, who were dormant deep beneath the planet’s surface. Today, the planet is almost entirely forested, with cities and communities built around and inside massive living kinwoods. I think you’ll be able to learn more about the world with boots on the ground rather than listening to me.”

"The Starfinder Society will provide you a vessel for your journey. You can choose from the usual Azata, Drake or Pegasus unless you have a boon that allows a different choice."


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

"Thank you, sir."

Tofana looks to her comrades. "Does anyone have a preference over the Pegasus?"


F Lashunta | Technomancer 5 | SP 25/25 HP 29/29| RP 7/7| EAC 17 KAC 17 | F +1 R +4 W +5| Init +3 |Per +1 | Spells 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/3

"Whichever gets us down fastest. I'm eager to get planetside. Imagine! Sapient trees!"


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend nods. "Excellent! I don't have any preference on the ship ..." Particularly since this scenario doesn't have a Starship tag.

He looks at his comm. "Oh, great!" he squeals as he runs out of the room. A few moments later he returns, dragging a space goblin in an ill-fitting flight suit in after him. The space goblin glances around. "Everybody," Dawnfriend declares, "This is Glarno. He's a nufriend of mine, and of Sarenrae, and will be coming with us. He's super awesome at computers and machines, and can help us out!"

Glarno nods around nervously. "Yes, me am Glarno," he says. He then pulls a battered box out of his backpack and hands it to Dawnfriend. "D'is be from da ..." He pauses, trying to get his mouth around the word ... "... from da congregator ... er, da congregatulation ... um, da ..." Finally, he gives up, settling on, "D'is from da church."

Dawnfriend beams as he takes the box, ripping it open to reveal two spell gems. "Ah, that's so sweet! I have the best congregation ever! Yay, Sarenrae!"

"Now that Glarno's here, let's go check out some sapient trees!"

From my Cultivating a Faith boon. The spell gems will be for the level 1 spells scan environment and ... let's say dream of home


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

There being no dissent, Tofana turns back to the First Seeker. "We'll take a Pegasus, sir."

When the goblin shows up, Tofana looks at him. She does note the spell gems with interest. I didn't realize preaching could be so lucrative.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

Once preparations are complete, the Starfinders board their Pegasus and depart for Ghorus Prime. The trip takes 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 days.

The space dock opens into a crowded cityscape. Intertwining vines support and connect the streetlights on either side of the roads. Buildings are shaped irregularly to fit around branches and sections of trunk that extend upward—and occasionally also sideward—into the footpaths of the city. The spaceport itself is crowded with many different species from across the galaxy, but the plantlike humanoid ghorans vastly outnumber them all.

You may make a Culture or Diplomacy roll to learn more about the planet now that you have arrived.

Kinwoods are island-sized sapient trees, the foundation of Ghorus Prime’s entire ecosystem. The planet’s settlements are built inside, around, or atop them.

When they arrived on Ghorus Prime, the ghorans awoke the kinwoods from their slumber. After this awakening and regrowth, new kinwoods formed most of the forests that exist on the planet today.

The word around Memory Willow is that suspicious people are entering the forests under cover of night carrying equipment and large containers. Most residents believe they’re transporting something illegal based on how much effort they take to hide their actions.


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend gets straight to work making new friends all around the Ghorus Prime space dock, a small red furball of energy "helping" anyone he comes across, and asking about any relevant information.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend runs through the group, tapping people and using his mindlink ability to instantly tell them all about the cool people he met and the great information he obtained ... in unnecessarily complex detail ... but instantly.


F Lashunta | Technomancer 5 | SP 25/25 HP 29/29| RP 7/7| EAC 17 KAC 17 | F +1 R +4 W +5| Init +3 |Per +1 | Spells 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/3

culture + library chip: 1d20 + 13 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 13 + 4 = 29

Aluradux spends the trip studying up on Ghorus Prime and is already equipped with Dawnfriend's information. She thanks him anyway. "Thank you for that information Dawnfriend. It was very helpful."


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

Tofana is impressed with the sheer energy of her diminutive companion, and the less obtrusive, more systematic preparation of Aluradux. However, when the skitter tries the mindlink ...

"Stop it, Dawnfriend! My thoughts are my own, and I will thank you to stay out of them. If you must communicate, talk to me or message." She taps her comm unit.


F Lashunta | Technomancer 5 | SP 25/25 HP 29/29| RP 7/7| EAC 17 KAC 17 | F +1 R +4 W +5| Init +3 |Per +1 | Spells 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/3

"Now Tofana. Be nice. Dawnfriend is just trying to help. I'll have Mr. Fancypants send you what I've found. Did you get that Mr. Fancypants?"

The holographic armadillo nods. "Indeed Ma'am. I shall comply forthwith." The results of the lashunta's research appears on the team's comms.

Kinwoods are island-sized sapient trees, the foundation of Ghorus Prime’s entire ecosystem. The planet’s settlements are built inside, around, or atop them.

When they arrived on Ghorus Prime, the ghorans awoke the kinwoods from their slumber. After this awakening and regrowth, new kinwoods formed most of the forests that exist on the planet today.

The word around Memory Willow is that suspicious people are entering the forests under cover of night carrying equipment and large containers. Most residents believe they’re transporting something illegal based on how much effort they take to hide their actions.


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

Tofana remains impassive in the face of Aluradux's rebuke.

"Thank you - both - for the data. Although it supports Hadif's suspicions of illegal activity, we are still flying blind. I suggest following his suggestion and contacting the Wild Wardens. "


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend nods to Tofana. "Yes, we should find the Xenowardens. None of the people I talked to told me where they are ... Now, let's see, the First Seekerfriend said ... the Vineside district ... that seems to make sense."

I assume we have infosphere so can pull up a map on our comms? Any check needed to find that district?


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

Tofana sets the ship's doors to open only for crew members' biometric signatures.

"Yes, Vineside, Dawnfriend." Despite the mindlink contretemps, Tofana remains favorably impressed by the skittermander, so much so that she doesn't try her own search.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

No checks needed. Between helpful passersby and signage, the Starfinders have no trouble finding their way. The locals mention that the Xenowarden Headquaters offers tours to curious off-worlders.

The outskirts of Vineside District are lush with greenery and plant life. Smaller trees and flowering bushes sprout from the living wood that surrounds the entire city. The scenery changes as pathways wind deeper into the district. The wooden walls of shops and houses weep a gritty white sap that emits a foul odor. After turning down a more secluded footpath, the noise of the streets recedes into the background and is quickly replaced with a more industrial sound. The noise of metal scraping against metal emerges from deep underground.

No one seems to take notice of any of this, so you assume it is normal around here, at least for now. Assuming you continue to Xenowarden Headquarters, a small wooden building covered in flowering vines near the entrance to a hollowed tunnel leading from the city and into the surrounding forest...

Bright natural light fills this sparsely furnished front office. Around the room, windows without blinds or shutters let sunlight flood into every corner of the room. A young ghoran leans against the wall, standing just over three feet tall with numerous green vines curling upward from the top of his head. He lifts his face toward the sunlight and smiles before turning his attention to the doorway.

“Oh! Sorry, you caught me taking a bit of lunch break there. Wasn’t expecting any visitors today, especially not off-worlders. My name’s Mossgrove. I’m one of the Xenowardens stationed here in Memory Willow.” His cheerful tone changes to one of disappointment as he continues. “If you’re here for a tour, I’m sorry to tell you that we’ve put those on hold for the moment. I can get you some informational brochures if you’d like, but we can’t risk taking outsiders into the forests right now. I’d be happy to tell you about the kinwoods, though.”


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend nods enthusiastically, "I would love one of your brochures! My name is Dawnfriend, and this is my space goblinfriend, Glarno. We're here with the Starfinders, and are actually looking to find out about the kinwoods. We hear there might be some shenanigans going on! What can you tell us about it, and how can we help?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

Mossgrove perks up a bit upon learning that you're not just tourists. “I transferred here a year ago to work under the great Xenowarden Ainveln, but a lot has changed since then. At first, it was just oddities like saplings crying out in pain from time to time. Then I noticed sap leaking from them that was a very unusual color. This used to happen only sporadically, and whenever I saw it, I would go out and spend some time healing that area of the forest. But it’s happening more often now. Dangerous fey are attracted to the unusual sap, and they’ve infested parts of the forest. That’s why we decided to put tours on hold. The last thing we want is to put visitors in danger.”


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

Tofana listens, stock still. "When did the oddities begin? Are you still able to heal the affected areas? "


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend looks physically pained at the idea of saplings crying out in pain. "No, no, no, this is not gree! We must help the sad saplings, we must!"

He asks, "What sort of dangerous fey? What did they look like?" He begins looking up on his datapad what he knows about fey, and maybe if the fey that are causing problems have any sort of weaknesses.

Mysticism w/ library chip: 1d20 + 16 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 16 + 4 = 38


F Lashunta | Technomancer 5 | SP 25/25 HP 29/29| RP 7/7| EAC 17 KAC 17 | F +1 R +4 W +5| Init +3 |Per +1 | Spells 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/3

"Oh no! Those poor trees! We need to examine them. Maybe we can help."

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

“Fey are notorious troublemakers. They pop into our world occasionally, and they seem drawn to the kinwoods’ sap. Lately, their numbers are increasing. It’s becoming a serious issue.” Mossgrove sighs. “If only we had more staff.”

Mossgrove then lowers his voice and speaks directly to Tofana. "If you're willing to help, I can take you on one of my patrols to investigate the trouble in the forest. But there's a few rules you'll have to follow. Any weapons that can burn or damage a large area (deal fire damage or have the explode or blast properties( have to go in my null space chamber until the patrol is done. I can lend you wepaons that won't hurt the kinwoods. Also, no magic or grenades that might deal damage to large areas of the forest." He goes to a cabinet and pulls out some tier 1antitoxins and gives one to each Starfinder, and shows them the replacement weapons available - two static arc pistols, a thunderstrike blindmark rifle, and 2 static shock pads.


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

Unusual to be singled out this way, but the suggestion is within mission parameters.

Tofana tries to accept diplomatically. "The Starfinders are a helping friendly society. We will go and help you."


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Dawnfriend is frustrated, as he is finding a lot of information about fey, but apparently none of it can clearly identify the type of fey that Mossgrove is describing. He saves many open tabs and looks them over, hoping that maybe this information will prove useful when he sees the fey themselves.

When shown the weapons from Mossgrove, he motions to his own static arc pistol. "I just have it in case I need to stop a malfunctioning robot. I'm sure we'll be able to figure out what's wrong when we talk to our nufriend fey without the need for zapping them or anything. They probably just need hugs."

Obozaya, on the other hand, grumbles as she hands over her ember flame doshko and flamethrower. As she pulls out her grenades, she says, "You sure? They're only shock grenades." Then she hands them over as well, taking one of the static shock pads. She glances around at the operative, technomancer, and mystic, then shrugs and takes the rifle as well. She then awkwardly begins trying to put the shock pad into her armor upgrade slot, but clearly doesn't have a ton of technical expertise ...

Dawnfriend sees this and says, "Oh, Obofriend, let me help!" He begins shoving and moving the upgrade around. "Good try, but maybe from this angle..."

Profession(electrician): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

And Dawnfriend expertly helps install the new armor upgrade. "You just have to line up the positive and negative ports ..." he explains cheerfully.


F Lashunta | Technomancer 5 | SP 25/25 HP 29/29| RP 7/7| EAC 17 KAC 17 | F +1 R +4 W +5| Init +3 |Per +1 | Spells 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/3

Aluradux frowns as she examines the pistols. "These aren't Hass Munitions."

She sighs deeply and takes one of the pistols. "I guess I understand not wanting any stray laser blasts in the forest, but you guys better not let Daddy know that I'm not using his company's weapons. He'll be very disappointed."

She pulls out her tools and swaps the merciful fusion from her pistol to the loaner.


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

Tofana also has her own static arc pistol. She computes neither her knife nor her rifle are prohibited. She watches the technomancer curiously.

Static arc pistols have a non-lethal setting.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

Moosgrove gives you the opportunity to make any preparations you need, then brings you into the forest. The canopy reduces the light level to dim, even during the daylight. You travel for an hour without incident before you reach the remnants of a burnt out firepit, covered by dirt.
Scattered around it are empty R2E containers with matching disposable cups and utensils. A half-open traveler’s backpack lays discarded a couple of feet away.


male CG skittermander priest of Sarenrae mystic (healer) 5 | SP 30/30 HP 32/32 | RP 5/7 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +9 Speed 30 ft. | 1st Lvl: 6/6, 2nd Lvl: 1/3 | Expendables: | Active Conditions: shield other on Mossgrove | Obozaya's Stats

Though everyone else can see fine, Dawnfriend worries about Aluradex's ability to see with her lashunta eyes, and ignites an implant grafted into one of his hands. It glows with the symbol of the Starfinders. Then, growing concerned that this isn't enough light, he pulls out a flashlight with another hand ... and then, even more concerned, also a lantern, in yet another hand. "Can you see okay, nufriend? These are all the lights I have."

Upon reaching the campsite, he runs over and pulls a fire extinguisher out of his backpack, blasting the fire pit with it. "Always practice fire safety!" He glances into the backpack, and then looks around, "The backpack's owner may need help!"


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 21/21 HP 11/22 Resolve 4/5

They'll need help if we catch them.

"Anything in that pack, Dawnfriend."


F Lashunta | Technomancer 5 | SP 25/25 HP 29/29| RP 7/7| EAC 17 KAC 17 | F +1 R +4 W +5| Init +3 |Per +1 | Spells 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/3
Tofana wrote:

Tofana also has her own static arc pistol. She computes neither her knife nor her rifle are prohibited. She watches the technomancer curiously.

Static arc pistols have a non-lethal setting.

Aluradux notices the Android's interest. "Oh. I'm just adding a Hass Munitions aftermarket fatality suppressor. You see this loaner pistol is an Electrotech Mk 3 Electron Zapper. In order to activate the pacifier you need to pull back the slide and twist." She demonstrates the complex manipulation required then reverses the process. "By adding the suppressor from my weapon I can achieve a similar effect by simply running my thumb along this sensor I've attached. The action is much smoother and can save some time in an actual firefight. Besides if word gets back to Daddy about me using the competition's gear I can at least tell him I used one of his suppressors."

I actually forgot that those pistols have a nonlethal setting. Still it does take a move action to swap from lethal to nonlethal while the mercy fusion is a free action so there is an actual in game reason to add it, however small. RP reasons though mean that you can't really expect the daughter of the CEO of a major weapons manufacturer to use a different company's merchandise.


F Lashunta | Technomancer 5 | SP 25/25 HP 29/29| RP 7/7| EAC 17 KAC 17 | F +1 R +4 W +5| Init +3 |Per +1 | Spells 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/3
Dawnfriend wrote:
Though everyone else can see fine, Dawnfriend worries about Aluradex's ability to see with her lashunta eyes, and ignites an implant grafted into one of his hands. It glows with the symbol of the Starfinders. Then, growing concerned that this isn't enough light, he pulls out a flashlight with another hand ... and then, even more concerned, also a lantern, in yet another hand. "Can you see okay, nufriend? These are all the lights I have."

Aluradux activates the infrared sensors on her armor. "Thank you Dawnfriend. I do have infrared sensors in my armor but it only provides monochrome vision. Those lights will come in super handy if we need to cut the yellow wire to defuse a bomb or something."

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