Sariel Patrick Cornelius |

Furrowing his brow Sariel watches the strange aura fade. Returning his attention to the fallen Gibs, he reflects, "I'm not sure he needs tied, whatever was controlling him has left." Looking towards Lady Shae he asks, "Maybe we could give him some of your healing candy and wake him. If he remembers what happened he may be willing to share some information." Sariel shrugs lightly, "If he waffles, we could use the threat of contacting the sheriff as leverage."
As he speaks, Sariel looks to the statue, wonders why the spirit is putting blood on the statue and if it will just possess someone else to finish what it had started.

Sorsul |

"I...hmm." Sorsul said, hesitating. "Whatever was in him might well come back. If we are to talk to him, I'd feel much safer if it was in a cell until we can be certain that the spirit is not just hiding within him. That." She continued, with a slight pause "Turning him in to be held will prove to the sheriffs that we can be trusted. If it becomes known that we caught him and let him go, then we may well be the ones who end up in a cell."

Sariel Patrick Cornelius |

Nodding in agreement with Sorsul, Sariel extends his hand for an end of the rope to help tie up Gibs. He looks towards Lady Shay, "I'd still like to speak to him, can we heal him a little?"

Sorsul |

Bump. If we aren't going to heal him, can we fast forward to the guards?

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Let's jump ahead to the guards. If Lady Shae or Sariel wants to heal him beforehand, we can retcon that. He has a little more info about the prison fire but nothing immediately useful and is pretty nasty and belligerent on his best day.
After you send word, Sherif Caeller and two deputies arrive shortly thereafter. "What happened?"

Sariel Patrick Cornelius |

answering quickly, Sariel gestures towards the fallen Gibs, "We were attacked by Gibs." Pointing towards the razor, then the bucket of blood. "He appears to be who was defacing the statue."
Pausing for a moment he considers whether to share the rest of the information. Realizing it would do no good to keep even the 'difficult to explain' parts from the sherif he continues. "Gibs was possessed. Based on what was said, we believe it was the spirit of one of the prisoners who died in the fire."
Pausing again, he looks towards the ladies, then back towards the sherif, "We were headed to the prison to continue our investigation. I believe now it is even more important that we do so."

Sorsul |

Sorsul nodded at Sariel's explanation. Feeling sympathy for the possessed man, she added "Please keep a careful eye on Gibs. We don't know how he came to be possessed, if the spirit might return to him, or if it will seek a new victim. But there is a very real chance that he is an innocent in all of this, so I wouldn't judge him too harshly until we can uncover what has led to this."

Sariel Patrick Cornelius |

Satisfied with the sherif's answer Sariel gestures towards the edge of town and the general direction of the prison. "Shall we?"
Once everyone is ready
As they walk he considers, "I assume we'll head in the front door as before and begin our search where we left off?"

Sorsul |

”Thats seems prudent.” She replied. Remembering the horrors they had already seen, she steeled herself. Because if they didn’t do this, then who would? Furthermore, what happened to Gibbs could happen to anyone else in the town, and the thought of that was bad enough to spur action. She was just happy that she didn’t have to go in alone. She honestly did not think she had it in her to go that far.

Lady Shae Venvu |
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Lady Shae nods at Sariels question, gripping her staff tightly as she remembers the last time she was here. She wouldn't let it get the better of her this time, this time would be different.
"Lets do this then." she said with a gravitas appropriate to the situation.