About Lady Shae VenvuStatistics:
Initiative: +2 (+2 DEX) Perception: +3 (+1 level, +2 WIS) Darkvision 60ft Speed: 30ft HP: 7 (6 class + 1 CON) Fortitude: +1 (+1 CON) Reflex: +2 (+2 DEX) Will: +4 (+2 class, +2 WIS) AC: 12 (10 +2 DEX)
Melee: +1 (+0 BAB +1 STR)
Skills per Level: 7 (6 class, 1 FCB) Acrobatics Athletics *Craft(Confections) +8 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 Class Skill) Deception Disable Device Escape Artist *Fly *Heal *Influence *Knowledge (arcane) Knowledge (civilization) *Knowledge (divine) Knowledge (dungeoneering) Knowledge (engineering) *Knowledge (history) Knowledge (martial) *Knowledge (nature) +8 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 Class Skill) *Knowledge (occult) +8 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 Class Skill) *Knowledge (planes) +8 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 Class Skill) Linguistics *Lore (Mountains) +8 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 Class Skill) Perform *Profession Sense Motive Sleight of Hand +3 (+1 rank, +2 DEX) *Spellcraft +8 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 Class Skill) Stealth *Survival +6 (+1 rank, +2 WIS, +3 Class Skill) *Use Magic Device Feats:
Feats Extra Magic Talent Background Feats Wildling: You gain the druid’s wild empathy ability, using your character level as your druid level. If you have one or more levels in a class that grants wild empathy, you gain an additional +3 bonus on wild empathy checks. You are treated as an animal for the purpose of harmful mind-affecting effects that target animals (such as charm animal). Tradition:
Class Skills: Knowledge (divine), Knowledge (occult), Knowledge (planes) Tradition Benefit: You gain the Dreamspace feat as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites. Tradition Power: While sleeping you can spend a spell point to merge your dreamspace with the dreams of another. The target must be asleep, and you must have some connection to them but may otherwise be anywhere, even another plane. They enter your dreamspace the same way you do, though they have no control over light, temperature, or other details. If they are unwilling they receive a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 witch level + Intelligence modifier) to avoid the connection, and if they fail they may reattempt it every minute to break away from your dreamspace. You may disconnect your dreamspace from their dream as a full-round action, sending the target back to their previous dreams. They also return to their previous dreams if you wake up or otherwise exit your dreamspace. If the target is within touch range of your physical body, you do not need to spend a spell point to merge your dreamspace with their dreams. If the target is not asleep, cannot dream, or otherwise cannot be reached (such as by being in a dead magic zone) you may wait until they fall asleep, or at any point before merging with their dreamspace you may stop the attempt (which does not result in spending a spell point). You may only merge with one target’s dreams at a time, plus an additional number of targets equal to half your witch level. You must still pay the spell point cost for each one separately. You do not need to connect to each target at the same time, but may connect and disconnect your dreamspace with each target’s dreams separately. Spell points spent on this power are taken from the dreamwalker’s pool before they refresh, if spent during an 8 hour rest.
Race Traits Bonded Mask: Duskwalkers feel an affinity for funereal masks reminiscent of those worn by psychopomps. While wearing a mask of any kind, they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, and negative energy effects. Duskwalkers wearing a mask cannot wear any other magic item in the face slot. However, if the mask possesses magical properties, they gain the benefit from this item as well. A bonded mask gains 5 hardness and 10 hit points, and the duskwalker receives a +4 bonus to CMD to avoid steal combat maneuvers targeting the mask. If the duskwalker ever loses her current mask or decides to change it, she loses these bonuses until a new mask has been bonded, which takes 1 week of wearing the new mask, followed by an 8-hour period of meditation using rare incense and herbs costing 100 gold pieces per character level. Any magical or mundane mask can be attuned via this ritual except intelligent masks and artifacts. Grave’s Mercy: Psychopomps instinctively recognize a duskwalker as one of their own and pause before taking a duskwalker’s soul to the afterlife. Once per day, when a duskwalker would die from hit point damage, she does not die until the end of her next turn. If the duskwalker receives enough healing by then that her hit points are at an amount greater than her negative Constitution score, the duskwalker does not die. Soul Sense: Reapers have a limited scent ability, which only functions for corpses and badly wounded creatures (50% or fewer hit points). Background: Hermit
Trait: Daysense (Magic): You can sense the positions of the celestial bodies, even when you are underground or they are out of sight. This allows you to always know the precise time and the direction of true north. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (Geography) and Survival checks, and one of these skills (of your choice) becomes a class skill. Magic Talents/Hexes:
Hexes: Magic Talents:
Instill Life
An instilled liquid remains potent until you rest to regain spell points. If you have equipment on hand (such as an alchemy lab), the cost of bottles and water is considered negligible.
Drawback – Medicinal
Destructive Blast
Searing Blast (blast type, fire)
Drawback: Energy Focus
Divination Divine
When you gain the Divination sphere, you gain the ability to divine for magical auras, learning their strength and location. You do not know the exact caster level of an item or spell, but you may sense the aura’s general strength according to the chart below. To determine the spell school or sphere of the effect, you must succeed at a Knowledge (arcana) check with a DC equal to 15 + 1/2 the caster level. Divine Hostility: You may divine whenever a creature or an object within range takes hit point damage. In addition, you gain knowledge as to the amount and type of damage dealt and from what direction the damage was dealt from. If the source of the damage is inside the area of your divine effect, you also learn what square the source occupied.
Divine Future (divine): You may divine for a glimpse of the future, giving yourself insight into the happenings of that day. At any time during that day, you may add an insight bonus equal to 1d4 + 1 per 5 caster levels to one attack roll, skill check, saving throw, ability check, initiative roll, or combat maneuver roll you are about to make.
Augury (divine)
The base chance for receiving a meaningful reply is 70% + 1% per caster level, to a maximum of 90%; this roll is made secretly. A question may be so straightforward that a successful result is automatic, or so vague as to have no chance of success. If the augury succeeds, you get one of four results: Weal (if the action will probably bring good results).
The augury can see into the future up to one hour per caster level, so anything that might happen after that does not affect the result. Thus, the result might not take into account the long-term consequences of a contemplated action. All auguries cast by the same person, in the same day about the same topic, use the same die result as the first casting. Drawback - Shaped Divination
Other Drawbacks:
Focus Casting
If you are carrying your focus when subject to a polymorph effect that would normally meld your equipment into your new form, your focus melds into your body as well, causing this drawback to function as the center of power drawback for the duration of the effect. Familiar:
October N Tiny figment animal
Init: +2 Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 14, touch: 14 flat-footed: 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size) HP: 1 Fort: +1
Base Atk: +0 CMB: +0
Melee: 2 claws +4 (1d2–4), bite +4 (1d3–4) Feats:
Recurring Dream (Su): A figment has a total number of hit points equal to 1/4 of its master’s total hit points. If the figment dies, it vanishes, appearing again with 1 hit point after its master awakens from a full night’s sleep. If a figment ever strays more than 100 feet from its master or enters an antimagic field, or if a figment’s master is unconscious or asleep, the figment disappears until the next time its master prepares spells or regains her spells per day. Because it is a being of its master’s mind, a shaman’s spirit animal, or any other spell-granting familiar, and it can’t use any divination spells or spell-like abilities the base creature has. Skills Climb +6, Perception +5, Stealth +14