Reign of Winter / Snows of Summer (Inactive)

Game Master Keith S.

This is invite only (at this point) for the Reign of Winter adventure path.

Looking for 2 players for Snows of Summer / Reign of Winter.

So far we have an inquisitor, an oracle, and someone wanting to see what everyone else wants to play before committing to a class.

Ok, give me a sec to come up with an idea. Build rules?

Any legal PFS character if you want PFS experience for the sanctioned parts of the modules.

Beyond that I do not exactly understand your question.

You didn't put pfs anywhere in the title or wording so didn't know. If we are going to go strict pfs I can build that way but don't care about the credit. 20 point buy, 150 starting gold, no evil, 2 traits. Going to build a Dwarven stonelord paladin with the blood of giants trait.

I'd be happy to build a character for this campaign, if it's level one I'll make a PFS character for experience, if not I can make a character of whatever level. Not sure what level this campaign is.

It is level 1. Alistus, read the posts under gameplay, make yourself a character and huddle up with the other PCs before we kick off.

Need one more player.

Silver Crusade

I'm interested I'll make a character, likely a gunslinger. Because I love them and they're awesome. Might multiclass Gunslinger/pally

I think we have our 5 players now, so sorry Mystic - you are second in line if we have drop outs.

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