THE ENEMY WITHIN - Black Dow's Most Grim & Perilous 1E WFRP Campaign

Game Master Black Dow

The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.” ― Antonio Gramsci

Daniel Stewart

Harrow Bloodline
Ulrich Kirchweger

Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0
(18 posts)



Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |
(35 posts)


Keterlyn Pferdesdorf

Female Human Woodsman M:3 | WS 34 | BS 34 | S 5 | T 3 | W 10 | I 30 | L 38 | Int 34 | Cl 30 | WP 31 | FEL 31 | FP 5 | Ins 0
(16 posts)