THE ENEMY WITHIN - Black Dow's Most Grim & Perilous 1E WFRP Campaign

Game Master Black Dow

The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.” ― Antonio Gramsci

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"The enemy is within the gates; it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Bezahltag, 5th Jahrdrung 2512

For the last couple of weeks of travel, the ageing river-barge - The Berebeli has been your joint home. Its captain, a jolly bearded giant of a man - Josef Quartjin, an itinerant boatman upon the Reik for over 20 years who shares the barge with his fiercely loyal crew - a married couple; Wolmarand Gilda and their infant daughter Elsa.

Progress has been slow with remnants of wintery river ice hampering the journey, however The Berebeli is a small but serviceable craft which you have all found yourself upon. As passengers you share a communal cabin, and the journey has forced allowed you all to learn a little about each other, whilst journeying to Nuln together.

On colder days Josef has offered up a cups of mulled wine or warming liquor from under the cargo tarpaulin at the fore of the barge. Waving it off with a wide grin; "The river should have its share also yes? Please, drink and varm bones."

So it is you find yourselves on the eve of your destination...


For you arriving in Nuln signifies the end of your hard life as a Holzfaller [1], and perhaps opportunities for a newer one with roots in the old…

To that end you carry the final deeds for your Pa’s forest hovel. A frugal cabin that you and your kin called home. When your Pa passed, and the family deeds and debts were passed to you.

The itinerant Priest of Morr [2] who oversaw the funeral advised you travel to Nuln and seek out the office of your father’s factor; a lawyer by the name of Gustaf Rechtshändler of the firm Rechtshändler & Übeltäter. Their offices would most likely be located in the city’s Gerechtstadt district.

He left you with the following counsel:

”Settle his affairs girl, so that your father's debtor soul may be truly planted [3] in Morr’s Garden [4]. I bid you good fortune in this, and may the raven’s alight upon you when your time also comes.”

[1]: Holzfaller - literally “tree feller” a colloquial term for Woodsman in Old Worlder.
[2]: Priests of Morr - the god of death who guides souls to their resting place.
[3]: Buried.
[4]: Cemeteries, burial plots and places where the dead rest are collectively known as “Morr’s Garden” in the Old World.


For you arriving in Nuln signifies a breaking of a chain. Far from your home Hold of Karak-Kadrin, your time there as a militia crafter was dutifully served and enough… until a missive from an old comrade; Hargin Sotskägg, inviting you to join him in Nuln.

“Sootbeard” was a brother in arms and at the forge, family in all but name. Canny he had always sought more than life of toil in the Karak-Kadrin. A decade hence he’d taken his leave from Clan and Hold to seek his fortune.

Now, here he was, a prosperous Söldnermakler [1], seeking to share that success with you, his oldest friend:

”Hail and well met Boulderbreaker old friend! I trust this finds you hale and hearty.

Where have the years gone? 10 years since I left the Hold! Soon my beard will be as grey as yours! Know the glint of gold at my belt eases the weariness of my bones.

My wealth has indeed grown my friend. War is a good business, one these human nobles pay handsomely for. Having earned my lot in the field I now broker deals for companies and hammers and axes are always welcome recruits!

Come visit me in Nuln. Let me share my plan as we share a flagon of Bugmanns [2]!”

Thus you now find yourself - travelling to his abode in Nuln’s dwarven quarter - the Migdhal-bar [3], having left behind all that Karak-Kadrin gave you - security, purpose (and the small matter of an engagement to a merchant’s dottir… [4])

[1]: Mercenary-broker in Old Worlder.
[2]: Dwarven beer or ale brewed by Master Brewer Josef Bugmann.
[3]: Literally “Keep City” in Khazalid.
[4]: Arranged marriages within Hold clans and families are normal. However the bride-dowery can be considerable.


For you Nuln means potential. As a humble “Lehrling zum Heckenzauberer” [1] you have merely dabbled in the magick arts - learning incantations and skills to help your village and its simple folk. Under the tutelage of your mistress - Grizelda Wiesefrau you know the plants of the forests and wild places, can tend to the livestock of the village, even avoid the world’s fell creatures with a soft step…

However you know you have more to offer… more than old Grizelda can teach. Reluctantly she gave you her blessing to seek out magick in the world. The great city of Nuln, renowned for city renowned for its academics and studies, has its famed Imperial Chartered College of Sorcerers & Conjurers [2]. While those sanctioned wielders of magick would likely look down upon Ulrich’s humble craft, seeing him as a wyrd [3], the surrounding Buckhandler distrikte [4] caters for all folk (and things) magickal. Perhaps there, in the dusty book shoppes or antique emporiums, and amongst like minded folk, would her ambitious apprentice find the knowledge or talisman to advance his craft and harness the power he sought.

[1]: “Hedge Wizard’s Apprentice” in Old Worlder.
[2]: A more fanciful name for the Wizard’s Guild.
[3]: A wyrd is unsanctioned practitioners of magick.
[3]: Literally “book handler district” in Old Worlder.


For you Nuln may mean answers. For too long now your traps have ensnared wild animals tainted by Chaos… At first it was subtle, a forked tongue or odd behaviour. As the encroachment grew, so too did the corruption - scales, teeth, chimeric qualities from one species to another: Creatures that ran now slithered or flew, animals that fed upon the grass or fruit now hungered for meat and blood.

While these changes were still too few to worry the oafish humans - the Asrai [1] knew better. So it was you were charged with hunting and trapping such beasts and more importantly seeking out the source of their fell distortion lest it too spread to the ancient folk of the wilds themselves.

The great human city of Nuln had long been a place of learning, of study, of answers. Perhaps there in the
Universitätsstadt [2], amongst its scholars, sages and or tomes would knowledge present itself, for these humans are all too familiar with such corruption... Perhaps one would know of something that could stem the insidious encroachment of the Ruinous Powers [3] upon your home…

[1]: Elthárin word for Wood Elves.
[2]: Old Worlder for “College Town” - the district within Nuln where all colleges, academics and students congregate.
[3]: The four Chaos powers: the wrathful Khorne, devious Tzeentch, pestilential Nurgle and cruel Slaanesh.

Figure give you all some general roleplay back and forth, allowing you all to find your "voices" and dynamic before we arrive in Nuln itself...

Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

Temenoa’s cabin mates can tell she isn’t….comfortable. Either cooped up in the cabin, nor out on deck. “A little green around the gills” doesn’t come close, and the rate at which she merely stores food in her belly before returning it projectile-like into the river astounds even the least-worldly of you. The captain’s warming liquor had not any desirable effect, and now she sits, glum and despondent under the tarpaulin - grateful for fresh air, and ruing the day she decided a barge might be a quicker mode of transport.

”Faster it may be, but I’ll be much happier when my toes touch earth once again.

For all her mal-de-mer, Temenoa is polite and respectful. She tries her best to be kind to the crew’s infant, and helps out where she can…which to be honest isn’t often. When in the cabin, of a night, Temenoa mostly keeps to herself, watching the two humans Keterlyn and Ulrich and the dwarf Tark at first, then, once she had established they were merely, like her, fellow travellers and not seemingly tainted by the growing Chaos.

Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0

As the poor elf maiden once again casts her food back into the river, Ulrich takes some time to examine his store of herbs and looks to create a tonic to help the poor lass.

Would Petty Healing do anything to help her keep her food down??

@Ulrich: Yeah that's some nice flavour. As written it doesn't provide any mechanical assistance but makes sense to me when combined with Identify: Plants skills.

Seeing Temenoa's malaise Ulrich boils a kettle of Pfefferminze [1] tea and infuses with a minor incarnation. The warming draught settles both stomach and thoughts and draws nods of approval from the riverboaters.

Those of you with a religious bent also note the symbols of Taal, Mórr, Shallya [2] carved upon the mast of the riverboat. Curiously the cup symbol of elven diety Liadriel, and hearth rune of the halfling goddess Esmeralda are also represented.

[1]: Peppermint :)
[2]: Taal is the god of nature and weather, Mórr the ruler of the underworld, death and dreams and Shallya the goddess of healing, mercy and compassion.
[3]: Liadriel is the Elven God of Song and Wine, while Esmeralda, Halfling patron of hearth and home.

"You will have to get me some of this mulled wine before we part ways Josef" - the dwarf smiled at the man - "That'll keep the very forces of Chaos at bay!"

Noticing Ulrich and Temenoa gathering, he moves to join them - "How is it then Miss? You feeling better? Usually throwing it all up eases things. At least for a while"

At the mention of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos, Josef and his crew make furtive signs of protection.

However the big boatman's grin quickly returns and he nods in agreement;

"Indeed Meister Boulderbreaker, a fair trade if Herr Kirchweger agrees to leave us some ov his Pfefferminze!"

Female Human Woodsman M:3 | WS 34 | BS 34 | S 5 | T 3 | W 10 | I 30 | L 38 | Int 34 | Cl 30 | WP 31 | FEL 31 | FP 5 | Ins 0

Keterlyn had reluctantly boarded The Berebeli a half-days walk south of Wittendorf....the road south had been closed by the road wardens : snow...and worse.

Still, the barge seemed sturdy enough. Mayhap some of the timbers that made up it's comforting bulk were hewn by her own family's hands!

Thus assured, she'd settled in for the journey, at first only acknowledging her fellow passengers with a polite nod. The dwarf, Tark, garrulous for one of his kind and wise Ulrich both served over time useful to pass the time in conversation.

The elf, however, caused keterlyn some consternation. Her head filled with her Nan's stories and her Pa and Uncle's warnings of their kind.

It was only when the unfortunate elf was heaving the contents of her stomach over the railing...over and over again, that Keterlyn came to see Temenoa as more similar to herself than otherwise.

She took to helping the elf maiden when the throes of sickness overcame her, placing a damp cloth on the back of her neck, holding her magnificent hair out of the way of the stream of vomit.

When Ulrich offer's up his peppermint concoction, Keterlyn says , nodding "That'll fix you right up, it will. My Nan used to give me the same sort of thing when my tummy wasn't right..."

Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

And so it transpires: Temenoa is shamed that simple peppermint could ease her pain (Of course!) and surprised that the human Keterlyn could overcome her own rustic prejudices to provide succour. In the long run, looking back later, Temenoa could see that her frailty was a blessing in disguise - it brought out the best in her companions, and allowed her to see the doorway, long closed, to the path of trust.

”Thank you all. Yes, much better Master Tark - Ulrich and Keterlyn prove the best of their kind. It is passing strange - when in my own canoe I feel it not, but this barge leaves me feeling so ill.

The elf maid manages a weak smile.

”When we are on land I will mend, I am sure of it…

Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0

Ulrich nods in satisfaction as the tincture takes effect and the elven woman can feel relief from the curse of motion sickness.

"It is a fairly common cure with a little magic added in to help it take hold. Was your Nan your local wise-woman or was she a hedge-witch?"

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Female Human Woodsman M:3 | WS 34 | BS 34 | S 5 | T 3 | W 10 | I 30 | L 38 | Int 34 | Cl 30 | WP 31 | FEL 31 | FP 5 | Ins 0

Keterlyn leans against the railing, gazing out at the slowly passing forest on the other side of the wide Reik.

Unconsiously, she notes tree types and ages, cataloguing them for later exploitation, "Aspen...nice stand of walnut...pine....pine...beech..." she mutters under her breath.

As Ulrich tends to the nauseous Temenoa, her gaze drops to the brown water of the Reik, it's surface dotted with little ice bergs, and skeins of thinner ice. Keterlyn wonders at the difference between this river and the clear, bright forest brooks she was used to. A smile came to her lips as she remembered the babbling of the waters of the forest creek as it passed through the forest, bouncing over rocks, collecting in cool , refreshing pools.

Then she frowned at the turgid waters of the Reik, sludging against the wood of the barge, it's large whirlpools and eddies tugging the vessel, as if fighting against it's very passage down stream.

At Ulrich's mention of her Nan, she turned as said with a wry smile, "If'n my Nan ever heard you call 'er a witch, she's have yer eyes, she would! Ya, she was wiser than anyone I ev'r knew. "

Josef nods pointing to the distance;

"Ve cannot see it yet because of vinter fog, but great city of Nuln is near. Maybe vun more day... then you be back on land Mistress. "

At Ulrich's mention of magick, Wolmar pipes in from his post at the barge's tiller;

"What sort of wizardin' you knowin' Master Ulrich? Potions an' such? Or ye have dabbled in other sorts?"

Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

Hair matted and face wan, Temenoa nods and smiles, again weakly, despite her distress.

"Thank you again for your rescue of my canoe, and for making our journey pleasant."

The elf pauses, considering the barge-captain, apparently weighing up something in her mind. She shrugs, and speaks.

"Josef - I have seen an increasing number of Chaos-marked beasts and creatures in my travels - have you seen the like in these waters? Heard anything, beyond the usual rumors?"

Not meaning to intercede between Josef and Ulrich, this conversation can be in its own separate time...

Games Meister Black Dow wrote:

At the mention of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos, Josef and his crew make furtive signs of protection.

However the big boatman's grin quickly returns and he nods in agreement;

"Indeed Meister Boulderbreaker, a fair trade if Herr Kirchweger agrees to leave us some ov his Pfefferminze!"

"I am sure he will" - Tark's grin grew even wider. He wanted to ask Josef about Nuln, but he decided to wait.

Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0

Ulrich smiles at the words from Keterlyn, knowing how these village wise women can be touchy on certain terms. He turns to their host and takes a more serious tone.

"I was the apprentice to a local hedge wizard, but I feel the pull of magic more strongly than I could ever achieve as a village mage. I want to apprentice to an actual wizard, and in the many schools of Nuln I hope to find a suitable teacher."

Female Human Woodsman M:3 | WS 34 | BS 34 | S 5 | T 3 | W 10 | I 30 | L 38 | Int 34 | Cl 30 | WP 31 | FEL 31 | FP 5 | Ins 0

At the mention of the great city of Nuln, Keterlyn subconsciously touches the papers held tightly to her under her tunic.

She wistfully gazes out into the fog, the trees now obscured or reduced to mere shadows, wondering what changes the city will bring to her. She knew that her old life would die....but what of her life after.

She idly listens to the chatter, until Ulrich reveals his reason for travelling to Nuln, "If'n my Nan was right, you'd best find a good teacher when yer dealing with majicks an' such...yer very soul be at stake!" she exclaims, turning to the others, "Me an' mine, we cleave to the Old ways, yeh? The Green...the stag...the stones, that's what was there before...and always after. At least, that's what me Nan said...." she says, realizing everyone was actually listening to her, and becomes uncharacteristically embarrassed by her outburst.

Cheeks red she turn her face again to the grey obscuring mist...

Wolmar listens intently at the tiller, as Josef's brow furrows at Temenoa's question;

"Da. Ve have seen some strange things in the Reik. Fishes vith two heads, or slimes for blod. Not often mind, but vhere Chaos has been rumoured... then ve do not fish..."

Gilda carries on working, pulling sail and rope in the hope of catching what little winter wind there is, before shouting over to Wolmar;

"Tell 'em what you heard about Blutroch [1] husband."

The lean tiller-man looks reluctant, but knows better than to face his wife's ire;

"Heard this from a Straßenwärter [2] outside o' Autler [3]. He said the village o' Blutroch was wiped out by a mysterious disease that caused folk to break out in red, weeping blotches... Said it was the work o'... Nurgle [4] an' his filthy ilk. He was three ales deep mind, but I reckon ye steer well clear o' anyone with red marks upon 'em!

The crew all make protective sighs, whilst Josef taps the mast carved with holy symbols with a forced smile;

"Heh. Enough talk of such grim things eh?"

He claps Ulrich's shoulder with a meaty paw;

"Good to have plan Meister Ulrich. They vill do vell to have you... Nuln is place to learn. Ach not for likes of us... but smart like you... Yes. Good place."

The crew all smile as Josef continues;

"And as for Old Vays Fräulein... Perhaps ve all loose our vay a little eh? Still out here in vilds, on river, you can feel that ancient vorld. Your Nan vas smart I think. Simpler life is good life eh?"

Wolmar and Gilda both nod in agreement, echoing the Bargemaster's words;

"Simpler life."

[1]: Blutroch - small frontier village on the Bögenhafen to Altdorf road.
[2]: Roadwarden - Professional marshals who patrol the roads, dealing with or reporting problems as they are found.
[3]: Auter - small village southwest of Altdorf.
[4]: Nurgle - one of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos. He represents pestilence, disease, and physical corruption.

Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

Temenoa nods and smiles in recognition of Keterlyn's folkways. She is temporarily buoyed, and listens intently as Josef and Wolmar detail what they have heard.

"I wonder if any in Nuln are aware of what is happening on the outskirts of their proud Empire. Unless the canker is already so abundant it can be found everywhere."

The sudden urge to return to her beloved forest of trees and beasts forces a brief skip of Temenoa's heart, but she masters herself and breathes deeply, closing her eyes to the world. Then rushes to the side of the barge and projects her peppermint tea.


Tark listened closely to the tales - "I am inclined to think demonic monstrosities like Nurgle, whom I know nothing about, usually busy themselves with some larger plots than poisoning and diseasing villages in the middle of nowhere" - he offered - "The followers of that blotched chaotic monster though... They are just idiot mortals, doing what idiots do and trying to praise their 'Master' with the most heinous of deeds - and that is why they should be put down" - he retrieved his spear, inspecting its tip to punctuate the opinion.

Temenoa wrote:

Temenoa nods and smiles in recognition of Keterlyn's folkways. She is temporarily buoyed, and listens intently as Josef and Wolmar detail what they have heard.

"I wonder if any in Nuln are aware of what is happening on the outskirts of their proud Empire. Unless the canker is already so abundant it can be found everywhere."

The sudden urge to return to her beloved forest of trees and beasts forces a brief skip of Temenoa's heart, but she masters herself and breathes deeply, closing her eyes to the world. Then rushes to the side of the barge and projects her peppermint tea.


As Temenoa ran to the side of the barge, the dwarf seemed like he was about to go help, but he caught himself - "Nuln yeah, that reminds me - I know nothing of the place. Anything worth visiting? Anything making the place different from so many others in the whole wide world?"

Female Human Woodsman M:3 | WS 34 | BS 34 | S 5 | T 3 | W 10 | I 30 | L 38 | Int 34 | Cl 30 | WP 31 | FEL 31 | FP 5 | Ins 0

Keterlyn shudders slightly at the mention of demons and Chaos, knowing only too well the dangers of both lurking in the deep woods.

She looks on with sympathy as the elf maiden returns to offering her sacrifice to the river, muttering to herself, "Peppermint always sorted me out...maybe it's 'cause she's an elf..."

At the mention of Nuln, Keterlyn turns her attention to the barge master, waiting to see what her reveals...

Josef grimaces as the lithe elf retches again, then shrugs his broad shoulders at Tark's question;

"Nuln like Altdorf but not. Typical big city - lots to see and do. Plenty of coin to be made if you not vorried about how you make it. Place stinks of gunpowder and books. Too much of both I think. Full of Soldner [1] too, from all over; Tileans, Estalians, Bretonnians..."[2-4]

Tilda chimes in with a wry comment "even Kislevians!"[5] which draws a booming guffaw from Josef.

"Har-har-har! Hey Volmar, you get vife in line here! She disparages my lineage! Now vhat vas I saying... Nuln... Yes, good trade to be had in Nuln. Ve unload, take coin, reload and go. City never stops. Turnaround for us, but plenty for you all to do I think!"

[1]: Mercenaries. Nuln is known for its reliance on mercenaries as much as standing armed forces.
[2]:Tilea is a nation of the Old World, lacking a central government. Sharing a common language and culture it is politically divided in several city-states. The country is (in)famous for its mercenaries or Dogs of War and although Men were the most common, but Dwarfs, High Elves and Ogres were also employed in the armies of the Merchant Princes.
[3]: Estalians are a hardy people from a neighbouring nation to Tilea who made much of their living with fishing and sea-trade. Estalia is renowned for its Diestros; skilled duellists who ply their trade across the Old World.
[4]: Bretonnia is a kingdom located in the Old World, West of the Grey Mountains and the Empire. Carefully protected by its brave and honourable knights, regarded as the greatest in the old world. Bretonnia is a land of chivalry and honour. However this must be balanced against the poverty and widespread oppression of its peasantry.
5]: Kislev is known for its freezing temperatures and is the northernmost nation of the Old World and bears the brunt of most Chaos invasions.

As Josef extols about the Nuln, Tilda gathers some rope and leans near Tark with a quiet word;

"Ware that ye underestimate those who follow the Ruinous Ones Master Dwarf. Know yer people are old as stone, an' wise to boot, but those corrupted basterds aren't all fools. Some are jus' plain blackhearted and hide in plain sight an' all..."

She wipes her dripping nose with a woollen sleeve with a weak smile, then sets back to work.

Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

Temenoa finishes her latest evacuation, and sits by the side of the barge, listening with a wan countenance. She scrunches up her nose and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Books. Soldiers. What a place. I know which ones I'll be hoping to avoid."

The elf stares at passing trees, her tongue making a circuit of her teeth as she mulls...something.

"Well, Ulrich - I see you are headed to Nuln to learn, find a teacher. Meister Tark, Lady Keterlyn -what brings you to this fair metropolis?"

Female Human Woodsman M:3 | WS 34 | BS 34 | S 5 | T 3 | W 10 | I 30 | L 38 | Int 34 | Cl 30 | WP 31 | FEL 31 | FP 5 | Ins 0

Keterlyn stares out at the swirls of fog drifting by, trying but failing to catch sight of the shore opposite.

She turns her head slightly to regard Temenoa, a solemn look on her face, "I go to the City to end my old life..." she says, patting a spot on her tunic, "Selling the ol' homestead and claim, that my family's chopped and tended for...I dunno how many generations. Well, countin' ma Nan and least three!"

"Truth of it 'tis....if'n I was to stay, no way could I do it on my own, but with my Pa and Uncle gone...." she says, crossing her arms, then frowning, "Well....I'd have ta Marry or somesuch wouldn't I ....and I ain't doin' that!" she declares emphatically.

She pauses, returning her gaze to the mists, muttering a bit under her breath about the evils of the patriarchy and the general stupidness of the male side of the species.

As Keterlyn's eyes gaze at the mist, she becomes aware of glints of light in the distance... flickering like irrlicht [1]...

Tilda calls out what you all suspect;

"City lights! Nuln at last Josef!"

The skipper's booming laugh seems to urge the Berebeli through the icy river and soon the city looms from the river mist.

"Haha! Good! Good!"

What strikes you all is its sheer size - a sprawling jumble of architectural styles; from the fortress-like palace on the hill to the ramshackle row houses dotted throughout. Gazing upward you all note the numerous columns of smoke, belching upward to counter the rolling river mist with a mantle of smog.

Then you become aware of the first spots of fine ash and soot drifting from the city - a black snow...

"So that is Nuln my friends! Soon you all vill be on stinky dry land... but I zink you vil miss us... Unless any of you vish to sign on eh?"

He wryly grins, then as his eyes catch lanterns at the distant jetty he curses;

"Ach. Die Zollbehörde... Customs. Maybe not so soon... Best answer qvestions if asked my friends. Volmar, take us in. I get papers..."

[1]: Will o' the Wisp

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Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

Temenoa stares stolidly at the multi-eyed, belching behemoth rising up to swallow her.

”And this is, apparently, not the work of Chaos.” she mutters, apparently thinking so hard she has given her thoughts voice.

She smiles a greasy, post vomitus smile.

”Well and well. Land-ho! And to think it is this that will apparently ease my stomach. Would that I had never left the forest…My inestimable thanks Josef. I wish I had been a better passenger.

Temenoa also thanks the married couple/crew, says goodbye to their child and prepares to untie her canoe…

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Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0

Ulrich's eyes reflect the many points of light from the night-time city windows.

"It is almost many people in such a small area...and look, look! Some of those buildings are over 3 stories high...amazing!"

He looks back at Josef and his family and a pang of homesickness strikes him as he remembers the farmers and village people of his little village.

"I thank you for your help in delivering me safely to the city. If ever I can help you or yours, just let me know! I go to embrace my future!"

He gathers up his gear and awaits with the rest of the passengers.

"Don't forget the mulled wine my good friend Josef" - Tark added with a smile.

Then he bid his farewells to the crew of The Berebeli, offering particular thanks to Josef - "If ye ever need an extra crewman, just let me know" - and to Wolmarand, Gilda and little Elsa - "Hope to see you again!"

Ashore he turned to the others - "I have a friend to pay a visit to, but you are all welcome to join me. I can introduce you, and afterwards we go look for some local ale. What do you think?"

Wolmar brings the river barge alongside the jetty where hulking dockers and a officious looking customs officer await.

The brutes, much bigger than mere men lash the ropes arounds wooden uprights then grunt as they pull the Berebeli into the jetty with a thud.

Josef nods towards shore;

"Oger [1] docker my friends. Vatch those big lads... Hard vorkers, but tasty in fights eh. Bad tempered too."

The gangplank is lowered and timber cranes swing across the decks ready to unload the cargo.

The customs official bids them hold, then steps aboard. A rake thin man, huddled under a cloak and brimmed hat dusted with ash.

The official doffs his hat, allowing a sprinkle of ash to fall;

"Zollbeamter [2] Klaar... Good Evening all and welcommen to Nuln. Kaptain, your papers please."

He turns his attention to you all, his eyes lingering on Temenoa...

"Passengers I take it? What brings you to our fair city?"

[1]: Ogres are gross, ugly humanoids who love to fight, eat & kill. However, they are not particularly discriminating and will hire their services out to the higest bidder. They are not an overly cruel race, but they are brutal and have little respect for the weak or helpless.
[2]: Customers Officer.

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Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

”This barge.” answers Temenoa, not quite understanding, and somewhat annoyed at the strange question.

”I also have a canoe, which I will need to store. Can you provide me with such or one who might provide?

Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0

Ulrich steps forward and coughs to cover Temenoa's confusion.

"I am Ulrich Kirchweger and I have come to Nuln looking for a new teacher. I am hoping to petition one of the local mystic teachers to take me on."

He looks back at the elf, hoping she now understands what the man was asking her.

Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

Temenoa’s eyes boggle slightly and her ears stand a little straighter.

”Oh. Certainly. Yes. I have come to Nuln to research. Mostly. Creatures bestranged wander my forests, unheard nor seen before.” she says, waving her hands dramatically and doing her best to seem…elfin.

"Visiting a friend" - Tark grunted flatly, not particularly interested in sharing his business with the nosy man.

Officer Klaar eyes each of you as you respond, part scrutiny and part curiosity;

"Teachers, friends and creatures indeed... Rest assured you will find all here in our fair city..."

He pauses as Josef hands him the shipping docket.

Should any of you wish to try to find out more about Nuln from Klaar before disembarking you may attempt a Challenging (+0) Gossip test.

Gossip (Fel) Tests:

Characters can attempt to engage NPCs in conversation - the best places are obviously Ale Houses, where people are bound to be less suspicious of the player's motives.

When a character tries to strike up a conversation with a stranger, the player (or gamesmaster) should make a test against Fel. If the test is successful, the character will learn all the latest news (relevant or not). News typically includes tragic events, births, marriages, scandal, suicides, trauma, illness, crime, and 'strange goings on' in general. It can take quite a while to listen to local gossip, especially if the speaker is old or rambling. This is left to the GM to decide according to the circumstances.

In addition to local news, the character can try to get answers to up to D6 specific questions. The GM should answer the player's questions from the NPC's point of view - often the only honest reply the NPC can make is 'I don't know'.

Note: Characters who fail a gossip test may face a hostile reaction from the NPC. A failure by 40% or more indicates that the NPC may report them to the local authorities as snoopers, dangerous deviants, or weirdos or even attack them!

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Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |


Rightly or wrongly, Temenoa thinks he is a simpleton, and thus not really very useful. She is also still trying to navigate urban “society”.

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Tark has already decided he does not like officer Klaar, so he is not interested in striking up a conversation, plus his diplomatic skills are not his strongest suit. He usually leaves those endeavors for others.

The customs officer begins to scrutinise the papers and wanders over to the tarped goods to continue his inspection.

Like an overgrown mother hen, Josef bids you all disembark with a broad smile;

"This vill take time fiends, best go about you business. Ve unload, pick up new cargo and head back downriver to Altdorf. Then rest... Taal villing. If any of you make it to Altdorf seek us out yes? Find Bootsmann Inn. Rivervolk. Good people. You ask for me there. Until then do zobaczenia!"

Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

Will wait to see if Ulrich or Keterlyn wish to quiz Officer Klaar...

Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0

Ulrich gathers his things and before leaving stops to talk to the customs officer.

"Excuse me good sir...can you please direct me to one of the mighty schools of magic here in the city?"

Female Human Woodsman M:3 | WS 34 | BS 34 | S 5 | T 3 | W 10 | I 30 | L 38 | Int 34 | Cl 30 | WP 31 | FEL 31 | FP 5 | Ins 0

Keterlyn's eyes widen with dismay as the dismal reality of Nuln is revealed by the parting mists.

She reached out to touch a fluffy bit of soot that had just landed on her sleeve, rubbing her fingers together, a black smear appearing on both. With a grimace, she reaches over and dips the fingers in the turgid waters of the Reik, risking it's danger over the disgrace that the soot represented.

With a shudder she regards her still smeared fingers, the water beading up on the greasy residue.

Still rubbing her fingers together, she responds to Josef's offer, "Yeah, if I din't have family business in there, I'd sail as far away as possible!" she exclaims.

Her family business now front of mind, she hurriedly gathers her trappings and with quick hugs and kisses to Josef and his crew, stands at the railing as the barge neared the dock.

She had to take a step back to avoid begin trod upon by the customs man.
Though off-putting, he still would know the city best...

"Uh...Customs-uh-person Klarr, what news of the city?

Fel(31): 1d100 ⇒ 92

Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

So this is a Test, and we want to roll under our score (plus or minus any modifiers) to succeed?

According to the WFRP Rulebook, if you roll 20 over your score it is "seriously wrong" and if it is 30 over your score it is "nightmarishly wrong". Seems Keterlyn has called the customs person something unforgivable...

I must say, it is going to take some getting used to the idea that you want to roll low.

Going to look at Combat now...

And so it begins... ;)

Head buried under the tarp, Klaar pauses momentarily as Keterlyn exclaims her misgivings about the city.

When she and Ulrich address the lanky customs officer, he coldly turns to face them, sharp features barely disguising his contempt. It would seem Herr Klaar is a fierce patriot of Nuln...

"I am an Imperial Zollbeamter of Nuln, not some bawd or guide. You hinterwäldler [1] would do well to remember that!"

He points a bony finger towards the jetty and dock front;

"Plenty of scum over there to show you around for a few pfennig [2]... find a sty for you all to bed down in... As for my dignity... it will cost you all far more..."

At the raised voice, the two lumbering Oger dockers turn their heavy heads toward the Berebeli. Klaar smiles thinly and extends a waiting hand towards Keterlyn and Ulrich;

"Let us say 2 Krone [3] each... Or in my abasement I will be forced to set my Ogers upon you. Rest assured the Wächter [4] will take the word of an Imperial official over the flotsam and jetsam of the Reik, presuming of course the Oger leave anything to arrest!"

[1]: Hicks, county idiots.
[2]: Pfennig = a brass penny.
[3]: Krone = a gold crown.
[4]: Wächter = Watchmen.

Old World Currency: 1 Gold Krone (Crown) = 20 Silver Schilling (Shillings) = 240 Brass Pfennig (Penny).

Note on above... I really would rather you not go at it with the Oger (and burn Fate points aplenty)... so there is another option...

Edit: @Tark - This kind of situation is exactly why Trollslayers are bad news lol.

Bluff (Fel) Check:

"On many occasions characters will have to resort to bluffing their way out of (or into) a situation. They can lie, feign ignorance, drunkenness, forgetfulness, or whatever they like in order to achieve their end.

The gamesmaster should encourage players to come up with a plausible story for the bluff and should then make a test against the character's Fel to see if the bluff is successful. The player's yarn is really only required for colour and entertainment, but the GM may decide that a bluff is extremely unconvincing (or convincing) and modify the character's test accordingly.

A successful bluff will completely convince its victims, removing any shadow of doubt from their minds. An unconvincing bluff may arouse hostility; a failure by 40% or more is likely to provoke open violence."

(Even if you can't convince Klaar to back off, you can potentially convince him you are penniless bumpkins... unless you royally fail in which case all bets are off :S)

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Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0

Truth be told I was going to try and sleep the customs agent and tell the (hopefully) dim-witted ogres that he was sick or cursed or something and bluff our way out of the situation, but I suppose this is a much better (and less deadly) method!!

Surprised by the anger of the official and his two orge guards, Ulrich attempts to disarm the volatile situation.

"My lord! Please excuse us for our crass and boorish behaviour. We meant no insult but we also are poor visitors to this city and do not have 4 Krone to pay such a fine."

Bluff (Fel)29: 1d100 ⇒ 96

Oh, for pity's sake!! Sleeping the dude it is I guess!!

Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

Just some clarifications. @BD: Klaar has pointed at Ulrich and Keterlyn and demanded "2 Krone each". Is it 2 krone for each of us, or just those two? Ulrich has mentioned 4 krone, when surely it must be 8?Are elves and dwarves non-citizens or something - shouldn't that make us *less* exempt? Or is it because Ulrich asked for directions and Keterlyn failed her Fellowship roll?

BD - Why are trollslayers bad news? Because they can't bluff/social and must kill everything in sight until they die in bloodfilled glory?

Ulrich - do you mean a sleep spell or similar? Or do you mean lay him out/combat?

Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0

I had assumed that he was charging only Keterlyn and myself the 2 Krone each! As to sleeping, It is a spell that Ulrich knows and can cast without anyone noticing what he was doing....according to the spell description!

Ulrich has the right of it. Our dwarf and elf haven't drawn his ire as they didn't engage with him. Ulrich asked for directions and Keterlyn lit the flame - drawing his animosity to both (and hence his charge of 2 Gold Crowns to those two).

Sleep would be a very good solution to the situation...

Sleep (Petty Magic):

Spell Level: Petty
Magic Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 1d6 turns
Ingredients: A piece of down

This spell can be cast upon any single character the caster can touch - the victim need not know that a spell is being cast. The victim must make a test against WP or fall into a comatose sleep for D6 game turns. The spell only works against a single, humanoid creature under ten feet tall - it has no affect against larger creatures.

As he sees the ogres approaching, Tark pulls out his shield and places a hand on his weapon - "This trip may turn out shorter than I was expecting" - he grunted.

"Boy and lass have done nothin' wrong, and ye're just tryin' to squeeze some coins out of us" - the dwarf growled at the 'official'- "You can call your ogres all you want, but I will chop off both your hands as soon as you set them on us" - he calmly threatened - "And I will throw them to sea. So we may die, but you will live crippled for the rest of your days - should be a good life in Nuln without hands"

Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0

Ulrich looks startled as the burly dwarf steps forward to confront the demanding customs officer.

"Now friend Tark there is no need to resort to threats. I think maybe the officer has been out in the sun too long and it has made him a little testy!"

While speaking, the wizard-in-training gently touches the official and cast his sleep cantrip.

Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) M 4 |WS 39|BS 30|S 3|T 2|W 6|I 55|D 39| L 43|Int 45|Cl 49|WP 41|FS 45|FP 1|Ins 0 |

Temenoa likewise puts hand to haft, keeping hold of her spear she looks around to see what other bodies are keeping an eye on the situation...

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