Evershifter |
Help me build a poison based Eidolon!
I'm really just brainstorming here at the moment. I know that its not the highest damage potential, but I really like the idea of an Eidolon that just slips in a delivers a nasty poisonous attack on occasion.
Really want to make one that is tiny, or small anyway and then magic'ed to tiny, so that is can hide on your person and then slip out when you need it's use for poisoning or skill monkeying.

Asterclement Swarthington |

Help me build a poison based Eidolon!
I'm really just brainstorming here at the moment. I know that its not the highest damage potential, but I really like the idea of an Eidolon that just slips in a delivers a nasty poisonous attack on occasion.
Really want to make one that is tiny, or small anyway and then magic'ed to tiny, so that is can hide on your person and then slip out when you need it's use for poisoning or skill monkeying.
2 Feats for your Eidolon to pick up
Skill focus - Diplomacy
Eldritch Heritage - Serpentine
Stack Con to crank the DC up, Charisma to use it more times per day.
You can do this combo as early as summoner level 3 and the poison gets better as it gains HD. 1 con initially, then at 7 HD it becomes 1d2 con, then at 9 HD it requires 2 saves to cure, and at 13 HD damage goes up to 1d4 con.

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

Help me build a poison based Eidolon!
I'm really just brainstorming here at the moment. I know that its not the highest damage potential, but I really like the idea of an Eidolon that just slips in a delivers a nasty poisonous attack on occasion.
Really want to make one that is tiny, or small anyway and then magic'ed to tiny, so that is can hide on your person and then slip out when you need it's use for poisoning or skill monkeying.
I have no specific build advice, but i kinda like the idea. Especially if you go the master summoner route. Then you aren't expecting the eidolon to be your major dps dealer. so you can have him for something else.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Evershifter wrote:I have no specific build advice, but i kinda like the idea. Especially if you go the master summoner route. Then you aren't expecting the eidolon to be your major dps dealer. so you can have him for something else.Help me build a poison based Eidolon!
I'm really just brainstorming here at the moment. I know that its not the highest damage potential, but I really like the idea of an Eidolon that just slips in a delivers a nasty poisonous attack on occasion.
Really want to make one that is tiny, or small anyway and then magic'ed to tiny, so that is can hide on your person and then slip out when you need it's use for poisoning or skill monkeying.
I like the secondary combat ability past just a UMD monkey.

Eriyoth |
You can make it small easily at creation. You could make a scorpion out of it, give it arms, pincers, a tail, and a sting attack on top of a quadruped base form. Then just add the poison evolution
Poison (Ex)
Eidolon poison—type poison (injury); save Fort negates; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d4 Str damage; cure 1 save.
The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s HD + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier.
For 2 additional evolution points, this poison deals Constitution damage instead. This poison can be used no more than once per round. The summoner must be at least 7th level before selecting this evolution. Source: Advanced Player's Guide.

nategar05 |

Skip Skill Focus: Diplomacy and Eldritch Heritage. Your CHA isn't high enough on the Eidolon and making it higher is more trouble than its worth.
A build I've already thought up for this kinda thing. It's a more specific build and different in many ways, but it specifically uses poison. For what it's worth:
Build intended to soak up enemies' attacks and influence the battleground. Focuses on Con/HP more than other builds. Gnome Summoner uses favored class bonus to give HP to Eidolon and takes Toughness. He has the Academician and Gift of Tongues alternate racial traits.
<Tank-dalon> (1st Level)
Form: <Quadruped>
AC: 14 (Base 10 + Dex 2 + INA 2)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft
Ability Scores: <14 14 13 7 10 11>
Skills: <Intimidate(1)> +12, <Perception(1)> +4, <Diplomacy(1)> +12, <Bluff(1)> +4
Feats: Antagonize (1st)
Evolutions (base): <bite, limbs(legs)(2)>
Evolutions (extra): Improved Natural Armor(1), Skilled(Intimidate)(1), Skilled(Diplomacy)(1)
Attack Routine: Bite +3 (1d6+2)
Notes: Not enough evolution points to get an ability increase in Con yet and still Antagonize well. However, Antagonize makes sure that attacks go to the character that comes back the next day, rather than the one that doesn't (except with a mustache, a new hat, and an accent of course). Diplomacy and intimidate are useful with Antagonize and are good for influencing people. Gnome picks up Mage Armor, Shield, and (later) Compel Hostility.
<Tank-dalon> (5th Level)
Form: <Quadruped>
AC: 21 (Base 10 + Dex 3 + INA 4 + NA 4)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft
Ability Scores: <16 16 16 7 10 11>
Skills: <Intimidate(4)> +15, <Perception(4)> +7, <Diplomacy(4)> +15, <Bluff(2)> +5, <Sense Motive(2)> +5,
Feats: Antagonize (1st), Weapon Focus(Bite) (2nd)
Evolutions (base): <bite, limbs(legs)(2)>
Evolutions (extra): Improved Natural Armor(2x)(2), Skilled(Intimidate)(1), Skilled(Diplomacy)(1), Claws(1), Pounce(1), Ability Increase(Con)(2)
Attack Routine: Bite +8 (1d6+3) and 2 claws +7 (1d4+3)
Notes: Weapon Focus (Bite) is just a step to Dazzling Display. Also helpful for when you pick up the Poison evolution (Need all the extra to-hit. It is a Con build rather than a Str build after all). Bear's Endurance, Evolution Surge(lesser), and (later) Barkskin helps.
<Tank-dalon> (10th Level)
Form: <Quadruped>
AC: 28 (Base 10 + Dex 3 + INA 6 + NA 10 - Size 1)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft
Ability Scores: <26 16 19 7 10 11>
Skills: <Intimidate(8)> +19, <Perception(8)> +11, <Diplomacy(8)> +19, <Bluff(4)> +7, <Sense Motive(4)> +7
Feats: Antagonize (1st), Weapon Focus(Bite) (2nd), Dazzling Display(Bite) (3rd), Ability Focus(Poison) (4th), Multiattack (bonus)
Evolutions (base): <bite, limbs(legs)(2)>
Evolutions (extra): Skilled(Intimidate)(1), Skilled(Diplomacy)(1), Mount(1), Improved Natural Armor(3x)(3), Poison (Con based)(4), Large(4)>
Attack Routine: Bite +16/+11 (1d6+8)
Notes: With a good Con, the Eidolon should have a pretty good number of HP. Decent AC for a large creature (At level 12 may be better off with medium and an extra application of Con increase though). Potentially better Bluff and Sense Motive if skilled is applied. DC 20 for Poison. Set up for Intimidating Prowess for the next feat, freeing up an evolution point that was put into Skilled or simply added to really intimidate things. Between poisoning, intimidating, and antagonizing, you'll never run out of combat options. Mount gives another option for the Gnome.
You could make it a small Serpentine Eidolon, take Reduce Person to make it tiny, give it weapon finesse, and it'd be similar. Just don't take Large. ;)