[Gameday X] GM Mauve's #9-2 A Case of Missing Persons (Inactive)

Game Master MauveAvengr

Maps and Info!

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Liberty's Edge

Fighter 6| 25 ac (t:13;ff;22) 57/57 hp. |For +7; reflex +5 will+4; fear+2| init +2

Jacques double moves.

The Exchange

Male NG Dwarf from Qadira | Cleric of Erastil (formerly Shelyn) 7 | DR5/bludgeoning 35/35 | HP 63/71 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +3, CMD 18 | F: +14, R: +9, W: +17 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19 | SM: +13 | Dipl.: +21 | Rooted Vitality 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: resist electricity 20, defending bone.

Jang has heal and will choose the next dying soldier to stabilize.

Heal : 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

Giant Mosquito, N Medium (counts as Large) | Vermin Companion 7 (Unexpected Intellectual) | HP 59/59 | AC 25 T 15 FF 19 | CMB +4, CMD 24 | F: +9, R: +9 (Evasion), W: +3 (+4 ench.) | Init: +4 | Perc: +11 | Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) | Active conditions: None

Magas continues attacking the man in orange.

bite: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 2 = 131d8 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 plus bleed and grab

Special Attacks bleed (2d4) : 2d4 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6

free CMB +14 Grapple (Grab) (+4 BAB, +1 Size (Hefty Brute Feat), +5 Str, +4 grab) : 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 14 + 2 = 30

Special Attacks blood drain (1d2 Constitution) : 1d2 ⇒ 2

Dark Archive

Male Undine Psychic 10 | AC (20)16/16/13 | HP 72/72 + _10__ temp HP| F+9, R+9, W+12 | Darkvision 60' | Cold Resistance 5 | Init+3, Perc +15 | CMD 18 | Phrenic Pool 7/7 |

Ash fires off his magic missiles at the remaining enemy.

Damage 4d4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 2) + 4 = 14

Everyone seems to be having trouble fighting the last remaining guard. Maybe they wont get through him... but then Ashwell comes in and fires off a series of arcane missiles that fly right into him! They explode and he cries out! The look he gives Ashwell is pure disgust, then his eyes roll to the back of his head. The guard collapses to the ground, dead.

@Jang, only the two guards outside (the twins) are knocked out. Every other guard/officer is dead and can't be healed.

Searching the bodies of each of the guards, they all have the following each:
-an oil
-three potions
-one potion
-a masterwork heavy flail
-a composite longbow (Str +4 w/ 40 arrows)
-a +1 breastplate
-a cloak
-guard kit (backpack, belt pouch, flint and steel, manacles, rope [50 ft.], signal whistle, torches [5])
-33 gp
-[one guard (green) has a set of keys]
-[one guard (orange) has another set of keys]

The officer has the following:
-a potion
-+1 full plate
-+1 guisarme
-mwk composite longbow (+4 Str, 20 arrows)
-an elixir
-a sash

Feel free to roll Spellcraft checks on the potions, oil, cloaks, sash, and elixir

Using the keys from the orange guard, the Pathfinders can easily find Venza in a locked cell in the back of the prison. Four other prisoners are in here and they all look at the incoming Pathfinders with blank eyes.

Dark Archive

Male Undine Psychic 10 | AC (20)16/16/13 | HP 72/72 + _10__ temp HP| F+9, R+9, W+12 | Darkvision 60' | Cold Resistance 5 | Init+3, Perc +15 | CMD 18 | Phrenic Pool 7/7 |

Spellcraft potions 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24
Spellcraft oil 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
Spellcraft sash 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32
Spellcraft cloaks 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30

Ash scans the magic items to see if he recognizes the magic.

Liberty's Edge

Fighter 6| 25 ac (t:13;ff;22) 57/57 hp. |For +7; reflex +5 will+4; fear+2| init +2

"You are?" says Jacques to the new prisonners. He still have an idea of who they could be.

The guards have three potions of cure light wounds and a potion of enlarge person. The cloak is a clock of resistance +1. The Oil an oil of magic weapon.

The officer has a potion of moderate wounds, the elixir is a pliability elixir, and the sash is a sash of the war champion.

You immediately recognize Venza (who is still in Lofton's body). "Are you here to save me, or what? Let me out of here at once." He scoffs.

The Pathfinders can easily break him out, now that the guards are dead or unconscious. They head back to Eliza Petulengro, who has now worked to remove Lofton's (in Venza's body) feeblemind effect.

Petulengro looks at the Pathfinders. "Did you find out how to do the body swap?"

Silver Crusade

NG Gnome Wild Whisperer (Druid) 6 | Mods: NA | Salazar II | HP 45 (-1) | AC/Tch/FF 19/12/18 (+4 vs. Giants) | CMD 13 | F/R/W +9/+5/+10 (+3 Illusions, +2 Neg Energy, 5 Neg Energy Resist) | Speed 20ft | Perc: +14 (low-light), SM: +3+1d6 | Init: +3 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Inspiration 3/4, Spells Tracked on Sheet

Dexter pulls out his vines from earlier, "Yeah, wrap or tie them together in these vines and toss them in pure water."

He heals himself up with his wand at a convenient point in time.

CLW: 4d8 + 4 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 8) + 4 = 17

Both men seem eager to swap bodies and immediately get to the ritual. And lucky for you, the ritual succeeds without a hitch!

Once back in his real body, Venza honors his promise to you and recounts all he knows about the abductions. "The man behind the abductions is Colson Maldris. I do not understand of of Maldris's motivations for his actions, but I know a few things. He said something about 'slavery insidiously poisoning even the halls of freedom.'"

Venza also mentions, "One of the prisoners was a man named Halmont Warrith, who got out of jail early after a key witness in his trial suspiciously retracted his testimony. Maldris seemed to hold a personal grudge against Warrith."

Then he adds one last thing, "Maldis and the Gray Gardeners with him were headed north to Galt's capital, Isarn."

Venza talks with Petelungro about departing and fleeing to Taldor.


The group then speaks with the real Lofton. "I had searched for Venza in the Verduran Forest all those years ago, having heard that he was in possession of an artifact from the lodge. I am grateful to the Society for rescuing me from my complicated predicament. I plan on rebuilding my legal career in Absalom while helping the Society. Unfortunately, I think salvaging my career here in Galt is too risky. Though I'm glad to see a capable Venture-Captain leading the Woodsedge Lodge. I may or may not choose to return to the duties of a venture-captain someday in the future.


Talking to Eliza Petulengro, she is surprised and dismayed to hear Maldris is behind the kidnappings. [b]"Colson, you fool, I knew you had a lot more passion than sense, but to do something like this?". Turning to the Pathfinders, "Thank you for figuring out the cause of the kidnappings.". She listens attentively while you report all the details of the investigation.

"Do you have any insight into why he may have taken such a drastic action?"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Swashbuckler(rondelero)7 HP 67 AC 27, T 19; FF 18, F +7, R +13, W +9, Init +7(+9), Perc +11

A twisted view of justice? Maybe a break that caused his view of the justice system to skew or warp...hard to say...

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

"It's simple really... he sees the nouveau riche burgeoning upper class as a replacement of the nobles of old who used to be the slave masters of Andoran. He is now targeting their new seat of power: the Andoran banks, along with any major players that are contributing to this new layer of cake that is slowly settling into his lands of freedom and liberty."

The Exchange

Male NG Dwarf from Qadira | Cleric of Erastil (formerly Shelyn) 7 | DR5/bludgeoning 35/35 | HP 63/71 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +3, CMD 18 | F: +14, R: +9, W: +17 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19 | SM: +13 | Dipl.: +21 | Rooted Vitality 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: resist electricity 20, defending bone.

Jang raises an eyebrow after hearing Zzorn's explanations.

"But ... but this man is undermining everything that he stands for if he really does think that he can act without a lawful process! This is poison for any community!"

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn smiles. "Some would rather see the world burn than subjugate themselves to authority, legitimate or not. This Madris has gone rogue, and like a farmer putting down a rabid dog, our organization will no doubt chase him to the end of the Avistan and run him down..."

Liberty's Edge

Fighter 6| 25 ac (t:13;ff;22) 57/57 hp. |For +7; reflex +5 will+4; fear+2| init +2

Looking at the victims, i would say he probably seen the corruption inside Andoran himself that justice cannot attack. This is a perfect time for someone with a devil tongue to convince him to take drastic actions. I have seen it a few times." says Jacques.

Petulengro furrows her brows as you give ideas on why he did what he did. She takes notes. "Yes, yes, yes. There's a lot to talk about here. Several theories indeed. Maldris always thought of himself as noble and tried to do the right thing, but not this. There are better ways to do accomplish your goals than kidnapping!"

She exhales a deep breath, "Keep Madlris's involvement close to your chest for now. We must now play a delicate game of politics to ensure that Maldris doesn't ignite an international incident, dragging the Society's name through the mud by association and putting many lives at risk.".

Again, she exhales, thinking deeply on what to say, "For now, you have done an excellent job and you should be proud of the work you have done here in Woodsedge."

She quickly attempts to use divinations to locate Maldris, then shakes her head, "As I expected, he is warded. I'll hire other teams to pick up the work from here and I may call upon you again when it is time to make a decisive action."

Okay, that is the end of the scenario! Feel free to continue roleplaying if you want.

Primary Success Condition: rescue Venture-Captain Lofton from the fey and save Venza from execution. SUCCESS!

Secondary Success Conditions: (need four of the six)
-Banker MOrvius Korkovin is one of the prisoners -> SUCCESS!
-Lumber Consortium representative Sabrine Tularis is one of the prisoners -> SUCCESS!
-Halmont Warrith is one of the prisoners -> SUCCESS!
-Venza the Nick in his guise as Lofton bribed people at the harbor to conceal the arrival of the Drifting Current -> SUCCESS!
-A man convicted of treason in Galt, Estienne Jacquert, has been seen working with the Gray Gardeners -> SUCCESS!
Colson Maldris is behind the kidnappings. -> SUCCESS!

Grand Lodge

Male Human Swashbuckler(rondelero)7 HP 67 AC 27, T 19; FF 18, F +7, R +13, W +9, Init +7(+9), Perc +11

Well, if you need someone to go drag that mongrel in, send me a missive...I'm in. Now...who's up for a drink or seven at the tavern? We can take bets on how long before Zzorn punches a drunk in the face... Patros says with a laugh.

gg guys..ty for running this Mauve...i'm always down for your games if you run one...

The Exchange

Male NG Dwarf from Qadira | Cleric of Erastil (formerly Shelyn) 7 | DR5/bludgeoning 35/35 | HP 63/71 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +3, CMD 18 | F: +14, R: +9, W: +17 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19 | SM: +13 | Dipl.: +21 | Rooted Vitality 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Darkvision | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: resist electricity 20, defending bone.

Jang is still shaken.

“This is truly troublesome! I wish you good luck to protect the pathfinder society venture captain… we all are a community that is worth protecting!“ Jang says with a sad expression on his face.

Silver Crusade

NG Gnome Wild Whisperer (Druid) 6 | Mods: NA | Salazar II | HP 45 (-1) | AC/Tch/FF 19/12/18 (+4 vs. Giants) | CMD 13 | F/R/W +9/+5/+10 (+3 Illusions, +2 Neg Energy, 5 Neg Energy Resist) | Speed 20ft | Perc: +14 (low-light), SM: +3+1d6 | Init: +3 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Inspiration 3/4, Spells Tracked on Sheet

Dexter takes a deep breath, "And again, beating the crap out of people solves all the mission problems. Maybe someday it won't be that way. But then again, if a diplomat could do these jobs, they wouldn't send us. And yes Patros, I am up for that drink. Very much so."

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

"Ah, now we're talking! I will drink, but leave the punching to you Patros! hahahahaha!"

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