[PFS1e] GM Deussu's #6-08 The Segang Expedition CORE (Inactive)

Game Master Deussu

Maps, portraits, etc.

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Corba checks the items. She determines the belt to be a monkey belt, but none of the rest is magical in nature.

Corgrim determines the handwritten journal to contain text in vudrani, probably very old based on the paper's quality. Something the venture-captains are keen to get their hands on, surely!

After thoroughly investigating the temple—finding the tiny longbows the asuras used on the temple's entrance—the group begins to head back to where they first left off, in the opening with the leucrotta. As they leave the temple, wondering which way they should go, the Pathfinders find a clue in the jungle; there are marks on the trees, showing an arrow and a crude "BR" initials under it. Bomande Rudyahm left you guides to get out of the jungle before nightfall!

After a tiresome trek through the dense foliage, they arrive to the opening as the sun casts its last rays of the day. There, the baron is waiting by a campfire with the rest of the expedition maintaining the camp. The experienced huntsman easily notices the group arriving, and turns to them with a smile.

"You made it back, good!" the baron says with a genuine smile, "hopefully it was worth it. I dare not ask what you found, I'll most likely get to read about it from the next chronicle! And you better give me credit for escorting you there!" He sounds almost threatening by the end, only to burst into laughter. Rudyahm invites the group to join their last evening feast in the jungle.

Falroun Matsanda also expresses his satisfaction with the trip, and gratitude towards the Pathfinder Society. He is also overjoyed with the Pathfinder for helping him bond with his father-in-law.

Early dawn, the group heads back to the hunting lodge, and there to the ship, and leave once everyone is aboard. After yet another week of travel in favorable conditions back to Absalom, the Pathfinders depart and head straight to Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin's office to give a report of a mission accomplished.

Valsin is pleased to see the results of a successful expedition, especially counting in the success in diplomatic endeavors. He need only take a glance at the journal to determine it to be written in ancient Vudrani, belonging to a priest who accompanied Khiben-Sald on his travels around the Inner Sea. The other text is a copy of the Vudran holy text, Vigrahin Patitraka.

With a few weeks worth of new experiences in the Jalmeran jungles, seeing a verdant jungle with all its life, the Pathfinders are soon ready to face their next mission, wherever it might take them!


Feel free to write whatever your character might say, do, or act during the ending. I'll be procuring the chronicles as soon as possible, but you might have to wait for them till Saturday (UTC+2).

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 4 | AC: 20/14/17 | HP: 36/36| Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2 | CMB +8 (+2 sunder), CMD 20 (+2 vs sunder) | Init +2 | Perc +8 (+2 urban terrain, +2 vs undead)

”We were disappointed to learn,” Iladora reports to the venture-captain, in a tone that could more accurately be described as annoyance, ”that we weren’t the first to investigate the temple. Some others were only just leaving as we arrived, although I have reason to believe they didn’t get far. The shrine we found was clearly desecrated as well, though how recent the damage was we couldn’t tell.”

Iladora offers each of her allies a brief but cordial farewell after they’ve all made their reports, and heads off to await her next mission.

Grand Lodge

NG Human Cleric of Shelyn 1 | HP 9/9 | AC16 FF16 T10 | Init 0 | Perc +5 |F4 R0 W6 | Glaive: +0, Spiked Gauntlet: +0 |

We could have used your skills as a marksman at the temple smiled Ferrus "And the monkeys we were so keen on hurting half through our trip actually came back and helped. This jungle has it's ways"

After the return trip and the debrief from the venture Captain, Ferrus bids everyone farewell.

"It has been a pleaseure adventuring with you, hopefully Shelyn will guide me back to your company soon."

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