GMF's War of the Burning Sky (Inactive)

Game Master Fanguar

Current Combat Map

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M Half-Orc Warlord 1 I Urban Skald 1. HP 13/14, AC 20, FF18, T12. Saves: F+5, R +4, W +3. Att: 1d10+1d6+3 S, 19-20/x2. Reach, 3 AoO/turn. Init +2, Perc. +3, Sm -1. Darkvision. Conditions: None.

"That sounds like a good plan. If, of course, you are sure you can distract her well enough for us to get close." Arakar nods at Diogenes, feeling a measure of respect for someone willingly offering to be put on the other side of fireballs. "Is everyone on agreement with this? Perhaps you could form a distraction of your own, Gillfroy? that seems to be your specialty."

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

Gilfroy shakes his head. "Distracting rank and file soldiers who don't understand how magic works or what it's actually capable of are one thing. Fooling someone trained in spellcraft is quite another. But I'll see what I can do."

M Half-Orc Warlord 1 I Urban Skald 1. HP 13/14, AC 20, FF18, T12. Saves: F+5, R +4, W +3. Att: 1d10+1d6+3 S, 19-20/x2. Reach, 3 AoO/turn. Init +2, Perc. +3, Sm -1. Darkvision. Conditions: None.

"I'm sure something will come to us" Arakar responds, hoping that was true as he was too busy worrying if he could hit hard enough to down her in a single blow - and without killing her, at that. "That leaves the question of where to ambush her - at the dueling grounds, or somewhere en-route. Diogenes, how good is the visibility on these grounds, and how varied the terrain? Would it be easy for her to escape?"

"If it is enroute, then we run the risk of missing her completely. It would require guessing the route she will take."

"The courtyard has clear sight lines, but would give her the greatest chance of escape. With the open air above her, she could just fly away. The dueling ring is on the third floor of the tower. There are study rooms on the first two floors, which you could wait in and cut off escape. With her distracted by me, you may be able to take her by surprise."

"The student dormitory has the most restricted confines, but she could just barricade herself in her room. The rooms do have windows though, so I guess you could try to come at her from both sides if you wanted."

M Half-Orc Warlord 1 I Urban Skald 1. HP 13/14, AC 20, FF18, T12. Saves: F+5, R +4, W +3. Att: 1d10+1d6+3 S, 19-20/x2. Reach, 3 AoO/turn. Init +2, Perc. +3, Sm -1. Darkvision. Conditions: None.

"Khardon makes a good point. It is decided then - we will wait in these study rooms. Hopefully we will find them unoccupied, though with the invasion of the city going on, I assume many will have different priorities than reading books," Arakar responds, grimacing. "Lead on. What sort of signal will we receive that the duel has started? We could just listen for passers-by, of course..."

M Constable/Investigator HP: 12/12| AC: 16 (18) T: 12 FF: 14(16)| Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +1(+2 vs charm,compulsion, and emotion)| Init: +2| Perception: +3

Destin nods, the best potential plan. Though still a lot of moving parts.

He will try to size up their new compatriot, make sure he is actually on their side.

sensemotive: 1d20 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 2 + (6) = 16

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

”If we get inside a study room, I can make an illusion of the door that we would be able to see through, but she would have no reason to suspect, unless she decided to open it for some reason.”

M Half-Orc Warlord 1 I Urban Skald 1. HP 13/14, AC 20, FF18, T12. Saves: F+5, R +4, W +3. Att: 1d10+1d6+3 S, 19-20/x2. Reach, 3 AoO/turn. Init +2, Perc. +3, Sm -1. Darkvision. Conditions: None.

"That might have to do. We shall see what happens," The former soldier replies, keeping an eye on the surroundings.

@Destin: You don't get the impression that Diogenes is necessarily on anyone's side, but his dislike for Shealis seems genuine.

Diogenes nods, "That seems as sound a plan as any. There's no reason that Shealis should be wary of there being any illusions."

If there is no more discussion, he takes you to the tower, to show you the lay of the land. I've updated the combat map with the first two levels of the tower, so you can pick you hiding spot. The dueling ring is on the third floor.

Once everyone is situated in place, Diogenes cracks his knuckles. "Alright, I'm off to pick a fight. If all goes well, I shouldn't be too long." With that, he leaves and you find yourselves huddled in a cramped study alcove waiting for your quarry.

Now that you can see the map, feel free to adjust your plans and let me know if there is any additional preparations you want to do.

M Half-Orc Warlord 1 I Urban Skald 1. HP 13/14, AC 20, FF18, T12. Saves: F+5, R +4, W +3. Att: 1d10+1d6+3 S, 19-20/x2. Reach, 3 AoO/turn. Init +2, Perc. +3, Sm -1. Darkvision. Conditions: None.

Are we supposed to be in the small side rooms with the large connecting one in the middle being the dueling ring? If yes: Arakar is in one of the side rooms, let's say the top one of the left map. If not: He is near the door but out of sight, so he can hear them pass to the ring.

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

The left map is the ground floor. We should ambush her on the second floor, so she doesn't just run out the door and leave. I would say the second from the top (at about 10 o'clock) gives the best sightlines and charging lanes through the columns.

A solid plan, let’s go with it

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

Gilfroy takes a moment to really study the door, then once everybody is in the room, and leaving the door open, casts a silent image of the door closed and maintains concentration on it (which for him is a swift action).

The Will save to disbelieve is 16. The party gets a +4 bonus since they know it’s an illusion, and their quarry shouldn’t even get a save unless she interacts with it in some way (or is purposely looking at all the doors in case they’re illusions).

Will: 1d20 + 4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 4 + 2 = 21

Khardon stood by the open door, ready to charge through. ”We need this fooker alive?” He asked, as he readied himself.

The dueling ring is on the third floor (it the same basic layout, but no small rooms)

Yup, no reason that the target should expect the illusion.

Just to make sure I'm on the same page, the party is planning on rushing out when the wizards way by? Correct? If so, let me know at what point you would do so, so I know how to set up the combat map.

Khardon would do so once the enemy comes within 20ft. That way he can do a move action and then standard grapple

Unfortunately, the only real spot to get within 20 feet of the sorceress would be right be the entrance, which I don't think you want.

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

The room is 40 feet away, so if he stays right inside the doorway, he could charge, though that would mean no grappling.

Yup there's options. It's just whether you want to take her as she goes by, or sneak up behind during the duel. It's up to you folks.

M Half-Orc Warlord 1 I Urban Skald 1. HP 13/14, AC 20, FF18, T12. Saves: F+5, R +4, W +3. Att: 1d10+1d6+3 S, 19-20/x2. Reach, 3 AoO/turn. Init +2, Perc. +3, Sm -1. Darkvision. Conditions: None.

Arakar isn't exactly sneaky. He'd probably wait for an opening in the duel and attack.

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

During the duel she’ll be distracted. They should be able to make it up the stairs behind her.

M Constable/Investigator HP: 12/12| AC: 16 (18) T: 12 FF: 14(16)| Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +1(+2 vs charm,compulsion, and emotion)| Init: +2| Perception: +3

You can make a trip attempt in place of an attack, so you can trip on the charge if memory serves. Sadly, I'm not much better than your generic martial character until a few levels in ;)

Destin readies himself to move when their target is in range. This brought back memories. Odd, how one finds oneself often doing the same.

Khardon rolled his shoulders and stretched in anticipation for the coming conflict...

Excellent settled then.

Huddled in the study room, your keep you eyes peeled on the stairwell waiting for your quarry.

A short time later Diogenes reappears along with a blond elf woman. Her blue eyes flicker like shining sapphires, and her pale skin glows like snow. She wears concealing red robes, but the metallic gleam of chainmail peeks out from her collar. Her hands are covered by metallic gloves that shine like silver.

As they pass up the stairs you overhear their conversation. "This is a complete waste of time," the woman says with a sneer. "The city is about to fall."

Diogenes laughs, "Well then, we better hurry. This might be our last chance to settle things, and I demand satisfaction."

The pair reach the top of the stairs and move out of sight.


Gilfroy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Arakar: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Destin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Khardon: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Enemy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Combat Order
20 Khardon
15 Destin
9 Baddies and NPCs
2 Gilfroy
2 Arakar

Ok we'll start combat with them just moving to the 3rd floor. If you want to delay a couple of rounds to let them set up, that's fine. I just need to know, since the wizards are going to be casting spells at each other during that time and I have to track spell slots and arena conditions.

Stealth if needed: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12

Khardon was by no means a scout. The idea of moving quietly was never something that would naturally occur to him. As such, he dared not risk attacking now.

As quietly as he could he motioned to his companions. "Wait until they start casting." He whispered. "Once they're attention be put purely into the arcane, it'll make our surprise all the better, aye?"

M Half-Orc Warlord 1 I Urban Skald 1. HP 13/14, AC 20, FF18, T12. Saves: F+5, R +4, W +3. Att: 1d10+1d6+3 S, 19-20/x2. Reach, 3 AoO/turn. Init +2, Perc. +3, Sm -1. Darkvision. Conditions: None.

"Wait. I would wait until they've casted at least a few spells. The more tricks she has expended, they weaker she is. I'd say we wait as long as possible. Unless there is outside interference, or it looks like Diogenes loses." Arakar ponders, holding his huge bardiche in one hand. "Can any of you sneak closer and observe? Hiding around is not my style, nor is it a talent of mine."

M Constable/Investigator HP: 12/12| AC: 16 (18) T: 12 FF: 14(16)| Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +1(+2 vs charm,compulsion, and emotion)| Init: +2| Perception: +3

ready action charge for when I she moves within range. Then make a trip attempt in place of an attack(since I can't grapple on the charge)

trip: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 23 vs Flat foot CMD

We will be a floor below them if we let them pass. A wizard can't cast well when under duress.

@Destin: They already moved passed.

@All: I was just looking for a number. Let's say you wait 30 seconds after they pass. Anyways let's just get this going. Map is updated. Diogenes has cast obscuring mist that has filled half the floor. Shealis has cast flaming sphere that remains in effect. Khardon and Destin can act.

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

When it’s his turn, Gilfroy will cast bless on the group and start moving

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Interesting. I'll take a look.

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

GM, sent you a PM.

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;

Going camping with the kids until Thursday. Not sure on cell reception. Please bot me if needed.

Silver Crusade

feeling under the weather past couple days, but will try to get a post up sooner rather than later.

M Half-Orc Warlord 1 I Urban Skald 1. HP 13/14, AC 20, FF18, T12. Saves: F+5, R +4, W +3. Att: 1d10+1d6+3 S, 19-20/x2. Reach, 3 AoO/turn. Init +2, Perc. +3, Sm -1. Darkvision. Conditions: None.

Hey everyone, posting in all my PBP's that I'm going on a 1 week vacation starting tomorrow. I should be back on the evening of the 13th (of august). I'll have some internet access but will probably not be able to post daily. Please bot me if required. Best of fun/luck to everyone and hope to see you all when I get back!

I'll be traveling next week as well. Will have my phone, but anything with a map will be difficult.

I appreciate the heads up. Thanks for letting me know.

M Constable/Investigator HP: 12/12| AC: 16 (18) T: 12 FF: 14(16)| Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +1(+2 vs charm,compulsion, and emotion)| Init: +2| Perception: +3

still sickly, will hopefully get a post up today

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