Grim Symphony for Pathfinder 2e Outpost IV (Inactive)

Game Master DoubleGold


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8-07 Map DungeonMaster

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8-07 Map DungeonMaster

You all receive a letter that causes you to come here.
Greetings Pathfinder,
I hope this letter finds you well. The Pathfinder Society has been offered an intriguing opportunity by the ruling parliament of northwestern Ustalav, so I am requesting your help for a mission. Please meet me in Caliphas at my headquarters in the Vodavani Lodge and present this letter to me upon arrival. I am compelled to warn you that the refugee situation in Caliphas is somewhat dire, but rest assured that other members of our Society are working to ameliorate the situation as best as they can!
Thank you for your assistance,
Venture-Captain Evni Zongnoss

As you approach the area, the handsome dwarven prince waves from where he stands next to a heavy oak table. “Welcome,” he calls out, projecting over the sounds of the crowd. Beside him, a harried gnome clad in a blue robe decorated with golden crescent moons looks up from where she’s charting a precise path on a parchment map.

“Ah, you made it. Thank you for coming. As you can see, we have our hands full here,” Evni greets. “I believe you all should have received a letter from me containing your assigned destination?”

The gnome points to a flag on the map, marking a spot in the northwest region of Ustalav. “The Pathfinder Society has been given a special commission by the Palatinate parliament of northwestern Ustalav. There’s an old fortification in the foothills between Courtaud and Tamrivena by the name of Zagorstra Keep, built by the Oborov family and then abandoned when the line died out. The Society is to secure the keep so that the government can occupy it and use it as a guard post for the region. In exchange, the Society can claim any items of historical significance we find inside.”

“They’ve even provided us with an official eviction notice for any unwanted tenants that might be there, should it come to that!” Gorm says, pushing forward a bundle of papers stamped with a wax seal. “Though I doubt anyone residing there will be so easily reasoned with. Otherwise, why would the government be asking us?”

“The keep is the source of many local superstitions. We think it is likely to be occupied by dangerous creatures, so we’ve invited a number of priests to our lodge to provide holy water and other equipment. I think you would be wise to stock up on such supplies before you get underway,” Evni adds. “Apologies for the lack of better advice, but we didn’t get a chance to investigate the site as thoroughly as we’d have liked. You’ll be the first Pathfinders on the ground at the keep.”

“It’s a risk, but if it pays off, it’ll be worth it,” Gorm says. “I believe this keep may be the final resting place of a lost library I’ve been researching. If we find it, we’ll solve one of the great academic mysteries of the ages—not to mention the books themselves. The majority of the collection is over three thousand years old, which makes it quite the scholarly trove if any of it survived.”

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

What sort of dangerous creatures? Although if Holy Water is involved, I would suspect undead or unholy creatures.

CN Whisper Elf Rogue 5 | HP 56/56| AC 22 | F +9 R +13 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +13 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions:

Merisiel nods her head as she takes in the vast information provided by Evni. "What sort of terrain is the keep in? And do we have any information on the mentioned 'unwanted tenants' that could cause trouble?"

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

Do any of the locals have more concrete information, or even rumors, about what sorts of creatures may have taken up residence in the keep?

lore or gather information check to get something else?:
Bardic Lore: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 or Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
So, it's going to be one of those...

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Undead, yes and probably other weird creatures, so beware. It also might be trapped.
He then turns towards Merisiel and the rest of you. Terrain? Flat land. The mansion can't be on nonflat land, it would not hold up according to architecture rules. The surrounding terrain the mansion isn't on is ill relevant. Expect everything from cursed noble scions to ghosts to Tar-Baphon himself. I doubt it’s anything friendly, or the locals wouldn’t hate the place so much, but anything past that is hard to say. I suggest silver, and garlic, even if there are no vampires, well garlic tastes great roasted. Just show the nobles commissions from the council if they give you trouble, but they shouldn't.
Diplomacy or Society checks please. Wolfstine, that was a fail, but not a crit fail, you've already rolled this.

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

CN Whisper Elf Rogue 5 | HP 56/56| AC 22 | F +9 R +13 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +13 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions:

Society: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

"Undead? Well, we shall just have to forcefully evict them then!"

diplo: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Dr Bright looks over to Seelah with a deadpan expression. Presumably by 'forcefully evict' you mean off this Plane of existence as well as relieving them of their undead status

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

Seelah smiles at Dr. Bright, "Well of course, good doctor. how else would we do it?"

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Thanks, and yes, relieve them of undead status and cleanse whatever curse it has too.
You know the following...
Zagorstra Keep was built in 3409 AR by the eccentric Oborov noble family, who demanded bizarre features to confound potential invaders, such as trapped fake doors and staircases to nowhere. Legends linger that the family had the architect murdered after the work was completed.

As you approach the keep you notice the following..
Lightning illuminates the rain-slicked walls of the stone keep, casting the fortified facades in striking relief. Theroof of Zagorstra Keep is slanted at a strange, asymmetrical angle from the walls, making the building disconcerting to look at. The faint and haunting chords of a pipe organ can be heard beneath the downpour, granting an eerie ambiance to the approach.
Final chance to slot boons, I move on and post a map from here.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

The Pathfinder also see three entrances, South entrance-main entrance, a west entrance and a north entrance. They can also choose to split the party. But do they have light or can they see in the dark?

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

"Why must we always do these things at night? South entrance? It's opposite the main entrance, might not be as well watched, assuming anyone's watching us.."

CN Whisper Elf Rogue 5 | HP 56/56| AC 22 | F +9 R +13 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +13 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions:

Merisiel nods her head in agreement. "Agreed. The south entrance seems the most ideal entrance if we want to go in unnoticed."

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Dr Bright just shrugs. He's just going to defer to the experts.

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

As we approach, Wolstine looks around. It's getting pretty dark here. I can use a spell to see in the dark for an hour or so, or I can just put up a light indefinitely. Does everyone else have a way to see in the dark or will we need the light regardless?

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

I've got Darkvision as a spell which I can put on up to three of us. I guess that'll last the same as your spell.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

"That would be wonderful, doctor. The longer we can go without a light source, the better."

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

Well, as there are four of us and two who can cast the spell, we should both cast on ourselves and one other to conserve resources. I'd prefer not to announce our presence so broadly if not needed.

Wolstine will cast Darkvision on herself and on Merisiel. Lasts for 1 hour.

CN Whisper Elf Rogue 5 | HP 56/56| AC 22 | F +9 R +13 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +13 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions:

Merisiel accepts Wolstine's spell and squints her eyes a bit to adjust to the vision. "Thank you, Wolstine. This is going to be really helpful."

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Dr Bright will cast Darkvision on himself and Seelah. That too will last for an hour.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Heroes walk into the mansion south entrance, they hear haunting music. Piano playing, though it is coming far far away. You can choose to light the braziers though I doubt you will. You see tree vines crumbling into wall, and a few experiments here as a few corpses are missing their hands. I have described both A6 and A7 as you can see both rooms while entering.
First, 3 perception checks everyone. Second, Followed by Library, engineering or architecture lore. Third an athletics or crafting check, or another one of those lore checks, but please don't roll this last if you are low as a crit failure here is bad.


Feel free to move around, but let me move the blue squares and let me know when you have moved, I'll move the rest of the party as necessary, unless you tell me you are splitting the party, I assume you stick together.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Athletics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

"This place is gloomy" Seelah says in a very low voice...

I tried to paste my icon in the map, I fear she might be under something, can't see her. :)

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

@GM The map is set to only allow view access for me at least. I think you need to adjust the permissions.

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Heroes spot where the damage on the walls are and the plants invading them. They do not yet know what kind of danger this prevents, but they can try to remove them.
Seelah does try to remove the plants and repair the damage, but she can't. You failed, but didn't crit fail, so try again if you like. You can try an infinite number of times until you crit fail. By the way, I didn't know this, but after rereading you need to repair the damage in both A6 and a7, so you need two checks. Same Dc for both.
They spot the treasure bundle-a grim trophy and a mummified hand with gemstones embedded in it in A7.

CN Whisper Elf Rogue 5 | HP 56/56| AC 22 | F +9 R +13 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +13 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions:

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

Merisiel suddenly feels uneasy with all the corpses. "Ugh! What are they doing in this place! It's a complete mess!"

Athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

With Merisiel taking care of one room, Seelah tries to clear the other...

athletics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

"Better those corpses stay in their current state.."

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

Seelah looks frustrated, trying to uproot plants and failing.
"By the great powers, how deep are these roots?"
athletics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

"Ah, finally!"

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Merisiel crit succeeds on repairing one of the structures, and would have crit failed on the next, but a crit success provides a +2 to repairing all future structures, making that a 15 and just a fail. Seelah then tries twice and gets the second one repaired.

All the treasure is found in both rooms and the structures are repaired. Feel free to move around or state where you are going. Heroes may act.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

Seelah steps over where Merisiel is. "Let's see what's in this front room."

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Remind me again why we had to do that Dr Bright replied. I'm a doctor, not a structural engineer

He had been checking the corpses to ensure they weren't a threat to the others before following Seelah to where Merisiel is.

No idea Merisiel. But ... maybe we'll find out as we explore. But ... at the moment ... those ones are inert

CN Whisper Elf Rogue 5 | HP 56/56| AC 22 | F +9 R +13 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +13 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions:

"Good heavens to that! It just makes me shudder to think of the possibilities."

She follows Seelah's path hugging the shadows and searching around for possible traps or hidden objects.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Sheelah and the others move around to reveal all of A7. Just trying to replicate the feel as if this was a tabletop played on roll20 with fog of war on.
Heroes can move again, you can reveal more of A6 or mabye A6 connects to something, or you can go north.

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

Wolstine readies her bow and stays alert for possible enemies.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

If that room is empty, Seelah will move back to peek in the other 'front' room.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Heroes would have checked the west room and see, well just more of the room and Sheelah sees more area up front. Everyone place yourselves between the two red lines, combat is about to start.

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Of course, being a gentleman, Dr Bright will let the ladies go first - besides, at least one of them has a big wacky weapon.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

The pillars at the front of the entrance hall suddenly hum to life, power flowing through them to create a low-pitched chord that flows throughout the keep. The pillars next to them light up a second later, playing a higher-pitched chord that forms a discordant harmony. Set by set, the pillars leading to the swirling red dais ignite, each rising in pitch to create a sinister cacophony. Suddenly, lightning strikes the top of the dais, and a hulking figure slowly stands, its movements jerking and ungainly with unlife!

perception init: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 some kind of zombie Roll init and go if before it.

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

perception init: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

religion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Dr Bright casts Bless

CN Whisper Elf Rogue 5 | HP 56/56| AC 22 | F +9 R +13 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +13 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions:

Stealth Init: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

perception init: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Seelah takes a step forward, raises her shield and awaits the skeleton's advance, ready to strike it.

stride, raise shield, ready a strike with sword

"Let it come to us."

Longsword: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19
damage: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (3, 8) + 4 = 15

Edit: Forgot the bless, that would make the to hit roll a 20

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

Perception Init: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 10 + 2 = 25

Perform Check for Lingering Composition: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
6th level is our highest, so DC 22, which makes that a fail. Everyone gets Inspire Courage for 1 round.

Bardic Lore: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24 What is that thing?

Wolstine fires an arrow at it.

+1 Striking Shortbow + Inspire + Bless: 1d20 + 12 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 12 + 1 + 1 = 25 for 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3) + 1 = 9 piercing damage.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Dr. Bright knows the zombies has all the immunities an undead that can feel no pain and has no brains would have. Also a weakness to positive 10 and slashing 10. He then says a prayer to make sure all his allies can hit better.

Wolfstine gets more info AC 21; Ref +9, HP 160.
It is called a ZombieMinihulk. Wolfstine does shoot it in the hand peeling off some skin and flesh and squirting out old blood. If I ever overdo the horror let me know, I'm trying to give this a horror theme.

Seelah takes a swing at it, but doesn't realize how much fat, rotted flesh, dirt and goo is on it and bounces off. She looks at her sword and sees all the black goo on it. It don't have DR, it is just a miss. Good move Seelah. You don't want to be on the red platform anyway.

Zombie single moves and takes a wide swing and slaps you both with rotten smelly meat. Which hits two pathfinders at the cost of one action hit: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31 this targets both Sheelah and wolfstine. Wolfstine, you have cover, +2 to your AC.
If hit take dmg: 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (6, 10) + 9 = 25 damage.

All Pathfinders are up. Map

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Dr Bright steps forward and extends his Bless Aura to ensure all the Pathfinders are in it.

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

Wolstine grunts as she absorbs the hit, steps back, continues singing the Cranberries for you, and fires an arrow at the zombie, which is totally not in her head.

Perform Check for Lingering Composition: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26
6th level is our highest, so DC 22, which makes that a success! Everyone gets Inspire Courage for 3 rounds and I spend one focus point.

+1 Striking Shortbow + Inspire: 1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 12 + 1 = 24 for 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 3) + 1 = 7 piercing damage. think it should have lesser cover(+1) as one of my allies is between us.

You are right @Seelah, both Inspire and Bless are status bonuses, so won't stack

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

Seelah grunts in pain. "Uhnnn.. tough bugger."

She then raises her shield again and trues two swipes against the behemoth.

Longsword: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 14 + 1 = 18
damage: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (3, 2) + 4 = 9

Longsword: 1d20 + 14 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (9) + 14 + 1 - 5 = 19
damage: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (2, 4) + 4 = 10

I believe inspire and bless are the same bonus and won't stack, right? Plius, dang. msot of my dice rolls have been low digit numbers for pretty much all of my games. Dicebot hates me. :)

CN Whisper Elf Rogue 5 | HP 56/56| AC 22 | F +9 R +13 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +13 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions:

Merisiel goes out of the shadows and joins her companions in attacking the zombie. She goes around the other side to flank it. She takes out her weapons and strikes the creature with her dagger.

+1 Striking Dagger: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 14 + 1 = 26
Slashing Damage: 2d4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1, 4) + 4 + 1 = 10
Sneak Attack if applicable: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10

Stride, Interact (Draw +1 Striking Rapier), Quick Draw (Draw Dagger and Strike)

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

wolfstine sinks another arrow into it just below the knee squirting out some rotten flesh.
Sheelah misses even though she is blessed by Mr. Bright, she never seen so much dead fat in her life that her sword just keeps getting stuck.
Merisiel swings the dagger cutting off tons of flesh from the zombie and doing extra. Below the flesh, he can see the muscle, though the muscle does not contract, it is dead muscle, but it still works and it smells even worse. You dealt 30 total damage. It took 46 damage so far.

It goes, it tries to slap two of you with hunk of rotten, smelly meat, Sheelah and Mr. Bright as one action hit: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37 if hit take dmg: 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (10, 7) + 9 = 26 blunt damage. Looks like a crite Sheelah and Mr. Bright took 52 damage that attack.

And the second and last attack goes to Sheelah hit: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27 if hit take dmg: 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (10, 10) + 9 = 29 Sheelah I believe you are down.
All heroes are up.

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8-07 Map DungeonMaster

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Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

Player: CigarPete
Character: Wolstine
PFS: 52875-2001
Level: 6
Faction: VS I think
Boons: nothing to discuss right now.

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Player Name: Keith Smith (phaeton_nz)
Character Name: Dr Sirius Bright
PFS Number: 124312-2003
Level: 5
Faction: Radiant Oath

Cleric/Healer of Sarenrae plus Profile needs updating.

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

Are we going to run if we don't get any more?

8-07 Map DungeonMaster
Wolstine Delwaris wrote:
Are we going to run if we don't get any more?

I can legally run with 2 or even 3 according to the rules. But only if you and Dr. Bright are okay with it. We would probably start a few days late because of it though. Like 2 to 3 days late.

Dark Archive

Hey DG!
I do not have a 5th level PFS2 character yet. Would love to play though, are there pre-gens you can play with, like PFS1 or are the rules different now!

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Yes there are 5th level pregens for Pathfinder 2.0. don't know the exact page on this website, but type it in on the search bar at the top, you should be able to find them.

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

I'm fine with running a pregen - we can all bot if needed.

Dark Archive

Awesome. I was just assuming the playing a pre gen was similar in PFS2. I'll sign up on the form and get a character up here by the end of the weekend. Looks liek it's a bard and a cleric so I was thinking either Amiri the barbarian or Seelah the champion. Anyone have any druthers for one over the other?

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Given from what we know about the scenario, I'd go with Seelah.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

Seelah it is then. Actually had a few minutes so I got started on her here. :)

Envoy's Alliance

Maps and Handouts

Hi there. Wanna help out as well with a pregen. I haven't read the dates yet but are these scenarios going to be done before the special? Thinking of who to assign this chronicle with.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Done before the special? The special is run during outpost IV, the same time this game is being run. Unless you are playing the special at some other convention.

Envoy's Alliance

Maps and Handouts

Alrighty. Thanks for the clarification. Will roll up a sheet for Merisiel in a while.

Envoy's Alliance

Maps and Handouts

Player: Marjim Marc Arafiles
Character: Mindartis Nightbreeze
PFS: 259680-2002
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Boons: N/A

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Now that I know how many challenge points I'm working with 9, who is what class and the fact that there won't be any more sign-ups, this will start late so I have time to look it over. Certain monsters have certain things in every scenario, like monster X might always attack casters first. Other monsters have more freedom, like no suggestions or anything as to how to play them. Got to make sure I'm not TPKing you. I will post the introduction on the 16th, but I won't be done with briefing and put you in the actual mansion until the 18th or so.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

No problem, DG! I only signed up because you were running it and looking for bodies. :) There's plenty of time to play..

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

Take you time to be as ready as you need to be.

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Updated Profile and Character sheet. New one linked from Profile Page.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

Thanks for the PM. I had not dotted in game play and didn't know we'd started. :)

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Boons: Team Player(Reaction), Fruit Basket (General), Seasoned Diplomat (Advanced)

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

Assuming no boons for pregens. Don't really see a rule on that after a quick search. :)

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

So, does anybody have anything else they want to do? If not I'll move you all to the second floor, ie basement tomorrow.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

Sounds good. The only thing I can think of is to heal up if needed. Was one of us still hurt?

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

I'm going to be out of town and with limited internet/computer access from tomorrow, Saturday, until Wednesday, April 7th. Please feel free to bot me in the meanwhile if needed.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

Hello all. We are staying home and being boring for Easter weekend but my office room is being painted Saturday/Sunday. Might be slow on the posting. bot as needed. Have a nice weekend and Easter all!

Also, hey Wolstine, I think you are in the higher level SFS game with Yith. :)

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

I'll post the new area on Monday, I figure you all are enjoying Easter Weekened.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Seelah, missing PFS number from you and character you want this applied to, and faction.

Day job rolls

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25

Medicine Lore: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26 Expert

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

Perform: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8
DoubleGold wrote:

Seelah, missing PFS number from you and character you want this applied to, and faction.

Day job rolls

Oh yeah. That might help!

Player Name: Joey Martin
Character Name: Playing pre gen Seelah, actual character Zallarra
PFS Number : 73425-2001
Faction: Envoy's alliance

I believe there is no day job roll for pre gens. Not sure so if in case there is...
perform: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Thank you for running and thanks to all for playing was fun. Enjoyed playing Uber Seelah. :)

Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

There's definitely a day job for pregens in PF2. I think GMs get one too actually.

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Game reported and mine is going to be all excavation points.

CN Whisper Elf Rogue 5 | HP 56/56| AC 22 | F +9 R +13 W +11 | Perc +11 | Stealth +13 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions:

Earn Income Lore Underworld: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

It will be a day or two to get chronicles out to you all, kind of tired.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

No worries, DG. Get some rest. :)

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

Chronicles done, I forgot to tell you, I need email or discord ID to get them to you.

Radiant Oath

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25


Vigilant Seal

Female N Half-Elf Bard 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | F 10 R 13 W 10 | Perc 10(+2 Init) | Speed 30ft | Spells: 3rd 1/3, 2nd 3/3, 1st 3/3 | Focus 2/3 | Active Spells: None | Active Cond: None|
Focus Counter Perf, Loremaster's Etude, Lingering Comp, 3rd Summon Fey(Sig), Slow, Heroism 2nd Invisibility, Grim Tendrils(Sig), Darkvision 1st Soothe(Sig), Ill Omen, Magic Missile 0th Insp Courage, Detect Magic, Light, Shield, Telekinetic Proj, Message, Inspire Defence

sent a PM as well.

Human Champion 5 |LG | AC 23 (25 shielded) | HP 68/78 | Fort +12 Reflex +8 Will +10 | Perception +8

e-mail is:


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