Skorpahlich |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Skorpahlich pauses to watch the vesk. Not having grown up in what one would call a "normal" vesk household, he is completely unfamiliar with the pageant itself and even of the historical era it is set in. He is mostly just surprised to see vesk *actors!* His curiosity sated, he quickly catches up to the rest of the party to continue the tour.
Shokil |
SM: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Shokil smiles as the tour starts. When he hears tell of knives though, his bump for trouble starts to itch.
He glances around, edging closer to the ambassador in case of trouble.
Makai |
Sense Motive, DC18: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Makai is ignorant of gnomes and ambassador's reactions during their first interaction. She wanders behind looking at things with mild enthusiasm. Theaters were not her things. However, when Jebodah begins to speak of holo-set technologies, she pushes towards the gnome and asks
"Oh that is most fascinating, I am most interested in technologies. My side gig is a sound engineer position and few times we used holo-presence technology so a band could have presented on stage in Akiton while being on Absalom Station. It helps small bands to be more global in reach, and it provides a feedback mechanism for musicians to feel even atmospherical phenomena. After setting up the sound I had a feeling of sand in my teeth for a couple of days."
Makai looks all excited when she realizes that the trip was supposed to be about the ambassador she slowly moves back towards the end of agents.
CrimsonDM |
At the stage door
Diplo, Venari: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
The ryphorian continues, "... but you have Mr. Hamisfore right here. He makes all the decisions anyway. And if he's approached tactfully, he'll talk to anyone about new acts. He's even given impromptu auditions."
On the tour
The acting in the pageant is just bad. It's stilted and awkward, almost all declamatory, not at all natural. But looking at the ornate, ancient looking costumes, these may all be deliberate stylistic choices to maintain fidelity to a historical style.
At the end of the scene, Jebodah ushers you all out of the room. "Classical vesk melodrama. I don't understand what the patrons see in it, but it does pay the bills. That about wraps up the tour. The only areas left are the business offices and the technical spaces. One of those is very dirty and the other isn't safe. "
As she's done a few times on the tour, the Hammer raises a hand slightly, then let's it drop again. She looks at each member of the group.
Jebodah throws out a hand. "This way. I'll let you out the front door. It will drive people waiting for rush tickets mad with curiousity."
Celly |
sm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Excuse me Master Jedodah Celly interjects I believe the Ambassador has a question?
She turns to the Ambassador. Please. Ask what is on your mind. Or, if you would rather, whisper it in my ear and I shall ask it for you.
CrimsonDM |
Now that she's backed into a corner, the Hammer finds her voice. "Mr. Hamisfore, your Theatorium is magnificent, and I thank you for the tour. Your time must be very precious. I'd like to talk to you about one more thing. We have a unique singing tradition on my world. That we would very much like to present to the Pact Worls from your stage, the most august in the system."
She ducks her head. "I am only an amateur, but I could give you a sample if you please."
Hamisfore stares somewhat stonily at the trox; his fingers stroke his small pointed goatee. After a few seconds he says somewhat frostily, "Very well, madame. Let us hear it."
The Hammer's head ducks even lower, but then she straightens up. She sets her feet well apart, then stand rigidly erect and cranes her head upward. In eerie high pitched vibrato fills the hallway. Then her small arms begin moving back and forth to create a can of scraping modulated drone. The music is atonal, but flowing with odd empty beats of silence. After a couple minutes, the sound trickles down to nothing. Her body slumps and her head ducks again.
"You may have something there, madame. On its own, it might appeal to the haute folk art devotees." More chin stroking. "What say we run you past a small test audience? You could open for the Dammerung Trio; they are performing in our before they were famous series tonight. I believe the audience would be suitable. If you can manage a favorable reaction from the audience, I'll book your cultural exchange."
CrimsonDM |
It's arranged quickly, after two hours of rehearsals The Hammer will open for the trio. The impressario's enthusiasm seems to be growing. The Hammer would be all smiles, if chitin plates could smile properly.
Jebodah leads you back to the vesk's rehearsal room. "All of you out! You don't open til next week. No wait. Stay and watch her stand. You need to be that stiff if you are going to be accurate. Then get out! This could be something big."
But after the first thirty minutes of practice the gnome seems to be losing some energy. He observes quietly to the party. "She's overthinking it now. She doesn't seem comfortable alone on stage. And it needs a visual element, something dynamic ..."
Celly |
Celly has a short think. "Like an aquatic dancer in the background? she asks softly.
She turns to the Hammer. Ambassador. If my performance could help your performance then, with your permission, I would be honoured to be on stage with you
Makai |
Makai nods to what Celly is saying.
"Yes Ambassador, I can handle the sound quality and some visual effects to highlight Ambassadors performance."
She extends her hand and from 1 foot above 3 balls of colorful light begins descending spiraling around a central axis.
Casting dancing lights spell
Venari Hitoru |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
apologies - been fighting the boards and busy work schedule, thanks for the bot
Having followed the tour quietly, in awe at the sights and sounds of a theatre before show time - Venari blinks as the Hammer makes their request - they had forgotten to bring the subject up! Too late now as they are hurried into the rehearsal room and subjetc to the 'Unique' stylings of Troxian music. Hmm, I'm more of an Dread Pirates of Eox fan myself, but this is culture I suppose... they think to themselves, wisely not opening their mouth.
At the mention of Celly dancing to accompany the performance they cough slightly. "Hmm, i'd be happy to help!" they offer, before frowning as they try to work out how. "WHere do you want me? I am yours to command!"
Shokil |
"Or we could script the music into the core of a slightly larger piece... I could certainly write something up...."
Profession -author willing to lend a hand here!
Celly |
Celly starts to wonder what she started. Maaaaybe all we need is some sort of special effect .. maybe adding a dance might drag the attention away from the Ambassador.
Still, Hylax has gifted me with limited telepathy. With your permission Ambassador, I could be an encouraging presence in your mind. Besides, you're not the first performer I have had to help get past initial nervousness.
CrimsonDM |
The Hammer seems quite enthused by all the offers of help.
Called away by other business, Jebodah leaves you to your own devices.
The ryphorian from the stage door drifts by during rehearsal and catches Venari's eye. "Had to come down and see how you all are doing. News about your test audience is getting around. Mr. Hamisfore was talking to our publicist. He seemed a little worried about this show. The key thing to remember is that he will be watching the audience, not the performance.
"If you want to come back for a bigger show, you've got to get the audience revved up."
Shokil |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Typewriter, I need a type writer. Can't think properly and let the creative juices flow on a termianl..." mutters Shokil.
He plonks himself down in the corner, quickly working on a script that places the Hammers performance front and center for the audience, while still giving appropriate acknowledgement to the peaceful nature of their race.
profession(author): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Yes, I could have picked a higher skill to check, but really... chance for an author to actually write something. He's gona take it.
Once the performance starts, he worms his way through the crowd, using his size to advantage. Every now and then he drops off a quick sentence, complimenting the performance.
"Wow, never heard something as awesome as this. Totally out of the world."
bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
The points out to anyone close by how the peaceful nature of the Trox is a perfect balance to the music. "Who would have thought that such an aggressive people would be in reality so peaceful. Don't you just love the way the chitin offsets the singing?"
culture: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Skorpahlich |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Standing at the back with the vesk actors, Skorpahlich watches the performance. He's not sure what it is that he's seeing, and he has no real appreciation for art, especially atonal singing, but it is interesting nonetheless. He comments in vesk to one of the thespians, "She is one of the top performers of her art where she is from, you know."
Bluff to boost her reputation with the audience: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
As the performance continues, a small group of skittermanders pop in to check out the new performance. "I expect her people will need help getting adjusted to Absalom when the full diplomatic entourage arrives. Assuming this performance passes muster, that is."
Diplomacy to get the skitters excited to Help!: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Perception to watch the audience: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Skorpahlich soon spots a young lashunta man lounging at the side of the room. The man is intent on the vidgame he's playing on his personal comm, and not watching the Hammer at all. Tsk, tsk, that will not do, the vesk thinks. Unlike Venari, our vesk does not "see" multiple universes overlayed atop each other. Instead he imagines the world as he wants it to be, and then "flips through" the minor adjustments to reality that it would take to make that happen.
In this case, he flips the pages of universes until he finds one in which a bolt from an overhead light unit happens to fall onto the young lashunta's comm unit. His game interrupted, the man actually starts watching the performance.
Psychokinetic Hand to drop something.
Celly |
Celly offers Shokil her pen and notebook. During the performance she does block out some dance steps to the music. She also makes some comments comparing the harmony of the music to the Universal Harmony that Hylax offers.
She also wonders where the skittermanders came from.
Shokil |
"My dear, we all wonder where Skittermands come from. And I don't just mean Vesk-3" says Shokil.
"Yet, whenever they are needed, there they are! Truly I have used a helpful skittermander as a plot device more than once! Well, twice is more than once. "
Makai |
Makai stands next to the audience when the performance begins. Her hair changes color from silver to red and back, showing some signs of nervousness. She hers the singing and comments
"I don't like the sound quality here, too many basses for such performance."
She rushes to the technical room and shoves aside whoever is there
Profession(sound engineer): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Her fingers move through the soundboard as she listens to the voice in the headset.
"For such high pitched voice you need to set it up a bit differently."
As she is glad about her effect she comes back to the audience and begins commenting
Physical Science: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
"You hear that voice, the reason why it is atonal is due to where Troxes live. On asteroids with asymmetrical shapes and highly irregular tunnels, such singing can be appreciated on bigger distances and is less altered."
Than having nothing better in mind, Makai tries to assist the performance by doing hand shadows on the sidewall.
Sleight of Hands: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
But it does not go as well as previous attempts.
CrimsonDM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The performance takes place in a smaller concert hall upstairs. It appears to be paneled in wood-framed taupe burlap. The 150 seat hall is a little over half full when the ambassador takes the stage to polite applause.
Buoyed by all your efforts on her behalf, and the knowledge that you'll be there for the performance, The Hammer seems much more at ease. She plants her feet, draws rigidly erect and begins a now familiar tune. The audience listens politely at first.
Lights play over the stage. The sound mellows and grows fuller a few moments into the performance. The front rows stand and begin moving in imitation of Celly.
Circulating through the crowd, you can catch fragments of hushed conversation, and even repeats and variants of phrases you've planted.
" ... gnarly, farout, out of this world ... truly ethereal, trans-planar ... Awesome! ... I understand that she is a full diva on her home world ... it carries, like yodeling ..."
The audience seems to be enjoying the show very much, if quietly. Additional people filter in. There is a brief burst of enthusiasm from a party of skittermanders in the back of the hall.
Yow! You guys are killing the rolls.
Venari Hitoru |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Whilst the others work on the Script or sound - Venari takes the time before the performance in an attempt to drum up a crowd for the Hammmer's Performance. Taking a stock of Leaflets printed by the helpful Ryphorian receptionist they trawl the district, looking for all manner of 'artsy' types into what is 'hip' and a unique experience.
"You won't believe your Auditory senses! A truly unique performance that is sure to blow your mind!" they declare to a crowd of mixed citizens of Absalom Station. In deference to the Hammer's views on influencing people with magic, they refrain from their usual tactics.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
They also spend a bit of time, 'convincing' fellow Starfinder agents who are currently hanging around the Seeker's Respite of their need to show up and help Venture Captain Chiskisk - and send the Shirren a personal invite to the performance, though leaving out the 'persuasion' on that one.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Finally, during the performance they begin whispering chains to their audiences - outlandish 'facts' about the deeper meaning behind it and the life of the Hammer.
Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Well, that about balances it out :p. FUn fact, i messed up the coding on the last roll but managed to roll a 6 on a D209...
CrimsonDM |
The performance ends. The crowd applauds with a restrained enthusiasm that is the hallmark of a fine performance of haute culture. Jebodah seems well pleased. He's waiting in the wings while the Hammer comes back from a short encore, wreather in leaf-mold. "Madame Ambassador, I believe we can do business. If you are a talented amateur, I can't wait to have a professional group on my stage."
After a few pleasantries and the exchange of contact information Jebodah hustles you away to make room for the next act.
A radiant trox ambassador looks at you all, "Thank you all so much for your help. That couldn't have gone better. It's been a dream of mine to perform in a setting like that. I'm also pleased to have secured the opportunity for cultural exchange."
" Where to next, my dears?"
Shokil |
"Well... are you hungry after the performance? Would you like to try our food... or go straight out to space to see the station and the Armada? "
He leans slightly closer, lowering his voice. "I know that sometimes space doesn't agree with my stomach.. so if you want to eat after the viewing, that would be more than fine."
Venari Hitoru |
Breathing a sigh of relief as the performance is over, Venari slumps in their chair - if this was Culture then others were welcome to it! With the auditorium empty and silence returning to the hall, the Pirate makes their way down to the stage and gives the Hammer a bow.
"A roaring success indeed! Well done Madame." they praise with a smile. "So, off to the Armada next?"
CrimsonDM |
"Thank you. I am not hungry, but if you would like to eat we may. I am in your hands."
Eat or sight-see. It is entirely your option.
Let's say it's about 8 pm.
Skorpahlich |
Skorpahlich finishes up his conversation with the vesk actors. He was surprised at their open and accepting attitude towards him, and how unlike the other more brutish vesks he had encountered they were. Perhaps stereotypes are indeed unfair. I must watch my thoughts more closely, he concluded.
As he belatedly rejoined the team and their charge, he catches Shokil's suggestion of eating. Again.
"Perhaps we combine eating with shopping after the tour. Are not many of those establishments near each other anyway?"
Vote for flight tour first. What could go wrong with that? ;)
Shokil |
"Let us go take in the sights!" agrees Shokil
Celly |
Flight tour sounds good. Celly replies. I've been looking forward to that
And yes Ambassador. I look forward to hearing your .. erm ... culture's professional performances She ponders a bit. Assuming the negotiations are successful, I believe I would like to visit your planet to take in the culture
As the party head off to the next stop, Celly turns to Venari. I have been trying to figure out how you perceive reality and I have to admit, I have more questions than insight. Are you aware of which reality you are currently in, so that you are .... grounded in it. Or is it possible for you to be confused about which reality you are actually in? If that is the case, should I be concerned that you, reacting to something we cannot see, could be a danger to yourself or us, or even an innocent bystander.
She offers him her card for psychological counselling sessions, just in case.
Makai |
Makai joins the ambassador grinning from ear to ear.
"Well done! That was something that aliens will talk about!"
She offers high five to Shokil and waits a moment to calm down.
"It is a nice evening for the sight trip. We just need to find a ship or cruising company. I am on it!"
She sits in the corner and takes out her datapad.
"No, not this kind of cruise..."
Compter: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
"Take a look at that!"
CrimsonDM |
The top of Makai's search results is Periphery Tours, Private Deluxe Package. The two hour cruise features a trip through the Armada with near passes by the Starfinder's own Master of Stars, a Steward's Squadron, the Iomedean cathedral ship Repentance , and other famous members of Absalom's station's neighbor-flotilla. The tour finishes with a fly-over of 'the Eye of Absalom as a living green gem set in crystal, ringed in silver.'
Tours are available on demand, and the price is quite reasonable, given that you are chartering a whole ship instead of a few seats on a larger public tour ship.
"Oh, that's it! The living green gem! That must be where I read it. We must take that one."
Skorpahlich |
"Could someone make the reservation? Ah, thank you Celly. Then we should get going," Skorpahlich says to the group. As they proceed through the corridors of the station on their way to the docks, he hangs back with Venari and Celly. He, too, is curious about how Venari interfaces with those parallel realities. Perhaps there's something I could learn from the damai's experiences.
@GM Is there anything we need to do en-route? Or do we just need to get a couple votes to proceed?
Ninja'd as I was writing :)
Makai |
Makai packs her datapad and gets going.
"Looking at the armada sounds fun. I can't wait to be on the ship again."
She walks down the corridors thinking if there is a better route for the Ambassador to enjoy.
Shokil |
Shokil nods, producing the credit stick that was offered earlier.
Let us charter the ship and see the site!"
CrimsonDM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
There's a 200 credit deposit to hold the ship, readily transferred from your cred stick, and 300 due when you pick it up. Celly completes the transaction quickly. The ship is waiting in docking bay 327.
You troop to the Absalom tube, a pneumatic train system for rapid transit around the station. The cars are small. There's just room for all of you and two teenage ysoki on the seats of the car. The ysoki are wearing synthetic leather and have what appear to be bone piercings through their ears. They get off a stop ahead of you.
Your stop is lower in the station. Down here there is no attempt to disguise the fact that you are in a construct. You find yourself in a broader version of the access passage to Hamisfore's stage door. A mixture of warehouses, fabrication shops, and stark residences line the corridor.
Maybe not the best district, but it is the space ship equivalent to a city wharf.
At the docking bay, a thin human woman waits in a thick glass-fronted booth under a banner showing a silhouette of Absalom Station surrounded by seven stars. "You must be the Celeste group. Welcome to Periphery Tours. The finest tours in the Pact Worlds. That will be 300 credits, and please sign these standard liability waivers. "
Venari Hitoru |
Venari rocks their head from left to right at Celly's question, a soft hum passing through their lips as they ponder it. It was something the Damai hadn't thought about for some time now. "I don't know how to explain it really - It's only when my concentration lapses that I see them as an outline - almost like a hologram at times when one overlaps with another." they shrug and except the card, stuffing it in a pocket on the inside of their long coat. "Don't worry though! I always focus when the screaming starts and I'm not a shoot first kinda guy" he attempts to give her a disarming smile before following Makai to their dream cruise.
Strolling over to the docking bay, Venari shudders at the price mentioned Good job we have the expenses card! they think to themselves as they try and stand straight and look like they 'belong', hiding slightly behind Celeste to draw attention away from him.
Culture: 1d1 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
"After you Madame Ambassador." they gesture towards the documents.
Makai |
Makai is grinning as they reach the docks. She is ignorant to any information about the company, place, or people that they can meet there. Untrained in Culture.
She waits for Ambassador to board the ship and proceeded after her.
"The Armada is quite a view, I saw it when I came to Absalom Station so I am really thrilled that we will have a proper trip."
CrimsonDM |
The trox steps up to the glass and signs the forms with apparent relish, ending her last signature with a large flourish. She steps through the doorway marked "To the docking bay."
The woman behind the counter thrusts more forms forward for each of you to sign.
The docking bay is bare except for a large spaceship in the center. The main hull looks like two parallel flattened cylinders, joined where they touch. On the right side is a third, shorter, flattened cylinder with a wrap-around window at the front. Arrows painted on the floor direct you to the passenger hatch.
A heavy systems umbilical cable connects it to the floor. A halfling-sized spiral reinforced fabric air hose is being collapsed by a large four-armed alien in a flight suit. Finished with that the technician begins removing the umbilical.
Shokil |
pilot#1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
pilot #2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
"I wonder why they provide such a large ship for sight seeing?" muses Shokil.
"Maybe they got it cheap. This is a StarEmber 500. Small haulers that were popular about thirty years ago. Probably retired from her original role."
He goes up to the technician.
"Everything checks out okay?"
Celly |
Celestia Celly corrects with a resigned look. Obviously she's getting used to the fact that her name keeps getting mangled. She transfers the credits, making sure to get a receipt, even imaging it for storage on her datapad. She then signs the relevant documents.
She's also looking if she's not sure she actually understands Venari's explanation but, as long as he's confident he knows which reality he is in, she seems satisfied.
After looking at the ship she comments to Shokil. I'll have to take your word for that I guess. As long as it works and it's spaceworthy. To be honest, I can't really tell the difference between a Drake and a Pegasus without looking at the ID markers - which amuses Chryssi no end
She's still looking excited for the trip, which is obvious from the brightness of her 'glow', and frequently checks her pocket camera to make sure it's ready to go.
Skorpahlich |
Skorpahlich skims the standard waiver without really knowing what he's looking for. He assumes that by signing it, his heirs and estate can't sue in the event of his death. If he had any relatives at all perhaps it would matter, so he signs the waiver without another thought.
"I haven't seen the Armada since I arrived on Absalom also. And even that was just a brief view." he says to Makai as he walks alongside the dwarf toward the ship. I wonder if the Steward's ship I arrived on is here. Probably not, but it would be nice to see it again.
CrimsonDM |
He goes up to the technician.
"Everything checks out okay?"
The big alien looks at you and responds by shaking its head in a sort of figure 8 motion. It lifts a three fingered hand with its thumb up.
A human man in a satin-like flight jacket with the Periphery logo steps off the ship to usher you on board. "Welcome to Periphery Tours. Your ship is the Flashing Comet. "
He leads you between the small side hull and the main hull where you enter an airlock in the neck joining the hull segments. From the airlock a double door on your right leads into the main body of the ship, but the man ushers you through a matching door to the left.
"There's a lounge and bathroom back here. The observation deck is all the way forward. There are complimentary beverages in the refrigerator."
You walk through a strangely shaped room with wide, swivel chairs upholstered in something like leather bolted to the floor in front of consoles covered with sheets of metal.
"The ship is fully automated. In the unlikely event that something goes wrong use this communication panel to contact the company."
The observation deck features an impressive expanse of glass, but the view to the left is obstructed by the main hull.
"Enjoy your flight."
The man departs and joins the large alien in completing flight preparations.
The Hammer sets herself in the center of the observation deck. "Oh, this is very exciting."
Celly |
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Celly pretends not to notice and actively attempts to make sure the Ambassador doesn't notice either by extending the conversation.
Oh I quite agree Ambassador Celly replied. I've been meaning to do something like this for ages. Chryssi offered to charter a two person scout ship to fly us both on our own private tour but then Chiskish got us involved with the Drift Rock affair which led to us infiltrating the Downside King's nightclub and what with one thing and another lately, there just hasn't been the opportunity.
While she's talking, she's investigating the contents of the refrigerator.
Anything in here you would like? as she retrieves a fruity beverage.
Shokil |
percetpion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Shokil ensures that the ambassador has the best seat, and then surreptitiously checks out the rest of the ship.
"Just going to make sure there are no joy riders or other unexpected stuff that might make the trip ... difficult." he says.
Skorpahlich |
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
"That is an unusual fashion accessory you have," the pale vesk remarks while pointing at the man's shoe. "Is there a meaning behind having it attached to the right shoe as opposed to the left one?"
Regardless of the man's reaction, he joins Shokil in examining the ship. He checks the bathroom in particular to make sure it is clean enough in case the Ambassador needs to use the facilities.
After the crewman has left, he comments on the strange nature of the ship to Shokil out of hearing of the Hammer. "This is a stupid ship to use as a sightseeing vessel. Half of the view is blocked. And without a crew, who is to explain what we are seeing?"
Shokil |
"I don't think it was originally a sightseeing vessel. More like they welded this pod on to another ship to provide a view. Though that does seem a slightly unusual way to do things. I wonder what they have in the rest of the vessel?"
His imagination goes wild on him. "Smugglers? Packed with anti-matter bombs in an attempt to destroy the station? Ten years worth of back issues of 'Pumping Adamanine' videos?"
Makai |
"I don't think it was originally a sightseeing vessel. More like they welded this pod on to another ship to provide a view. Though that does seem a slightly unusual way to do things. I wonder what they have in the rest of the vessel?"
His imagination goes wild on him. "Smugglers? Packed with anti-matter bombs in an attempt to destroy the station? Ten years worth of back issues of 'Pumping Adamanine' videos?"
"Have you said bomb? You don't say bomb on a spaceship!" :P
Then looking a bit concerned she adds
"Maybe we should take a look around the ship to make sure there are no threats." suggests dwarf.
Celly |
You guys go if you want to Celly replies. I'll stick with the Ambassador. But yeah .. I presume they've got a pre-programmed flight plan and a recorded commentary
CrimsonDM |
"That is an unusual fashion accessory you have," the pale vesk remarks while pointing at the man's shoe. "Is there a meaning behind having it attached to the right shoe as opposed to the left one?"
The man looks down and turns red, but doesn't venture a reply.
Shokil leads a search party aft. They pass through the room of covered control consoles, and check the head. Further aft is an auxiliary engine room. 'The lounge' looks like it was formerly crew quarters. Two couches line the outer wall. The minibar is in the corner. The former captain's quarters have a bed and small first aid station.
Celly is proved right when the ship's speakers erupt with a recorded message.
"Welcome aboard Periphery Tours private cruiser, the Flash Comet. For your safety during departure..."
Outside the satin man and big alien wave and retreat into the airlock. The ship lifts off and backs out of the bay, then slowly yaws and rolls so that Absalom Station is clearly visible through the starboard window. The recorded message drones on uninformatively.
Shokil and company discover the door to the main fuselage is locked. Like much else about Periphery Tours, the 'security' is a little slapdash.
The ship boosts out slowly on a course which looks like it will give the Armada a very wide berth. The recorded message drones on repetitively.
DC 14 engineering or computers check to open the door into the main hull.