About SkorpahlichMale vesk (Venomthought) death-touched Enhanced witchwarper 8
SP 56 | HP 46 | RP 10
Speed 30 ft, Fly 30 (average) {Jet pack, 5 ranks in Acrobatics} Melee unarmed strike (Vesk natural weapon) +6 (1d3+12 S) Ranged: disruptive Binding Blaster, Orb pistol +9 (1d6+4) 30 ft., B vs EAC, force, stun, disruptive, [Bind (entangled)] Spells Spells per day: Rank 1 = 6, Rank 2 = 6, Rank 3 = 3 Witchwarper Spells Known CL 8, +8 vs SR, Spell Focus feat (+1 DC included) . . 3rd (3/day)—dispel magic, slow DC 20, soul surge* . . 2nd (6/day)—fearsome reputation, force blast DC 19, revealing light, slice reality DC 19, Wall of Steam . . 1st (6/day)—jolting surge, life bubble, overheat DC 18, puncture veil, swap initiative . . 0 (at will)—churn fluid, detect magic, psychokinetic hand, star walk, token spell hazard DC 17 2d4+4 damage
Scaling 0-Level Spells:
Low-level spellcasters often rely on damaging 0-level spells (energy ray, hazard, injury echo, and telekinetic projectile) to injure their foes, but these spells can become obsolete as spellcasters gain levels and find weapons that deal greater damage. This rules variant allows spellcasters to rely on their damaging 0-level spells throughout their adventuring career. Make the following changes to the spells named above at the levels the character attains in a spellcasting class. Each increase happens only once at the indicated level. At 3rd level, add half your character level to damage with these spells. At 7th level, increase the damage of spells that deal 1d3 or less damage to 2d4. Increase the damage of spells that deal 1d6 damage to 2d6. At each of 10th, 13th, and 15th levels, increase the damage of these spells by one die of the same type (d4 or d6). At each of 17th and 19th levels, increase the damage of these spells by two dice of the same type. At the end of this progression, a 19th-level spellcaster’s energy ray deals 9d4+9 damage of the chosen type, while their telekinetic projectile deals 9d6+9 bludgeoning damage. Spell Gem of: alter enhancement and see invisibility, comprehend languages, remove condition and remove condition, lesser, change of seasons, tongues *May be undercast. May also cast 1 additional spell per day using Energize Spell (below) --------------------
*Alternate Theme Knowledge (Pharasma): Reduce the DCs of Culture checks to recall knowledge about a society’s funeral rites or beliefs concerning death by 5, and reduce the DCs of Mysticism checks to identify undead creatures by 5. Diplomacy includes +1 from normally slotted Publicist boon Feats
Languages: Common, Eoxian, Vesk / Jinsul Class Abilities
Infinite Worlds: (SU):
Range of Effects: 180 feet, 10-foot radius spread DC = 17 + Spell level used (includes +1 from Spell Focus) Uses: SL 1 = 6, SL 2 = 6, SL 3 = 3 + 3 extra (see Seek the Breach below) This class feature was revised significantly in Enhanced, though it refers back to the original content in CoM. Interstellar Species also added additional options to the base ability for all users. Enhanced: This ability functions as the Character Operations Manual witchwarper’s infinite worlds ability, with two exceptions:
Interstellar Species: The following are additional effects you can choose from when using the witchwarper’s infinite worlds class feature. These effects are available to witchwarpers of any species. Character Operations Manual: As a standard action, you can create a bubble of altered reality, projecting elements of parallel existences into your current universe. You expend a witchwarper spell slot of 1st level or higher to create an environmental effect, such as summoning fog or thick vines from other realities, which lasts for a number of rounds equal to your class level unless specified otherwise. Alternatively, you can create an instantaneous effect, such a flash of fire from an explosion that occurred in a parallel universe. The particular effects depend on the level of the spell slot expended. All effects created by infinite worlds use the following rules unless they say otherwise. They have a range of 100 feet + 10 feet per witchwarper level and affect a 10-foot-radius spread. If you create multiple effects with one use of infinite worlds, they all originate at the same point. If an effect calls for a saving throw, the DC is equal to 10 + the spell level expended to create the effect + your Charisma modifier. You can define the cause and appearance of infinite worlds however you wish (subject to GM approval), but the effects themselves are only quasi-real and have no effects beyond the game mechanics listed as options for this ability. You can instead create multiple, milder effects in place of a single, more powerful effect. When you do this, you select two effects available to any version of this ability created by expending a lower-level spell slot than that you actually expend. For calculations based on spell level, use the level of the spell slot you expend. For example, a 10th-level witchwarper could expend a 3rd-level spell slot and select either a 3rd-level effect or any two abilities normally created by expending 1st- or 2nd-level spells. The environmental and instantaneous effects you can create by sacrificing a witchwarper spell slot of a given level are as follows: 1st level effects
2nd level effects
3rd level effects
===[End Spoiler]=== Otherworldly Skill: A witchwarper’s training is often as eclectic as their magic. Choose one additional skill and add it to your list of class skills. (Stealth) Seek the Breach: (EX) You have a knack for spotting where realities intersect. Twice per day, you can activate your infinite worlds ability as if you had expended a spell slot of the highest level that you can cast, after which you cannot activate seek the breach again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest. You gain an additional daily use of seek the breach at 4th level, 10th level, and 16th level (to a maximum of 5 times per day). Overload Reality: (SU) With intense effort, you can combine numerous realities at once. As a full action, you can both use your infinite worlds ability and cast a witchwarper spell whose casting time is one standard action. You must expend the spell slots for each effect separately. You choose both effects, as well as their targets and areas, when you use this ability, after which you resolve both effects in the order of your choice. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest, though you can spend 1 Resolve Point at any time to use this ability again without resting. Paradigm Shift: Eldritch Secret: You can draw specific magic effects from other realities, allowing you to access spells normally not available to witchwarpers. Select one spell from the mystic or technomancer spell list. It must be of a level no greater than 1 lower than the highest-level spell you can cast. Add this to your list of witchwarper spells known. Each time you gain the ability to cast a higher level of witchwarper spells, you may swap out the spell gained with this paradigm shift for a new spell of a maximum level no greater than 1 lower than the highest-level spell you can cast. (Revealing Light) Compound Sight: Choose a skill (Intimidate). You gain a +1 insight bonus to checks using that skill. This bonus increases by +1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter. You can change your chosen skill every time you gain a witchwarper level. At 9th level, you become more adept with your compound sight and can choose two skills to apply it to. Paradigm Shift: Shifting Offensive: (SU) As a standard action, you can touch a weapon that deals damage and temporarily change its damage type. If the weapon deals kinetic damage, you can change it only to another type of kinetic damage; if it deals energy damage, you can change it only to another type of energy damage. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn. Alternate Outcome: As a reaction once per day, you can reroll one attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check that you attempt. Alternatively, you can expend a use of this ability as a reaction to cause a critical hit against you or an ally within 100 feet to instead be a normal hit. Paradigm Shift: Arcane Override (Energize Spell): (SU) You’ve developed a way to brute force technological problems with magical determination. You gain a 2nd-level technomancer magic hack for which you qualify. When calculating the magic hack’s effects, your technomancer level equals your witchwarper level–6, and you can use your Charisma modifier instead of Intelligence. You can take this paradigm shift a second time to gain a 5th-level magic hack if you are at least 11th level, and you can take it a third time if you are at least 14th level to gain an 8th-level magic hack. Energize Spell: Once per day as a move action, you can use a battery or a weapon’s power cell to power your spellcasting, enabling you to cast one spell you know without using a spell slot. This expends 20 charges per spell level from the battery or power cell and requires you to touch the battery, power cell, or weapon. You must cast the spell before the start of your next turn, or the charges are wasted with no effect. Weapon Specialization: You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type this class grants you proficiency with. Dread Vitality (Theme 6): You draw dark strength from the spark of negative energy within you, and you gain a fraction of the resistances that undead creatures have. You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against disease, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. Equipment
Other Gear personal comm unit, spell gems (see spells), rad out serum, Ferocity Blazon, Apprentice Elemental gimmick (cold), spell putty level 3, everfull mug, Ultra capacity battery = 100 charges (not in weapon, just on belt), Arcanascopic lenses Augmentations: Personal upgrade Mk 2 (CHA), Personal upgrade Mk 1 (DEX), upgrade slot species graft (spine): infrared sensors |