Hell of a Summer (PF1 Eberron)

Game Master karlprosek

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Male | Half Elf | Eldritch Archer | Level 2 | AC 15; T14 FF11 | 14/14 hp
FRW +3 +4 +2 | Perception +6 LLV | CMD 17 | Init +4 | MW Comp (+2) Longbow +6 (1d8+2, x3) 110' P | MW Elven Thornblade +6 (1d6+2, 18-20) P/S

Declan's eyes widened at Idrassa's assertion. What an unexpected turn of events. "Why, how, when-" he began before shaking his head to refocus. He carefully set his tea down on the table and started again, "How do you know, and what was their motive?"

F Human Summoner 2

"Lady Gralhund has a nimblewright in her retinue," Idrassa replied. "An exact match to the description, right down to the red robes and the feather in its hat. Seems like too much to be a coincidence," she added.

"As for the motivation, I'm not sure. Lady Gralhund has a reputation as a schemer, and the family is known to reach." The human shook her head. "It doesn't make sense for anyone to blow up a market area, but they're ruthless enough to do it if it suits their purposes."

To be fair, I think you've all come to the conclusion that the explosion was targeted at the gnome Dalakhar (who was the loyal spy/servant of disgraced Lord ir'Nelview, assumed by many to have stolen half a million galifars a few years back before leaving the city). The nimblewright threw the fireball then went through Dalakhar's pockets once he was dead then ran away.

Also a reminder that while half a million whatevers might not sound like all that much, it's roughly the equivalent of $100M. It's not even a small fortune, it's a real capital-f Fortune.

Male | Half Elf | Eldritch Archer | Level 2 | AC 15; T14 FF11 | 14/14 hp
FRW +3 +4 +2 | Perception +6 LLV | CMD 17 | Init +4 | MW Comp (+2) Longbow +6 (1d8+2, x3) 110' P | MW Elven Thornblade +6 (1d6+2, 18-20) P/S

It's just that link between Dalakhar and the Gralhunds we need. Why did they target him? Was it just about the money? Are the Gralhunds in serious debt with anyone? Or are they just "OMG, giant stacks of cash just sitting there!"

Check... here, this post.

If the Gralhunds are trying to be players, winning the Grand Game (and more specifically, beating real power players like organized crime groups or major noble houses) would be a great way to enter the city's upper echelons.

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