Nasar's Clubbed Narrative

Game Master Nigawabi

Nasar the rouge has always had a wild time holding onto people. When he is cursed with a sentient shadow of an Ooze he slowly begins to turn the only thing by his side. Where will this dynamic duo go next!?!

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M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar stretches a bit before a thought pops into his head, one he’s been wanting to address but has been avoiding. ”Hey Lily, you seem to have changed your whole stance on using your...demon powers. H-how comes?”

Male Human

Lily's eyes widen for a sec since she does realize the gigantic contradiction shes made since they first met. Well... I don't know, I mean there here... why not use em? she rubs her arm a bit shy like, No harm in using a little magic to pull some strings right? And I mean whats power if your not gonna use it?

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar goes to rub his arm in much the same way Lily did, realizes he was gonna make it obvious he’s a bit nervous so he crosses his arms. But that might look like he’s angry or something so he now doesn’t know where to put his arms so he puts his hands in his pockets. ”I-uh no I understand, it makes sense right? If you have the powers why not use them?. I was just-um just asking, mhm
Man I don’t get it, why does the prospect of her using her powers freak me out so much. Is it just because she’s a succubus.

Male Human

She puts a nonchalant hand up however. No yea your fine were all one team right so it pays to know. But yea I'm trying to get back into the groove of using them. Nothing too crazy... yet.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar let’s a out a long sigh of relief now that the uncomfortable conversation is over. ”Yes, like that thing you used on Marissa to...encourage her to steal. Is she still under a level of your control?”

Male Human

Lily smirks, It was just a little push is all. And yes, every succubus has a gift they can give to another that temporarily strengthens them as long as I keep that connection. I can talk to her from any distance and also give her little magical suggestions to do the things I say. Nothing too crazy but I wanted to keep it on her in case she ever got cold feet.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

”Well after prowling the shops with her, I don’t think we need to worry about her getting cold feet, I don’t think I’ve seen her so full of joy while I’ve known her. I am curious if your gift would be able to coax her out of one of those rage states. With her accelerated lack of morals, I’m a bit more worried of her accidentally offing one of us now. Something to keep in mind, and just...don’t get carried away.” Nasar takes a moment to chuckle at a thought he has. ”I know if I had the power to sway someone’s actions like you can, I would probably find it hard to not abuse it.”

Male Human

Lily laughs as they begin walking back to the guild, Oh trust me I'm thinking of ways to abuse it. I'm just still focused on my alchemy so those things dont cross my mind. she flips a coin in her hand and places it in her purse. Speaking of which that reminds me of the owner of the pot! Lets see if we can't scrounge up any info on that coven!

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar smiles ”Well my devious partner, what shall we do first, steal the book before Deract or whoever wakes up today leaves for his plans today, or scrounge up info on this coven?”

Male Human

Lily taps her hand on her face. Right the book. Ok lets go! and with that they find themselves getting back home to find Bean and Deract still sleeping.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Stealth :3: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (9) + 24 = 33
While still early in the morning, Nasar moves a bit lazily in comparison to how he would normally sneak through an area. He makes his way over to wherever Deract keeps his things and tries to find the book.

Male Human

will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
D,D, or D?: 1d3 ⇒ 3 oh boy

Nasar shuffles through the small bag and finds the tome. As Nasar holds it in his hands he hears it whispering to him. Open open shadow open learn dominate suppress control all the words scramble through his head in different tones as he holds the book.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar takes the book and hurries back out the room as soon as he can, grabbing Lily by the wrist/hand as to not dillydally. He whispers to Lily as he goes to make way out of the room. "Lily the book is talking to me, I feel very violated. The only one allowed in my head like this is you." He gives another look down at the black book, focusing on its promises of power and being the one in control.
The power to dominate people...I could control people like Lily can? That

Male Human

Lily reaches for the book, Oh yea whats it sayin?

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar looks at the book in his hands, trembling a bit at all this juicy temptation in his hands. "It's uh it's" Nasar definitely zoning out just mumbling the three words to himself while looking at the book. If she doesn't take it soon, it might end up opened.

Male Human

The book continues practically pulling at his hands whispering the words in unison with his mumbling. Open chaos open power control ooze ooze ooze ooze ooze the longer it sits in his hands the more it whispers "ooze" to him.

Lily looks at Nasar. Well we gonna see what it says? Crack it open.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar opens the book without acknowledging what Lily has said to him, seems like the voices in his head finally got to him. Time to go crazy with Lily.

Male Human

Nasars eyes go wide as he dives down the equivalent of the hole Aloce dropped down to goto Wonderland. Nasar sees himself in 3rd person from behind as he makes his descent down the galaxy colored abyss. He slowly makes his stop as he floats into a void as if he were underwater. Nothing is seen around him but darkness, he hears whispers like before. Here now Ooze control power strength Ooze Nasar.

Nasar simply floats in space for a breif moment until a gray dolphin with black blotches slowly swims its way towards Nasar. It opens its mouth staying motionless though it makes words. I say you look a bit lost? Do you know where you are chap?

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar peers into the void around with with no sign of Lily, he then looks to the dolphin. "Well...I was reading this book but then I sort of ended up here. I?"
Well, alone again. Hope I'm not here TOO long.

Male Human

The dolphin closes its mouth to grin. It opens once more. Ah so just visiting I see. Another one holds the book, and the power to harness the shadows I see. Hello Ooze it seems you've returned to us for the moment. and with that he lets out a dolphin sound before several other figures join from the outskirts of the dark void. A shade looking figure with menacing sharp teeth wafts over slowly and just floats. A large alligator snapping turtle slowly floats over with its large orange fins, its back decorated with diamond shapes. And a cubical gelatinous glob rolls its way as if it were on the ground towards them.

The cube sounds nerdy and nasally when it speaks... like Mandark from Dexter's Laboratory, Whats up slime. Here for some enlightenment? Well you've come to the right place. and it makes a wet sniffling sound.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar clearly looks overwhelmed, almost like someone getting sensory overload after being inside all day doing nothing. He looks to the cubical slime. "Yea I guess, I was told that I can learn more in relation to my shadow here. Where am I anyways and why does this book connect my mind here?"

Male Human

The turtle begins speaking in a low wise tone. This place is a sort of Plane in itself, a piece from the shadow plane funneled into a small book of curses and bindings. All shadows are born here before they find a host, simply as globs of ethereal energy before manifesting around the hosts desires to form a coherent body. And in so they will always be drawn back, every user who expires finds there soul going down the Soul Cairn, but there shadow resides here as its life cycle is fulfilled. There are thousands upon thousands of shadows that reside here. This is the reason so many seek to be enlightened by those that came before them. But with it comes a price, some shadows seek to antagonize those that enter here unwarranted. As an unwelcome visitor comes in uninvited, those vengeful spirits lay curses on those as they depart and those unlucky enough to fail to exert there will over it never leave the same. as you listen to this turtle you realize... thats Lucky's shadow?

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar listens and he nods his head to what the turtle is saying. "So this finding a host thing. How is it decided who ends up with a shadow? Is it just random, do you find someone that fits with the shadow/would be a useful host in the other planes? From what I gathered on my end is there's some connection to me, when someone formally agrees to fight by my side they end up with a shadow." Nasar then realizes that the turtle very much seems like Lucky's shadow. "Unless there are multiple diamond back turtles around here, then I remember you. You were the shadow of a former partner of mine. It seems like she didn't gain a shadow, in much of the same way with the rest of that group, until I came to accept my place with them as a team. In may have been around the time I took up position as de facto leader."
Gods damnit was I always going to end up with these shadow things around me, it was just a matter of time until I finally opened up and found some friends again.

Male Human

The turtle beings its head low and smirks, Yes, I was the dragonkins shadow. That mortal has taken on a new form in the same race for power you are following Nasar. Who knows, you may even have to go against him one day. But you, you are a natural born leader. The shadows need and look for a strong host, they won't choose someone they don't think will live to bring them up to a level of power they seek. Maybe your shadows stuck around to make sure they got the leaders guidance.

The cube floats around Nasar. Hey Slime, you know how to slingshot? You have a pretty fluid shadow you and Ooze should be able to use it to your tactical advantage?

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar nods along to the turtle’s words That makes sense, wanting to stick around someone that they see as more than capable. S&*! the slime is talking uhhh ”Uhh no I can’t say I know ‘how to slingshot’. Sounds like something that could move me around the field of combat faster.”

Male Human

The cube vibrates with excitement, Awe yea Slime here I'll explain it. The cube splits in two and one imitates Club and the other a horrible imitation of Nasar. Pseudo-Club lays on the ground and all of a sudden jumps up to form a thick rope like object that sits sideways like the ropes of a wrestling ring. Pseudo-Nasar runs into the rope and runs a solid 10 feet back into P-Club before jetting forward at almost double the speed he usually runs. P-Nasar vibrates as it speaks, You see Slime, for every little bit you charge up behind Club you can burst forward triple the amount. So a 5 foot slingshot will send you 15 feet instantly. Any slingshot over 15 feet charged though will need some serious work up to charge. Meaning you might have to charge into Club first and have the back space to sling yourself. he then depicts P-Nasar running a distance before he braces as P-Club ropes up and they collide, P-Nasar turns in the ropes after flying a solid 20 feet into P-Club before an elastic SNAP is heard as P-Nasar flies forward with the speed of a cheetah. Hes dashes forward a whole 60 feet and slides to a stop. Its real great with charging people too Slime. Try it out!

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

”Ok, club turns into a rope, I run and stretch out Club and he launches me 3x the distance the other way. Sounds simple enough.”Nasar summons Club and tries go mimmic the rope appearance that the slime cube did. He then takes a good run into the ClubRope 15 feet back and tries to launch himself the expected 45 feet.

Male Human

Nasar takes to the ropes wrestler style and is launched a solid 45 feet forward in a fraction of the time itd take him to get there normally and with double the momentum.

Add this to Clubs Entry: As part if a move action Nasar can choose to run the opposite of the intended direction in order to 'slingshot' himself in the correct direction. Any distance Nasar moves backwards is multiplied by 3 when determining how far Nasar moves forward. Any measure of distance can be turned into a charge maneuver and for every 10 feet charged back Nasar can add +1 to his CMB for the maneuver.

If Nasar wants to charge backward more than 15 feet the action must become a charge maneuver instead of a move action. Nasar can only charge as much space is available to stand on (ie no charging if Nasar is backed against a wall)

The cube congratulates Nasar. There ya go Slime you got it!

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar fixes his clothes after being launched by Club. ”Well that is certainly useful, maybe I can incorporate this into my offense to control the flow of the fight.” He then looks back to Hostless Turtle ”If someone comes here you said they can end up cursed by shadows here, does that mean the affliction can be fixed by simple magic to remove the curse? Someone in my team has dabbled to much in this plane and got a bit messed up.”

Male Human

The dolphin cuts in, Oh that little demon fellow. A real prissy chap if I say so myself. I'd say good on him he had it coming with the way he acted. But yes something like restoration magic to cure insanities will do.

The shade raspilly adds in, Jussssst make sure youu don't have one ffffffollow youuu.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar looks around ”I appreciate the concern. do I leave here? Do i just...will myself out or do i need to find the exit. A bit new to this place.”
Man if I come back crazy...I hope I’m one of the laughing ones...not one of the screaming ones. I don’t think I have enough of a messy life to get split personalities.”

Male Human

The turtle says slowly. You simply wait until your body feels its time to go.

And if Nasar has nothing else to say they wait around for Nasar to leave by some unforseen force. He begins to ascend upward and out the void back into his own mind. See ya later Slime. they all wave him off.

Dices (be better for RP if you didnt look):

1d4 ⇒ 4
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
1d100 ⇒ 30
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Nasar once again comes too in the hallway he escaped out with Lily in. The book has stopped speaking to him and now just lays in his hand closed. Even if he tries to open it it stays clung shut. Lily looks at Nasar, Are... you good now? Hello?

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar blinks a couple times before looking at his hands and the book. ”Good, I’m back.” He looks towards Lily ”I think so? I don’t feel different which is a good sign. I got some information, one piece being we can fix Deract with a restoration spell.”

Male Human

Lily looks to bring Nasar inside. She takes the chair off the outside of the door so its no longer locked from the outside. Took you 4 hours to figure that out. Cmon lets get you sitting finnaly. Hide the book I heard banging on the inside since Deracts awake but hes being weird so I locked it from the outside. Lily readies to open the door once Nasar tries to hide the book or do something with it.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar puts the book deep into his back to hide it and as he takes a step his knees buckle for a brief moment. ”WOAH jeez next time let’s sit down before i crack open the tome of crazies. I’m good to do this, legs are a just a tad sore.” Nasar is ready to open the door with Lily, hands ready to draw his weapons. ”Maybe there’s more than just the two sides of this ready for anything Lily.”

Male Human

As they step inside they see Deract with his hat of disguise on. Instead of the usual demon they see the Derek persona they've been using to keep him a secret, he looks to be messing with his human nails biting them down. Derek looks to the 2 of them and looks a bit perplexed at their cautiousness in entering the room. You guys good? Don't seem so spooked and shizz.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar looks to Lily incredulous as to what is going on. He turns back to Deract Derek, dropping his guard and relaxing a bit. ”This is what you were so concerned about Lily? It’s just him being his usual self in the morning. Right Dera-forced cough Ahm, Right Derek?”

Male Human

Derek shrugs his shoulders. I mean yea if some loser didn't try to lock the door from the outside. I pulled it open but it quickly slammed shut and then it wouldn't budge. So I just chilled out. But now you guys are here, wanna go get some grub! It should still be early enough to grab a bite from the mess hall.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar looks at Lily. No emotion, just pain. "Sure thing buddy. Let's go 'get som grub" Nasar goes to walk to the mess hall, talking to himself in draconic. "That freakin clod got bested by some shoddy carpentry. AND THE DOOR WASN'T EVEN BLOCKED! Just OPEN THE DOOR AND THE CHAIR WOULD FALL. How in the umbral's name did Lily know such a thing would work."

Male Human

Derek and Nasar have breakfast alone as everyone has come and gone with the breakfast rush. As they sit Derek says to Nasar, So whats on the agenda for today? Or are we just chillin out and soakin up the free time while we're off the clock?

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

”Well Lily and myself were doing things ourselves but I think she’s going to want to return to her alchemy. So i have nothing planned for today now.”

Male Human

Derek frowns at the plans or lack thereof. hmm... well I guess I'll just find something to do around here. I have no clue where I put any of my weapons or armor so I can't really trek out anywhere... Derek thinks for a second. I could always hit the library and read up on some theif stuff... nahh i don't like reading much.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar has a bit of a devilish smile on his face ”Ya could always see what Lily is up to, sure someone like her could use so help here and there.” He can bother her some, be funny to hear her complain about that afterwards and gives me some free time to practice this new skill with Club on the training grounds

Male Human

Derek shrugs, Yea gives me something to pass the day with, we got... 5 days until the house gets built so I should see what I need to take from the room. Alrighty Nasar I guessing I'll talks to ya later gator! and with that he heads back off towards the room leaving Nasar to head to the back of the guild to the training grounds.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar sighs with relief now that Derek has left him alone. With no one around to look at him like he’s insane, he speaks to himself in draconic ”This new ability would make getting around a lot easier. I should practice with it to try and get used to the feeling of the movement. I do have an idea of possible using it to move vertically, could help with scaling walls by giving me a boost. Who knows, maybe one of the girls will be out practicing too, well Genesis is probably at the library so the only possibility would be Marissa. Ah well, even if she isn’t some peace and quiet would-wow I am just rambling to no one right now. I might be losing it.” Nasar makes his way to the training grounds to test put his Club’s new move and to experiment with using it to move vertically too.”[/b]

Male Human

Nasar dashes around the courtyard propelling himself like a pinball around and even manages to score off a few 'doubke slingshots' where he uses the momentum of one slingshot to charge into an even faster slingshot! He runs to sling himself 45 feet and immediatly after taking off from Ooze manages to charge the other direction a solid 30 feet back, he feels the increased tension as he whips off of Ooze and shoots a whopping 90 feet in mere seconds!

After running around for a bit of time Nasar leans against the rope and decides to fall back on it to spring upward. Falling back on Ooze like a trust fall manages to spring Nasar up 10 feet in the air as he wildly regains his bearings and lands on the ground. He then tries to high jump and fall into it.

Take 20 on Acro: 20 + 22 = 42

Nasar manages after a few jumps to get 10 feet high and falls right onto Ooze and flings himself up 20 feet. His acrobatic prowess and the soft dirt makes his landing smooth but he knows anything higher or landing on anything harder might risk his safety.

Add to Ooze's entry about "Going To The Ropes" (you should dub it that lol) :If Nasar has enough space to charge vertically he can fly upward at 10 feet per 5 feet charged. Vertical charging can only be charged to a maximum of 30 feet charged.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

After a good hour or so of flinging himself around, he dusts himself off and heads over to-
Man idk who I want to interact with rn: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Marissa’s room.
I wonder if Marissa would want to get some training in. NOT sparring, im not that crazy but it could help to explore our shadows some more together.

Male Human

Nasar knocks on Marissa's door to find Kami the bard answer, he looks quiet flushed in color as he speaks. H-hey Nasar, whats up? his usual funny and outgoing demeanor is replaced with a fearful tone.

M Fetchling Rogue 9 | HP 73 | AC 21 T 18 FF 21| Ft +7, Rf +15, Wl +5| Init +12 | Perc +13|

Nasar looks down at him, ”Uhh Kami you doing alright? You look like you’ve seen a specter.”

Male Human

Kami looks around behind the door before he leads Nasar inside. Have you seen a difference in Marissa lately? She's very... cold? Her whole village was murdered a couple nights ago her entire village was killed, then it was raided by orcs looking to scavenge anything they could pickup. Her life back home is gone but shes... indifferent?! Its scary man! And now she keeps barking orders to me about cleaning up in the house... I HATE CLEANING!!

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