Venice by Night - V20 Vampire the Dark Ages

Game Master Dennis Harry

Prince Narses Elysium

The Original Bloodlines Thread

Dramatis Personæ

Our Protagonists

Geoffroi de Clairvaux - Clan Salubri
Onfroi the Bastard of Burgandy- Clan Nosferatu
Lorenzo Cappelli - Clan Cappadocian
Bernardo Morosini - Clan Gangrel
Michele Querini - Clan Setite
Ranerius Bernerius - Clan Toreador

551 to 600 of 1,626 << first < prev | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | next > last >>

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

A Dock at the Other Edge of the City - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

Ask away Sir Geoffroi de Clairvaux! Now me kin o' Clan Salubri."[/b]

Geoffroi folds his cold hands. Although he can tell this room is dank and chill it doesn’t seem to bother him like he felt it should. The darkness as well. It Safe. Much more than the naked flame of the candle had. Which was odd. Geoffroi has always liked fire, had watched the roaring hearth at the family chateau for hours as a child. He’d observed whole structures going up in flames during sieges in the Outremer and never been fazed

“Well, Andrew, can you tell me what exactly IS a Salubri? Are we devils? Angels? Beasts? I do not feel human now, yet I do not feel much changed. I still feel like I am just Geoffroi de Clairveaux, recently of Marseilles. “

Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday, March 31, 1309

Elysium - Franz, Lorenzo, Vitaliano

"Lord Petradon," Lorenzo begins, "How many times in the past has something as grandiose as the Camarilla been attempted? How likely do think the success of this endeavor is?" the former doctor asks, genuinely curious, as his current observation of the Cainite condition would lead him to believe the chances of success are scant at best.

Tassilo steps from the shadows revealing himself, arms out empty handed to show he poses no immediate threat. "Greetings and salutations gentlemen. Please forgive my intrusion into your domicile. My name is Tassilo Donadei and I bring word from Constantinople...salutations from the Regent of the Dream...he said I may be of some assistance to your cause...may I beg you to delay your journey but a moment, so we may speak?"

Shadow's Status
Tassilo Donadei wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

Greetings Inn - Tassilo Donadei


Tassilo steps from the shadows revealing himself, arms out empty handed to show he poses no immediate threat. "Greetings and salutations gentlemen. Please forgive my intrusion into your domicile. My name is Tassilo Donadei and I bring word from Constantinople...salutations from the Regent of the Dream...he said I may be of some assistance to your cause...may I beg you to delay your journey but a moment, so we may speak?"

Note to those of you in Elysium, Tassilo is NOT in the Elysium scene, he hit reply erroneously.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

San Cassiano Residenza d'Epoca Ca' Favretto - Michele Querini

"Curiosity is best when it does not directly contravene my wishes. Next time I shall be more clear when issuing directives Childe. Be sure to know that if you disobey me again, I will have no choice but to punish you.

Very well, if you had no hand in it, you do now. Your Mortal birth Father must die and you must accomplish this task else we will lose favor with the Prince, something I have worked too hard to gain for you to squander in a single night of errors in judgment.

The female I suspect is the paramour of Belisarius, an Assamite Elder.

Belisarius is the Grandchilde of Antonius the Gaul and the Childe of Caias, the Ventrue Elder who I committed Amaranth upon as Constantinople was sacked in the Fourth Crusade. Belisarius was a Mortal General in Byzantium and a political rival of Prince Narses when Narses was a Councilor of the Emperor.

Why they are here now I do not know.

Go, accomplish your task, I must consider my next steps..."

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

That's what I assumed.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday, March 31, 1309

Palazzo Abadessa - Bernardo Morosini

"I am Milov Petrankov of Clan Gangrel. The representative of our Clan to this new circle the other Elders have formed.

Why are you here, I hope you are not an associate of this flea ridden mutt and are instead associated with the female?"

Dragan keeps his head bowed but you can see by his facial expression he would like to rip this one's throat out for the insult but he does not dare to try.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

"Yer more n yer less.

We consume blood instead of food and wine but at least we don't need to waste any more time with shite.

We are harmed by the suns rays but in the night we can see almost as well as we could as by day. Nay, we are slain by the suns rays, I have ta' make that clear, to watch the sun is painful, I tried it once early on, ah don't recommend it. I'd not be here if Brian hadn't a pulled me back in here awakened by mah screamin'.

We are harmed by fire, perhaps worse than a Mortal. A splinter o' wood through tha' heart'll immobilize us but most other wounds that'd slay a man we shrug off wit little care. Though we may need ta' spend some o our precious hard earned blood ta' do so. Vitae the Elders call it.

The fires inside that used ta' make us chase women n power now makes us chase Blood of our former kin. Though many still lust after power, mayhap even more'n they did a'fore they found themselves i our state.

I am just Andrew the Lord of Moray, the Hardy to some who would call me a friend. Ah still like my pipeweed, I still pray ta' the Lord an I reckon tha' he still answers me call..

As fer what's a Salubri, these Cainites, they think we're descended from tha' Biblical Caine, break into thirteen different lines and some sub tribes. Our Bloodline or Clan is the Salubri".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

Greetings Inn - Tassilo Donadei

The Beast growls, Vykos raises his eyebrows and the two Lasombra pause.

Vykos raises his hand to stop the Beast fro moving forward, "I really must lock that back door.

I have no intention to join these two on their jaunt to see whoever it is they plan to see.

If your business is with me, and if you are a representative of Gareth, I surmise it is, then Savio and Alejandro can take their leave".

The two Lasombra regard you with interest and remain.

Vykos chuckles, "Or not". Vykos is one of the prettiest men you have ever laid eyes on, not surprising from a Tzimisce and when he stands you can tell he is graceful and likely a dangerous combatant. He approaches, "I and Regent Gareth have had some dealings recently. He has asked whether I wish to relocate once more to Constantinople. Is that why you are here or is Gareth seeking to aid me in exchange for a Boon to be named later?"

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

Via Orsoline - Alessandro Khadaji

You approach the building as Alyssa waits in the doorway, "My Love, do you wish to scale the building again to take them by surprise or enter with me?

They know now it is will life and death and we can expect no quarter from them. They are trained to slay our kind and so unlike most Mortals, they are well and truly dangerous to us".

Male Nosferatu 6th Generation; BP 28/30, xp saved: 0, spent 155

learning tricks in a humble abode

As Onfroi learns Chemistry he will ask so, tell me the names of these souls you seek and perhaps some description and I may agree to seek them out for you

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

I am just Andrew the Lord of Moray, the Hardy to some who would call me a friend. Ah still like my pipeweed, I still pray ta' the Lord an I reckon tha' he still answers me call..

As fer what's a Salubri, these Cainites, they think we're descended from tha' Biblical Caine, break into thirteen different lines and some sub tribes. Our Bloodline or Clan is the Salubri".[/b]

Geoffroi notes that he is beginning to see some details despite the pitch blackness of this small room. His eyes fasten on Andrew and he smiles

“I hope we can become friends, Lord Andrew. Although I was never going to be a Seigneur myself, being the fourth son of my father, I am of noble blood. Although I am not sure what that matters now. “

He looks wistful

“My one friend in this city was taken by others at the same moment I was. I fear he is facing the same fate, or perhaps even worse. The one they deferred to, the shadow lord , had him snared in his sorcerous deviltry. “

He leans towards the suddenly much more visible Andrew

“Do you have these shadow powers?”

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

Venice by Night - Monday, March 31, 1309

Elysium - Franz, Lorenzo, Vitaliano

Vitaliano paused for a second. "Perhaps...if the Prince willed it, I would be pleased to do such work. Though, I'd imagine he'd have someone in mind for archiving such an attempt. " he said honestly unsure if he would prefer the honor or if he'd rather be left to his own devices to manage his own schemes and plots.

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

San Cassiano Residenza d'Epoca Ca' Favretto - Michele Querini

“ I understand that things could of turned out much worse and my actions could of been the cause of it. I will sate my thirst and then deal with my father tonight.
If Sadir says nothing more I will head to the rooms with the mortals and sup a little from each to fully date my thirst then head to my former family home changing my appearance before I step out.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday, March 31, 1309

The Humble Abode of Michael Santo - Onfroi

Santo gives the description of two women, one an Italian beauty and the other an Eastern European one. Accompanying them are two children.

"I need contacts in Paris to aid in locating them. I could find someone though my service but I believe that one of the skills of your Clan would likely do a better job.

I would have asked the Giovanni, they owe me a favor but as none are here that's not an option for me".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

"You would be surprised, some among these Cainites care deeply about thar pedigree. Especially tha' Ventrue an Lasombra.

Other Clans.

In as far as ah'm concerned, tis not the measure o' a man err of our kind.

Tonight, yer friend was taken by the Lasombra. What was his name? Perhaps on the 'morrow ah c'n petition fer his release from the Prince.

Nay, those powers seem ta' be exclusive ta' the Lasombra an they are not ready to share, though I suppose some others do have em'".

He relights the pipe, "Say, what was tha' message tha' Brian sent ya here ta' send ta' me anyway? Did he say when he was going ta arrive?"

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday, March 31, 1309

Elysium - Franz, Lorenzo, Vitaliano

Petradon shakes his head, "Be bold young Vitaliano. The Prince may not have thought of the idea. Envision what you wish as tangible and pursue that, it is the best way to achieve a goal".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

San Cassiano Residenza d'Epoca Ca' Favretto - Michele Querini

You head down the stairs and K'haytall is alone once more. He looks up as you come down the stairs, "Michele. Heading out again?"

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

San Cassiano Residenza d'Epoca Ca' Favretto - Michele Querini

“ why yes just something I need to tie up. Your guests have left I see. Are you retiring for the evening?

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux
"You would be surprised, some among these Cainites care deeply about thar pedigree. Especially tha' Ventrue an Lasombra.

Other Clans.

In as far as ah'm concerned, tis not the measure o' a man err of our kind.

Tonight, yer friend was taken by the Lasombra. What was his name? Perhaps on the 'morrow ah c'n petition fer his release from the Prince.

Nay, those powers seem ta' be exclusive ta' the Lasombra an they are not ready to share, though I suppose some others do have em'".

He relights the pipe, "Say, what was tha' message tha' Brian sent ya here ta' send ta' me anyway? Did he say when he was going ta arrive?"

Geoffroi frowns

“I believe that the ... Lasombra was this Prince you speak of. The fiend Talisman referred to him as Narses. “

he looks at Andrew

“Lord Stack was taking the demon-possessed woman somewhere to conduct some sort of exorcism. He said that he was in dire peril. These were his exact words before he left:”

Lord Stack wrote:
“Tell him what has befallen here and that I must find a way to lay the soul of this poor woman to rest. He will teach you what he knows until such time as I return, you are to follow his instructions. I fear any other questions you will need to direct towards him for I must take my leave".

Male Vampire Gangrel, 6th generation 0 xp saved/36 spent

Venice March 31st, 1309

Bernardo laughs at the question and says we are comrades of convenience at best. Neither of them would risk a moment more then they had to for me. I am here to garner political favor from two princes if I am bold and successful, but more then that Milov, I like a good brawl and why not?

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

San Cassiano Residenza d'Epoca Ca' Favretto - Michele Querini

He nods, "I am. Though not here. I have found it wise to move Havens to make your place of rest less predictable".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

"Ya' were Embraced right in tha' shadow o' the Prince himself!"

He seems shocked.

"An exorcism here in the city or elsewhere?"

Another pause, "What was yer friends name, if'n mah Sire is well an' truly gone, ah'd have ta' petition fer yer friend wit' the Prince meself".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday, March 31, 1309

Palazzo Abadessa - Bernardo Morosini

"Ah, an opportunist.

I am ready to take my leave, I have had my fill of Politics for the moment. My Childe can stay and handle these matters, he seems to have the interest for it.

Good luck then in this search. That Ghoul is an odd one, more comfortable than most I have seen moving among the Cainites and I have seen many".

Durdona reappears, "He is not here or at least I do not see him. The Mortals here have all been slain".

Milov chuckles, "If the Gangrel wished to challenge Narses we would do so to his face.

Of course they are slain, how could we have ever released them? Their minds are shattered by Dominate and no doubt they would never be able to assimilate into the world of Mortals ever again, not without risk to the Silence of the Blood. It is to be the fate of all of these vessels".

The female appears aghast, "How many of these souls are there?"

Milov shrugs, "Enough to feed many many Elders for many many weeks".

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

San Cassiano Residenza d'Epoca Ca' Favretto - Michele Querini

With a slight grin Michele starts heading to the back rooms so he can feed
“If you would like me to walk you to your choice of rest for the night just give me a few moments to sate my thirst. “

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

Greetings Inn - Tassilo Donadei

The Beast growls, Vykos raises his eyebrows and the two Lasombra pause.

Vykos raises his hand to stop the Beast fro moving forward, "I really must lock that back door.

I have no intention to join these two on their jaunt to see whoever it is they plan to see.

If your business is with me, and if you are a representative of Gareth, I surmise it is, then Savio and Alejandro can take their leave".

The two Lasombra regard you with interest and remain.

Vykos chuckles, "Or not". Vykos is one of the prettiest men you have ever laid eyes on, not surprising from a Tzimisce and when he stands you can tell he is graceful and likely a dangerous combatant. He approaches, "I and Regent Gareth have had some dealings recently. He has asked whether I wish to relocate once more to Constantinople. Is that why you are here or is Gareth seeking to aid me in exchange for a Boon to be named later?"

"To be completely forthcoming, your workings with Gareth, have no direct bearings on my presence in this majestic journey has put Constantinople at my back and for now, leads me here to Venice. Having developed a relationship with the Regent, he suggested I make my presence known to you upon my arrival...for an easier acclimation to the situations currently happening here. His apparent trust in you... is good enough for me. I'm hopeful that over time, our potential relationship will bear similar fruits and prosperity as the one with Gareth did. So please, give me a glimpse as to the current events... and how I, can be of assistance to you?"

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

"Ya' were Embraced right in tha' shadow o' the Prince himself!"

He seems shocked.

"An exorcism here in the city or elsewhere?"

Another pause, "What was yer friends name, if'n mah Sire is well an' truly gone, ah'd have ta' petition fer yer friend wit' the Prince meself".

Geoffroi looks troubled

“I wish I had better answers for you, Lord Andrew. You have to understand I was somewhat disoriented by my ... transition. There was a female there. I believe her name was ...Aryssa? She claimed Baldemar in the name of her clan...Ventris? Venitra? But the prince said she hadn’t earned him yet and sent her to kill Volkov’s retainers. Lord Stack ...opened an eye on his forehead. I do not know if this was some sort of dream, it sounds mad. The eye somehow drew Katarinas soul from her body and ....absorbed it. Then he, Volkov, and Talisman.. who now called himself Gesu and was acting like Talisman was a completely different person... they all left to ‘put her to rest’. But her body still breathed, and they were trying to keep it that way, or so they said. They never mentioned a destination.”

Groffroi puts his head in his hands

“I apologize M’sieur. I cannot tell what of that scene was real and what was fantasy”

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

Via Orsoline - Alessandro Khadaji

Alessandro hustles to reach Alyssa.

Well, that could have gone worse...

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

San Cassiano Residenza d'Epoca Ca' Favretto - Michele Querini

K'haytall laughs, "Very clever but I am afraid I will have to pass.

Remember, she will arrive and soon. You have a choice to make whose side you will be on Fledgling".

That said, he vanishes before your eyes.

You take your fill from the vacant eyed Mortals here for your whims and exit into the night. You see across the street a figure step out from the shadows, it is Haji! He motions for you to approach as he melds into the shadows once more.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

Greetings Inn - Tassilo Donadei

"We shall return with the Toreador", replies one of the Lasombra, likely the older one as his dress is quite out of date for the times this one is a Spaniard. The other is an Italian and looks and dresses as if he was Embraced rather recently.

Vykos replies, "Return son or not at all".

The Spaniard nods to Vykos and they both disappear into the shadows of the corner of the room.

Vykos sighs, "What a remarkable ability.

Allies with Gareth eh? Very well, I suppose I can impart with information that can be easily acquired anyway.

The Prince has called together Elders from all corners of the west and the nearest corners of the east in an attempt to bring the ruinous War of Princes to and end after a century of strife.

Debates were had an votes were taken to decide on the 13 who would lead all Cainites into the future united against the growing threat of Humanity who we have revealed far too much of ourselves to in the past few Mortal generations.

Some were selected by their Clans before the Conclave began including myself for Clan Tzimisce, Lord Benne for Clan Cappadocian, Prince Narses for the Lasombra, Lord Brian Stack of Clan Salubri, and Sadir of Clan Setite. The rest politicked to gain their seats. They are Lord Bajazet al Nasir of Clan Assamite, Criatas the Elder of Clan Brujah, Antoine le Fanu of Clan Malkavian, Cristo Petradon of Clan Nosferatu, Helena la Jouste of the Courts of Love for the Toreador, Milov Petrankov of Clan Gangrel, Hardestadt the Elder of Clan Ventrue, and perhaps the only surprising pick, Radek the Renegade of Clan Tremere.

In the spirit of cooperation, all who were selected were allowed to Embrace a single Childe to act in their stead here in Venice should those chosen be called away from this the seat of power of this new sect which is to be called the Camarilla.

One of the few remaining Ravnos not in hiding, Durga Syn counted the votes to ensure that none cheated in attaining their seat.

Not that this Conclave was without drama. Simon of Clan Nosferatu, the progenitor of the Nosferatu that dwell in this city has gone missing along with his Childe. The Salubri were attacked by a Cainite who showed ability with Fleshcrafting. The ancient Cainite Michael the Patriarch of Constantinople, thought dead for a century has reappeared in the body of a young Salubri masquerading as a Malkavian calling himself Talisman. On that same night, Gregor Dimities of Clan Malkavian accused Narses himself of engineering the downfall of Constantinople with the aid of the Elders of Rome.

In the Mortal world, there appears to be a coup by a few powerful Houses in the city to overthrow the Doge of Venice who has forced a confrontation with the Pope over Venetian occupation of the northern city of Ferrara leading to excommunication of the entire city. Also, for some reason, this city is crawling with Mortal Hunters".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

"Baldemar the Teuton! I had thought that when Lord Jurgen left tha' city an opted not ta' Embrace Baldemar, he woulda' been don wit' err kind.

I will petition tha' Prince fer Baldemar's life if'n I c'n. He was ah friend o' mine afore' I was brought across tha' shroud o' death. He's a good man an deserves better' tha' fate.

Sergei Volkov left wit' Talisman an his sister an my, our, Sire! This is some turn o' events..."

He pauses for a while and contemplates what you have said.

"Gesu, I don't know who Gesu is.

Too bad about Francois, Brice, an Wilhelm. Volkov left em ta' tha' dogs err in this case, the Ventrue. They deserved better too I reckon. Jus' seekin' ta' brighten' tha' world by eliminatin' tha' worst o' err kind".

You see a light begin to brighten the darkness, it is a third eye on Andrew's forehead!

"This is tha' third eye o' knowledge. An eastern myth is wha' Brian tol' me. When we activate err powers granted to us through the blood, it opens.

Ah've got ta' teach ya' ta' use yer powers, suppose tha's on me wit' Brian gone and me in his stead".

Assume you spend time learning about Valern (both Healer and Warrior Path), Auspex, and Fortitude.

Make an Intelligence+Occult roll DC 8 - 1 Success needed, something you are forgetting is gnawing at the back of your mind...

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

Via Orsoline - Alessandro Khadaji

Alyssa looks at your wound, "Heal yourself my Love, we must enter this place strong".

It will cot 1 BP per wound level you received from Volkov.

She steps in, "We must proceed with caution..."

You hear a shuffling in the darkness of the building here on this floor, it is Francois. He has a cut on his hand which heals as he seems to force blood into it, much like what a Cainite can do, "I tried to restrain Brice for you! But he fled upstairs. You must spare me, I am to be Embraced by Milov Petrankov. I will help you tie up these last two loose ends. They should have known better than to trust Volkov!"

Male Ventrue 8 Generation 14/15 BP

Monday, March 31, 1309
Elysium[/b] - Franz, Lorenzo, Vitaliano

"The matter of an official chronicler is hardly pressing at the moment - but for what it's worth, I'd nominate Durga Syn. No offense to Vitaliano or Radek, but one that does not partake in our politics seems best-suited to give an objective account of what took place.", Franz offers his opinion, clears his throat, then continues:"As to the success of this venture - we will succeed, or we will perish. Politics and religion have changed - I only studied history, while some of you may have been there to witness that change. These are modern times. If we stand alone, while normal humans unite and continue to evolve as a society, while we remain stagnant, we will have to fight for our very survival. I was only recently given this gift, and I want to enjoy it for many centuries to come. For our collective safety, this venture must succeed."

Shadow's Status

Monday, March 31, 1309

Elysium - Franz, Lorenzo, Vitaliano

Cantor nods in agreement with Franz's sentiment.

Petradon shakes his head, "Durga Syn took great risk in coming here. The Tremere have been decimating their ranks for some time. I doubt she would find any benefit in remaining in a western city to draft a history of our kind".

Before anyone can retort, the Prince returns.

Monday, March 31, 1309

Elysium - Franz, Lorenzo, Vitaliano

His face is rigid and he appears for the first tie any of you have seen him, angry, very angry. Next to him are a series of black shadow tentacles, struggling within them is the form of a man. He makes muffled sounds and it is difficult to get a sense of exactly what he looks like so grappled but from his gasps he appears to be a Mortal.

"So. Some of you remain.

I take it the rest voted to reconvene tomorrow?"

Shadow's Status

Monday, March 31, 1309

Elysium - Franz, Lorenzo, Vitaliano

Petradon replies, "I think we were hoping to understand what exactly is happening in your Domain Prince.

Is there a danger that we should band together and face or is there a danger that we should retreat from to let you deal with considering what a drain on your time and your Domains resources this endeavor has been so far".

Before Narses responds, I will let the PCs chime in.

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 31/40 | Willpower: 6/8

Monday, March 31, 1309

Elysium - Franz, Lorenzo, Vitaliano

Lorenzo nods. "Lord Petradon assumptions are correct from Clan Cappadocian's perspective, my Prince."

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

Assume you spend time learning about Valern (both Healer and Warrior Path), Auspex, and Fortitude.

Make an Intelligence+Occult roll DC 8 - 1 Success needed, something you are forgetting is gnawing at the back of your mind...

int+occult (books/ancient texts): 8d10 ⇒ (9, 10, 4, 3, 9, 10, 6, 10) = 61

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

It is likely that Volkov left that Cainite torso somewhere in the city, perhaps the Way of Kings Inn...

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

It is likely that Volkov left that Cainite torso somewhere in the city, perhaps the Way of Kings Inn...

Geoffroi stares wide-eyed for a second

“Lord Andrew! I just remembered that Volkov kept a prisoner, a fellow...vampire. He had cruelly tortured the man, cut all his limbs off, and was using his blood as some sort of magic potion. With his henchmen likely dead, this man could starve to death. Is there any way we could save him?”

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

Andrew packs his pipe and relights it, the flare makes you blink.

"Did this man give a name err did Volkov give him a name?

Nay, he'd not starve ta' death in a single night. Ah'm guessin' he used tha' body fer vitae. No wonder he was so strong in tha' fight against them shambling dead..."

His face looks thoughtful, "NI matter, we'd have ta' go tomorrow. Too close to sun and we can't have this location compromised. Nothin' in more impertant n ensuring a Haven is secure from sunlight and from others findin' it.

I reckon I should tell ye what Brian taught me about tha' Cainites...but first.

Tha' first time ah came here the small area over there had tha' icons of Jesus, Mary, the Holy Spirit and other Saints adorning the walls. We gave 'em ta' Narses to change the way Elysium was decorated. He gave me tha' sacraments then be bled me dry brought me across right where I sit and talk ta' ya' right now... told me that ah was too far inta' the camp o' the Inquisition.

He t'was not wrong. I was allied wit' Claudio an the other Knights an Volkov. Hells, we fought tha' Giovanni minions in the swamplands on tha' main isle. I saw evil first hand, twice! I then used Brian's information about a Cainite he claimed was evil ta' lure away Claudio and the Volkov's.

From what ya' say Volkov is back mayhap that Cainite he has was the evil one Brian sent him after".

Claudio is back as well, he is the leader of the Knights to whom Volkov delivered the weapons.

Andrew pauses again, " Ya see I became involved in all o' this a'cause Brian recognized me as my cousin was a Templar Knight. Brian recruited him inta' the fold.

O' course it did not occur ta' me until recently that ah'd never seen him in daylight 'afore".

He shrugs, "I suppose it's a coincidence err fate that ah was sent here ta' get the help o' the Venetians against the English as part o' a diplomatic mission. Brian saw me in Way o' Kings Inn. Had me meet him at another Inn, said he needed my help...

Andrew relates the tale. "

Open the Andrew the Hardy Spoiler, but just the one I linked to.

Geoffroi looks up at Claudio’s name

“This knight is in the city now. Volkov ....”

Geoffroi spins out the tale, then listens to the rest of Andrew’s

“I am happy to be in the company of a fellow Templar, even if our Order suffers under papal sanction and the wrath of Phillip the Foul. God curse he and his. If only I could find a way to make that cochon pay for what he did to us..”

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

San Cassiano Residenza d'Epoca Ca' Favretto - Michele Querini

Michele will walk towards the shadows thinking that it is best to handle this now before going to seek out his father.

“My apologies for calling you to come to our aid. I had thought all was lost and we were to perish.”

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

"So Volkov has become the very thing he sought ta' slay for more than a century o' his life? His parents were worshipers o' Demons? A mad tale. That may mean tha' they were servants o' tha' Cainites tha' worship Demons, the Baali".

He packs the pipe yet again and smokes, "Nay, I am no Templar. Mah cousin was an Lord Stack considers hisself one still but I am just a simple farmer really. I fought the English cause I had ta' not cause I wanted ta'.

Agreed on that account, Phillip is a bastard. Who knows what or who among err kind may control one o' his power an influence. I know that tha' Prince claims ta' have some dominion o'er the Doge o' this city. Not sure how he does it though".

He pauses once more, "If'n Claudio is here tha' could cause us trouble. I suppose Volkov an his Hunters being out o' the way is good but tha' Inquisition has more resources than Volkov did.

Tha's why Brian was tryin' ta' have me move them off o' tha' board afore the Conclave began. Ya see, the Prince had a Ghoul who tracked the movements o' Hunters in Venice. That Ghoul was workin' wit' Lord Stack.

He was followin' a lead on tha' Inquisition storing good fer huntin' err kind, stakes, holy symbols, whatever else. Tha' warehouse is owned by a Dominic Cappelli. Coincidentally enough, that man's brother is now also a newly Embraced Cainite, Dr. Lorenzo Cappelli o' Clan Cappadocian.

Interestingly enough, tha' agent was no slain by tha' Inquisition but by tha' night watchmen o' tha' warehouse cause he was caught snoopin' around. Tha' agent was such an old Ghoul tha' he turned ta' dust when he died, so no body!

I went ta' tha' warehouse an found that those goods were owned, at least on paper, by one Michele Querini. Who is also now, a Cainite.

Come ta' think o' it, the damned Volkov's also planted a man as a worker at tha' warehouse, a Francois I think it was...

What an odd coincidence. Four separate men, all tied in one way or another ta' that incident have now all become Cainites! Meself, Lorenzo Cappelli, Michele Querini, and now Sergei Volkov".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

San Cassiano Residenza d'Epoca Ca' Favretto - Michele Querini

"I was wondering if you were trying to set me up when I arrived.

Have you spoken to your Sire yet about what I told you?"

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

I went ta' tha' warehouse an found that those goods were owned, at least on paper, by one Michele Querini. Who is also now, a Cainite.

Come ta' think o' it, the damned Volkov's also planted a man as a worker at tha' warehouse, a Francois I think it was...[/b]

Geoffroi nods

“Francois was one of the men with Volkov this night. The Aryssa woman was sent off to dispatch him and the others that accompanied Volkov. This Michele ... I believe he was there as well. The prince seemed very wroth with him. Something about being summoned in his own city? Whatever it was, it seemed a terrible breach of etiquette was done. “

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

"Alyssa o' Clan Ventrue? I bet Alessandro was there as well eh? He's a Saracen. Tha's probably why tha' Ventrue wanted Baldemar, ya' see, Baldemar was almost slain by tha' Giovanni when they fled tha' city several weeks ago.

Baldemar boarded their ship an them Giovanni slew the whole o' tha' ship that he chased them down wit'. Tha' crew worked fer a Captain tha' Alessandro had as hired help fer shippin' goods, mayhap they were even friends.

Alessandro boarded tha' burnin' ship an saved Baldemar and tha' Captain who was tha' only crew member still alive. I would imagine that all o' those memories were wiped away by Lord Jurgen when he chose not ta' Embrace Baldemar. Probably fer tha' best, these Giovanni as far as ah'm concerned are only behind the Baali in evil deeds among err kind.

Francois then I guess is a dead man by now...

Querini was there was he? Tha' Prince was aggravated wi' him fer other reasons as well. Hah, he summoned tha' Prince in his own city! That's a set o' steel cohones.

Did tha' Prince slay Querini or does he still, err, well we don't live, I guess does he still exist?"

Male Nosferatu 6th Generation; BP 28/30, xp saved: 0, spent 155

learning tricks in a humble abode

well, you have described them and where they are or were going and who with, but no names. It's a long task to take up without names. Even with names it is.... difficult with such a distance and how much time they are ahead of the search. Onfroi muses as he learns

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

In the Hidden Salubri Haven - Geoffroi de Clairvaux

Querini was there was he? Tha' Prince was aggravated wi' him fer other reasons as well. Hah, he summoned tha' Prince in his own city! That's a set o' steel cohones.

Did tha' Prince slay Querini or does he still, err, well we don't live, I guess does he still exist?"[/b]

“The Saracen was with her, they both were tasked to kill all of Volkov’s minions. Baldemar’s memory was in fact erased. Trying to help him was what drew me into this world in the first place. I had come to Venice to meet with a fellow Templar, my mentor, the former librarian of the Templar Order. When I think of how lacking in true information those books have been!..but I digress.

“When I left , Querini was still alive. He and another named Sadir had been called to attend the prince. I didn’t hear of what they spoke after. The two were instrumental in stopping Talisman, in fact I think the summoning of the prince was some sort of suicidal last hope, since the old fiend was over mastering everyone there. I managed to strike him a blow to the neck that I truly thought would lop his head off and he looked at me as if I had rudely tapped his shoulder!”

5th Generation Setite| Bloodpool 40/28|

Venice by Night - Monday March 31, 1309

San Cassiano Residenza d'Epoca Ca' Favretto - Michele Querini

“It was not a setup as I feared all was lost as was calling you to aid us against Talisman. When I felt that you would not arrive it time I had summoned the Prince assuming he was a match for Talisman. Apparently Talisman had some type of self inflicted injury which greatly aided the finishing of the battle. I am now tasked with killing my father or will be killed. There is where I head I have not said a word to Sadir and he is still shaken from the event. “

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Monday, March 31, 1309

The Humble Abode of Michael Santo - Onfroi

"The woman's name is Katrina, she I believe is from Kievan Rus. The other woman is Alissa Santos. The other two are children. If you find the women, you would find the children, a boy and a girl. Alissa and the children are Venetian.

What would I owe you for this favor? I know nothing is free in this world of ours. I still control my Gondola company and can ferry things around the city. I believe some of my workers will need de-programming after what Kestral did to them.

That will eat up a great deal of my time once this Conclave ends. I have no stomach for it all and I told my Sire as much. He keeps me abreast of what is taking place and I will step in if he needs me to but I have a business to run and local interests that keep me busy".

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