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Skarlit blushes with embarrassment. "Oh my, surely you don't think I've filled my little head with such esoteric knowledge! It's all I can do to recall my social calendar! But perhaps some of my friends might know something."
Also doesn't have Knowledge (Local). If Diplomacy (Gather Information) is permitted: Diplomacy, Social Grace: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Also, GM, if I can make any purchases before we go, Skarlit will purchase an antiplague and an antitoxin, for 50 gp each.

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Knowlocal: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Cassiopia smiles and speaks up.
"Well, I do know quite a bit about the Kortos Consortium! Listen...."
You can open all 3 spoilers
She looks at Valsrin and speaks up.
"Lord Captain, what can you tell us about the Consortium, and about the Aspis. I have heard some rumours and tales, but no one has more indepth knowledge. What dangers and challenges will await us?"

GM Z..D.. |

What is the Aspis Consortium? The venture-captain sighs.“The Aspis Consortium is a ruthless mercantile organization. While some of its operations are aboveboard, at the end of the day, profit is its only concern. It considers no business venture off limits, from the trafficking of slaves to war profiteering. The consortium storms through priceless historical sites, caring only for how it can translate their history into wealth.”
What can you tell us about the Kortos Consortium? “It pretends to be a legitimate merchant guild dedicated to stamping out smugglers, but it participates in its fair share of illegal activities. It is powerful enough to rival Diobel’s teriarch, or governor, Lord Avid. A fair number of prominent people in Diobel are in the Kortos Consortium’s pockets, or are prominent members of the guild themselves. If possible, try not to get on the group’s bad side."

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Brog and his companion are ready to depart. They stand, unmoving... well Brog stands unmoving, the pup fidgets and moves quite a bit.

GM Z..D.. |

Captain Zendrani and the crew of the sleek Sixwing Drake steer the ship up to the massive barrier of broken war-barges, crumbling walls, and jetties of iron and wood that protect the port of Diobel. “Well, here we are,” says the captain. “I’ll make sure everything is in order with Diobel’s inspectors and charter you a barge to the port. You aren’t carrying anything particularly valuable, so you shouldn’t draw much attention from the inspectors or pilots, so long as you don’t run your mouth. My crew and I will wait here with the ship. You can return here to rest, if you need to, but remember—there isn’t much time!”
Captain Zendrani is right that the PCs do not have much time to accomplish their tasks. They arrive in Diobel during sunrise on Oathday. Zendrani slips a barge captain several gold pieces as a sign of good faith. She asks him if he could do her the favor of sticking around on shore for the day in case the PCs need to return to the ship. The captain is a stocky middle-aged man with weather-beaten skin and calloused hands. His name is Markus Karbie, and he accepts Zendrani’s deal. The barge journey from the barrier to the coast is uneventful; the barge captain respects Zendrani’s gold and doesn’t ask the PCs questions. If the PCs try to talk to him, he politely but firmly insists that he “isn’t being paid to make conversation."
So, you are now in Diobel. Look over the handouts on slides 1 and 2 in the presentation. The let me know where you want to head to first.

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Skarlit turns green(er) when the boat sets sail and at first is positively insistent that they return to dry land 'this instant!' but eventually the ocean breeze perks her up. By the end of the journey she is dangling her tendrils in the boat's wake and remarking to anyone who will listen how deliciously refreshing the salt water tastes.
Skarlit is amenable to trying any of Magali's tasks, but since the last of them - Laszo the alchemist - likely involves a trip to the sewers, she advocates for either of the first two jobs instead. "I couldn't possibly take this gown down into the filthy sewers - it would be ruined!"

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Shrugging Cassiopia nods to Skarlit words.
"I agree, it would wreak havoc on our dresses. Let us start with the Meeting of the Agents. I would think getting some info on the pearl trade and maybe start a bust in the tavern should do the trick! Let us get some informations."
Gatherinformation about the overflowing oyster: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

GM Z..D.. |

The Overflowing Oyster is a dirty, broken-looking building that barely fits between the fishing tackle shop to its north and the junk shop to its south. Hanging over the door is a creaky sign that shows a painted oyster with pearls spilling from its gaping shell.
The interior of the Overflowing Oyster displays a mix of rickety furniture and gaudy decorations, from strands of obviously fake pearls hanging over the kitchen’s entrance to wooden carvings of sultry mermaids and cheap paintings of ships at sea.
You notice that the Oyster is far from overflowing. Being that it is morning, it is empty except for the bar keep and his assistant.
Okay, your objective is to disrupt or delay the meeting, what do you do.

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Brog will remove his helmet, stow it in his pack (or on the outside of his pack) and enter the bar.
His face uncovered is a sight to behold. Ringing his thick throat are welts and ugly scars in the distinctive shape of chain links. His nose has clearly been broken sometime in the past and was never set properly as the bridge of his nose veers off to the left partway down. The notches and chunks missing from his ears are obvious and his left ear shows signs of cauliflower and is puffed up.
He walks up to the bar and orders a drink. One morning stout please.

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Skarlit (still in her social identity) quails inwardly when she sees the venue, before plastering her best debutante smile on. "I'll have a tall glass of your finest sparkling water. On the rocks, if you don't mind. And with a twist of bacon too." She then embarks on a dazzling demonstration of witty repartee, alternating flattering the bartender and then the assistant, all the while batting her leafy tendrils most coquettishly. Finally, she laughs uproariously at anything that either of them says that could possibly be interpreted as a joke, and pats the bar with her fronds. "Oh me oh my, I can't believe I've never been in your establishment before! I'm going to be sure to write you up in Gyelp and give you an amazing review! All my friends will be coming here soon, you can be sure of that, though I do wonder if you don't want a bit of my advice about those curtains..."
Diplomacy, social grace: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 Lol! I guess this isn't a plant-person kind of a bar!

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Looking around Cassiopia orders a wine and a dish of oysters.
"Well one can hope for a lucky find in the oysters. I guess in this case it is finders keepers isn´t it"
Hoping the staff gets the hint and her rich clothing reveal her as a woman of means and taste.

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Sadaf sits down and looks at his hungry dinosaur.
”Some proper food please. We have to strengthen ourselves!“ he orders

GM Z..D.. |

The man behind the bar looks at the group and smirks. You be an odd bunch." He turns his head and shouts toward the back, "Gregon, see if you can scrounge up some food." He then turns back to the others and sets a few mugs down. "I am not sure about sparkling water, but stout we have, and since it is morning, I guess it is morning stout." He pours everyone a half cup full of a dark amber liquid.
A few moments later another male, who shares a familial resemblance to the barman, emerges from a door that leads to what you believe is a kitchen. The new male sets a tray of bread, cheese and a few pieces of dehydrated meats on the counter. He nods and then heads back through the door.

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I guess we wait? Brog seats himself on a chair which groans slightly under the weight of him and his armour. Do you mind? he asks before taking a piece of dehydrated meat and giving it to the pup under his chair.

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Skarlit excuses herself to use the facilities and does not return for some time.
Instead, the Twisted Tulip, now in the form of a rather healthy looking vine, takes up a position along the exterior wall of the Overflowing Oyster and attempts to see what, if anything, she can learn.
Using Leshy Change Shape racial trait to take the form of a vine (like the Tree Shape spell, but in the form of a vine) and Leshy Plantspeech to converse with any other vines or similar plants that may be present. Also using Leshy Writhing Eye alternate racial trait to extend a vine up to 15' (can pass through keyholes and can perceive with all senses up to 20' from the vine).
Stealth, if needed: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Disguise, if needed, seamless guise?: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 +20 if seamless guise applies
Diplomacy with other vines, if needed: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

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”Yes, yes. I heard these pearls are for sale somewhere!“
Bluff aid : 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (7) - 3 = 4

GM Z..D.. |

I will go ahead and use Cassiopia's roll from earlier to by pass the gather intel check.
Cassi is able to overhear how the Overflowing Oyster and the pearls they try to sell are fake. He was selling the fakes to a member of the Kortos Consortium and in exchange for the business, the Oyster became a front for the meetings of shady dealings.
Now to collect the evidence of the fake pearls by deception or force. I will need a disable device, intimidate, slight of hand or stealth
Brog if you want to continue on your path, that will take a acrobatics, climb, stealth ot swim to scout the area

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Intimidate aid : 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (8) - 3 = 5
”Yes! Ehh .. well .. ehh ... what she said!“

GM Z..D.. |

Cassi corners the man, he starts stammering and stuttering, " Um...oh...we take bits of rock that looks a bit like a pearl...and...and... make them look like pearls. He then finds some resolve and states. "A lot of good it will do you. The town guard is on the pay roll."
The man knows nothing else.
now you need to convince the town guard to take it seriously. This will take an bluff, diplomacy or a relevant profession check

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Sadaf looks at Cassiopia and smiles.
He jumps up and leaves the tavern to find a guard that will listen.
”Guard is your title right? Perfect. Look. There is crime I need you to investigate. I know you might think False Pearls are none of your business but I care. I am a merchant that cannot endure a forgery! Please ... this oyster place needs to be checked out! The whole town’s economy depends on stable trade and of course some trafficking but forgeries?! No!“
Profession merchant : 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

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When Sadaf leaves to find a town guard, he is soon joined by Skarlit, who has returned from her long visit to the facilities. The Twisted Tulip is nowhere to be seen.
Skarlit echoes Sadaf's commentary, while peppering it with name dropping and other allusions to her connections in high society, in case the guard has any doubts about the importance of listening to such important people. "Well, it has been lovely chatting with you and you can be sure that I'll be putting in a good word for you the next time I see the High Chamberpotlain's wife's cousin's accountant at my canasta game!"
Auto-aid using Diplomacy, or if aiding is not allowed due to it being a separate skill, then just rolling a straight Diplomacy check:
Diplomacy, Social Grace: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

GM Z..D.. |

The town guard looks down at Sadaf and smiles. "An honorable merchant in town. Didn't know you all existed in this town." He then shrugs "Might as well investigate it, nothing else to do today."
About an hour later, a group of guards approach The Overflowing Oyster and place a scroll of parchment on the door.
The Overflowing Oyster has been shut down for the rest of the day while an investigation is underway
With the meeting officially disrupted, the agents need to handle the next task. Head to the Dragonbite to acquire the documents or to the sewer.

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Dragonbite to acquire the documents.
Sadaf gives Cassiopia a clap on the shoulder.
"Good thinking! Really good!"

GM Z..D.. |

Blue Dragon's Bite it is
A maze of broken ships forms an artificial reef blocking Diobel’s harbor. This treacherous and erratic terrain teems with laborers, barge masters, pilots, and port inspectors, who busily conduct their business ferrying goods to and from the Bristles. Beyond the Trawl, seagoing ships wait their turn to offload cargo or pick up new goods. One ship stands out among the others—the freshly touched-up paint on its hull, blue with streaks of white lightning along the hull, marks it as the Blue Dragon’s Bite. It sits moored to a dock jutting from the Trawl, with several crates already offloaded nearby, and many more waiting piled on its deck.
You see many dock workers unloading cargo off the ship, being overseen by two men standing on top, by the plank.

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Trying to find out who the two persons is, Cassiopia smiles and looks at the others. "We should be able to sneak in easely. Maybe looking as investors preparing for the next journey. I think I can bluff and sweettalk me way through it!"

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Sadaf tries absorb the scene to get clues about the people on the ship.
Perception : 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
Sense Motive : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

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Brog slides his gloves and helm off. His scarred fingers work at the buckles of his armour.
Removing the armour takes 1 minute, so unless someone interrupts him then next minute is removing armour.

GM Z..D.. |

Sadaf notices that the two figures up top are overseeing the dockworkers. You notice that they do not pay to much attention to the workers. The actual crew members are on shore for leave.
The male seems to be part of the crew, but for some reason has been left behind. While the other, who is actually a female, seems to be talking to the male and checking things off on a peace of parchment. You believe that she is here on business.

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Sadaf explains what he believes the situation looks like.
”Hmm ... we probably have to pass those two. We have to either bluff or sneak in from another side. I am good at neither... “

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By the time the group reaches the docks, Skarlit is once again nowhere to be seen, but the Twisted Tulip has rejoined the group and she now surveys the scene.
"Hmm, well I can easily take the form of a vine and just cling to the side of the ship, but I can't move while I'm in vine form. But when I'm in my present form I can climb just like a vine. Do you think I could fit through one of the portholes? I could use my writhing eye to make sure the captain's cabin was empty before climbing in. What do you all think?"
The Twisted Tulip has several (leshy) special abilities that could be relevant but they all may require some GM rulings so GM, please let me know whether you think any of this is feasible. She has a climb speed (10'), so presumably she can climb up the side of the ship without too much difficulty. She can change shape (swift action) to look like a vine, but in that form she no longer has any move speed (as per Tree Shape). And her Writhing Eye racial ability allows her to send a small tendril through a space as small as a keyhole; it can extend up to 15' from me and perceives normally within 20' of its tip. So: one possible strategy: take off my armor; swim out to the ship (possibly while the rest of the group creates a distraction) - swim take 10 is 16; stealth take 10 is 21; then climb up the side of the ship - climb take 10 is 20 - and in through a porthole. At that point, I'd still need to figure out which cabin is the captain's (how big is the ship) but could possibly take vine form if anyone was down there until the coast was clear. What do you all think? Anyone have anything that would help this plan? Invisibility? Message spell? Other ideas?
Also, since this plan relies on swimming away with the stolen documents, do we have something waterproof to hold them or can we jury rig something like that?

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"This sounds great Twisted Tulip! If you would be able to investigate I would appreciate that. In case you get into trouble then just withdraw. But can you also open a lock? I assume there will be doors that you need to get through to reach the logs." Sadaf says.

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”Perfect! Go and make us proud! Here is a potion of touch of sea in case you have to swim!“ Sadaf says with a grin.

GM Z..D.. |

The tulip's plan would work well. The only problem I foresee is the retrieving the documents. As you said, you would have swim back without getting them wet. But being in a city allows you to find a store that sells waterproofing stuff, especially near a dock.
Also, if you want to give me a disable device check for once you get in

GM Z..D.. |

Botting Twisted Tulips Disable Device
roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
It appears that the tulip jammed the lock. Anyone have a plan b? I think Cassiopia want to try some trickery.

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My apologies for the delay in posting - I'm on vacation with very limited net access until Saturday night.
If it makes any difference, the Tulip would have removed her breastplate for the swim. Without the ACP, her disable device is +9, so the result of the botted die roll would have been 16. Probably still not enough to open the lock, but perhaps enough to not jam it and try again? If so, here's another try.
Disable Device: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Disable Device: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 Lol, it seems it's not meant to be...
The Tulip swims back to the others, vines hanging down in shame, and confesses that her long study of criminals has not, in fact, made her one herself.

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"You did everything you could and at great risk Tulip! Thanks for that! Luck goes around and comes around ... " Sadaf says.
He scratches his head.
"I really am not into lying so somebody has to jump in here!"

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By this point Brog has his armour off. He leaves it behind a stack of boxes and advances up the gangway. He is working on the assumption that a strong back is always welcome in the unloading of a ship.

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Then let us proceed. I only have diplomatic approaches available.
Sadaf openly walks to the two men.
”Hello, dear gentlemen. My name is Sadaf. I am seriously interested in this ship. Especially because I am a merchant of honour and I have heard that this ship is a smuggling ship which is an unbelievable embarrassment for any honorable merchant! I am therefore here to talk with you and will be conducting a ‘citizen’s arrest’ if you really are smuggling! But please do not believe me to have any proof ... I want to discuss this matter with you as a merchant to merchant!!“
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
profession merchant : 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
No idea if that works GM. :-)