Vanguard of Law (LN Paladin Variant)

Homebrew and House Rules

Here's The Vanguard of Law Docs Page.

So, don't worry about formatting and flavor details right this minute.

The iffies are the capstone and the lay on hands replacement (JUDGMENT MODE WOOO)

Looking for balance check (that's a pun and you'll find out why) and flavor advice. If you have an original idea for for the class's mechanics, there are a few bland loose ends that could use some shiny new features.

You fought the law, (the law might have been overpowered), and the- law won.

Also capstone actually makes no sense and I need it to.


Nice to see it's a real class and not some sort of twisted Paladin.

I'd not make the Vanguard an actual Construct upon his apotheosis - it may be more a punishment than a reward. Just make them something more akin to the "native outsider" of the Monk class, because losing the ability to receive healing or resurrections isn't much of a reward.

Yeah, but constructs get SO MANY immunities. I think if I keep sprinkling them on, it'll be a good capstone... but I don't know how many is too many; or where I should stop.

Any ideas?

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