[ACG] [GDVII] Assault on Absalom by Maelwys0 (Inactive)

Game Master Maelwys0

Turn Order:
1 - Alase/MatsuKurisu
2 - Raz/eddiephlash
3 - Uliah/Deni
4 - Damiel/Tomehound

Reinforcements (NOT Available):

On your check, after the roll, you may bury this card to add 1d8.
You may bury this card; each character shuffles a random card from his discard pile into his deck.
You may bury this card to shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from your discard pile into your deck.
At the end of the scenario, give this card to another Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild table that does not have one displayed or buried.

The Game Master has not yet created a description for this campaign.