icehawk333's Untitled Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master icehawk333

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

a man sits in a simple wooden chair in his study, listening to the rain fall outside. He picks up his glass and takes a sip now and then. He chuckles to himself, wondering how his contacts did at recruiting. >>I told them what to look for, now I just have to hope that...<<
the man's train of thought is interrupted for a moment, before he thinks more clearly. >>i just have to know that i chose the right people for the job.<<

do not post yet.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1


M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

*knock knock knock*
comes a repeated sound on dr. Carter's door.
"Mr carter? I would like to speak with you."
a voice comes from the other side of the door, rather deep and friendly.

Shadow Lodge

M Human

"I prefer Dr. Carter, just because they won't let me teach doesn't mean I no longer merit that title" he says opening the door "may I help you?"

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

at a similar time, a man slowly approaches a Carivan, cautiously looking around it, and is quite suprized when a child looks out of the Carivan.
"Hay, Michael, we have company."
the man's mood shifts from suprized to downright frightened. Why couldn't he have searched harder? This is an awful idea...

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

at quite a different time, a woman slips unto a farm in elven territory. All the good crazies were out here, she thought. She hadn't found one good one yet, but decided to pass though a farm to make sure, silently watching from afar... And then she saw him. Perfect. Absolutely perfect... Now, how to approach him?

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
Dr William "Bill" Carter wrote:
"I prefer Dr. Carter, just because they won't let me teach doesn't mean I no longer merit that title" he says opening the door "may I help you?"

"I'm here to deliver a proposal, doctor. May i come in?"

the man is dressed in simple, tight garb, with no pockets in sight. There's no-where to conceal anything. The man's friendly demeanor is clear, and he seems to understand that the request would likely make you nervous... Perhaps that's why he wore that...

Shadow Lodge

M Human

"Very well, do you wish to have some, tea while we chat, calm the nervs and whatnot, drive the chill from your bones" he says opening the door wider, allowing entrance, but not turning his back on you.

Male Catfolk-Aasimar Inquisitor 3

The tall man in the caravan stands from working on repairs to his manacles. "Thank you Calvin."
With a thunk of chains hitting wood, he swings around and leans out of the caravan.
From the man's perspective, an impressively large torso emerges from the caravan. Its owner has deep green eyes with an animalistic quality to them. His tan face has sharp features and is framed with long black hair and well kept sideburns. His hair also hides the slightly pointed ears he has from his heritage.
He smiles with a white glint, revealing slightly overlarge canine teeth. His smile is intense and piercing and slightly intimidating, like the smile of a cat with an unexpecting mouse approaching.
His thick neck is framed by a thick black leather collar studded with brown striped stones. His hand grasping the side of the caravan has a brass object strapped to the back of it.
His voice is a deep purr from back in the base of the throat, that both intrigues and unnerves at the same time.
"Can I help you?"

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

the man comes in, looking around passively.
"That would be nice, thank you."
you just now notice a piece of paper he was holding behind his back in both hands, as his hands come forward. He sets it down on the table where he'll sit.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
Michael Telroth wrote:

"Can I help you?"


the man stutters out. He's wearing baggy clothes, and his face is completely pale.
"I... I just... I mean..."
the man can barely talk, and is holding a letter in his hand. His other hand looks tense.

Male Catfolk-Aasimar Inquisitor 3

He rolls his eyes and looks back into the caravan.
"Cal, dear, we have another stutterer. Do you mind taking this one?"
He says this knowing Cal will take over talking to the customers that get this way. It happens too often, but there was also something he liked about it.
He opens the bottom half of his door and and steps down the stairs.
He steps off to the side to allow Cal access to the stairs.
He is imposingly tall and muscular. He wears black pants and heavy boots with a canvas button down shirt. The backs of his forearms are lined with a smooth block of metal each clamped down with a metal lock.
He crosses his arms and watches the man, especially after Calvin follows out of the caravan.

Male Young elf 2

"Hmm? Ah, sure."
the young elf walks up to the man, with quite a sunny demeanor.
"Don't worry, we won't hurt you. Now, why are you here? I assume you're a customer."

Male Catfolk-Aasimar Inquisitor 3

Micheal watches intently for any motion towards Calvin from the new man.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

"Look, i just... I'm supposed to tell you about this James guy... he want's your attention... And... Yeah... Just take the note. It should tell you what he wants..."
he pauses a moment.
"He's lucky to have a daughter like you, to talk for him."

Male Young elf 2

"... Just... Give me the note."
the man hands the note over, and flees, while cal takes the note back to Michael.

Male Catfolk-Aasimar Inquisitor 3

Micheal watches the inferior male flee with a sly smirk on his face. Sometimes all it takes is his voice and appearance for them to tuck tail and cower.
He accepts the note from Cal.
A flick of his wrist and he is supplied with three large letter openers. He uses one to dexterously slice open the letter and read it through. Another wrist flick and the blades swing back to their previous place.
"Ignore his ignorance. Some Things aren't worth the clothes they wear."
He refers to the man as a 'thing' as he tends to do with those that supply not even a slight challenge.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

the note explains that someone is looking for your services in pinedale. It's a ways off, but the pay, according to the note, should be good and consistent, and there are many things to hunt. Housing will be provided. There is an address, and a map. It's signed "James goodman".

Male Young elf 2

"He was nervous before you saw him. If anything, I'd say he's smart, trying not to intrude."

Male Catfolk-Aasimar Inquisitor 3

"Mmm. Nonetheless..."
He reads the note with a neutral face. Near the end his eyes light up with the glimmer Cal recognizes with a hunting job opportunity.
"Pack up what's left, sounds like we have some possible long term employment!" He folds the paper and puts it in his back pocket.
He kicks sand over the smoldering remains of the fire and throws any loose objects in the caravan as he explains the letter to Calvin, ending it with "the sooner we get there, the sooner we start!"
Soon they both take their seats at the driving block behind the two auburn and grey horses. The caravan itself is black and wooden with a split door at the back. Sideshow like art on the side advertises "Michael Telroth: Monster Hunter."
The inside is carpetted and has two beds at the back with chests of supplies and a small work table.

Male Young elf 2

cal puts up his feet as they get going. It's gonna be a long trip.

Shadow Lodge

M Human

Most of the available surfaces in the room appear to have books of some sort or another on them, but there is one small table clear. "Please seat yourself, I shall put the kettle on" after a few minutes he comes in with the kettle and two small cups, one of them chipped "now then, how may I help you"

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

"I have to admit, finding someone like you was challenging, but I'm earning my pay. According to my research on you... You were kicked out of the school system for insanity, correct? On account of stories of magic and dark creatures?" That is you, correct?"
the man passively sips at his tea. He's almost impossible to read, aside from this nearly endless friendliness he practically exudes.

Male Young elf 2

A few months in the future for Michael...

"Looks like we're finnaly here."
cal says, shielding himself from the rain with a tarp from the back.

the address leads you to a huge manor.. Or at least, it was. Half of it seems to be wrecked. The front is intact however, and still larger then most houses.

Shadow Lodge

M Human

The doctor winces at the word insanity "yes, that is me, And while I am not crazy, perception is sometimes more powerful than reality, in line with such, if you are a reporter I must ask that you finish your tea and leave,"

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
Dr William "Bill" Carter wrote:
The doctor winces at the word insanity "yes, that is me, And while I am not crazy, perception is sometimes more powerful than reality, in line with such, if you are a reporter I must ask that you finish your tea and leave,"

"If i was a reporter, then i would have a pen. Or pencil. Or some other way to record what you say. I'm not. I've traveled a few month's worth to find you. No, I'm here to offer something on behalf of my benefactor. And given what i know on you, you'd like to know more, wouldn't you?"

he takes another sip, and looks back.
"On the darkness, i mean."

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
icehawk333 wrote:
at quite a different time, a woman slips unto a farm in elven territory. All the good crazies were out here, she thought. She hadn't found one good one yet, but decided to pass though a farm to make sure, silently watching from afar... And then she saw him. Perfect. Absolutely perfect... Now, how to approach him?

The woman sneaks behind the man when no-one else is around, and tires to slip a note in his pocket, before the robed man turns around and begins floating, looking down at the woman. She trembles a little, but stands up straight and stops shaking after a moment.

"S... Sorry. I just didn't want to face you like this. I have no choice now. I have a letter to deliver. Sir. I don't mean trouble. Honest."

Ben this is you.

Male Catfolk-Aasimar Inquisitor 3

"Heh. If they have the kind of money they talked about paying, you'd think they'd spend a little more time on keeping their house in check..."
His wide brimmed hat and cloak keep the rain off of him.
"Well, let's get inside."
If there is a stables he will guide his horses inside, if not, he puts them in a place with any overhang to keep them dry.
He pounds on the door with a fist, and if no one answers after a short time, he opens the door himself and goes inside.

Shadow Lodge

M Human

Dr connects takes a long sip of his drink then carefully places it on the table "dear sir, I believe whoever has fed you your information left out one crucial, detail" he places his hands on the table and grins, his eyes twinkling with glee "I want to know more about everything" he chuckles and then smiles "theatrics aside, yes the "darkness" as you put it is a field of particular interest to me for the last few months, and while knowing of me as far out as you imply, is impressive as until now I had thought the gossip had stayed local, and none of the people I have been in contact on the topic have been farther out than a few days journey, but not nearly as mysterious as you purpose, in any case, you have my undivided attention"

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

the place does indeed have stables. They seem to be recently repaired. When Michael knocks, he hears soft walking before he loses his patience and goes in.
"Ah, you're the first one here. Good. Come, into my study."
the man you see has a black band of cloth over one eye, and walks with a limp. He's wearing a long, dark coat, and has some contraption strapped to his back, something between a gun and a bow and arrow.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
Dr William "Bill" Carter wrote:
In any case, you have my undivided attention"

"Good. And thank you. I'm quite skilled. Now... My benefactor is looking for those like you. Those who look past the vail of the mundane. Ah, but I'm rambling. Let's get to the point. My benefactor is known as James goodman. He loves in pinevale, to the north. He's looking for people to do his old work for him. He said he's growing too old. It should be well paying."

Shadow Lodge

M Human

He nods "Any details, perhaps on the type of work, quantity and type of payment" he resumes drinking the tea.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

"Of course. The work he does is with and against mages, and the dark forces that lurk in the night. He's hiring 2 more people too. Do you know anything about defending yourself? It may be required. Diplomacy sometimes works, but not always."

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

"As for pay, it'll vary, but he'll always keep you living well. He'll take a fee for riding jobs, but according to him, you'll still be paid well.

Shadow Lodge

M Human

I accidentally deleted my response... Dang nabbit"what about transportation, will it be provided for me, or must walk or buy my own horse, will I be provided with a map, a guide, or is finding your employer a test?"

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

"Ah... He didn't supply me with an answer for transportation. I rode my own horse here. The rest is in here."
he pushes the envelope to you across the table. The note has an address, a map, and a note, explaining most things that the man just explained. It's written quite well.

Male Catfolk-Aasimar Inquisitor 3

"You Goodman?"
He gets straight to the point as he follows the crippled man.
Yet another person he doesn't need to prove anything over. He seemed permanently injured, but he could still be a threat as he had a weapon. He'll keep an eye on the man.

Shadow Lodge

M Human

"Hmm, I suppose I can find my own transport, hmm Miss Grotke still ones me that favor, I could call that in for a discount on one of her horses... I shall be there, is there a particular time I need to be there by, or just as soon as I can, whenever that may be?"

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
Michael Telroth wrote:

"You Goodman?"

He gets straight to the point as he follows the crippled man.
Yet another person he doesn't need to prove anything over. He seemed permanently injured, but he could still be a threat as he had a weapon. He'll keep an eye on the man.

"Yes, I'm goodman. You must be one of the recruits."

he takes another seat in his study, and gestures for you to do the same.
"Odd that you'd bring your kid with you."

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1
Dr William "Bill" Carter wrote:
"Hmm, I suppose I can find my own transport, hmm Miss Grotke still ones me that favor, I could call that in for a discount on one of her horses... I shall be there, is there a particular time I need to be there by, or just as soon as I can, whenever that may be?"

"Whenever you can."

the man stands and turns to leave.
"I suppose I'm done here. Thank you for your time."

Shadow Lodge

M Human

"My pleasure," and with that he packs his backpack with various books and survival gear, putting his spell book on top and lashing a bedroll to the bottom, he gets a light horse, locks up his home and leaves taking off to the place on the map
... ... ...
Upon arrival, the doctor takes the horse to the stable then stretches for a good 10 minutes, and makes himself look more presentable. Once he finishes with that he knocks four times upon the door.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

the door is ajar, and you can hear talking inside.

Male Catfolk-Aasimar Inquisitor 3

"Calvin is my assistant. And my name is Michael Telroth," he affirms.
He enters the room.
"I'd prefer to stand." He makes no excuses or pleasantries.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

"Fair enough. So... Tell me, what do you have to offer? There's a lot of work to be done."

Shadow Lodge

M Human

He frowns but pushes the door open anyway, walking in towards the sounds

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

there's a man with a black cloth band over one eye and a crossbow strapped to his back talking to a burly man and a child with long ears. The man's hair is shaggy and dark black, wearing a dark coat and pants.
"Ah, another recruit. I'm interviewing one already, feel free to look around the house while i speak to this one. Help yourself to what you need."

Male Catfolk-Aasimar Inquisitor 3

"I take care of monsters. Wolf men terrorizing villages, creature of the night stealing children. I solve problems. But really, I was expecting you to tell me what I should do. Give me what you know about a monster and I go /solve/ it. That's what we do." He crosses his arms.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

"Good. You're just what I'm looking for. I run a organization here, much like what you do... But likely much more well known and used. I've had 3 jobs I've had to handle this month... But I'm getting too old for this... So I'm putting together an organization to take my place when i kick the bucket."
the man takes a sip of the clearly alcoholic drink sitting next to him.

Male Catfolk-Aasimar Inquisitor 3

"So we do our job here instead of on our own and then when you're offed we get the buisness?"
He restates it in exceedingly blunt terms.

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