LankyOgre |
I'd like to run a play by e-mail game, but I'd like to run it a little differently. I'd like to run individual games. I will post a few paragraphs that lead into a story. You create a character from the core Pathfinder book only. Use 20 point buy on table 1-1 for ability scores and max gold for your class per table 6-1. I will be using Forgotten Realms circa 1375.
E-mail me your character with the subject line “Long Trip – Character Sheet – your character's name.” Then e-mail me your first response, action, turn, etc titled “Long Trip – your character's name.” smilinggamemaster@gmail.com
I will check my e-mail every night at approximately 8:30 pm central time and I will respond to whatever e-mails I have at that time. If there are any major changes in schedule, I will let everybody know. If you have any questions about the format or characters post them here in this thread. Otherwise, e-mail me and lets get started.
You clutch your meager possessions tightly against your body as you peer out the dusty carriage window. Every bump and jolt startles you and makes it impossible for you to relax in the otherwise plush carriage. You think back to the fortune that brought you to this point, riding silently in a carriage to Selgaunt. You look across at your only companion, a young woman going to meet her soon-to-be husband. From the brief story you heard, a rich merchant from Selgaunt happened to ride through your small home of Doskog between Selgaunt and Ordulan. Men from Selgaunt began showing up with gifts for her father, and next thing the poor girl new, she was bound for Selgaunt. Luckily for you, the carriage driver was willing to make a little extra and you parted with the last of your coins for a ride.
You briefly doze in and out while the carriage bounces along. Occasionally, the sound of the guard calling to each other or a horses bridle rouses you. You didn't sleep well last night in the loft of the stables. The carriage stopped at a roadside inn for your companion. You didn't catch its name. The innkeeper was kind enough to let you sleep in the stables with the rest of the crew bringing in so much business. Suddenly, a new sounds jars you awake. You here shouts of alarm from the guards traveling with the carriage. One man yells out “From the left, the coast!” Horses whinny in panic and pain and you hear a heavy thud that must be someone falling from a horse. The guard manning the crossbow on the roof of the carriage begins to yell out a warning, before stopping suddenly. The sound of metal on metal reaches your ears. The young woman with you, you haven't even caught her name, clutches a small cat protectively and stares in panic at the carriage door.

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LazarX wrote:Key question... Pathfinder or 3.5 rules?It says Pathfinder core only in the first paragraph.
Max gold and meager possessions aren't gelling for me there, but it does sound like an intriguing idea otherwise.
Presumably you spent all your starting gold on fast women (or men, or poodles).

LankyOgre |
Sorry for the delay. I had some obligations come up, but I would still enjoy continuing this idea. If you are still interested go ahead and send me a character and respond to the intro.
In regards to the max gold/meager possession s comment. The idea is that you are clutching your entire life in the carriage. That does lead into; I am disallowing anything that will raise your starting gold higher than table 6-1. The idea is, whatever you have is what you have, but I know some classes are more equipment dependent than others and I didn't want to upset that too much. In addition, in my opinion, your items are not all brand new purchased with a chunk of gold right before you got in the carriage. They are family heirlooms, gifts, etc. Things acquired over your life before you get in the carriage.
If you have specific requests, send them my way. I only have the Pathfinder core book, the Bestiary, and the Gamemastery Guide. I do have a few FR & 3.5 books as well that I will throw in occasionally.

LankyOgre |
If anybody is interested; so far I have had
1 oracle
3 rangers
1 rogue
1 monk
1 fighter
1 half-orc
2 dwarves
1 elf
1 half-elf
2 humans
Five have stayed and fought, and one ran away immediately.
I think it is going pretty well for those who have responded. Just interesting to see the class and race break-downs.