alsoBoris |
As Velius approaches the nest, and leans down to examine it closer, he comes face to snot with an old grizzled cur. A faint tag can be seen around its neck as it starts to growl, then bark.
<<Encounter: "A Fence's Best Friend"| Round I |Encounter Map: Old Fishery>>
Katrina: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Emanuel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Velius: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Alessio: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Cassiel: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Bloo: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Alessio: 22
Bloo: 20
Cassiel: 19
Velius: 16
Emanuel: 9
Katrina: 3
Current Locations
Bloo: I 15
Velius: I 14
Cassiel: I 12
Alessio: L 12
Katrina: K 11
Emanuel: K 12
Alessio, you're up! You can hear a low growl coming from the room that Velius just entered into. What will you do?
Alessio Cooper |
Alessio begs the pardon of Velius and Katrina as he squeezes past them to peer into the doorway. Once he can poke his head around the corner he squints at the cur and says something unintelligible under his breath.
Evil Eye: Save DC 14 or suffer -2 to attack rolls for 7 rounds. Successful save reduces duration to 1 round.
Move through allies to J12
alsoBoris |
<<Encounter: "A Fence's Best Friend"| Round I |Encounter Map: Old Fishery>>
Alessio: 22
Bloo: 20
Cassiel: 19
Velius: 16
Emanuel: 9
Katrina: 3
The dog's barking increases in ferocity as Velius calls back for food. Sensing an opportunity, the small animal lunges forward to snap at Velius's right calf. However, the cur overcompensates for the monk and ends up catching nothing but air.
However a high pitched shout can be heard coming from the Northern door, accompanied with someone pounding on the door. "DAMMIT YARGIN! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO KEEP BLOO QUIET! If you don't shut him up, I'll do it myself!"
Combat Rolls
Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
H.Percp: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Lamm1: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
Lamm2: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
Lamm3: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
Current Locations
Bloo: I 15
Velius: I 14
Cassiel: I 12
Alessio: J 12
Katrina: K 11
Emanuel: K 12
Velius, Cassiel, Emanuel, and Katrina, you are up. What will you do?
Velius Kross |
Very much not wanting to hurt the animal, despite its attempt to bite him. Velius does his best to relax the creature. He uses the dog's name he heard someone shout. Down Bloo! Relax! Grabbing some trail rations from his pack he tries to bribe the dog, unless someone happens to have something tastier.
Charisma Check: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Trying for untrained handle animal check as seen at the bottom of: to calm down Bloo
Cassiel Hawke |
Round 1: Actions
Move Action: Move to H13
Standard Action: Aid Velius in his CHA check
Cassiel doesn't quite understand why Velius doesn't just put the mongrel down, but opts to help him with the task anyway.
"Easy there, boy. Easy..." He steps into the room and holds his hands out in a placating manner.
Aid Another (Handle Animal): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Katrina Tyir |
Katrina makes her way carefully past Alessio and Cassiel towards the sound of the barking dog and away from the banging on the door.
"Whoa boy, easy there. No need to be alarmed.' She said holding her hand out in a calm manner trying to calm the beast.
Move action to I13 and handle animal (untrained Charisma) check to calm the dog.
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
alsoBoris |
Alessio begs the pardon of Velius and Katrina as he squeezes past them to peer into the doorway. Once he can poke his head around the corner he squints at the cur and says something unintelligible under his breath.
The dog's barking increases in ferocity as Velius calls back for food. Sensing an opportunity, the small animal lunges forward to snap at Velius's right calf. However, the cur overcompensates for the monk and ends up catching nothing but air.
However a high pitched shout can be heard coming from the Northern door, accompanied with someone pounding on the door. "DAMMIT YARGIN! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO KEEP BLOO QUIET! If you don't shut him up, I'll do it myself!"
Cassiel doesn't quite understand why Velius doesn't just put the mongrel down, but opts to help him with the task anyway. "Easy there, boy. Easy..." He steps into the room and holds his hands out in a placating manner.
Very much not wanting to hurt the animal, despite its attempt to bite him. Velius does his best to relax the creature. He uses the dog's name he heard someone shout. Down Bloo! Relax! Grabbing some trail rations from his pack he tries to bribe the dog, unless someone happens to have something tastier.
Emanuel rolls his eyes at the circus in the next room and positions himself next to the blocked door and prepares to cast color spray should anyone force the door open.
Katrina makes her way carefully past Alessio and Cassiel towards the sound of the barking dog and away from the banging on the door. "Whoa boy, easy there. No need to be alarmed.' She said holding her hand out in a calm manner trying to calm the beast.
<<Encounter: "A Fence's Best Friend"| Round I |Encounter Map: Old Fishery>>
Alessio: 22
Bloo: 20
Cassiel: 19
Velius: 16
Emanuel: 9
Katrina: 3
Will v. Hex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13 Sorry I forgot this last round. Thankfully, it didn't matter. Bloo is under the affects of Evil Eye for 7 rounds.
Current Locations
Bloo: I 15
Velius: I 14
Cassiel: H 13
Alessio: J 12
Katrina: I 13
Emanuel: L 11
Alessio you are up! What will you do?
alsoBoris |
<<Encounter: "A Fence's Best Friend"| Round II |Encounter Map: Old Fishery>>
Alessio: 22
Bloo: 20
Cassiel: 19
Velius: 16
Emanuel: 9
Katrina: 3
Snarling and growling, Bloo takes another lunge at Velius, obviously not calming down. In fact, it appears that all attempts at kindness only agitate the dog more.
The pounding from the other room abruptly stops just as quickly as it has started.
Combat Rolls
Attack: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 - 2 = 3
Mystery Number: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Intimidate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Current Locations
Bloo: I 15
Velius: I 14
Cassiel: H 13
Alessio: J 12
Katrina: K 13
Emanuel: L 11
Velius, Cassiel, Emanuel, and Katrina, you are up. What will you do?
Cassiel Hawke |
Round 2: Actions
No Action: 5-foot step to H14
Standard Action: Smack the dog
Cassiel sighs and swings his scimitar at the mangy beast. "And we barely even got to know each other..."
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Katrina Tyir |
Upon seeing their efforts to calm the dog having failed Katrina let out a soft sigh moving five feet to her left calling upon Sarenrae's divine fire. Extending her free hand she finished her prayer sending a bolt of fire towards the dog in front of Velius.
Firebolt Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 1 - 4 = 5 damange: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Katrina five foot steps over to I13 and casts a firebolt at the dog.
alsoBoris |
Alessio's disdain for wild animals dissuades him from attempting to treat with the dog. Instead he waits to see the outcome of his companions' efforts.
Snarling and growling, Bloo takes another lunge at Velius, obviously not calming down. In fact, it appears that all attempts at kindness only agitate the dog more.
The pounding from the other room abruptly stops just as quickly as it has started.
Cassiel sighs and swings his scimitar at the mangy beast. "And we barely even got to know each other..."
Sighing at the dog's reaction, Velius lets loose with a flurry of attacks.
Upon seeing their efforts to calm the dog having failed Katrina let out a soft sigh moving five feet to her left calling upon Sarenrae's divine fire. Extending her free hand she finished her prayer sending a bolt of fire towards the dog in front of Velius.
<<Encounter: "A Fence's Best Friend"| Round I |Encounter Map: Old Fishery>>
Alessio: 22
Bloo: 20
Cassiel: 19
Velius: 16
Emanuel: 9
Katrina: 3
Current Locations
Bloo: I 15
Velius: I 14
Cassiel: H 14
Alessio: J 12
Katrina: I 13
Emanuel: L 11
Alessio, you are up!
Alessio Cooper |
They know were inside now, the dog's barking altered them!
With that thought, Alessio sprints into the room and winds his way between Katrina and Velius. When he is close enough to the dog, he swipes at it with his walking stick. It is apparent to all that his attack is unpracticed, at best.
1d20 ⇒ 12
Alessio ends up in J14
alsoBoris |
<<Encounter: "A Fence's Best Friend"| Round III |Encounter Map: Old Fishery>>
Alessio: 22
Bloo: 20
Cassiel: 19
Velius: 16
Emanuel: 9
Katrina: 3
Yelping in pain as Alessio lands a solid blow, Bloo's snarling increases in intensity as blood starts to drip from his wound. Lashing out at Alessio, Bloo's teeth dig into the young witch's upper thigh causing a massive amount of pain.
Combat Rolls
Attack: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 - 2 = 14 Hit
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Damage from Alessio: 1d6 ⇒ 5 Nice Damage!
Current Locations
Bloo: I 15
Velius: I 14
Cassiel: H 14
Alessio: J 14
Katrina: I 13
Emanuel: L 11
Bloo looks very badly injured. You all think another solid blow from Alessio could bring him down. Cassiel, the door you are standing by is the door that the pounding and shouting was coming from. Velius, Cassiel, Emanuel, and Katrina, you are up. What will you do?
Cassiel Hawke |
Round 3: Actions
Standard Action: Swing at the dog
Cassiel cringes as the dog bites a chunk out of Alessio's leg. It wasn't enough for the dog to embarrass them all by dodging each of their blows (except from the one man here who looked like he's seen the least amount of physical combat), but he went and landed a nasty blow on the most vulnerable target of them in the room.
He swings again, this time not planning on missing.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
alsoBoris |
They know were inside now, the dog's barking altered them!
With that thought, Alessio sprints into the room and winds his way between Katrina and Velius. When he is close enough to the dog, he swipes at it with his walking stick. It is apparent to all that his attack is unpracticed, at best.
However surprising everyone, Alessio manages to land a solid blow, which Bloo is only too happy to pay back with interest as the cur embeds his teeth into Alessio's thigh.
Cassiel cringes as the dog bites a chunk out of Alessio's leg. It wasn't enough for the dog to embarrass them all by dodging each of their blows (except from the one man here who looked like he's seen the least amount of physical combat), but he went and landed a nasty blow on the most vulnerable target of them in the room.
Cassiel swings again, this time connecting and nearly decapitating Bloo. Bloo immediately collapses into his nest, quickly staining the straw with his blood.
<<ENCOUNTER RESOLVED| XP AWARD: 34 per character>>
Great job guys!
There are six ways to exit this room, which way will you go? Keep in mind that There was a bunch of noise coming from the Northern door.
Cassiel Hawke |
Cassiel sighs. "Damn dog..."
He looks over at Alessio's bleeding leg. "Need something for that, Alessio?" He asks as he readies his bloodied scimitar and looks at the door he's standing before.
I'm partial to opening the north door. I call dibs on going first if we do that.
Alessio Cooper |
Alessio writhes on the floor holding his leg where he was mauled. His curses vary from one language to another, intermixed with more than a bit of whining. However, he manages to steel himself and assume a sitting position.
"I need to stop the bleeding" he says in response to Cassiel's query.
What a time not to have taken a healing spell! he thinks. And all those wasted on miscreants over the years! The irony is salt on the wound.
Cassiel Hawke |
Cassiel nods and briefly looks at his feet.
...ask a stupid f!#@ing question...
"Katrina, I think this is your thing." He nods at his fellow priestess. "I can't do that yet..."
Katrina Tyir |
Katrina moved over to take a look at the wound and nodded to the questions. "Yes I believe that I can." She said as she pulled at the holy symbol at her neck. With a softly uttered prayer she held the holy symbol out and released the burst of positive energy given from her goddess. "The dawn brings new light."
Channel Positive Energy, Selective channeling out the Dog and the unconscious individual in the room.
Channel Energy: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Alessio Cooper |
Saeranrae's blessing brings a strange tingling, not altogether unpleasant, but still surprising, to Alessio's wound. With a grimace, he climbs to his feet and stares down at his bloodstained pant leg, a frown betraying his thoughts toward his appearance.
With the briefest of sounds to clear his throat and regain his composure he addresses Katrina. "I am most grateful to you; I feared that the filth animal had torn open a large blood vessel and that I would expire on this vile floor. Thank you again. And let us be about bringing justice to our foul enemy."
alsoBoris |
<<Encounter: "The Little Lambs"| Round I |Encounter Map: Old Fishery>>
Katrina: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Alessio: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Cassiel: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Lamm G1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Lamm G2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Velius: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Velius: 21
Alessio: 14
Lamm G2: 12
Cassiel: 10
Lamm G1: 4
Katrina: 2
As Cassiel opens the door, a putrid wave of smell created by fish and sweat is nearly enough to make the eyes water. To the east, a large wooden trough holds a hideous mound of half-rancid fish, seaweed, and brine. Filthy seawater and fish blood stains the floor around this trough. A pair of wooden chutes lead from this through through holes in the northern wall into a larger room to the east. To the west, a desk and a chair sit in one corner while a tall cabinet sits in the other.
More importantly, however, the room is filled with roughly a dozen young children are in the room with pitchforks. Most are trying to feed fish into the chutes, however four children block your access into the room, looking like they have set up an ambush.
"ATTACK! Otherwise Lamm will skin us for sure!" shouts the tallest looking boy in the room, as he brandishes a kukri and attempts to rile up the other three orphans who look hesitant.
Combat Rolls
Cassiel Perc: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Katrina Perc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Velius Perc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Alessio Perc: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Disguise: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Intimidate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Current Locations
Velius: I 14
Cassiel: H 14
Alessio: J 14
Katrina: I 13
Emanuel: L 11
Lamm 1: F13
Lamm 2: G 14
Lamm 3: F 15
Leader: E 14
You all can try to win the other orphans over to your side. In order to get the kids to help you, you will have to make a DC 15 diplomacy check.
Cassiel Hawke |
Cassiel's jaw nearly drops at the sight of the children. Some of them were nothing but skin and bones--evidently, starvation is one of the incentives Lamm uses to train pickpockets. He narrows his eyes at the supposed leader of the children, noting that his voice sounded like the one who told them to quiet Bloo down. He's much older than the kids here--likely one of Lamm's lackeys.
"Oh, Lamm will get his today, kids. You mark my words--all the fruits of his evil have come back to bite him in the ass. We're here to help you--you don't have to be afraid of him any longer." He says, trying to get through to the children. At least they hesitated--it was the only shot he had...
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Alessio Cooper |
Alessio waits to see how the children react to Cassiel's exhortation before he acts. All the same, he quietly breathes an incantation and surreptitiously makes complex arcane movements with his fingers as we waits.
Delay action to until the children act. If they attack, he will cast Sleep on the lead child and on those nearest to him.
alsoBoris |
<<Encounter: "The Little Lambs"| Round I |Encounter Map: Old Fishery>>
Emanuel: 15
Hookshanks: 12
Cassiel: 10
Lamm G1: 4
Alessio: 4
Velius: 4
Katrina: 2
At the sound of Cassiel's words, the children up front start to sniffle and tear up. You all notice that their grips on their pitchforks loosen, and while they aren't quiet ready to put down their weapons, they do not appear to be hostile to you. For a moment, the slurry is quiet, until one of the kids near the vats chucks a mixture of brine, fishguts, and seaweed in the older kid's face. "That's for my brother, Hookshanks! You monster!" The force of the blow knocks of the black wig that the boy was wearing, revealing bright purple hair.
Hookshanks, effectively blind for the round curses like a pirate as the remaining orphans watch with wide eyes, and shock.
Combat Rolls
Orphan boy blinds hookshanks for a round
Current Locations
Velius: I 14
Cassiel: H 14
Alessio: J 14
Katrina: I 13
Emanuel: L 11
Lamm 1: F13
Lamm 2: G 14
Lamm 3: F 15
Hookshanks: E 14
[ooc]Hookshanks is blind for a round. What will you all do?
Katrina Tyir |
Katrina upon reaching the room will look in to see the situation mostly under control already with the monk heading to take care of the oldest boy. She will wait in the back assessing each of the children looking for anything she might be able to do to help them before setting them free.
heal check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Just looking to see if any of them have any injuries or such that may need to be treated.
Alessio Cooper |
Seeing that Velius has handled the boy, he decides to hold his magic for other threats. If the other children make any offensive moves, he will cast the spell to put them aslumber*, though.
*I am not really sure if this is a real word
alsoBoris |
Cassiel's jaw nearly drops at the sight of the children. Some of them were nothing but skin and bones--evidently, starvation is one of the incentives Lamm uses to train pickpockets. He narrows his eyes at the supposed leader of the children, noting that his voice sounded like the one who told them to quiet Bloo down. He's much older than the kids here--likely one of Lamm's lackeys.
"Oh, Lamm will get his today, kids. You mark my words--all the fruits of his evil have come back to bite him in the ass. We're here to help you--you don't have to be afraid of him any longer." He says, trying to get through to the children. At least they hesitated--it was the only shot he had.
Alessio waits to see how the children react to Cassiel's exhortation before he acts. All the same, he quietly breathes an incantation and surreptitiously makes complex arcane movements with his fingers as we waits.
Nodding at Cassiel's words Velius stands alert watching the children. "I was one of you once. I escaped, now look at me today."
At the sound of Cassiel's words, the children up front start to sniffle and tear up. You all notice that their grips on their pitchforks loosen, and while they aren't quiet ready to put down their weapons, they do not appear to be hostile to you. For a moment, the slurry is quiet, until one of the kids near the vats chucks a mixture of brine, fishguts, and seaweed in the older kid's face. "That's for my brother, Hookshanks! You monster!" The force of the blow knocks of the black wig that the boy was wearing, revealing bright purple hair.
Hookshanks, effectively blind for the round curses like a pirate as the remaining orphans watch with wide eyes, and shock.
Moving past Cassiel and the other boys with a polite "Excuse me. I'll grab him, and we can properly tie him up." On reaching the boy, Velius grapples him.
Seeing that Velius has handled the boy, he decides to hold his magic for other threats. If the other children make any offensive moves, he will cast the spell to put them aslumber, though.
Katrina upon reaching the room will look in to see the situation mostly under control already with the monk heading to take care of the oldest boy. She will wait in the back assessing each of the children looking for anything she might be able to do to help them before setting them free.
<<Encounter: "The Little Lambs"| Round II |Encounter Map: Old Fishery>>
Emanuel: 15
Hookshanks: 12
Cassiel: 10
Lamm G1: 4
Alessio: 4
Velius: 4
Katrina: 2
The blind gnome flails about in Velius's grasp, unwilling to give up, just yet. Cursing up a storm as the goop drips away from his eyes, Hookshanks attempts to blindly stab his oppressor. However, due to the chaos that the room is in, instead of stabbing Velius in the stomach, Hookshanks manages to miss everyone.
The three children with pitchforks, having frozen when Kester through the slop at the gnome overseerer, suddenly spring into action. They surround Hookshanks, and attempt to skewer him, all while shouting out oaths of revenge for others that have fallen at the twisted gnome's hands. However, due to their size, the kids are unable to land any sort of substantial blow to the captive gnome.
Combat Rolls
attack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
Blind Miss Chance: 1d100 ⇒ 17 1-50 is a miss
Lamm 1 attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Lamm 1 damage: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5
Lamm 2 attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Lamm 2 damage: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Lamm 3 attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Lamm 3 damage: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Current Locations
Velius: F 14
Cassiel: H 14
Alessio: J 14
Katrina: I 13
Emanuel: L 11
Lamm 1: E 13
Lamm 2: D 14
Lamm 3: E 15
Hookshanks: E 14
Hookshanks is grappled. What will you all do? Also, Katrina, you cannot see inside the room due to your location, did you move last turn?
Velius Kross |
I maybe misreading the grapple rules at this point. So I beg your indulgence if I'm making a mistake.
Velius holds onto the gnome tighter in an attempt to maintain his grapple, while sending a vicious knee into the gnome's body. "Hey! Stop trying to stab him! I have this under control!" Velius said, worried that the children were going to end up stabbing him.
Maintain Grapple: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Attack, Non-lethal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Cassiel Hawke |
Cassiel smirks as Velius put the gnome in a chinlock and starts beating him down. The children trying to stab the gnome cause his smirk to disappear, turning into a look of concern.
"Kids, it's okay--Velius does indeed have this under control. Calm down!" He holds his hands out and steps carefully into the room, standing next to Velius. He didn't give a damn whether or not the kids stabbed the gnome (whatever he did to the kid's brother, odds are the little s**t deserved it, and then some)--he was more concerned about the kids stabbing Velius by accident.
Diplomacy (If Needed): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Moving to F-15.
alsoBoris |
The blind gnome flails about in Velius's grasp, unwilling to give up, just yet. Cursing up a storm as the goop drips away from his eyes, Hookshanks attempts to blindly stab his oppressor. However, due to the chaos that the room is in, instead of stabbing Velius in the stomach, Hookshanks manages to miss everyone.
Cassiel smirks as Velius put the gnome in a chinlock and starts beating him down. The children trying to stab the gnome cause his smirk to disappear, turning into a look of concern.
"Kids, it's okay--Velius does indeed have this under control. Calm down!" He holds his hands out and steps carefully into the room, standing next to Velius. He didn't give a damn whether or not the kids stabbed the gnome (whatever he did to the kid's brother, odds are the little s**t deserved it, and then some)--he was more concerned about the kids stabbing Velius by accident.
The three children with pitchforks, having frozen when Kester through the slop at the gnome overseerer, suddenly spring into action. They surround Hookshanks, and attempt to skewer him, all while shouting out oaths of revenge for others that have fallen at the twisted gnome's hands. However, due to their size, the kids are unable to land any sort of substantial blow to the captive gnome.
"Can I offer some assistance in subduing that miscreant?" Alessio asks while holding his walking stick in an aggressive manner.
Velius holds onto the gnome tighter in an attempt to maintain his grapple, while sending a vicious knee into the gnome's body. "Hey! Stop trying to stab him! I have this under control!" Velius said, worried that the children were going to end up stabbing him. Velius feels that his damage did some good, but the gnome continues to struggle in his grasp.
Katrina, meanwhile attempts to make her way through the children to see if any are injured. She finds that while most could use a few days of rest from the grueling work and a good meal, the kids are in good health.
Velius, I think that you are doing the grapple rules correctly. You just need to maintain the grapple, which you get a +5 circumstance bonus to because you have managed to keep a hold of him. If you want to tie him up, you will need to pin him and then the round following you can tie him up.
Katrina Tyir |
Katrina sighed with a mixture of relief and exasperation as the children began to attack the grappled gnome. At least they were healthy she thought to herself before adding her much softer voice to the fray attempting to calm the children down. "Easy children. I know how you feel but right now you need to entrust the fighting to those more skilled. Please put aside your pitchforks."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Seeing the children in decent enough condition Katrina will try to help stop the attack with pitchforks.
Cassiel Hawke |
Cassiel moves to help Velius pin the gnome.
Aid Another (CMB): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
...and unfortunately, due to the children in the way, can't seem to get into a good enough position to help.
alsoBoris |
<<Encounter: "The Little Lambs"| Round III |Encounter Map: Old Fishery>>
Emanuel: 15
Hookshanks: 12
Cassiel: 10
Lamm G1: 4
Alessio: 4
Velius: 4
Katrina: 2
Hookshanks, now able to see, squirms in Velius's hold, before trying to stab at the blond ulfen. However, due to Velius' height and weight, he winds up missing and dropping his kukri to the ground in the struggle.
The rowdy kids seem to ignore Cassiel, cries to stand down. However when Katrina speaks to them, they reluctantly agree. "We were just trying to help..." They explain looking very guilty and embarrassed, while they move back to the rest of the group, allowing the adults to handle the situation.
Upon hearing Alessio's question, a small girl looks at the nobleman with a mix of wonder and fear, "No, but Mr. Giggles might have some. He's through there." the girl say as she points a small stubby finger at the door in C 11. At the mention of Mr. Giggles, the other orphans flinch.
Combat Rolls
Attack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Current Locations
Velius: F 14
Cassiel: F 15
Alessio: J 14
Katrina: J 13
Emanuel: L 11
Lamm 1: E 13
Lamm 2: D 14
Lamm 3: E 15
Hookshanks: E 14
The orphans will move to D 13 and F 13. The one at E 13 will stay where he is. They will also put down their weapons and watch with unwavering attention to see what you all will do to their oppressor.
Hookshanks will be free on Velius' turn as a natural one will automatically fail the grapple check.