Squeely Nord question: "drawing the card"

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

It says to have somebody draw a card. Is it saying that they draw the card for you to discard if you fail to defeat Nord, or do they draw the card as a boon for themselves having witnessed your failure (entertainments sake)?

Hmm... That is interesting. I would assume that they draw the card you discard card as the combat damage since it is in the if undefeated section of the card. But then what happens if no other character is at your location? Do you not have to discard?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Draw a card means "draw the top card of your deck." They are witnessing your failure and having a good laugh. If you play the Pathfinder RPG, I suggest playing We Be Goblins!; it's where many of the preview cards come from. (And is a lot of fun!)

Note that the card tells you to take 1 Combat damage if you fail, which is different than discarding a card (You can use an Armor or other card that prevents combat damage.

I feel like this falls under Cards do what they say / cards don't do what they don't say. If you were supposed to draw the card your friend discarded for combat damage, it would say so. And the card tells you to take 1 combat damage; there is no reason you wouldn't if nobody else was around. If nobody is around to draw a card, that part simply doesn't happen.

Thanks for the replies; it does seem thematic that they would get a boom from your misfortune.

Excellent analysis there First World Bard. Thanks.

I unfortunately do not have the promo cards, so I do not get to enjoy this encounter.

We Be Goblins is a free download, by the way.

Hawkmoon, the card was previewed here.

Note that it's possible to kill somebody else with the draw.

zeroth_hour wrote:

We Be Goblins is a free download, by the way.

Hawkmoon, the card was previewed here.

Note that it's possible to kill somebody else with the draw.

This is true and 100% in spirit with the We Be Goblins adventure.

Also, I love all of the promo cards. Thanks to everyone involved.

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