Will Cooper's Realm of the Fellnight Queen (Inactive)

Game Master Will Cooper

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Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

Laughing at Tundan's words, Surveen speaks loudly to Tundan, so all can hear. "Indeed, but sometimes being dressed for the part is misplaced, like our entrance here." his deep voiced laugh reverberates in the breeze. He bows low to the assembled party goers, "Our apologies for the entrance, now start that music and and let's have some fun, dressed up or not." a smile lights up his face.

Aid another(Tundan) Diplomacy 1d20 ⇒ 15

Male Human Fighter 1, Wizard (Evocation Admixturist) 5, Eldritch Knight 1

Sharadon eyed Tudan for a long moment at his comment. Then shrugging wearily, "Guilty as charged". Sheathing his sword, the wizard glanced around. When he'd taken in the sight of the revellers he sighed slighty, "So... where's the cake?"

"Where's Elyin? Can I dance, too? Did we miss the meal?"

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

FWIW, Tudan meant the wizard that sent us -- not Sharadon -- and winked to show that he was joking about wizards; but he was focused on smoothing things over with the locals, and apparently missed how his words could be misconstrued by his teammate.

The party-goers relax as it becomes clear that blood and mayhem are not about to spring on them out of the shadows. An older man with greying hair and bushy eyebrows, dressed in green and russet, smiles and says, "Ah. Ye'd be friends of Elyin, right enough. Well ye're welcome to a dance here, or find what all else you like to do around the place. Young Elyin, well he's about somewhere," he gestures expansively, indicating a wide range of festive activities beyond the dancing area.

You can see a number of people, clearly dressed in their finest clothing, crossing a stone bridge where festivities for the wedding stretch from the stone chapel and rose gardens of Shelyn, past a large open-air tent, and down to the sun-drenched, tree-lined banks of Stillwater Creek. Music and laughter fill the air, with partygoers calling out for attendees to join their games and merrymaking.

Around you the music resumes, the dancers relax and laughter fills the air once more.

Here is a map of the wedding ground. Feel free to explore - you have arrived at A4 in the north west corner.

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

"Thank you, sir." Tudan bows at his elder, then retrieves and stows his shield. "I can't wait to see Elyin again! How about we find him first, before we party? I'm feeling clockwise, more or less." Tudan is very intuitive, and often says that he's feeling something, instead of saying that he's thinking it. He's also accustomed to following the others and watching over them, not leading.

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

"You and your sweet tooth Sharadon, no doubting where you'd go first. Ha ha ha ha.... though all that walking in the shadows made me hungry too, so let's make it to the food tent. You never know, Elyin always liked a good nosh when adventuring, and a wedding is surely the start of some adventure." Surveen says loudly as his blue nose twitches as he sniffs the air for the scent of savories.

Perception 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
Surveen will point the way to the source of the food smell and move that way, if he can detect the smell and the group agree to that direction.

"Food! An excellent idea. Fuel for dancing!"

Male Human Fighter 1, Wizard (Evocation Admixturist) 5, Eldritch Knight 1

He nods rather mindlessly to Gideon, "Indeed. Elyin knows us well enough to know to be waiting near the food. Undoubtly it would have been our first destination."

As you leave the dancing grove, you get a better view of Bellis, and the wedding. Festivities stretch from the stone chapel and rose gardens of Shelyn, past a large open air tent, and down to the sun drenched banks of Stillwater Creek. Music and laughter fill the air, with locals calling out for partygoers to join in their games and activities.

Following Surveen's nose takes you to a large yellow tent A2 on the map. Delicious smells emanate from the pitched canvas feasting hall. Partygoers frequently come and go, carrying plates of fried fish and seared pork ribs with cups of honey mead. Smoke from cooking fires rises from behind the tent.

Everyone smiles as you walk through the party towards the delicious smells, but you haven't spotted Elyin yet, or anywhere to get changed.

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

Surveen, doesn't wait to get changed, instead with his lips moist from the saliva generated by the smell of the food, he picks up a plate and heads straight for the the fish dishes, fish pate, baby octopus cooked in a rice dish with other sea food, though he can't remember what it was called. Soon he has filled his plate. "Do we wait for Tudan's blessing on the food, or just dive in?" he asks as the rest of his friends are also busy.

He asks a couple of the guests, which is the best and tatsiest of the food, bowing to each after they answer. Yet it becomes apparent, after talking to many of the guests that all the food is most excellent.

Male Human Fighter 1, Wizard (Evocation Admixturist) 5, Eldritch Knight 1

Like a hungry coyote, Sharadon begins looking for the sweetened pasteries. "He can bless while we eat. Surely the gods can overlook us on our friend's wedding day."

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

As an oracle of life in general, Tudan's usual blessing is actually a purify food and drink, since they're often scavenging from the wild or eating at remote inns of questionable cleanliness. But if it also fills a priest-like function for those he's eating with, he's happy to serve.

Tudan's stomach growls at the smells, and it doesn't take him long to get some pork ribs and mead himself. The religious monk's question catches him with a rib halfway to his mouth. "Oh right! Blessings! How about I bless it all at once?"

Tudan gestures with the meaty rib while reaching into an old familiar part of his inner self, gathering an energy inherited from a distant celestial ancestor. "May this food and drink bring vitality and joy to all of good will." He releases the energy in a burst that rushes through the whole tent.

"Good thing we haven't changed. I'd get my glorious new clothes a mess from the ribs!"

Hawke piles a plate with ribs and other choice bits but avoids rice and most of the seafood. He doesn't talk about it much, but the three of you are aware of the hatred he has for his old living conditions in Tien and he avoids foods that remind him of that time.

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

"Ditto! That worked out for the best. But where to next, to find Elyin? A stroll in the rose gardens might be nice." Having grown up serving tables, Tudan easily balances the plate of ribs on his bent left elbow while holding the cup of mead in his left hand. However, imagining walking around the festivities, the diplomatic aasimar suddenly pictures the disasters that would result from other partygoers trying to copy him; so he copies them instead, putting the yet-untasted rib back on the plate, taking the plate in hand, and looking for a place to put it down.

The locals nod their heads briefly as Tudan blesses the food. There is a very brief lull in the murmuring hum of the happy crowd, and then everyone is eating and chatting and drinking and laughing again.

Before you leave the food tent you notice a wide table laid out to one side, with some curious activity going on. It looks like people are betting, or making bids, or something. Worth coming back to, perhaps.

You overhear a snipet of conversation, a young man saying to his father in an exasperated tone, "Put the pie down, dad. At least let's go and wish Elyin and Kailah well first. I think they're at the gazebo."

The gazebo is at A3 on the map. By the way, can everyone see the map OK?

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

I see the map fine, even though I use Maxthon 1 sometimes, which Flickr (correctly) interprets as an out-of-date version of IE.

Tudan grins triumphantly. "Aha! You hear that? To the gazebo! And then we can get messy, after the hugs and introductions."

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

Surveen laughs good naturally at Tudan's words, claps him on the back, "Why yes, it seems you were right!" he looks round at the rest of the group smiling, as he pushes Tudan into the 'lead' position. Still laughing he turns behind to the others, "Let's follow our lad here, he knows the way."

"Shouldn't we change real quick? Present ourselves fashionably dressed?"

With all of his characteristic impetuousness, Gideon doesn't wait for a response and goes behind the bushes by the the river to quickly change before heading to the gazebo.

That's good. I just noticed that the link was kinda buried in the ooc text.

There's a sheltered nook, out of sight of the main part of the party. With a little rearranging of the foliage it makes for a perfect changing area. So long as someone keeps watch!

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

Never one to really follow the fashions of the time and feeling comfortable after his traveling cloths, says "If you must, but I'll watch so none of you get caught in an embarrassing position. There are plenty of ladies here who don't want to see your battered and bruised bodies. So why you change I'm baffled, I'm sure Elyin wouldn't mind how you looked." Surveen nervously watches where you change.

Perception 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25

Male Human Fighter 1, Wizard (Evocation Admixturist) 5, Eldritch Knight 1

Sharadon mindlessly nibbled on some cake or other sweet pastery he managed to find amongst the feast, as the others began to change. After a few moments, the wizard too vanished behind the nook, slipping into the fine robes he'd purchased before they left. With that, he stepped out with his pastery in hand, "To the gazebo then? I fear I'll be gorged on these sweets before I even have a chance to dance..."

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

The outdoorsy aasimar devours a rib while Gideon and Sharadon change, then sighs, licking his fingers and wiping his hand on his traveling clothes. "That was good! And it took the edge off. But for me, changing can wait until I've finished eating and washed up." That said, Tudan leads the way to the nearby gazebo, plate in hand, sipping from his cup. What can I say, he's literally a barbarian. ;)

"There I feel like a new man. The tunic looks a little lumpy with my chain shirt beneath it, though. I really thought I'd pull that off better. Oh well, warriors can't be choosers!" Gideon happily moves off toward the Gazebo with the rest of the party.

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

Unchanged, Surveen walks proudly beside his friends, face up, chest out. He walks amongst the finest men, towards a respected and dear friend in celebration. It doesn't get any better.

A well worn path strewn with flower petals leads between rows of plain wooden benches to a decorative gazebo at the bottom of a small natural amphitheater. More flowers adorn the structure itself and a line of well-wishers extends to a seated couple, dressed in wedding finery.

Elyin and Kailah smile broadly as they greet their guests, exchanging a few words with, it seems like, everyone in the village and half the next.

Elyin's face brightens further as he spots you behind the queue.

Male Human Fighter 1, Wizard (Evocation Admixturist) 5, Eldritch Knight 1

Sharadon quickly mashed what cake was left, into his mouth. Chewing with determination, he tried his best to swallow the delicious treat before reaching their friend. When they finally reached the bride and groom, "Hail and well met old friend!"

"You wouldn't believe the terribly boring place we had to travel though to get here! But it was worth it, I think. Everything is most lovely."

Elyin is clearly delighted to see you. He beams and gets up from his bench to shake your hands and introduce you to Kailah. "I hoped you'd come, but I had just about given up hope when I received no answer. You look well, all of you! Kailah dear, this is Sharadon, and Tudan, and Gideon, and Surveen. I owe them all my life, many times over."

Kailah smiles, saying, "Thankyou for coming - I know Elyin has missed you all. You are in all his best stories."

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

After putting his food and drink down, Tudan grips Elyin's hand and then then steps forward to firmly embrace him with his other arm. "You didn't really think you'd get away with a handshake after all this time, did you?!" He thumps Elyin's back and squeezes his hand before releasing him.

The genial aasimar then gives an easy smile and bows at Kailah, turning his right hand before his chest. "No, *we* should thank *you* for this happy occasion. And I cannot wait to hear your own stories of how you tamed this wild beast." He winks at the bride-to-be, then gently punches his old friend in the shoulder.

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

"It is our pleasure to meet the one that can restrain Eylin's roaming. Don't believe what he tells you about us, he exaggerates our part in his life's story." Surveen bows to the woman, "He is our fine friend and companion of many adventures, it an honour to have traveled with Eylin."

"Oh, there's no great secret to that," says Kailah, "he just knows he's found the right person. It happens."

She and Elyin share a brief, private, smile. Then Elyin says, "Have you had a chance to enjoy the party yet? Some of the villagers have been planning the games and activities for weeks! We're very flattered, it's nice to make a whole day of it."

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

"No, we were eager to see our old friend again. Now we can finish eating, then explore and play."

Male Human Fighter 1, Wizard (Evocation Admixturist) 5, Eldritch Knight 1

The wizard glances about quizzically. "Games? Now thats a novel idea!"

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

"Games, reminds me of my youth, learning the ways of the masters, oft times there were games to sh strength, agility and prowess with your weapons of choice. Those were happy days." he voice trails off wistfully as his eyes have a long far away look in them.

The as if suddenly awoken, Surveen shakes his head and points behind the amphitheatre, "There, whats that going on there."

Surveen points to A5 and what in going on there.

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

Tudan wasn't kidding about finishing eating. He tackles another rib while the others talk.

Kailah speaks again, "Yeah, it's a traditional thing here. Lucky. The ceremony itself will be in about an hour over by the Chapel," she gestures towards the rose gardens of Shelyn nearby.

Elyin looks at Surveen, "You might do well at horseshoes over there, old friend. And you Tudan, if you've still got that sweet tooth, there's a mystery auction for baked deserts in the food hall."

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

"Thanks Eylin, I'll have a go. Anyone wanna join me, though none will better me, eh companions!" he laughs and strolls over to the game of horseshoes.

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6
GM Will Cooper wrote:
Elyin looks at Surveen, "You might do well at horseshoes over there, old friend. And you Tudan, if you've still got that sweet tooth, there's a mystery auction for baked deserts in the food hall."

Tudan chuckles and winks at Sharadon. "Of course." Since Tudan was constantly snacking -- sometimes jerky, bread, cheese, nuts, or seeds, but otherwise honeyed oat cakes or dried fruit -- Elyin frequently got mixed up about who had the sweet tooth. Tudan was never able to finish whatever pastry Elyin got him for his birthday; fortunately, he always had help. "But what's going on down by the creek?"

Drowning his second rib in mead on the way to the food tent, Tudan drops off his plate and cup, then pulls out a cloth and creates just enough water to dampen it before washing his face and hands. Force of habit; he didn't even look for a bowl of water laid out for that purpose.

Where he goes next depends on the answer to his question.

Male Human Fighter 1, Wizard (Evocation Admixturist) 5, Eldritch Knight 1

Sharadon idlely follows Surveen over to the horseshoe game, curious about it's components. "This doesn't look so complicated... a simple application of mage hand perhaps!"

"That would be cheating and probably bad luck for the couple. No, we play this one straight, gentlemen. Can someone tell us how to play?"

@Surveen, Gideon, Sharadon: The clang of horseshoes against iron pegs announces the game of skill in progress behind the gazebo. A small number of bystanders mill about, watching the practice throws of an imposing half-orc, in full traditional war paint. He turns, hoping for fresh challengers...

@Tudan: Down by the creek there are children and old men hanging fishing lines over the side of the bridge. Occasionally they haul up something brightly colored, and go off to collect some prize. "Wouldn't mind a go at that one myself," says Elyin. He catches a fierce glance from Kailah, and continues smoothly, "after, of course, we've greeted all our guests."

So far you have heard about
- horseshoes at A5
- fishing competition at A1
- dessert auction at A3
Who is keen for what?
Doing nothing and just waiting for the ceremony is also an option if you all agree on it.

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

Surveen goes up to the half-orc, "Come then, let us see who is the better? So what do I have to do." With a wink to his friends he mouths, "Watch this."

I'm ok skipping the mini-games and just having you narrate the competition or whatever. Move us along and whatnot.

Male Human Fighter 1, Wizard (Evocation Admixturist) 5, Eldritch Knight 1

The wizard simply stood by and watched on as Surveen tried his hand at horseshoes. Mayb he'd give it a try if it didn't seem to difficult. He was a 'frail' wizard after all.

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

I'm OK with moving on with Gideon if that's what we all want to do.

Male Aasimar (Raised by Halflings) Barbarian 1 / Lame Oracle of Life 6

I'm a sucker for fishing mini-games. :) Of the innumerable hours I played EverQuest, many were spent just fishing. And I don't even fish IRL.

Aha! Now there is something I'd be good at. Tudan moves down to the creek and finds someone who looks friendly to explain the fishing competition. "It looks simple enough. Just throw over a line and haul something up, or is there more to it than that?"

the half-orc grins broadly through his intimidating face paint, "Hah! A challenger at last! Is good, very good." He introduces himself as Halak, the local blacksmith. "Here is rules..."

Each player makes three throws. For each throw you nominate a DC, representing how difficult the peg is that you are aiming at; harder pegs earn more points. DC 15 scores one point. DC 20 scores 3 points. DC 25 scores 5 points. Roll 1d20 + BAB + Dex against the chosen DC, a miss earns no points. Player with the highest total over three throws wins.

Halak notices Sharadon's interest, "Come, come," he beckons. "Is good game, good prizes. All three play, winner takes prize." he grins again.

You stroll over to the little arched wooden bridge. As you get closer you see that the small stream is covered with brightly colored paper fish, made from waxed paper, floating atop the water. There are yellow fish and red fish and green fish and blue fish, each with a little brass ring through their nose.

A little child, face and hands sticky with honey, looks at you seriously as she explains, "Mister Clansom gives you a fishing rod for a penny and then you go fishing and then you catch a fish and then you take it back to Mister Clansom and he gives you a prize which is a sweet or a silver piece or an apple or a for special prize if you catch the little white fish but I can't see that one." Somehow this all comes out on one excited breath.

A copper piece to rent a fishing rod, then a Perception check to spot the white fish, and a Survival check to go fishing. Better survival check gets a better prize.

OK, Surveen, Halak. Let us play!" Gideon tosses with his characteristic flair, leaping and spinning. He aims for the middle post, thinking to get a higher score without trying for the really difficult shots.
Throw 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Throw 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Throw 3: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

"Six points for me! Bet you a beer you can't beat that, Surveen!"

Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)

Surveen feels the weight of the shoes in his hands, tossing each of them up in turn and catching them. Then enters the playing area and spitting on his hands, starts to throw his 3 goes.

His first he throws to the middle post.
Throw 1: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Seeing as his first easily hits the middle post, he tries the remaining shots at the furthest most difficult. As he does turns to Gideon, "For the beer!"
Throw 2: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Throw 3: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

The first throw he drops the shoe on his toe as he tosses it up, and the crowd call it a shot and fall about laughing.

Green faced embarrassed for an Undine and looking more at the floor than he posts, Surveen instinctively throws the last shoe, but its flight is all wrong barely making it as far as the middle post. "What's your drink then Gideon? You won that." as he laughs half-heartedly with his friends.

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