Werewolf the Forsaken (Inactive)

Game Master DaWay

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Male Werewolf Cahalith Bone Shadow Defense 3/ Health 8/Speed 9/Perception 6/Initiative 6/Armor 0/Willpower 5°5/Harmony 7

Silent is with Mike on this one; droving would be much easier.

As for the roll: 5d10 ⇒ (7, 5, 9, 3, 5) = 29

Male Defense 3 | Health 8 | Speed 11 | Perception 6 | Initiative 6 | Armor 1/2 | Willpower 5/6 | Harmony 5

Mike puts the key in the ignition and starts her up, giving the engine a moment to warm up. A quick look at the gas, "Half a tank. That should be plenty."

He flips through the radio stations looking for the news. "Lets see what going on."

defense: 3, health: 7, speed: 9, perception: 5, initiative: 5, armor 0, willpower: 4, harmony: 7

Sunshine climbs into the back with no hesitation.

Lantern Lodge


I am not going to be a dick and have you travel only to die.

You arrive at the residence an hour and 40 minutes later only to see the firemen cleaning up and reracking the house. Police have secured the scene and the shells of the building barely remain.

Silent: You leave the root system of the cave and emerge back on Abrahams land. His daughter goes up and slaps you across the face...hard. What have you done!?!

Male Werewolf

Staying well out of sight of the police. He will wander the area and see if he can find any tracks leading to or from the scene.

Lantern Lodge


Sean can I get dex and stealth?

Male Werewolf

Dex+Stealth: 5d10 ⇒ (10, 3, 2, 3, 3) = 21 Reroll 10: 1d10 ⇒ 9 2 successes all told

defense: 3, health: 7, speed: 9, perception: 5, initiative: 5, armor 0, willpower: 4, harmony: 7

Sunshine looks over the scene for a moment before finding the nearest squirrel... and approach it, chittering.

In squirrel:

Hello, little friend...did you see what happened?

Dark Archive

Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

I was going to damage him, not sure exactly how that works, never using the grappling rules before

Lantern Lodge


police perception: 5d10 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 6, 8) = 26 1 success, Sean you can sneak past them.

Zelda you can damage him, as you take him down, what only can be described as millions of spiders come spewing forth from every orifice of the gas station attendee.

One man thing goes in, not man, never seen, other man things follow, also not man, but different not man things. Big hot bright thing eats house. nothing escape.

Male Werewolf

Do I find any recient tracks, namely ones that look like they're not the police?

defense: 3, health: 7, speed: 9, perception: 5, initiative: 5, armor 0, willpower: 4, harmony: 7

It sounds like a few were here...nobody made it out. They were following one...something.

Thank you so much. That first man-thing...was there something different about him that you remember?

Sunshine lays on the ground, presenting as small a profile as she can to make her new little friend less uncomfortable, picks up an acorn, and hands it to him.

Lantern Lodge


that would be a perception roll or wits+survival whichever is higher after all there are a lot of tracks here.

the squirrel. No all you man things smell the same. This one not smell like wet dog like you this smell of rain on sunny day or death in spring. He smell not right.

Male Werewolf

Both rolls are the same
Perception: 6d10 ⇒ (10, 10, 2, 7, 7, 1) = 37 reroll 10s: 2d10 ⇒ (8, 1) = 9 2 successes I think... Maybe only one. Do 1s in rerolls still count?

defense: 3, health: 7, speed: 9, perception: 5, initiative: 5, armor 0, willpower: 4, harmony: 7

Thanks, little friend, I really appreciate that.

Rain on a sunny day...death in spring...hmmm. What do you guys think?

Dark Archive

Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

Holy... Runs out the door, not even about to deal with that many spiders...!!

Lantern Lodge


That's two successes. The only tracks you find besides the mess of firefighter boots and police shoes are wolf pads and a set of what appears to be size 11 sneakers. They do not seem to leave.

Zelda: okay, so letting the ridden live and continuing to the pack?

Male Werewolf

Sean returns to the others and explains what he found.

"Death in spring?! Whatever it is, I think it went this way. One in wolf form one in human form wearing runners. What do you think guys?"

Dark Archive

Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1
DaWay wrote:

That's two successes. The only tracks you find besides the mess of firefighter boots and police shoes are wolf pads and a set of what appears to be size 11 sneakers. They do not seem to leave.

Zelda: okay, so letting the ridden live and continuing to the pack?

Not sure I can fight it alone, not even sure what it is in character, although I still need gas... any way I can turn on the pump, or would I have to fight a million tiny spiders to do so?

Lantern Lodge


let's get a dex and athletics roll to get to the switch and then another to get out.

Everyone, if you want to try and figure out the squirrel speak give me a roll. I am open to multiple combinations of rolls I would like you to justify it however. and no, a str + brawl will not let you figure out the riddle.

Male Werewolf

Inteligence plus Animal Ken is the best I could think of.

3d10 ⇒ (4, 4, 9) = 17 1 success

Are we trying to figure out what type of creature it is? Can we guess based on the description?

defense: 3, health: 7, speed: 9, perception: 5, initiative: 5, armor 0, willpower: 4, harmony: 7

I see it more as Wits + Animal Ken... Roll: 6d10 ⇒ (5, 7, 5, 3, 6, 7) = 33

...as if it matters. ;p

Dark Archive

Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1
DaWay wrote:
let's get a dex and athletics roll to get to the switch and then another to get out.

Dex+Athletics #1: 6d10 ⇒ (2, 9, 7, 10, 6, 7) = 41 reroll 10: 1d10 ⇒ 2

Dex+Athletics #2: 6d10 ⇒ (8, 3, 5, 3, 4, 10) = 33 reroll 10: 1d10 ⇒ 3

Male Defense 3 | Health 8 | Speed 11 | Perception 6 | Initiative 6 | Armor 1/2 | Willpower 5/6 | Harmony 5

'Talking to squirrels really isn't my thing. I'm going to leave this to the others. We need to figured out what happened here. Something gives me the feeling this was no accident. Is it my new heightened instincts or is it my imagination.One way to find out"

"That interesting. See what you can figure out. I'm going to have a word with one of the firefighters."

Mike walks up to one of the firefighters who doesn't seem to completely caught up in the fray, hoping he might have a moment to talk. ""Hey buddy, what happened here? This looks like it was a pretty bad fire. I hope nobody was hurt." he says doing his best to sound genuinely concerned.

Manipulation+Expression: 4d10 ⇒ (10, 3, 1, 4) = 18 1d10 ⇒ 7 0 Successes

Lantern Lodge


Sean: It seems to be describing a being of entropy. Something made of Chaos.

Mike: The firefighters recovering from the round inside the building look at you and shake their heads. You do not know whether they mean nobody was hurt or what you are doing coming up and talking to them.


What would I know about this being?

Sean tells the others the type of creature they may be hunting.
Inteligence+Occult(Superstissions): 4d10 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 3) = 11 I'm not sure if that speciality counts, I'll leave that up to you... Not that it matters...

Dark Archive

Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

Ah, I got two successes to get to the switch and two successes to get back out, I forgot to put the successes, just the rerolls.

defense: 3, health: 7, speed: 9, perception: 5, initiative: 5, armor 0, willpower: 4, harmony: 7

Yeah...I dunno...but I think Sean may be onto something. It's really the only thing that makes sense. I wonder if they burned the place to get it.

Sunshine looks lost in thought, gazing at the burnt remains.

Lantern Lodge


Zelda you are fine... you have finally achieved the status of being Urathra.

What would you guys like to do now? and Sean you don't know anything about what or who the thing is.

Dark Archive

Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

Ah, so are we skipping ahead now or do I still need to make it back to my car and such? Bit confused what you mean with that last post in regards to me

Lantern Lodge


nope, if you want to run we can say that your are all caught up and have talked to your moms about being Uratha.

Everyone else what are we doing?

defense: 3, health: 7, speed: 9, perception: 5, initiative: 5, armor 0, willpower: 4, harmony: 7

I think we should wait a while...see if the cops leave...then go look closer.

Sunshine doesn't look particularly pleased with her idea, but doesn't have anything better.

Whatever it was...or is...is dangerous.

Male Werewolf

"I have found it's tracks, we could hunt it. There were only 2 of them"

defense: 3, health: 7, speed: 9, perception: 5, initiative: 5, armor 0, willpower: 4, harmony: 7

Well...my little friend says it didn't leave...so...unless it had alternate ways...it's likely...there.

Sunshine points out the smoking remains. Basement?

Male Werewolf

Aaaaahhhhh now I see

Dark Archive

Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1
DaWay wrote:

nope, if you want to run we can say that your are all caught up and have talked to your moms about being Uratha.

Everyone else what are we doing?

Alright, cool then do I have my car back 'free and clear' yet, or should I make that an aspiration as I still need to deal with Victor?

Lantern Lodge


No, you do not have your care back. That will be dealt with in game.

No the tracks do not leave. The cops will be there for another couple of hours. If you are staying let me know what you are doing.

Dark Archive

Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

Okay, so where am I now and such in regards to everyone else?

Male Werewolf

"Let us see where the tracks go to and come from at least, while we wait"

Lantern Lodge


Zelda you are in the same spot as everyone else.

Anyone who wants to follow Sean dex + stealth

Male Werewolf

Would it help if whoever was best at stealth scouted ahead first, and directed the rest out of the way of any potential danger? I have 5 dice for that roll. Anyone have any better?

defense: 3, health: 7, speed: 9, perception: 5, initiative: 5, armor 0, willpower: 4, harmony: 7

I think I'm the same...but my tablet fried. DaWay, I sent you a copy...

Male Werewolf Cahalith Bone Shadow Defense 3/ Health 8/Speed 9/Perception 6/Initiative 6/Armor 0/Willpower 5°5/Harmony 7

I'm unsure what I can do..

Lantern Lodge


Sunshine you are at 5 dice for dex and stealth.

seeing as how some of you are rather new to werewolf I will offer you a helpful hint.

The pools of water from the combined rain and water from the fire hoses seems to almost form a mirror on the streets.

Dark Archive

Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

Stealth to follow (also if we have our starting gifts, note Feet of Mist's always on part: 6d10 ⇒ (8, 7, 9, 10, 2, 4) = 40 reroll 10: 1d10 ⇒ 7

Male Werewolf

I'm unsure what to do with that hint DM. Would we know the reflections in pools of water to hold some mystical significance?

It's clear that Zelda should scout ahead while the rest of us stay at least 10m behind following her direction

Male Defense 3 | Health 8 | Speed 11 | Perception 6 | Initiative 6 | Armor 1/2 | Willpower 5/6 | Harmony 5

Follow silently : 2d10 ⇒ (7, 8) = 15

"Alright, let's go."

-Posted with Wayfinder

defense: 3, health: 7, speed: 9, perception: 5, initiative: 5, armor 0, willpower: 4, harmony: 7

Also following at a little distance...Stealth: 5d10 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 2, 1) = 15


Dark Archive

Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

Ah, yeah would it be right to assume my mother told me about stepping sideways and such? Or even that all of us know about it by this point? Seems if anything, Sean as a player doesn't know about it...

ooc ST:
I'll look up the stepping sideways rules to refresh my memory how they are different between old world, as I've been playing that more lately. Then, if there is any God Machine differences I'll check for those too.

Lantern Lodge


There needs to be a locus to step sideways, though luckily there was a locus here. Also you need a reflective surface to stepsides ways.

Sean, mike and zelda you are able to do so without worry.

Sunshine, a young cop comes up to you and starts escorting you back across the police tape. I am sorry ma'am. You can't be here right now. It's just not safe with everything going on. He lifts the tape for you to head under.

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