Underhive Adventures (Inactive)

Game Master Nethru

Adventures in the belly of Hive Desoleum Primus.

Game will be sandboxy and free form in style.


Mask Golem
GM Choon

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!
(8,846 posts)
Sirus Mechanicus

Wounds:5/12 Crit 0 | Fate 3/3 | Currently: fatigue0 | insanity 0 corr 15
(301 posts)

Decimus Observet

Paper Golem
Decimus Observet

Male GMT
(491 posts)
Alastir Wade
Josiah Graves

Male Human (Cygnaran) Skilled Aristocrat/Pistolier
(77 posts)

Kevin O'Rourke 440

Lil' Lazlo

Wounds: 10/10, FP: 1/1, TB: 5, Armour 2 (Arms, Legs and Chest)
(46 posts)