Try not to die


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Female Elf Outlaw

Fanriel mouths a silent "thank you" to Edgar as he tries to diffuse the situation, then begins to sweat a little less as another elf stands beside her as well. She stands taller now, more confident again.

Nargond & DM:

Hanna follows the dwarf out into the rain, her senses straining, blinking water out of her eyes.

Perception (38) 1d100 ⇒ 2

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Minous, growling at these pointy upstarts, drops into a low stance and begins to stride forward.

Betran! STOP edden barks. The man stops, and swivels on the balls and glowers at Edden. With a snarl, the man sheathes his knife and walks out the front door into the driving rain.

He is one of those who uses action before thinking. edden says.
Looking at Elthaslas, his eyes narrow. Since you are new, i will make an exception. No one ever draws their long blades within this room. Daggers are ok, but never the sword. Doing so will prompt me to bring out MY blade, and i guarantee you wouldnt like. he finishes with a finger pointing at the massive zweihander hanging on the wall.

nargond and hanna:

largish-man sized.
nargond search check-difficult -30% due to rain: 1d100 ⇒ 2
what the...
Growling to himself, nargond strides through the courtyard that is little more than a mud-soup, his stride simply churning the paste into a goo. And yet, as he approaches the spot, he sees a large imprint. Whatever the thing was, it left a large enough impact upon the ground to give him the impression that it is man-sized. Looking up on the wall, he sees a large hand print. Just up ahead he sees a foot print fill with mud leading towards the barn.
Hanna, straining to see through the water, hears a lone blare from a horn, far off in the distance.

A loud slam draws your attention to a man stepping out onto the front porch of the inn. One of the entourage of the Lady. He sits on a bench and manages to light a smoke stick and draws deeply from it before laying down upon the bench and staring up at the ceiling.

M Dwarf Runebearer

Hanna and Rizzen:

Nargond's stomach lurches sickeningly at this confirmation. He glances sideways at Hanna, and speaks softly.
"So, definitely something. Rouse we the others, or skulk it unaided?"

Female Elf Outlaw

With a sigh of relief, Fanriel whispers to Elthaslas "I'm glad you drew it."

Nargond & DM:

Hanna hesitates for a moment, then says "Stay here, I'll be right back"

She then sprints back to the porch, yelling to the man on the bench "Alert the others, I heard horns approaching! Have them make ready!"

She then turns and runs back into the rain to meet up with Nargond. She takes one look back over her shoulder to see if the man complies.

Splashing up to Nargond, breathless "Let's find this intruder."

Acknowledging Fanriel's gratitude, Edgar gives her a knowing smile and a wink.

Male Elf Hunter
WS 33, BS 45*, str 31, T 36*, A 35, Int 35, WP 38*, F 36; At 1, Wnd 10^, SB 3, TB 3, Mov 5, Mag 0, IP 0, FP 2

My apologies Master Edden. Elthaslas says as he sheaths his sword. I had hoped that faced with more than just a girl with a dagger Minous might think better of resorting to violence. Elthaslas gives Fanriel a nod as he returns to his seat.

M Dwarf Runebearer

Hanna & Rizzen:

Once again, Nargond's eyes narrow as he nods as Hanna, grimly. Axe at the ready and skilled staff fighter at his side, he stalks quietly towards the barn, hoping that whatever is there doesn't realize it's been noticed.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

nargond and hanna:

Moving up onto the farm/stables, the flames from a light pole do little to illuminate the courtyard in the failing light of night. The shadows grow large, and the mix of light from flame and the driving rain make them dance around like demons in a puppets display.
The nikker and neigh of horses with the stables alerts you that something is within the building, but not sure what.
Rounding the corner, you see a small entrance door, too small for a horse to fit through, but large enough for a human or elf to egress. The handle is rimmed with mud, which spatters to the ground with every hit of rainwater.
at this time, you both are soaked.

minutes later, Minous comes back in, smoking a stick. Minous thinks that your traveling wench is a little crazy. Claiming horns be sounded and what not. Strange woman, but Minous like that and will claim her this evening. She and her dwarf servant went around towards the back all quick like

M Dwarf Runebearer

Hanna & Rizzen:

Dripping wet, squelching through the mud as quietly as he can (even though any noise he makes should be covered by the sound of the torrential downpour), Nargond approaches the stable door.

He gestures to Hanna, indicating that she should stand off to the side of the door and open it, and he will go through first. With luck, he thinks, they will have the element of surprise. With more luck, they may even survive this.


minutes later, Minous comes back in, smoking a stick. Minous thinks that your traveling wench is a little crazy. Claiming horns be sounded and what not. Strange woman, but Minous like that and will claim her this evening. She and her dwarf servant went around towards the back all quick like

Edgar turns to look at Minous as he reenters the inn. As he speaks, his alarm grows, and he tugs at Fanriel's sleeve. He speaks in a low voice.

"My dear, I think there may be some trouble. I'm going to see what is going on."

He slings his quiver of arrows over his shoulder, and grabs his bow. He pulls up the hood of his cloak over his head, subconsciously realizing he is going to get soaked to the bone anyway, as he heads to the door.

Nargond and DM:

Hanna nods at Nargond, squinting to see through the rain. She sqelches over to the door, grabs the handle. She looks to the side to see if Nargond was ready.

At his nod, she pulls mightly on the door, attempting to open it as quickly as possible.

if Needed, Str (26) 1d100 ⇒ 67

Female Elf Outlaw

Still somewhat flustered, the elf isn't picking up the same cues as her halfling friend. She raises an eyebrow in question, but is unable to receive a reply before he is already heading out the door with bow in hand. Thankful for a chance to step outside herself, Fanriel slings her own bow over her shoulder and follows the short bandit out into the rain.

M Dwarf Runebearer

Hanna & Rizzen:

I do hope our characters are smart enough to figure out which way the door opens, and open it that way, rather than pulling on a push door (and looking like idiots while the enemies get alerted to us) since it wasn't specified. I've had DMs like that. =/

Nargond steps quickly through the door, axe at the ready, scanning for anything out of place or hostile.

Not sure if there's enough light to see. I would think so, since there's a lantern pole just outside and Night Vision is supposed to work with only starlight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM
Nargond wrote:
I do hope our characters are smart enough to figure out which way the door opens, and open it that way, rather than pulling on a push door (and looking like idiots while the enemies get alerted to us) since it wasn't specified. I've had DMs like that. =/

i only do that when i deal with Sicilians "and death is on the line!"...

Male Elf Hunter
WS 33, BS 45*, str 31, T 36*, A 35, Int 35, WP 38*, F 36; At 1, Wnd 10^, SB 3, TB 3, Mov 5, Mag 0, IP 0, FP 2
RIZZENMAGNUS wrote wrote:
minutes later, Minous comes back in, smoking a stick. Minous thinks that your traveling wench is a little crazy. Claiming horns be sounded and what not. Strange woman, but Minous like that and will claim her this evening. She and her dwarf servant went around towards the back all quick like

When Minous mentions horns Elthaslas rises from his seat and strings his bow but has to stop halfway through and stare at the man with a look of stunned disbelief on his face as the man continues to speak. When Minous finishes Elthaslas shakes himself and finishes stringing his bow. As he puts on his worn cloak he says to Edden. My apologies again Master Edden. There is no way drawing my sword could have ever detered a cretin like Minous. He has just demonstrated that he is stupider than the mud we had to slog through to get here. How he managed to survive to adulthood is truly a mystery.

Before crossing the threshold out into the driving rain Elthaslas asks Is there a tower over looking the wall? once he recieves the answer he hurries out the door after Edgar and Fanriel.

Male Elf Seaman

Dolwen watches everyone go, sparing few apathetic glances away from his food and drink. Finally, the armed and dangerous travelling companions of his have left, bustled off into the pouring rain.

Slowly, he stands and picks up his axe from under his chair. Dolwen, grumbling, makes his way out of the room. As he passes Minous, he offers a shrug and says "He's not related to me," before passing into the rain and whatever horrors lay beyond.

Nargond & DM:

Hanna allows the dwarf to enter then after a breath or two follows, her staff at the ready, eyes peering into the dim interior, heart beating so fast within her chest, it feels like its likely to burst.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

i hope to have a posting later today....

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

A tower? what, you think this place is the city of Altdorf? Edden laughs at his own joke. Nah, nothing like that. just a ladder in the corners to see over the wall. Scaffold is supposed to be built later this summer.

hanna and nargond:

Leaping into the stable, both of you rush into the main walkway that runs through the building. Stables line both sides, 12 in all. 8 of them are full, and opposite you stands the large double door commonly found with all stables. The smell of manure and hay wrestle within your nose. Your eyes peer dimly within the dark surroundings within. Nargond, his eyes more atuned to dark environs, peers around searching for the intruder....
give me perception checks with a -20% modifier for hanna

dolwen, elthaslas, fanriel, edgar
striding out into the wet evening, you look about for your travel companions, but do not see them.

M Dwarf Runebearer

Hanna & Rizzen:

Perception (34): 1d100 ⇒ 56 No luck, it seems.

Male Elf Hunter
WS 33, BS 45*, str 31, T 36*, A 35, Int 35, WP 38*, F 36; At 1, Wnd 10^, SB 3, TB 3, Mov 5, Mag 0, IP 0, FP 2

The girl supposedly heard horns I am going to check the gate then take a look over the wall. Minous said the girl and the dwarf headed towards the back. Elthaslas says to the others then goes to check the gate and ensure that it is locked and barred. Once sure the gate is secure he will go to the ladder Edden mentioned and climb up it to see if he can see anything on the other side of the wall.

to check the gate perception(35+10): 1d100 ⇒ 3
to see what is on the other side of the wall perception(35+10): 1d100 ⇒ 42

Nargond and DM:

Hanna peers around in the dim light, an internal debate raging I can't see... do I bring forth the light? Can I trust the dwarf not to over-react and split my skull for showing that I can use the Winds? Best be careful for now"

Perception (38-20=18) 1d100 ⇒ 76

Elthaslas Palemoon wrote:
The girl supposedly heard horns I am going to check the gate then take a look over the wall. Minous said the girl and the dwarf headed towards the back.

"Then that is where we shall go," says Edgar. Looking up at Elthaslas, he says "Be careful, good sir."

Gripping his bow, he motions for Fanriel and Dolwen to follow him around back.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

hanna and nargond:

you do not see anything.

elthaslas 1) gate is locked. 2) all you see is driving rain out beyond the wall, and with the darkness falling, you are beginning to have a hard time seeing that.

Rounding the corner, edgar, Fanriel and dolwen make their way to the back of the Inn as Elthaslas runs towards the front gate and on to the ladder.

Keeping the inn to their left, the three adventurers stalk down to view upon the back of the walled in enclosure. Try as they might, they cannot pierce the rain to see much further than beyond 10 feet. The large object of the stable is a black blob on the rain landscape.

Even as you take in the landscape, one of the lights that stands lit within the open area suddenly goes dark, plunging a large swath into darkness...

perception checks at -20% for those outside to view beyond the 10 feet
those outside make a search check at -10%

M Dwarf Runebearer

Hanna & Rizzen:
Darker than the Karak tunnels in here, Nargond thinks to himself, while straining to hear any whisper of movement in the pitch-black barn. Wish I had a light. Damn this rain, anyway, it would have gone out before I got this far... I know something came in here, now where is it? Probably heard us open the door, too. Maybe one of the others will bring light, if that indolent sod even passes the message. Still, the horses aren't spooking, so maybe it's gone already.

Male Elf Hunter
WS 33, BS 45*, str 31, T 36*, A 35, Int 35, WP 38*, F 36; At 1, Wnd 10^, SB 3, TB 3, Mov 5, Mag 0, IP 0, FP 2

Once sure that the gate is securely locked and seeing what he could of the far side of the wall. Elthaslas returns to the meager shelter of the front porch. He waits there for the others trying to here anything over the sound of the falling rain.

perception(hearing) 35: 1d100 ⇒ 16

Edgar squints to peer through the deluge, tightening his grip on his bow. He also scans the ground in around the group.

Perception (40-20): 1d100 - 20 ⇒ (46) - 20 = 26
Search (40/2): 1d100 ⇒ 1

Nargond & DM:

Muttering in frustration, Hanna can't see a thing in the dark barn, the flickering lightning merely confusing her eyes. Resigned, she gathers the Winds to her, focusing on the lessons of her master, calling forth the emanation of light from the tip of her quarter staff.

Channelling (41) 1d100 ⇒ 13
Casting Glowing Light Number:3 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Automatic Failure!

Will Power Test (41) 1d100 ⇒ 47 Fail! 1 Insanity Gained

Underestimating the currents of the Wind, Hanna's mind is buffeted by raw power, causing her to cease her efforts immediately. Dizzy and confused momentarily, she loses her balance and leans against one of the stall walls.

To Nargond, he hears Hanna muttering to herself in the darkness, though it seemed as though a soft light began to appear in the air near Hanna, but only for a moment; perhaps a trick of the eyes. Then Hanna seemed to fall against one of the stalls, gasping for breath.

M Dwarf Runebearer

Hanna & Rizzen:

Woohoo, first IP :)
Hearing Hanna gasp, Nargond backs up toward her slightly, still keeping his eyes to the back of the barn. Wondering if he really saw or heard anything, or if the stress and darkness is just getting to him.


Female Elf Outlaw

Fanriel follows Edgar around the back of the building, trying to keep her sopping hair clear of her eyes. As the light goes dark, she instinctively grins... she doesn't need light.

Perception (43-20): 1d100 ⇒ 26
Talent Night Vision... for whatever that's worth

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

as you strain to see into the fading light of the night, you hear a muffled scream and a dull thud of wood banging on wood coming from within the Inn.

Nargond & DM:

"Nothing....I....I just stubbed my toe...can you see anything?" Hanna whispers to Nargond, her voice strained and shaky sounding.

M Dwarf Runebearer

Hanna & Rizzen:
"Nothing. Perhaps it has gone, but where? And that swift... We need light.

Male Elf Seaman

Dolwen seems nonplussed. He grips his axe and mutters angrily about the rain and everything else. Keeping an eye out for Hannah, the elf is less than pleased when the light goes out-- of course they'd not get even a moment's rest...

Perception (42-20): 1d100 ⇒ 19
Night vision as well. Total darkness-- 30 feet. Needs minor illumination but not very much.

Nargond & DM:

With a sigh, Hanna says softly "I'll do what I can....".
Her voice trails of mysteriously, but then can be heard again in the dark , muttering softly.

Channelling (41) 1d100 ⇒ 66
Casting Glowing Light Number:3 1d10 ⇒ 10

Halfway through her centring exercise, a terrible itch races across the back of Hanna's left hand, disturbing her concentration. Tightening her focus, she bent the Winds to her will, causing the iron shod end of her quarterstaff to glow like a lantern.

Opening her eyes, she sees Nargond looking at her, his face inscrutable "If you must kill me, do so after we find the intruder. If you don't feel the urge to separate my head from my shoulders, please do not tell, others aren't so tolerant." she says all in a rush.

She then moves the light to illuminate the rest of the barn.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

the barn:

The shine of the light flares to life, casting back the shadows within the stables. horses nicker and whinny at the sudden increase in light, but the rest of the stables remain silent. even the drumming of the rain upon the roof has stopped.

the rest

As you stand at the rear of the building, looking into the wall of water, suddenly it goes quiet. where before there was the roar of water falling from the heavens, now there is nothing.
You blink, looking about, looking for... you are not sure what.

1d100 ⇒ 2


As you recover from your bout of mental lapse from being buffeted by the Aethyr winds, you feel, or sense a large buildup of magical energies nearby. You have felt the energies one time before... at the mage school in altdorf where a wizard showed you a summoning spell.

M Dwarf Runebearer

Hanna & Rizzen:

Nargond's eyes narrow slightly at the display.

"Not what I meant, lady, but we can speak of this later."

The grim dwarf turns with purpose and stalks to the rear of the barn, looking for anything disturbed. Or... disturbing.

Male Elf Hunter
WS 33, BS 45*, str 31, T 36*, A 35, Int 35, WP 38*, F 36; At 1, Wnd 10^, SB 3, TB 3, Mov 5, Mag 0, IP 0, FP 2

Does Elthaslas notice any of what is happening in back from his place on the front porch of the Inn?

Female Elf Outlaw

Fanriel instinctively tries to back up, but finds her back up against the rear of the building. There are times when you appreciate silence, but at this moment she'd give almost anything to hear the rain again.

"What is happening, Edgar?" she whispers to the halfling beside her, mostly to hear her own voice.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

elthaslas, i had missed your posting about returning to the inn. but, since you did, i will say that yes, you hear the woman scream and the wood thudding on the door.

Male Elf Hunter
WS 33, BS 45*, str 31, T 36*, A 35, Int 35, WP 38*, F 36; At 1, Wnd 10^, SB 3, TB 3, Mov 5, Mag 0, IP 0, FP 2

Hearing the scream Elthaslas runs back inside knocking an arrow to his bowstring as he goes.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

elthaslas runs right into the door.

The door is locked tight.

Male Elf Hunter
WS 33, BS 45*, str 31, T 36*, A 35, Int 35, WP 38*, F 36; At 1, Wnd 10^, SB 3, TB 3, Mov 5, Mag 0, IP 0, FP 2


Nargond & DM:

Hanna's features harden at Nargond's blunt tone but nods and holds the lighted staff end high so all corners are illuminated.

As she does so, Hanna tilts her head as if she were listening to distant music. Half closing her eyes, she then shakes her head, her eyes growing wide with alarm.

"Some idiot nearby is bringing something "other" into this world. We must find them and stop this from happening."

She tries to determine the direction of what she sensed
Magic Sense(41) 1d100 ⇒ 52

Male Elf Hunter
WS 33, BS 45*, str 31, T 36*, A 35, Int 35, WP 38*, F 36; At 1, Wnd 10^, SB 3, TB 3, Mov 5, Mag 0, IP 0, FP 2

Elthaslas tries to force the door open. when he is unable to force the door he runs around toward the back of the building looking for the others or some way into the building.

perception(35-20): 1d100 ⇒ 92
search(35-10): 1d100 ⇒ 52
the dice gods hate me

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

indeed they do

hanna: it is coming from your left. you recall that in that direction is the Inn.


Another shriek, louder than before, rises up within the locked inn, only to be suddenly cut off

hanna and nargond:

The horses begin to neigh and whinny in fear

everyone else
you all suddenly hear a woman screaming from within the inn, only to have it cut off

Nargond & DM:

Head cocked to one side, Hanna slowly turns her body, the lit staff turning with her, sending shadows spinning around the barn.

Coming to a stop, her realizes that she was facing the dirction of the Inn itself.

"It's happening in the Inn, we must hurry!" she cries, running from the barn into the muck outside.

As she clears the door of the barn, Hanna realizes her staff is still lit and with a quick mental 'click' causes the light to disappear.

Female Elf Outlaw

Fanriel's neck snaps toward Edgar, her eyes wide and inquisitive. She's afraid to leave their spot outside... rather, afraid to turn her back on whatever might be out here. "What's going on?" She asks rhetorically.

"We should return." she now advises the others, though uncertain of her own advice.

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