The Sanos Abduction (Inactive)

Game Master Akinra

PFS Campaign. Remember your Mountain Dew and Cheetos!

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World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation

The renowned Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch strides into her study at the Magnimar lodge. Her eyes scan the space with habitual vigilance, honed by years of successful adventuring. Satisfied that there’s nothing amiss, she stands behind her desk, and turns her blade-like attention to the party before her.

The Pathfinder Society has long been interested in the First World—the otherworldly realm of the fey. By all accounts the fey homeland is dangerous, bizarre, and entirely unpredictable. It’s the very type of place sane people avoid, and Pathfinders flock toward.

Countless expeditions and research teams have been dispatched over the years to investigate regions where the boundaries between the First World and our own Plane grow threadbare. Sanos Forest, which lies to the east of this very lodge, is one such place. The Pathfinder Society’s latest research party is currently stationed there, under the capable direction of the druid Ignizi Dinnelletter.

Dinnelletter doesn’t normally work well with others, but this time she’s got several newly recruited Pathfinders assisting her. We thought it prudent that she pass on some of her best practices, just in case. After all, we Pathfinders are not known for our longevity. Dinnelletter is entirely selfsufficient, but unfortunately the same cannot be said for her five trainees. Consequently, Ignizi’s station needs to be resupplied periodically, something the Magnimar lodge has taken responsibility for. You lot have been chosen to make the next supply run to Sanos Forest, and will leave first thing in the morning. It’s not a glamorous detail, but the fey forest never lacks for intrigue, and I’m sure you’ll make the most of it.

Your mission is simple: Deliver a pack horse loaded with supplies to Dinnelletter’s cottage in Sanos. I don’t expect any problems, but you never know with the fey. If Ignizi needs any additional help, please assist her in any way possible. And do try to be patient. Ignizi can be a handful.

Silver Crusade

Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Paladin of Sarenrae (Warrior of the Holy Light) 6 | HP 46/49 AC 25 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | I +3

Standing tall and surveying the room at the others in it, a broad-shouldered man in Tian-styled armor speaks up. His voice is deep, almost unnaturally so. "Sarion Minos, Paladin of Sarenrae." he says. He wears a visored helmet with horns, the visor is raised at the moment and what is visible of his face is monstruous. Green scales and bright yellow eyes and oddly shaped, slightly red teeth present the monster side, but the calm radiating from him and the openness in his eyes put you at ease if you let them. "If I might ask, what is Ms. Dinnelletter's area of study? And what has she been working on lately?"


World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation

Sheila Heidmarch smiles as you inquire more. “Ignizi is originally from Whistledown, the gnome settlement just to the east of Sanos Forest. She joined the Pathfinders as a young gnome, and was a very capable adventurer in her day—a little difficult to work with, but effective. As she grew older, she returned to her homeland to study the First World’s influence on the Material Plane, eventually becoming the preeminent researcher in the field. She still looks young and wide-eyed, but don’t be fooled. She knows how to get what she wants.

As for what she is working on lately, that’s a question I’m keen to learn the answer to myself. Ignizi’s reputation affords her something of a carte blanche when it comes to matters of First World research and we won’t know exactly what she’s up to until she has finally concluded her work. Knowing Ignizi, though, it will likely mean trouble.

Grand Lodge

A Keleshite woman walks into the room, donned in chain mail and wielding a scimitar and with a holy symbol of the dawnflower. Saranrae's blessings upon us as we take this endeavor, I am Kyra her mortal instrument upon this land.

Silver Crusade

Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Paladin of Sarenrae (Warrior of the Holy Light) 6 | HP 46/49 AC 25 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | I +3

A broad smile cracks Sarion's features. He bows to Kyra. "Dawnflower be praised!" he says. "I am gratified that the two arms of the Everlight are brought together to take this mission! We Stand Together!" He turns back to Sheila, standing taller and more determined. "Are there any dangers in this area that we need to be aware of?" he asks.

Grand Lodge

Yes, what sort of cargo are we guarding. Should we be wary of bandits and other dishonest individuals who have hidden their souls from the morning's rays?

Liberty's Edge

43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
Active on Ajax:
Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
Active on Ara:
Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

Ajax had just returned from a successful endeavor at the Blakros wedding where Kyra, Reiko, Lirianne, Merisiel, and Hayato had accompanied him. Ajax listens to the mission requested by the Venture-Captain and tries to not let himself get distracted by her charisma.

Why not give the group a bunch of handy haversacks or a bag of holding. It would be a lot less conspicous than a horse!

Ajax had learned that it was futile to ask for gear that should be provided, but his hope sprung eternal

"Wouldn't it be safer to let us carry the goods in a bag of holding or in a couple of handy haversacks?"

Awaiting whatever clever response that amounted to 'we ain't giving you crap,' Ajax nodded at Kyra,

"Great to see you again Kyra, I look forward to working with you again."

Ajax hoped he would have a moment to talk with Kyra about her spell selection. A student of spellcraft himself, Ajax knew that having the right spell could be the difference between success and failure.


World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation

Dinnelletter’s shopping list is always a little eccentric, but not so eccentric as to contain those items. It consists mostly of alchemical supplies and food—nothing worth stealing. If you run into any trouble on the road, it won’t be because of the cargo and we like to keep it that way, so no. No bag of holding. Look at it as an opportunity to strengthen your souls and backs both at the same time!

Liberty's Edge

43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
Active on Ajax:
Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
Active on Ara:
Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

Ajax rolls his eyes at the last comment.

Typical Society exploitation of labor. At least they are giving us a packhorse

Ajax spends a few moments thinking on what he knows about Sanos Forest and what the group might be up against.

Going to use Guidance and Take 10 on both K. Geo (lands, terrain, climate, people) and K. Nature (animals, fey, monstrous humanoids, plants, seasons and cycles, weather, vermin) = 19's and combine them to get a sense of what to expect

Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    An elven man with light-green hair has sat quietly during the briefing, listening intently. His body is adorned only a simple robe of greens and browns and a longbow of oak and of elven make.

    "This campsite... you said it was a regular station of visit. Is there a predetermined route, or are we to find our own?"


    World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation

    Venture Captain Heidmarch laughs, “Yes! Directions are most helpful when trying to cross the wilds. I should have said at the beginning, nonetheless. You’ll be provided with instructions that detail the route. The journey is quite simple, mainly just following a distinctive stream until you reach the valley that Ignizi’s settled.

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    "Sound simple enough," Xathalial says as he closes his eyes in contemplation of his most recent "Simple delivery missions."

    Silver Crusade

    Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Paladin of Sarenrae (Warrior of the Holy Light) 6 | HP 46/49 AC 25 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | I +3

    Sarion laughs. "Nothing is ever simple in the service of the Society. We may encounter beasts or monsters or corrupt humanoids. We may certainly encounter the Fey, and all the stories say they are unpredictable. Does any of you have any lore about them? he says. "And then if we are satisfied with what we have learned, allow me to say that as the shield and sword of the Dawnflower, I am your shield and sword. My companions are as my own flesh and I will defend you with my life! We stand together!"

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    "The complexities to which the masked Ten blindly send us this day will surely encompass such foes. Since you offer your shield, know you will have a bow of the Eastern Kyonin Winds to your aid. Should your enemies need new wounds, do not hesitate to speak up." Xathalial adds with far less passion than his outsider companion as he keeps his grim demeanor.

    Noticing his new ally is quite the empowered speaker, he then addresses the group. "Speaking of foes, I may desire a favour of which I do not know at the moment, hopefully one that requires neither bow or blade. And know that should any of you need MY aid, I offer it in full."

    Liberty's Edge

    43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
    Active on Ajax:
    Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
    Active on Ara:
    Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

    The talk of bows and aid and speaking caught Ajax's attention as he was still trying to remember what he knew about Santos Forest.

    Turning to Xathalial and Sarion, "Well met. I am very happy to be working with those of your skills and abilities. I too may require the eloquence of one as graced as yourself Sarion. And like Xath, (may I call you Xath for short), offer my own skills in trade."

    Now, addressing Xath directly, "If we do encounter Fey, I was thinking, perhaps we should buy some cold iron arrows and some cold iron blanch. I have recently been using thistle arrows. Useful tools against casters as they cause continued bleeding for a short time....

    Ajax will suggest that Xath buy himself blunt arrows, cold iron arrows, some cold iron blanch, and some thistle arrows. Use some of the cold iron blanch on the thistle arrows and blunt arrows and that can be used to cause fey to bleed. The same can be done with silver blanch.

    Ajax will also suggest that Xath buy a divine scroll of Abundant Ammunition. (25gp) This can be cast by the cleric. If Xath does so, Ajax will lend Xath two of his adamantine blanched arrows and two of his ghost salt arrows. These arrows should only be used after AA is cast on his quiver. At the end of the mission, Xath will return the four arrows.

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    "You may call me whatever you wish; I understand the names of non-humans are often too complex for friendly dialogue," Xathalial replies to the Garundi's question.

    After the suggestion, Xathalial's face sours a little as he responds. "I understand you mean well, Ajax, but you must understand; My path is that of an Iroran of the Kyonin Eastern Winds monastery. To rely on others so heavily in a matter that is the focus of my path is... distracting. I use only arrows of my own make*, but please understand that I do not merely ignore your words or their meaning; they simply would lead me astray from my path."

    I have Craft: Bows, but don't actually use the crafting rules. I pay full price for everything and adhere to the PFS buying rules, but just fluff them as arrows of my own make. Also, Xath is a little cold in demeanor and set in his ways (8 cha.) He'll learn after this scenario, though...

    Liberty's Edge

    43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
    Active on Ajax:
    Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
    Active on Ara:
    Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

    The read that does not bend, breaks

    Hmm, if this is about fluff, then I have work around. Since you can't use fluff to change the composition of stuff i.e. arrows still have metal heads. And your craft doesn't allow you to make metal heads, then Xath is buying the heads and putting them on his own shafts. Problem solved.

    Ajax shrugs, but his recent experience at the Blakros matrimony taught him that the easiest way into a man's house is not always through the front door. "Far be it from me to impose my views on to others. I can understand the desire to rely on arrows of your own making. But I can tell you that fey are largely resistant to normal weapons and I have encountered a demon who was nearly immune. If you will not accept arrows from me, then be sure to purchase cold iron arrowheads for you arrows."

    Ajax seems content to let the matter drop.

    Grand Lodge

    The priestess speaks Let us not forget about the redemption of the sun and offer it to our foes before we sever the ties of their life.

    Sorry, I usually have to keep it short when I am at work.

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    Oh, yeah, that was already the plan since conception. It's a flavor drawback that'll make itself apparent REALLY soon.

    Xathalial nods to Ajax. "I thank you for understanding. If you wish, I would be happy to detail my current regiment for the a monk of my level; 'The Trial of 100 Arrows'." He then glances at the office around him and admits, "It would most likely be a more fitting tale for a hopefully-boring supply trip."

    @Kyra: "Of course. Just say the word, and my arrows will be stayed."

    Silver Crusade

    Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Paladin of Sarenrae (Warrior of the Holy Light) 6 | HP 46/49 AC 25 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | I +3

    "I am blessed to be able to use my gifts for the betterment of all. I will aid you in any way my conscience and abilities will allow." he says, growing more serious. "I hope I can expect no less of you all."

    "And you say Cold Iron is the choice for battling the Fey? I am afraid my funds are limited at the moment." he says, then bangs a fist on the masterfully crafted armor he is wearing. "I spent all I had on this. The better to shield myself and my allies from harm. I will depend on my arm and on my faith to overcome any evils we encounter."

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    "No further questions from me, Ma'am."


    World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation

    Your party marches east along the Dry Way—the trade road along the northern bank of the mighty Yondabakari River toward Korvosa—for several days. Soon, you spot a distinctive stream, which their instructions indicate they should follow north into Sanos Forest. Once in the woods, all signs of humanoid activity abate. Midway through the first day in the forest, you approach a small vale where they catch a whiff of rotting meat, find several bear tracks, and notice the forest has suddenly gone quiet. According to their instructions, you should be within half a mile of the cottage where Ignizi Dinnelletter lives.

    When Ignizi’s cottage comes into view, the you find it besieged by forest creatures. Several owlbears clumsily slam themselves against the cottage, which creaks under the weight of the impacts. The PCs can hear cries of alarm filter out from inside the cottage. The windows and doors appear boarded up and reinforced.

    K. Relgion, K. Engineering, Init. please.

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    Knowledge (Religion) Untrained: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
    Knowledge (Engineering) Untrained: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
    Init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

    Not even the DC 10 cap for untrained on either of the first two, wowzers.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Paladin of Sarenrae (Warrior of the Holy Light) 6 | HP 46/49 AC 25 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | I +3

    Knowledge: Religion 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
    Init 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

    "They are besieged!" Sarion calls out. He readies his shield and a signal horn and sounds a loud blast which echoes over the dell. He then draws his scimitar and prepares to attack the Owlbears.

    Liberty's Edge

    43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
    Active on Ajax:
    Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
    Active on Ara:
    Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

    Upon hearing the ruckus, Ajax withdrew his bow and used his Gravity Bow wand and then stored the wand in his belt. Ajax had seen an Owlbear before. Once as an animated skeleton and once while he was defending a small village in Tien. In a low voice he whispers to the group,

    "Their hide is tough like scale mail and they are as strong as most barbarians not raging. No faster than a Commoner, but don't let them grab you. Keep them moving. We should focus our attacks."

    If I can make the checks out of combat, I'll Take 10 though both are untrained.

    Init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

    Grand Lodge

    I would be glad to care for what ever gear you need. Especially those of a divine nature there is a strong connection blessed to me by the Dawnflower.

    Knowledge Religion 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
    Knowledge Engineering 1d20 ⇒ 20

    Initiative 1d20 ⇒ 9


    World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation

    MAP Please place your figures as you like on the map, unless you plan to delay, in which case let me know how long you plan to delay
    Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
    As you begin to move in, you note the owlbear seems quite disinterested on it's surroundings, begin entirely focused on the screams of terror coming from the gooey center inside of the crunchy shell of the cottage. . .

    Kyra Init: 1d20 ⇒ 11
    --> Xathalial, Ajax, Owlbear, Sarion, Kyra

    Grand Lodge

    [ooc]I ninja'd you on the init. Though I still take place in the same initiative order.

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    Posting from phone, so can't do anything with pieces. The magic of longbow use, though...

    Xathalial draws his bow and fires a single shot, 5' stepping if need be to have a clear shot.

    Bow with Deadly Aim: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 191d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 +1 to hit and damage for PBS

    Liberty's Edge

    43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
    Active on Ajax:
    Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
    Active on Ara:
    Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

    Ajax, in position, fires two quick shots against the flat footed owlbear.

    Mods for Attack: +3 BAB, +3 Dex, +1 PBS, +1 MW, -2 Rapid Shot = +6
    Mods for Damage: +1 STR +1 PBS

    Rapid Shot 1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
    Rapid Shot 2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
    Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 3) + 2 = 10


    World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation

    Xathalial's arrow bites deep into the owl bear's flesh. One of Ajax's arrows shatters on impact with the beast while the other buries itself in the door just above the creature's head. Gasps and screams from inside grow louder, and a high pitched voice rings out, "Do your best foul demons! You shall not pass!"

    The owlbear turns its attention on the source of its injury, looking back at you with a cold dead stare, it lumbers with deceptive speed towards the group, and attempts to slam its entire weight into the paladin!

    To Hit: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

    The owlbear's weight and power don't cause the paladin to budge from his place, the massive claws simply skitter off the fine mithril armor.

    Grand Lodge

    Posting out of order but here is my action.

    With a blinding flash Kyra brings forth the instrument of divine justice bearing it against such an unnatural creature. With a slice as quick as light piercing darkness she attempts to deliver a telling blow.

    attack owlbear with scimitar: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
    damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    Xathalial swiftly draws two arrows in fires each in quick succession, faster than the beast can react.

    Xathalial has Point-Blank Mastery and doesn't provoke for firing a bow. Also, Xathalial has Precise Shot.

    Flurry of Bows w/ Deadly Aim, PBS: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 1 = 151d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6
    Flurry of Bows w/ Deadly Aim, PBS: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 1 = 131d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 1 = 13

    Silver Crusade

    Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Paladin of Sarenrae (Warrior of the Holy Light) 6 | HP 46/49 AC 25 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | I +3

    Sarion shouts, "Back! Behind me! I'll hold it firm." He swings his scimitar at the Owlbear's face, hoping to keep it focused on him and angry.

    Attack with Scimitar. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
    Damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

    Liberty's Edge

    43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
    Active on Ajax:
    Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
    Active on Ara:
    Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

    Ajax was impressed with the group's showing so far. If they could continue their luck, things might go fairly smoothly. Equally interesting was the Zen Monk's technique. Ajax had never seen it. The monk's ability to fire quickly in the face of the owlbear without leaving himself vulnerable was impressive.

    Ajax had not mastered such a technique and decided to put a little space between himself and the owlbear. Taking a step back, Ajax fired two quick shots again.

    Rapid Shot 1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
    Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 6) + 2 = 12
    RS2 if still alive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

    Edit: Let's stay I've used 4 rounds on my Gravity Bow duration. One round after its cast, one round to move into place, two rounds of combat. So I'll have six rounds left.

    If Xath's 15 hits, I think we are at 49 hps?


    World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation
    Ajax Arrowhawk wrote:
    If Xath's 15 hits, I think we are at 49 hps?

    You are aware that a 16 to hit the beast flatfooted failed, so it is unlikely a 15 hits . . .

    Sarion's scimitar glances of the beasts unusually tough hide, but Kyra's blade manages to slice through the creatures defenses.

    Both of Xanthaliels arrows shatter as they strike the owlbear again, failing to pierce the defenses. Ajax has better luck, and his first arrow penetrates.

    You are certain this thing is undead!

    The owl bear glares at the paladin with cold eyes, and attacks!
    Bite: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28 Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
    Claw: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
    Claw: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
    Slam: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28 Damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
    Quick Strikes Slam: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

    Xathalial, Ajax, Owlbear, --> Sarion, Kyra

    Grand Lodge

    Time to go back to Pharasma's realm you foul thing! As Kyra brings the symbol of her goddess to bear against the undead owlbear and a flood of sunlight is focused on the creature.

    Channel Positive Energy to harm Undead DC 16
    2d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 6) + 4 = 13


    World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation

    1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

    Taken off guard by the blast of holy light, the owlbear crumples to the ground. the corpse decaying very rapidly.

    There is a moment of calm. One of the boards reinforcing a cottage window is pried open from the inside, and the heavily wrinkled face of a purple-haired gnome woman pokes out of the window. Once she spots the party, she worms her way headfirst out the window, despite a chorus of protests from inside the cottage. Eventually the tiny old gnome wriggles through the gap, landing deftly on her rear end. She bounds to her feet and addresses the party in a rapid-fire voice, “Finally! I was getting thirsty in there. Did you bring any wine? Bloody owlbears. You’d think they’d know better than to trifle with me! Is that my packhorse? I’ll settle for grog, if you have it.

    The dishevelled gnome climbs directly over the rotten corpse of the owlbear and starts rummaging through the packhorse’s saddlebags. Meanwhile, a shocked group of young Pathfinders emerge from the cottage, surveying the carnage with horror. “Been like this for a week, you know. Nothing but undead and southeastern winds. Wretched awful smell. And me without my astrolabe. You should hear these youngsters whinge and complain. One little undead horde and they go all to pot. By the Eldest, I’m thirsty. I’d drink a flask of ink at this point! Bloody zombos did drag off one of the youngsters, though. You should hear them complain: ‘Oooh, we’re all about to die! Oh my, what’s-her-face was abducted by zombos! Oh, I don’t want to be eaten.’ Blah blah blah! And they call themselves Pathfinders!

    Aha!” The gnome triumphantly holds up a bottle of dark red wine. She whirls around, addressing the assembled group, “You youngsters, burn these carcasses. Bloody awful stink. You lot with the weapons, unpack this horse, build a nice fire, and pull some turnips from the garden. Then come have a drink and tell me how fat Sheila’s gotten.

    With that, the renowned researcher Ignizi Dinnelletter scuttles back into the cottage, uncorking her newly acquired wine along the way.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Paladin of Sarenrae (Warrior of the Holy Light) 6 | HP 46/49 AC 25 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | I +3

    Still standing despite a pair of devastating hits, Sarion sheathes his scimitar and steps towards the house, ignoring the jabbering Gnome after a moment to assess her. He calls to the other Pathfinders inside. "Don't be afraid, we are here to help you. Are any of you hurt?"

    Grand Lodge

    Kyra pulls out a wand in the shape of the holy symbol of Sarenrae. Offering praise she touches it to the paladin's flesh mending the wounds.

    1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
    1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
    1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

    That should bring Sanos up to full


    World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation

    "They are whiners, like I said. 'Ouch! It hurts when I have to harvest poison oak. I am all itchy. Our friend is getting eaten alive.' You would think it was them being flayed. Meh! If you ask them if they are in harms way, they will just complain on and on about getting kidnapped and eaten by the undead hordes that have set upon our research facility. I suggest gathering turnips and meeting us for dinner when you are done. I need more wine."

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    "Can do," Xathalial notes to Shiela's "friend" as he tries to salvage 2 of his arrowheads. Evens to save: 2d2 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3
    During the turnip-gathering team-building exercise, Xathalial directs a comment towards the group. "Friends, that task I desired to asked of you back in Magnimar is a simple one, yet not one within my skillset. Torch has informed me that Aspis activity has been on the upscale in the area, and that asking the individuals here may somehow turn up a few clues. I will try my damnest, but don't have much faith in my skill of wordcraft. Unless you have your own agenda here tonight, I hope to direct the conversation that direction and will accept any assistance in the matter."

    Liberty's Edge

    43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
    Active on Ajax:
    Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
    Active on Ara:
    Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex
    Akinra wrote:
    You are aware that a 16 to hit the beast flatfooted failed, so it is unlikely a 15 hits . . .

    My bad, when you said the arrow explodes against the owlbear, I thought you meant it did damage.

    As an FYI, I looked at the Fast Zombie template in the PRD and the "slam attack" is the special attack. So a fast zombie doesn't get two slams, just the one on a full round action. I only point that out in case we run into them again :)

    Ajax and Xath's seem to share thoughts as Ajax also attempts to recover the arrows of his that missed...
    1 broken 2 salvaged: 3d2 ⇒ (2, 2, 2) = 6

    ...and recovers three of them.

    Before the owlbear is burned, Ajax takes some time to study the animal so that he will know it if he encounters it again. Half speaking to himself,

    "This is the third owlbear I've run into and two of them were of the Undead variety. What it is with these things?"

    Hoping to make a good impression, Ajax introduces himself to Ignizi and the other Pathfinders. Per Ignizi's request, Ajax starts a fire and pulls the turnips Takeing 10 on Survival = 19 with Guidance

    When Xathalial asks for assistance, Ajax chimes in, but away from the others, "My task is to convince at least one of Ignizi's researchers to visit to Magnimar. I will do my best to find out who is most amenable to such a visit"

    Silver Crusade

    Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Paladin of Sarenrae (Warrior of the Holy Light) 6 | HP 46/49 AC 25 | F +11 R +9 W +9 | I +3

    "Thank you Kyra, and thanks to Sarenrae for her aid." Sarion says. He joins the others in unpacking the supplies, and to the others he nods his assent. "So long as it does not violate my conscience I will help you in any way I can. To that end, I must ask if there are any other details about these tasks that you can share with me so that my conscience can be satisfied that I will not be inadvertently serving some fell purpose? And so that I am not asking this unfairly, I will let you all know that my task involves locating and identifying any Thassilonian influence on this area, such as old ruins, and especially rune magic." he says.

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    "The only details I have of my task is that a Silver Agent of the Aspis is acting out of a local area, but we are not sure exactly which one. The Shadow Lodge believes those who have lived in nearby towns recently may know something and a number of these acolytes here have been residents of those villages in recent history."

    Xathalial looks at Sarion for his next set of comments. "From my experiences, the Aspis are no more than the average criminal, with no more benevolence than a hired thug. Preemptively knocking them down a peg before they can act again isn't something I don't consider 'a fell purpose.' Beyond that, I have no further information."

    Liberty's Edge

    43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
    Active on Ajax:
    Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
    Active on Ara:
    Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

    Ajax listens in and speaks in soft voice so none outside of the immediate group will hear, "Xath, do you think one of the Pathfinders here may be acting as a spy? As for my own mission, I believe my superiors think a visit to Magnimar will enhance the city's image in the eyes of said researchers and word will spread. I perceive nothing nefarious."

    Turning to Sarion, "Alas, I cannot read magic or comprehend ancient languages, but Kyra could use Detect Magic and if she can remember Read Magic or Comprehend Languages, that might prove useful."

    Lantern Lodge


    I can read magic without a problem, it has already been granted to me by the Dawnflower.

    Sorry for the short post, dealing with some RL issues.


    World Wound--Disappeared --Confirmation

    Over a dinner of turnip soup, the researchers reconfirm that one of their party was dragged off by the undead several days ago and hasn’t been seen since. Ignizi asks that you attempt to rescue the youngster and eliminate the undead incursion.

    "I need her back desperately. She is essential to my research here! There is something crazy about that girl, she has a real way with fungus.

    She indicates that her friend, Riddywipple—who lives in a hollow log a day’s march north—can likely help. Ignizi says that Riddywipple knows Sanos inside and out and will be an excellent guide. She suggests you stay the night in the cottage and depart first thing in the morning.

    Grand Lodge

  • 30/33 HP
  • AC: 17, FF: 13, T: 17
  • F: +5, R +8, W+6
  • Per: +10, SM: +6
  • Init +12
  • 55ft Move Speed
  • Ki Pool used: 1/4
  • Elf Zen Archer 5

    "What else can you tell us about the researcher that was taken?"

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