Ruins of Azlant (Inactive)

Game Master Nathan Goodrich

Chapter 3: The Flooded Cathedral
Part 2: Exploring Zanas-Tahn

Ruins of Azlant Maps

Starting Day: Oathday, 3rd of Arodus 4717 AR

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Two weeks out from Andoran and life has now settled into an easy routine. Wake up, eat, help around the ship, eat, personal time, eat, relax, sleep. Captain Jacob Markosi keeps the Peregrine running like clock-work, assisted by his able crew the voyage so far has been a poster-child for sea travel.

Conditions aboard the Peregrine are somewhat cramped, with everyone having to share their living quarters with at least one other person (feel free to pick another PC or an NPC as your bunk buddy). Despite this things have been going well so far, the prevailing sense being one of excitement at the prospect of new lands, a new life or simply an escape from the old one.

On this particular morning the sun is shining and a stiff breeze fills the Peregrine's sails. The sailors are mostly aloft, doing something complicated with one of the smaller sails and various colonists move about the ships decks, performing all manner of minor tasks.

Welcome everyone to the Peregrine. This is a short introductory bit of role-playing for you to talk to each other and any significant NPC's you'd like to. You've already been on the ship two weeks so you know each other a bit - this is just a chance to set up the bonds that really should be present by the time the adventure starts properly in four weeks time.

Significant NPC's include:

Alba Divenvaar:
Alba is a middle-aged dwarven woman who is perennially cheerful and optimistic. Her role in the expedition is as an alchemist and supplier of remedies, herbal and alchemical.

She is heavily tanned from a lifetime spent in the sun and her hair is streaked with silver.

Anya Sandstrider:
A shoanti hunter, she has been employed to act as the colonies hunter and resident explorer. Exiled from her homeland for a reason she is not keen to talk about Anya has kept herself to herself so far.

Anya has the typical shoanti colouring and bearing. Much taller than most people on the ship her dark skin, bald head and elaborate tattoo’s make her easily recognisable.

Diplomacy DC15 vs. Anya:
Anya confides in you that she was exiled from her homeland for interfering in an honour duel. Her younger brother was fighting and losing so she stepped in and in doing in, incurred exile.

Carver Hastings:
One of the colonies soldiers, Carver seems very well read for a military man and has entertained the ships company many a night with his tales of far off places and things seen on his various expeditions. A middle aged man he wears his age well, with short wavy brown hair and a permanent coat of stubble. In conversation he comes across as aloof and doesn’t speak much. You all notice that Carver wears something around his neck, which he takes pains to keep hidden as much as possible.

Anyone with the Pathfinder Recruit trait:
Carver has found you quietly and informed you that he is in fact a Pathfinder. He was instructed to hide his allegiance in case of spying by the Apsis Consortium. He doesn’t believe that there are any agents aboard the ship, but asks you to keep his cover intact anyway – at least for the time being.

Eamon Caranth:
A half-elven cleric of Erastil, Eamon makes no secret of the fact that he feels a divine call to serve in the new community at Talmandor’s Bounty. He travels with another cleric, Father Kurvis, with whom he bickers like an old married couple. Of the pair he is the more easy-going and refers to his fellow cleric as ‘Father Grouse’, due to his irascibility.

Eamon is tall, with an easy smile and straw-blond hair. His elven heritage shows through in his violet eyes and his sharply pointed ears. He prefers to wear green in recognition of his god.

Harcourt Carrolby:
The third son of a family of wealthy horse breeders, Carrolby looks like he’s never seen a hard days work in his life. He has black hair and a pale complexion which is clearly not well acquainted with the sun. He spends much of his time on board below-decks or at least under cover of some sort. In conversation he is clearly cultured, making reference to plays, fine dining and other noble pursuits, condescending to those that do not understand or cannot keep up with his conversation.

Kurvis Nurpico:
Father Kurvis is a priest of Abadar, and has journeyed with his friend and companion Father Eamon. Relatively short, Kurvis walks with a slight stoop which makes him appear even shorter and is clearly showing the signs of age. His hair is iron grey and his face is lined with wrinkles. Kurvis is pleasant enough, but rarely smiles and his expression seems to be fixed in an almost permanent scowl, which only Eamon, whom he calls ‘Father Easy’, can seem to soften.

Luetin Calewick:
A blacksmith by trade Luetin is possibly one of the most valuable members of the fledgling community currently aboard the Peregrine. Balding and with a thick black moustache and crooked teeth, Luetwin fancies himself as an example of manly attractiveness, which he emphasizes by flexing his muscles often and lifting heavy weights. Although stocky he is well muscled and helps out around the ship when asked.

Lyra Heatherby:
One of the few actual employees of the Bountiful Venture Company, Lyra is a jolly and excitable young half-elf. Hired as a surveyor by the company she has a large collection of books on history, fauna and mining, although she tends to spend most of her time bouncing around the ship, sketching birds and chatting with people – rather than studying.

Dressed in sturdy, comfortable clothes and with her strawberry blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, Lyra is the epitome of practicality and her lopsided smile and easy charm have impressed many of the Peregrine’s crew.

Perrell Beys:
Another employee of the Bountiful Venture Company, Perrell is a short, pedantic woman with red, closely cropped hair. The colonies purser, she keeps meticulous records of everything on board the ship and has expressed her disapproval repeatedly when the ships cook has drawn from more than his ‘allocated’ stores for a meal. Fundamentally a pleasant person in company Perrell none the less lacks a few key social graces. When someone else is wrong she is quick to point it out, and will defend her own points with dogged stubbornness.

Ramona Avandith:
The designated leader for the colony, Ramona is an experienced explorer and traveler. A natural leader she has already welded many of the colonists into a cohesive unit and has taken care to learn everyone’s names and abilities.
Naturally tanned Ramona dresses appropriately for the climate and keeps her brown hair shortina quasi-military style. She is quite attractive, but takes no effort over her appearance – being more concerned with her leadership responsibilities.

Go forth and roleplay - I'll time skip forwards to the 'official' adventure start once you've all gotten to know each other a little.


Evie awakes bleary eyed slumped awkwardly over her desk, having spent all night awake trying to finish reading a book on possibilities in Azlanti fauna. Needing a pick-me up, she heads out onto the main deck to see who is available to share her disdain for the books factual information.

Heading out into the early morning sun, she is blinded for a second realising it is not as early in the morning as she thought. She starts chirping to Ramona about her progress writing the chronicle to record all members on the Peregrine and their role in the colonisation; Evie only has a few people left to record.

Evie leans on the railings looking out to sea next to Lyra who is watching a couple of dolphins following the side of the ship. “Haven’t seen Alba have you? That most recent book you leant me kept me up all night and I have a pounding headache.”

Male human swashbuckler 9 |HP: 81 AC: 24 (16 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +13, CMD: 25 (27 vs. disarm) | F: +4, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +3 or +5 | Perc: +6, SM +5, Bluff +13, Dip +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Panache: 5| Active conditions: None.

Aurelian spends as much of his time as he can on deck, practicing with his blade.

"No, no, you should not watch Aurelian," he scolds any who might stop. "He is not wearing his shirt, and you shall be so fascinated that you will forget your real duties. Please, I beg you, move along!"

A thin sheen of sweat does soon cover him as the young swordsman carefully steps, parries and thrusts over and over, making sure each movement is perfect in its precision. If he's filled with self-confidence -- and he is -- he seemingly makes sure there's reason for it, beyond the obvious god-given talents.

Early on, he struck up a friendship with Anya and whenever she's willing, spars with her, leaping and moving about the ship in a way that endears him somewhat less to the sailors trying to work than the other colonists in need of entertainment on the long voyage.

"See, you are so tall, it is good for Aurelian to learn to counter blows from above. How you ended up with giant in your bloodlines, it is a mystery!" he jokes with her.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

Ashlyn boarded the Peregrine with Elizar at her side. She chattered away at him constantly, and didn't seem bothered when most of the people around kept their distance. She settled into the room she shared with Alba Divenbaar and happily introduced herself and her travelling companion.

"Hi! I'm Ashlyn Orellis, and this is my friend, Elizar."

| HP 35/36, DR 5/magic and slashing, AC 18 (T 13, FF 15) | CMB: +6 CMD: 19 | F:+5 R:+2 W:+4 | Init +3 | Perc +0, SM +0, Bluff +2, Diplo. +2, Intimidate +10 | Speed 30ft, Swim 30 ft | Active conditions: Ectoplasmic

Elizar wailed in response to Ashlyn's words, sobbing as ectoplasmic drops of water fell onto the wooden floorboards and pooled into goop around his feet. He speaks in


"Take me home!"

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

"I know pal, I know. We're on our way." Ashlyn replies as if this were perfectly normal. She looks at Alba and smiles. "He's really excited to be heading to Talmandor's Bounty. You'll get used to his wailing, and I promise I'll put him back inside my head before bed. You want a good night's sleep after all!"

If Alba expresses fear or complaint about Elizar or his mess, Ashlyn will immediately draw him back into her consciousness. Otherwise she leaves Elizar out alongside her until someone else complains.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

After introducing herself to her dwarven bunkmate, Ashlyn heads up on deck to introduce herself to the crew. She smiles happily at anyone who returns the introduction, and moves on whenever anyone ignores her or just stares. She's used to the strange looks and rudeness that her dear phantom friend elicits in others.

She examines the ship. "Wow! This is way bigger than Dad's ship!"

| HP 35/36, DR 5/magic and slashing, AC 18 (T 13, FF 15) | CMB: +6 CMD: 19 | F:+5 R:+2 W:+4 | Init +3 | Perc +0, SM +0, Bluff +2, Diplo. +2, Intimidate +10 | Speed 30ft, Swim 30 ft | Active conditions: Ectoplasmic

Elizar wails in


"And Uuuuuuuncles.... Take home."

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

"I bet it can." she replies to Elizar.

Ashlyn turns to the crew and calls out "You have a lovely ship!"

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

Ashlyn adjusts to the routine on the ship quickly. She's used to getting up early, and eats alongside everyone else happily and wide awake. After the first night on the ship Elizar is nowhere to be seen.

I imagine someone would have complained about Elizar or his mess by the end of the first day, so Ashlyn keeps him in her head after that for the remainder of her time aboard the Peregrine

When it's time to help out around the ship Ashlyn is more than willing to get her hands dirty. Although she's not a trained sailor, many of her family members own fishing boats, so she's accustomed with helping with ropes and rigging, and can keep her balance on a ship without trouble. If they don't want her help there then she'll coil rope and perform other minor tasks that she knows need doing on a ship. She chats happily with anyone who she works with, and occasionally talks to herself in a reassuring fashion with comments like:

"I know, I know. We're on our way."

"I'm not sure how long it'll take."

and "Be patient."

This is her responding to Elizar's mental complaints in her head.

Ashlyn wouldn't stop working until the call goes out for lunch. Then she happily finishes up whatever she was working on before heading down to the galley to eat. She sits by whoever's been friendly to her so far, likely Alba and maybe Evelyn once she starts borrowing books from Alba.

During personal time Ashlyn watches the ocean, occasionally talking to herself (Elizar) while doing so, or strikes up conversation with passengers and crew.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

Ashlyn sees Aurelian on deck a lot then, as she watches the ocean during personal time. She laughs at his outburst. "Of course, sir, I'm going! She then moves a little ways further down the ship to watch the ocean. She mutters to herself on occasion and smiles.


Ashlyn would have watched Aurelian and Anya sparring on the decks whenever they do so and clapped at any particularly entertaining or tense moments during their sparring. After the duel winds down she exclaims:

"Wow, you're both so talented! Have you been training long?

Diplomacy on Anya and Aurelian: Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 8 Hahaha. So smooth!

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

@ Evelyn

When Evelyn gets around to asking Ashlyn about herself and her purpose on the Peregrine for her records, Ashlyn smiles brightly.

"I'm Ashlyn Orellis, and I'm from Souston. I'm a pearl diver by trade, but I've helped out on my family's fishing boats here and there. I'm here to get my friend, Elizar, home." She looks thoughtful for a moment. "I suppose they accepted me for the colony because I'm fit and healthy, and I'm a great swimmer." She pauses again and then looks up, as if in thought.

"Yes, I'm getting there," she says while looking up.

She looks back at Evelyn. "It's Elizar--my friend--they were most interested in. He's quite exotic, and we think he used to live around Talmandor's Bounty."


Edit: @Ashlyn - you just beat me to the post! I posted without seeing your latest. Let's assume that Evelyn asked the following:

Evie makes sure to spend a dinner sitting next to Ashlyn after a few weeks on board. Without even starting to eat her food, Evie launches into any questions that pop into her head! It is clear she is insatiably curious about other people, yet welcoming.

"Good evening, I'm Evie, the ship's Chronicler." She declared with a large smile.
"Are you Ashlyn?" Without stopping long enough for a response, she continues:
"I believe you're not travelling alone - you have an extra companion for this trip? Is that why you have been chosen to come along to colonise this island? What is the name of your friend?". She stops and regains her breath, eagerly awaiting Ashyln's response.
"So, Elizar USED to live around the Bounty? How did that come to pass?"

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

Ashlyn seems thrilled that Evie's so friendly. When there's a break between questions Ashlyn replies: "I sure am! His name's Elizar. And you're Evie! I've heard you talking to the others."

She cocks her head funny and seems to be listening to something. "I know, but I can't right now. You know what the captain said about meal time."

Ashlyn turns her attention back to Evie. "Elizar would love to meet you, but he's not really supposed to be around at mealtime. He makes a giant mess. But after dinner he'd like to say hello."

In response to her further questions about Ashlyn's purpose she replies as in the post above.

And in response to her further questions about Elizar, Ashlyn replies. "His name's Elizar, but he can't really remember the rest of his name or where he's from. He's been haunting my family as long as anyone can remember and -- Oh! He's a phantom! -- He haunted my grandmother before me, but when she passed on he bonded with me. We've been together since I was four. He's my best friend. He's quite talkative usually, but he's a mournful kind of fellow, so most people find him a little off-putting. That and the mess he makes. He drowned you see--at least we think he did--and he drips thick water everywhere." She laughs at this for a moment and seems to be thinking. After a moment she continues. "Elizar wants to go home, but he can't remember where that is. He got this feeling though, when we saw the first colonizers leave, and we think Talmandor's Bounty must be near --or nearer at least--to his home. The people who interviewed us were really interested in that. They hoped Elizar might have some information for them, I think, but he's not really... He can't remember much from before bonding with me. Just that he wants to go home."

Ashlyn smiles again and finishes with: "And I guess that's it! What about you? What exactly does a chronicler do?"

Male human swashbuckler 9 |HP: 81 AC: 24 (16 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +13, CMD: 25 (27 vs. disarm) | F: +4, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +3 or +5 | Perc: +6, SM +5, Bluff +13, Dip +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Panache: 5| Active conditions: None.

"Ah, yes, strange lady, Aurelian is naturally talented in all the physical arts. But He has also trained for almost all his life," Aurelian replies to Ashlyn, wiping his brow with his shirt, which he then casually slings over his shoulder. "He was the finest student at the Dartathos Academy in Steyr, where he learned such mastery as you see here. And you? Have you any skill with the blade? Perhaps we may break a sweat together too..."

Ashlyn wrote:

"I know pal, I know. We're on our way." Ashlyn replies as if this were perfectly normal. She looks at Alba and smiles. "He's really excited to be heading to Talmandor's Bounty. You'll get used to his wailing, and I promise I'll put him back inside my head before bed. You want a good night's sleep after all!"

If Alba expresses fear or complaint about Elizar or his mess, Ashlyn will immediately draw him back into her consciousness. Otherwise she leaves Elizar out alongside her until someone else complains.

Alba looks up curiously, although most of her attention seems to be focused on Elikar's 'not-water'. "That's fine deary, I've seen stranger. Although some peace and quiet would be nice!"

When Ashlyn heads up to the deck Alba stays behind. Sorry Evie!

Evie wrote:
Evie leans on the railings looking out to sea next to Lyra who is watching a couple of dolphins following the side of the ship. “Haven’t seen Alba have you? That most recent book you lent me kept me up all night and I have a pounding headache.”

"Glad you liked it!" Lyra returns with a grin. "I couldn't make heads or tails of that one honestly. I'm better with the natural stuff really. I think Alba is down below... I heard her bunkmate crying again though so maybe you should give her some room?"

Aurelian wrote:
Showing off

Aurelian draws a small crowd of admirers and more join him once Anya joins him in sparing. "No giant in me little man!" She retorts with a grin. "I've never seen a dwarf with as little hair as you though!"

When their sparing comes to an end and Aurelian seems likely to put a shirt on there are scattered boo's from around the deck. It is also easy to see Luetin glaring at Aurelian. As Anya turns away he makes a show of flexing and lifting a large barrel. "See Anya, this is how a real man gets on, none of that dancing stuff pretty boy over there does!" Anya blanks him utterly.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

A quick note on how Ashlyn would have interacted with the other NPCs aboard.

Ashlyn is interested in all of Alba's vials, beakers and ingredients. She clearly has no idea what any of it is for and has never met an alchemist before. She seems to find it AMAZING. Unless Alba expresses obvious dislike of her, Ashlyn talks and visits with her often.

Ashlyn would have introduced herself to Carver, but finding him aloof towards her would have moved on without pressing him further. She doesn't force her company on him again.

Ashlyn happily chats with Father Eamon and Father Kurvis. She tells them: "How amazing to be blessed by the gods!" She listens to their preaching and stories with interest, but clearly isn't devoted to any one god in particular. She seems really at ease with their banter as the two of them remind her of herself and Elizar.

Ashlyn and Harcourt are opposites. Ashlyn's strong everywhere he's soft, and she has no idea what he's talking about when he starts mentioning plays and other noble pursuits. She moves on once he's condescending towards her, commenting quietly to Elizar as she walks away

in Azlanti:
"You think he'll cry when he gets a blister?" She laughs afterwards.

Ashlyn and Luetin likely work on many of the same tasks together when it's time to help out aboard ship in the morning. Ashlyn's fit and strong, but not nearly as strong as he seems, so she compliments him on his strength: "Whoa! You're stronger than a horse, Luetin! What do you eat?" When she finds out he's a blacksmith she's impressed and clearly considers smithing on of the most important jobs around. "Wow! Do you like it? What's your favourite things to make?

Ashlyn and Lyra make fast friends. Ashlyn doesn't read much, but finds Lyra's talents at drawing really impressive. "Wow, that's beautiful! You're really good! You like birds, then?". Ashlyn's not put off by the rapid-fire questions and enthusiasm at all, and in fact enjoys it. Ashlyn's not used to strangers being excited to talk to her!

Ashlyn doesn't mind Perrell's lack of social grace (in fact she lacks this herself!) but doesn't understand her meticulousness. Ashlyn would have been polite to her, but doesn't seek out her company.

Ashlyn feels safe and welcome around Ramona, and is sure to thank her repeatedly for having her aboard! "Hi, Ramona! Thanks for having Elizar and I! That Ramona sure is a wonder, hey, Elizar? We should leave her to her work. She must be really busy!

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon
Aurelian Fache wrote:
"Ah, yes, strange lady, Aurelian is naturally talented in all the physical arts. But He has also trained for almost all his life," Aurelian replies to Ashlyn, wiping his brow with his shirt, which he then casually slings over his shoulder. "He was the finest student at the Dartathos Academy in Steyr, where he learned such mastery as you see here. And you? Have you any skill with the blade? Perhaps we may break a sweat together too..."

"Wow, that's amazing! Ashlyn replies to his boasts, clearly believing everything he says. "I've never used a sword, myself, but I'm pretty handy in a fist fight, and decent with a dagger. Nothing like what you can do! Maybe you can give me some pointers?" Ashlyn will happily attempt to practise with Aurelian. She's clearly not as good as him and gets by with athleticism more than skill. She takes any advice he might give her very seriously, and thanks him for it.

Ashlyn Orellis wrote:

Ashlyn seems thrilled that Evie's so friendly. When there's a break between questions Ashlyn replies: "I sure am! His name's Elizar. And you're Evie! I've heard you talking to the others."

Ashlyn smiles again and finishes with: "And I guess that's it! What about you? What exactly does a chronicler do?"

"I am sure that it would be a pleasure to meet Elizar - perhaps I can ask him a few questions too - If I can speak with him that is."

She takes her first spoonful of the thick soup before carefully considering her next question.

"How old is he exactly - who was the first member of your family he bonded with on your family tree? Perhaps that may give you some clues?'ve probably looked into all of that anyway."

"A Chronicler? Well, my job is to record all of the people and their actions for this colonisation attempt so that we can return back to it in the future" She looks sideways to check who is listening to their conversation. She seems to spot Ramona at the far end of another dinner table and turns back to Ashlyn.

Mainly, I'm not as interested in documenting the "now". I'm much more interested in exploring the island, I really hope it gives us more clues into the Azlanti civilisation - I find them totally fascinating".

After dinner, Evie retreats to her room that she shares with Lyra and before sleeping, ensures that she asks to see some of Lyra's sketches from the day.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon
GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' wrote:

Alba looks up curiously, although most of her attention seems to be focused on Elikar's 'not-water'. "That's fine deary, I've seen stranger. Although some peace and quiet would be nice!"

When Ashlyn heads up to the deck Alba stays behind. Sorry Evie!

Ashlyn apologizes: "Oh, of course, sorry! Then tells Elizar: "Come on back, pal.". She draws him towards her and then into her body where he disappears. The watery goo vanishes as well. "I'll keep him inside from now on."

She's not bugged at all by Alba staying behind.

GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' wrote:

Aurelian draws a small crowd of admirers and more join him once Anya joins him in sparing. "No giant in me little man!" She retorts with a grin. "I've never seen a dwarf with as little hair as you though!"

When their sparing comes to an end and Aurelian seems likely to put a shirt on there are scattered boo's from around the deck. It is also easy to see Luetin glaring at Aurelian. As Anya turns away he makes a show of flexing and lifting a large barrel. "See Anya, this is how a real man gets on, none of that dancing stuff pretty boy over there does!" Anya blanks him utterly.

Ashlyn reacts to Aurelian and Anya's joking banter with a shocked gasp and then laughter. She claps when others are booing (not realizing it's probably in response to Aurelian covering up his muscles). She seems confused at Luetin's comment, clearly not understanding that he's probably jealous.

hp 16/16; AC 16 ff 14 t 12; fort 1, ref 5, will 4; bab 1, melee 1, ranged 3; CMB 1, CMD 13; init +2; move 30, swim 30; inspire 9/15 | spells: lvl 1 2/2 | undine watersinger bard / 2 | image
acro 8^, bluff 9+1*^, craft alchemy 6, diplo 8+1*, fly 8^, knowlege all 6, ling 7, perc 6, perform: dance 8, perform: sing 9, sm 9^, splcrft 7, stealth 2, umd 7

Fleur wakes late and leisurely walks through her morning routine after greeting her bunkmate, Lyra. afaik no one's 'claimed' her yet

"Good morning, Lyra... Oh my, I'm so glad you don't snore... it was such a wonderful night, I just love sleeping onboard, don't you? The rocking motion puts me right to sleep! How did you sleep, hon?"

Once on deck, Fleur smiles warmly at all her fellow passengers, and the crew as well... "Good morning everyone! Isn't it a fine morning... just look at that blue sky!" She breaks into a brief bit of song

Blue skies
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see

Squawking a song
Nothing but seagulls
All day long

She gives Aurelian a little extra smile, but tries not to be too encouraging... He IS rather delicious... too bad he's knows it, that's so gauche.

"Doesn't this sea air smell wonderful! It makes me hungry though. What's for breakfast?"

Chelaxian Bloodrager 8

Sarine's most pressing problem on the Peregrine comes in introducing herself. Giving her surname frequently leads people to (correctly) conclude that she is the daughter of Jaromnus Dulciare, but she does not want to be known as the "Consul's daughter" or thought of as a mole due to her father's opposition to the founding of Talmandor's Bounty. She tries to busy herself helping with the maintenance of the ship until it becomes obvious that the crew would rather have her out of their way.

She watches Aurelian's performance a bit enviously. Her greatsword is too large to spar with on the deck of the Peregrine and her fighting style too brutal to trust herself among a crowd of bystanders.

At dinner to Ashlyn: "But...doesn't the fact that Elizar is haunting you bother you at all? I guess he's always been there for you, but should he be? I don't understand it."

Sarine is trying not to let on that her question is at least as much about her relation to Demon Cat as about Ashlyn's relation to Elizar.

Bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

As a note, Sarine refers to her familiar exclusively as Socks when speaking to other people.

Fleur wrote:
Fleur wakes late and leisurely walks through her morning routine after greeting her bunkmate, Lyra. afaik no one's 'claimed' her yet

Evie did at the end of her post. You can have a bigger cabin for the three of you if you like?

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon
Evelyn Goldwall wrote:

"I am sure that it would be a pleasure to meet Elizar - perhaps I can ask him a few questions too - If I can speak with him that is."

She takes her first spoonful of the thick soup before carefully considering her next question.

"How old is he exactly - who was the first member of your family he bonded with on your family tree? Perhaps that may give you some clues?'ve probably looked into all of that anyway."

"A Chronicler? Well, my job is to record all of the people and their actions for this colonisation attempt so that we can return back to it in the future" She looks sideways to check who is listening to their conversation. She seems to spot Ramona at the far end of another dinner table and turns back to Ashlyn.

Mainly, I'm not as interested in documenting the "now". I'm much more interested in exploring the island, I really hope it gives us more clues into the Azlanti civilisation - I find them totally fascinating".

After dinner, Evie retreats to her room that she shares with Lyra and before sleeping, ensures that she asks to see some of Lyra's sketches from the day.

Ashlyn smiles in relief. "Wonderful! I'll show him to you after dinner!" Ashlyn returns to her soup as Evie asks further questions about Elizar.

"I'm not sure who the first was. He's always been with us. Longer than we can remember, and as long as we've been in Andoran. Longer, even. Elizar has difficulty remembering everything that he knew before bonding with his current host. When he bonded with me after my grandmother's death he forgot about her and his time with her. He remembers everything since bonding with me, but when I pass on, he'll forget me and what we've been through. You know? So the times he's lived through and who he was with are... hazy. He has a few shattered memories here and there, but nothing helpful. All he really remembers is that he has to go home."

She goes back to eating her soup as Evie talks about her work. After she admits to wanting to explore the island Ashlyn smiles brightly. "Oh, me too! That's what I mostly do--well, not as a job, I mean, but for fun. I always take Elizar out exploring, trying to help him find his way home. We've never had any luck, but I'm sure once we're settled in Talmandor's Bounty I'll have a chance to take him out. That's what I'm here for! To explore and help him find his way home. It's what my family's always done, but I... I think I'm the one who's going to finally succeed. I just... I can feel it! We're on the right track.

After another bit of soup she asks: "Azlanti? What are they?" She suddenly flinches and holds her head. She mutters something under her breath

in Azlanti:
"Ow! Okay, Elizar, I get it!"
She shakes her head and looks back at Evie. "Sorry, Elizar's howling." After another moment Ashlyn shakes her head again and goes back to eating. She seems fine now.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon
Fleur wrote:

Once on deck, Fleur smiles warmly at all her fellow passengers, and the crew as well... "Good morning everyone! Isn't it a fine morning... just look at that blue sky!" She breaks into a brief bit of song

Blue skies
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see

Squawking a song
Nothing but seagulls
All day long

Ashlyn looks up from her work coiling rope at Fleur's late entrance. "Good morning, Fleur!" She smiles when Fleur starts to sing and nods her head in tune to the music.

In response to her comment about breakfast Ashlyn laughs. "You missed it again, but I'm sure there's leftovers."

I assume rising late's an everyday thing for Fleur, and Ashlyn's used to it by now.

"You should sing tonight, Fleur. I haven't been to a dance in ages!"

Chelaxian Bloodrager 8

Since we're claiming bunkmates, Sarine will room with Perrel Beys. Further note: Sarine is leaving her greatsword in her room while she's on the ship.

In response to Fleur's song: "That was lovely, Fleur. Thank you for brightening the morning. Did you create that just now?" Later, as they are watching Aurelian's match and Lutein's antics, Sarine also can't help a smirk: "They both think rather too much of themselves, don't they?"

Male human swashbuckler 9 |HP: 81 AC: 24 (16 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +13, CMD: 25 (27 vs. disarm) | F: +4, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +3 or +5 | Perc: +6, SM +5, Bluff +13, Dip +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Panache: 5| Active conditions: None.
GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' wrote:
Aurelian draws a small crowd of admirers and more join him once Anya joins him in sparing. "No giant in me little man!" She retorts with a grin. "I've never seen a dwarf with as little hair as you though!"

Aurelian laughs heartily at the joke. "Dwarf? Little hair? Haha! You are too funny, Anya. Aurelian is clearly far more handsome than any dwarf."

When their sparing comes to an end and Aurelian seems likely to put a shirt on there are scattered boo's from around the deck.

He smiles at the boos, teeth shining whitely as he looks around.

"Do not boo, ladies and gentlemen. Aurelian shall practice again tomorrow. And anytime you wish to see Aurelian without his clothes, you just need to ask!"

He nods at Ashlyn's words. "Yes, of course. I will teach you everything you know," he says, smiling again.

And, another day, as they practice.

"No, you put too much muscle into it. You do not need brute strength, that is a trap. It is finesse that wins the day, precision. 'The tip of the rapier makes your point,' " he adds, clearly quoting.

He slowly demonstrates a few lunges and then turns to her, stepping close to physically guide her through the motions.

"You have lovely legs. Let them bring you your power, not your muscles. Yes, like a dance, with grace. You dance with your opponent, and when they miss their step, you strike."

hp 16/16; AC 16 ff 14 t 12; fort 1, ref 5, will 4; bab 1, melee 1, ranged 3; CMB 1, CMD 13; init +2; move 30, swim 30; inspire 9/15 | spells: lvl 1 2/2 | undine watersinger bard / 2 | image
acro 8^, bluff 9+1*^, craft alchemy 6, diplo 8+1*, fly 8^, knowlege all 6, ling 7, perc 6, perform: dance 8, perform: sing 9, sm 9^, splcrft 7, stealth 2, umd 7

"Missed breakfast... again? Sailors eat too early in the morning, I think. And I'd be happy to sing for you all... I only wished I could play to accompany myself. Perhaps someone else can pluck out a tune for me to sing to... or there's always a capella, if you can tolerate my voice that long."

a larger cabin for three is fine unless Evie objects... otherwise I'll bunk with someone else - Alba would fine. I assume Ramona has a solo cabin. and no, not with you, Aurelian ;)

Chelaxian Bloodrager 8

NPC Relations:

Bean Counter Brady – the halfling chased Sarine off her efforts to help with the maintenance of the ship after she proved too much a distraction.

Harcourt Carrolby – Sarine unconsciously fits in with Harcourt Carrolby better than most of the passengers on the ship due to similarities in their upbringing though she gradually begins to notice his snobbery.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Perrell Beys – Sarine tries to engage Perrell in conversation about what brings her to Talmandor's Bounty. She is curious about Perrell's general perspective on how the colony should interact with the Azlanti ruins.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Ramona Avandth – although Sarine is broadly trying to avoid the issue of her father, she introduces herself to Ramona directly. She hopes to present herself as trustworthy to the leader of the colony and that she isn't looking for favors.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

That...didn't go as well as she hoped.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon
Sarine Dulciare wrote:

Sarine's most pressing problem on the Peregrine comes in introducing herself. Giving her surname frequently leads people to (correctly) conclude that she is the daughter of Jaromnus Dulciare, but she does not want to be known as the "Consul's daughter" or thought of as a mole due to her father's opposition to the founding of Talmandor's Bounty. She tries to busy herself helping with the maintenance of the ship until it becomes obvious that the crew would rather have her out of their way.

She watches Aurelian's performance a bit enviously. Her greatsword is too large to spar with on the deck of the Peregrine and her fighting style too brutal to trust herself among a crowd of bystanders.

At dinner to Ashlyn: "But...doesn't the fact that Elizar is haunting you bother you at all? I guess he's always been there for you, but should he be? I don't understand it."

Sarine is trying not to let on that her question is at least as much about her relation to Demon Cat as about Ashlyn's relation to Elizar.

As a note, Sarine refers to her familiar exclusively as Socks when speaking to other people.

Sounds like Ashlyn and Sarine will see a lot of each other outside of dinner. 'Helping' the crew and watching the sparring.

Ashlyn has no idea who your family is and doesn't react to your name at all. "Nice to meet you Sarine, I'm Ashlyn! Are you a part of the colonizers?"

In response to her questions about Elizar over dinner: "It doesn't bug me at all! He's always been there for my family and for me. Plus, he's in trouble. He needs help, you know? I wouldn't turn away anyone who needs my help and means well. Elizar's no different. Not in his heart. He wants to go home, but he can't find his way alone. I'd like to help him with that. Of course, no one's been able to find him his home before, but I think we're making progress. It's what happens when we find it that I'm worried about. When we find his home he won't need me anymore. I don't remember what that's like." She looks contemplative, then shrugs. "It's the right thing to do."

Ashlyn's not suspicious of Sarine's motives at all, but might notice her evasiveness. sense motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 Yup, totally oblivious.

"Auw, your cat's adorable! Socks is just the perfect name for him! Look at his little paws!"

Chelaxian Bloodrager 8
Aurelian Fache wrote:

And, another day, as they practice.

"No, you put too much muscle into it. You do not need brute strength, that is a trap. It is finesse that wins the day, precision. 'The tip of the rapier makes your point,' " he adds, clearly quoting.

He slowly demonstrates a few lunges and then turns to her, stepping close to physically guide her through the motions.

"You have lovely legs. Let them bring you your power, not your muscles. Yes, like a dance, with grace. You dance with your opponent, and when they miss their step, you strike."

Sarine can't help but watch Aurelian and Ashlyn's practice on deck. She finds his talk of not needing strength and gaining power from your legs interesting: things have never worked that way for her.

"What happens when they don't miss a step?"

Chelaxian Bloodrager 8

Ashlyn @dinner: "That's very good of you, Ashlyn. I hope you and Elizar can find your way. Socks and I...we're not like that."

Sarine takes a bit of vicious pleasure in Ashlyn's unwitting teasing of Demon Cat.

"I'm with the colony, but I'm also a bit like you I suppose. Socks and I are looking for something, and I hope that Talmandor's Bounty might get me closer. I'm not entirely sure what it is I'm looking for, though."

Male human swashbuckler 9 |HP: 81 AC: 24 (16 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +13, CMD: 25 (27 vs. disarm) | F: +4, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +3 or +5 | Perc: +6, SM +5, Bluff +13, Dip +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Panache: 5| Active conditions: None.

"Then you keep dancing!" Aurelian replies with a smile. "Sometimes you must help them; in a dance, there is always a leader, is there not? Come, Aurelian saw you have a blade, get it and Aurelian will show you. Yes, it is quite big, but Aurelian has seen bigger. ... So we make a beautiful dance, but when you try to lead, Aurelian is ready and knocks your blade away so that he may make his point. And a fine point, it pierces more deeply than a blunt one, no?"

Aurelian walks Sarine through an opportune parry and riposte.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon
Aurelian Fache wrote:

He nods at Ashlyn's words. "Yes, of course. I will teach you everything you know," he says, smiling again.

And, another day, as they practice.

"No, you put too much muscle into it. You do not need brute strength, that is a trap. It is finesse that wins the day, precision. 'The tip of the rapier makes your point,' " he adds, clearly quoting.

He slowly demonstrates a few lunges and then turns to her, stepping close to physically guide her through the motions.

"You have lovely legs. Let them bring you your power, not your muscles. Yes, like a dance, with grace. You dance with your opponent, and when they miss their step, you strike."

Ashlyn nods and tries to listen to all of Aurelian's advice. She's just as nimble as she is strong, so the adjusts alright with guidance. She tries to mirror his lunges and is fine with him physically helping her. She nods at his professional assessment of her legs Hahaha and tries to move with grace as instructed.

Some rolls to test her proficiency during training
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 for her footwork and grace.
Attack Roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 to see if her accuracy improves at all.

Ahahahaha. So smooth, Ashlyn!
Ashlyn seems embarrassed and thanks him for his help. "No wonder you've been training so long! This takes such skill!" She wipes the sweat off her brow with her sleeve. "Thanks so much for your help." If he offers she's open to training with him again, and if not she's not offended.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

@ Sarine at dinner: "Auw, that's too bad. Cat's, right?" she says with a laugh. "At least he looks cute."

"That's alright, I don't really have any idea what we're looking for either. I hope you and Socks find what you're here for. I'd be happy to help you. Elizar and I will be out doing a fair bit of searching when we have the chance."

@ Sarine and Aurelian while training:
"Yeah, come on and join us Sarine."
Ashlyn pauses in her practise to watch Aurelian and Sarine demonstrate some bladework. She oohs and aahs at the appropriate moments, and compliments both of you when you're done.

Chelaxian Bloodrager 8

Sarine responds to the invitation to duel by displaying her lack of an appropriate weapon. She only has a dagger on her belt.

Male human swashbuckler 9 |HP: 81 AC: 24 (16 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +13, CMD: 25 (27 vs. disarm) | F: +4, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +3 or +5 | Perc: +6, SM +5, Bluff +13, Dip +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Panache: 5| Active conditions: None.

Aurelian is more than happy to practice every day (or do almost anything else that's not boring, such as using a book) with anyone who wants to join him. It is, for him, the best way to pass the time.

He smiles at Sarine.

"A dagger dance is simply another dance, one you must get closer for,"[/]b he encourages her. [b]"But still, the principles are the same."

Also, FWIW, I assume he's bunking with a "non-significant" colonist, though he's more than happy to sleep elsewhere on any given night should someone wish to.


More than happy to have 3 to a bunk - Lyra, Fleur and Evie!

Evie makes sure to watch Ashlyn's lesson with Aurelian with interest and makes notes of their interactions, strengths and improvements. After 5 minutes she bounds off and returns with her own rapier handing it to Sarine.

Male human swashbuckler 9 |HP: 81 AC: 24 (16 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +13, CMD: 25 (27 vs. disarm) | F: +4, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +3 or +5 | Perc: +6, SM +5, Bluff +13, Dip +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Panache: 5| Active conditions: None.

"No, no. You must practice too," Aurelian admonishes. "Come, Aurelian shall take you all on. There is enough of Aurelian for everyone!"

Chelaxian Bloodrager 8

Sarine looks at the rapier hesitantly. "I've never held one of these before. Are you sure?" She takes the rapier and stands on the deck, holding the sword awkwardly on purpose.

Bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Quick reminder: Sarine doesn't look nearly as strong as she is. Also, feel free to take a bonus on your Sense Motive if you like, since Sarine is dressed in her armor & doesn't look like a noncombatant.

Male human swashbuckler 9 |HP: 81 AC: 24 (16 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +13, CMD: 25 (27 vs. disarm) | F: +4, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +3 or +5 | Perc: +6, SM +5, Bluff +13, Dip +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Panache: 5| Active conditions: None.

"No, no, not like that at all," Aurelian admonishes with a smile. "Aurelian thinks you know better, but come, stand close to him and he will show you how to hold it. With a loose grip, only the first knuckle of your third finger; then wrap your hand around the hilt. This protects your thrusts, and your elbow. Caress it, like you would a lover. Remember, it is a dance!"

Aurelian is also not at all muscle-bound. Sarine is far stronger than him and even Ashlyn is. He's more slender, whipcord thin, but perfectly toned with no spare fat on him.

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

Chelaxian Bloodrager 8

Sarine stands next to Aurelian, ready to punch him if he treats her the way he did Ashlyn.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

Ahahahaha. Aurelian's so absurd. I love it.

"Oh, yes, Evie, join us! It's great fun!

Ashlyn seems to think Aurelian's confidence is totally normal.

"I'm sure he can handle us all at once!" she assures Sarine.

She's totally up for all of us trying to dagger/sword-fight Aurelian. When she eventually gets down to swinging her dagger at him she has a:

Attack Roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

She's thrilled to be showing improvement. "Oh! I got so much closer! You're a great teacher Aurelian!"

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

Ashlyn compliments Sarine and Evie's skill with their blades enthusiastically as well.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

@ Aurelian:
Ashlyn's grateful for Aurelian's continued help on her bladework. She practices with him each day in the afternoon as long as he's not busy with someone else.


"Gosh, Aurelian, you have so much skill with that blade"

With a cheeky grin, she suggests: "Im sure he can handle all three of us at once with all of his enthusiasm"

She steps forward and gestures to Ashlyn and Sarine.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Evie's attack is hampered by her catching sight of Ramona standing nearby, watching the combat with a calculating gleam in her eyes.

Chelaxian Bloodrager 8

Ashlyn's enthusiasm has overridden Sarine's mischief at this point. She hops back out of the way of the sparring partners and throws the rapier back to Evelyn. "It looks like I'm not suited for these things after all."


"Oh Sarine, I'm sure you would if time. No matter - everyone has their own strengths, and I am sure yours is much more useful than simple swordplay."

After a short while, Evie gives up her sparring and goes back to her room to get out of the harsh sun and continue reading the next book she has borrowed from Lyra's possessions.

|HP: 44/44 | AC 17 (T:13 FF:15) (+2 AC if w/in reach of Elizar) | CMB: +6 CMD: 18 | F:+7 R:+4 W:+9 (+2 Saves if w/in reach of Elizar) | Init +2 | Perc +7, SM +6, Social +0, Intimidate +3* | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/4, 1st: 4/5 | Bonded Manifestation: 6/6, Goodberries: 0/0, Phantom Recall: 1/1 | CLW: 1/1, Hydraulic Push: 0/1, Sanctuary: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Spiritual Weapon

@ Evie

When they have a moment after dinner one night Ashlyn takes Evie up on deck to introduce her to Elizar. She takes a deep breath, and concentrates.

"Ready Elizar?"

After a moment Ashlyn smiles. She takes her hands to her chest and turns them outwards, pushing her hands out from her body. As she does so wisps of blue mist leave Ashlyn and hover in front of her. Over the next minute she continues to do this, and the mist hardens into a goopy, dripping figure of a tall, thin man with long black hair and black, empty eyes. He looks horribly sad and appears to be soaked. A watery substance drips off of him and pools on the deck around his feet.

Finally, Ashlyn smiles. "Hey, pal." she says to him.

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