The Orphan Thieves.

Game Master Belac93


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ShadowWombat, this is a game! It is not a conversation! Website policy says that you cannot post on a game you are not part of.

I have no grudge against you. Please just let me live my life without your interference.

And I'm flagging your post for personal insults.

Bow chica wowow Grfaffle (Wombat-folk) Level 1 Fighter
Belac93 wrote:

ShadowWombat, this is a game! It is not a conversation! Website policy says that you cannot post on a game you are not part of.

I have no grudge against you. Please just let me live my life without your interference.

And I'm flagging your post for personal insults.

Fair enough, I suppose.

I just came on this site because it was the only way I could contact Dakota about Skyrim. And you acted like an a#*%+&+.
I don't need us to be friends, dude. But I'm good friends with Caius and I want to be treated with respect. I promise I'll do the same to you.

O.k. I'm cool with that, sorry for being a jerk. If you want to be able to talk, send a private message. Just click on the profile, and there should be a private message button.

Woah I missed some stuff... I'll be sure to not post about Skyrim then. And I think we can refrain from banning/flagging. If you're still reading this Kiah, yes 54 and counting. You won't beat meeee.
(Sorry Caleb, last post about Skyrim I promise. As long as I remember... And it's Dakota w/ a K)

ImpoliteCanadian wrote:

Woah I missed some stuff... I'll be sure to not post about Skyrim then. And I think we can refrain from banning/flagging. If you're still reading this Kiah, yes 54 and counting. You won't beat meeee.

(Sorry Caleb, last post about Skyrim I promise. As long as I remember... And it's Dakota w/ a K)

Ok, thank you.

Sorry for all the problems everyone. I've been having a bit of a bad day. Just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

And it was way too hot up here today. :) The poor dog with his black fur...

Anyway, if everyone wants to continue, I promise there will be kids in it for you ;)...

That did not come out the way I wanted it to.

Haha it's cool. I am a little disappointed in your reaction though, I know you're better than that. Thank god it doesn't get as hot down here or I'd be horrible all the time....

Also could you let Caius know I emailed him?

ImpoliteCanadian wrote:
Also could you let Caius know I emailed him?

Sure, hes watching a movie right now, but I'll tell him when hes done.

Okay, thanks <3

Jared can post by tomorrow, but is everyone else willing to get going? Narun, I know you are ready, but are Valcone and Simu?

I'll ask them.

hey guys sorry i haven't posted in ijust didn't have the chance but i am ready now

Hey did you try to make all those typos on the game play post pickle?

Its cool.

Narun, maybe, if those typos are not intentional, you could help Valcone when he is posting?

No problem :D
I'll post later today and I'll talk to Katherine then too

Thanks. Glad to see everyone back ;)

I posted and I'll put my character sheet online when I get the chance

Finally the character sheet is up. Tell me if I need to change anything.

Thanks! Looks good.

Sweet. I just fixed the three optimum pieces bit. And I helped Valvone post his part.

Oh and I wasn't sure if I should add that I'm now carrying our reward bag?

I can add it to a Total Party Look section in the Campaign Info section. That way, you can just divide it up later. If you want, you could get Skyler and Sara to take it.

Maybe not. Children are already in enough danger, don't need to give them a bunch of valuable stuff....

Katherine will try to post this weekend but she's got a socials project.

Caius can post once he gets home.

Let's say Narun wants to attack the undead with his short swords, what would I roll? It would be a sneak attack.

I thought I posted the above comment yesterday but it turns out I forgot to actually hit submit post.... Hehehe whoops....

Well, it technically wouldn't be a sneak attack. Only rogues can do that.

What you would do is roll a d20 twice for your first attack, and take the higher result. Your bonus for each of these rolls would be +5. Then, roll a d6, and add 3 for damage.

Then, you can attack with the second sword, which is the same, but you do not add 3 damage.

Then, you repeat the process on every other round, but you do not roll twice. You might as well take your surprise turn and normal turn at the same time.

If you want to know what to roll ever again, here are some instructions.

Roll a d20, and add an ability modifier. So, since you are making an attack with a dexterity based weapon, you add your dexterity modifier.

Your modifier is equal to half the second number of your ability score, rounded down. (so 8=-1, 10=0, 12=+1, and so on.)

If you have proficiency in it, you look at your level on your class in the players handbook, and move across to the "Proficiency bonus" section. Then you add that number.

If I say you have advantage, you get to roll twice and take the higher result. If you have disadvantage, you roll twice and take the lower result.

For damage, you look at the weapon you are using in the equipment section. You roll the damage it says. If it says in the properties section, you add your dexterity modifier to damage, if it doesn't, you add your strength modifier.

If you are using two weapons, you only add your dexterity or strength modifier bonus to one of damage rolls.

So, you roll 2d20, taking the higher result (because of advantage), add 5 to both results (because of a +3 dexterity bonus and +2 proficiency bonus), and then roll 1d6 for damage, adding +3 to the first one (because of a +3 dexterity bonus.)

Haha forgot I wasn't playing a rogue again. Anyways, thanks I'll post later today then. And I'll talk to Katherine about posting for her. -eyeroll-


Another not about the world; I've posted, in the Campaign Info section, a list of mundane animals in this world. If you have any ideas, I'd love it if you could share them!

Pictures included.

Awesome! I'll think about it :D

Don't forget for you and Dylan to post as well ;) The only person who has actually posted this combat is Jared. If you are all going at the same time, its fine if you post unordered.

Are you guys still playing? I haven't heard from any of you for about 10 days, and nobody but Jared has posted. You can go ahead without Simu, I can always control her for this combat.

Male Goliath Fighter 1

SORRY LONG STORY SHORT WE'VE BEEN W/O ELECTRONICS FOR A WHILE!!! We'll try and post as often as we can but we are limited to a very slow computer.

okay so, we're back. Sorry for the lack of posting! I just posted and I think its all good so let me know. Thanks and sorry again!! Also you should probs post for Simu

Good to see you back. I was a little worried when I didn't hear from you, to be honest.

hey sorry Dakota hasn't played for a while so that spoiler thing that was all him.

That's not why I screwed up... I just forgot to add [/spoiler]... Anyways glad to be back :D

Secret Dice rolls:
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Everyone may level up!

Narun Gains Fighting Style and Spellcasting. You have 2 spells known and can cast them a total of 2 times a day. Check your players handbook, page 91 for more information on these. Check page 209 for a list of spells.

Valcone Gains action surge, and heals +1 hit point with second wind. Check page 72 for more info.

Simu Gains Cunning Action. Check page 96 for more info.

Jared gains Ki and Unarmoured Movement. Check page 78 for more info.

Also, I forgot.

Simu and Jared each gain 7 hit points.

Valcone gains 10 hit points.

Narun gains 9 hit points.

Okay, so do I have to choose two spells? And I'm going to put all this new stuff into my character sheet now.

Also, is fighting style in skills?

Those are all in features. It pretty much specializes you in a specific type of combat.

You do have to choose two spells. If you want more information on how spells work with spell slots (which you have 2 of), it starts on page 201.

Okay, thanks!

Haven't chosen spells yet but I added the features. Also added secrets about Narun for the Game Master only. It's under spoilers in Narun's profile.

Chose Hail of Thorns and Cure Wounds for spells

Simu wants to play, but she says she's gonna wait until school winds down cause she's feeling overwhelmed.

By the way, I got facebook (I'll send you a message with my name if you like), and we will be coming down there sometime in July or August for 1-3 weeks.


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