The Honor Guard- A Group Tian Xia Game (Inactive)

Game Master Mowque

A band of adventurers escort a prize across Tian Xia.

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It was fitting that House Zeng called for the meeting to take place in a rented hall in Goka's elegant entertainment district. Despite being rich and well-connected the family was still just another rootless noble family, living in rented homes despite centuries of residence in Goka. They were meeting here to get their assignment, and rumor had it the party thrown here last night had been immense, to celebrate the leaving of the Flower of House Zeng, Chyou.

The cavernous room was impressive though, with dark wooden floors and delicate enameled walls, showing scenes of cloud-swept mountains, twisted trees or swooping cranes. Long, lacquered tables, still littered with the debris of last night party sat everywhere. Fine liquor bottles, plates of food, broken plates, bent silverware, subtly crafted centerpieces. The scents of sweat, alcohol and food filled their nostrils.

It was all lit by magical paper lanterns, each housing a tiny glob of magical light, flashing in varied colors. This morning, after the party, the light was dim and flickering, but was still enough to show the party had been quite the event.

The hall was empty save for one, darkly dressed figure. Slightly hunched and balding, all recognized him as the trading master of the Zeng family and one of the great merchant princes of the city. Zeng Dong eyed them carefully, his brown eyes quick and sharp as they filed in. Ayuka, Otrov, Xiaoyu and Yukarii (as well as an ambling carnivorous plant).

'I am glad you are punctual. This bodes well.” the trader says, with no smile, but standing up straighter. ”You have all come with...suitable references. The task is very simple, although one of the highest import. My House wishes to transport an item of greatest value to the distant province of Hwangott. It must be done with the greatest care and discretion. If you wish to leave, do so now.”

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

Yukarii found these circumstances rather odd, you'd think they'd have cleaned up by now,[/i] she thought to herself. Oh well, maybe they just partied too hard, she had certainly seen enough of that during her recent captivity to know about it. She also realized that she recognized this man, strange due to her lack of time here, that narrowed it down to either at the geisha house she worked in for a time or at that bastard Nicolai's who kept her in a cage. She hoped it was from the geisha house as the alternative wouldn't be good.

Yukarii was still in her slave girl outfit, she had to admit that she found it quite comfortable and it did a superb job of enhancing her already striking appearance. It was a good thing she was able to get the metal collar her chain was attached to off, the fact the black silk collar around her neck wouldn't come off was a bother but a minor one as it actually looked quite stunning on her. She gave the man a bow of respect as he greeted them and listened attentively to what he had to say. When he told any who wished to leave to do so now she stood her ground and waited patiently next to Ayuka, her rescuer and friend.

Male Human (Tian-Dan) Ninja 5

Xiaoyu kept quiet when he was let into the grand building. He kept quiet when he first met the three strangers (and plant), a motley crew to be sure, and was filtered into the festhall with them. And he remained quiet as the noble Zeng Dong tentatively relayed his commission. It was not his place to speak here. Not yet.

Zheng Xiaoyu appeared in every respect to be nothing more than a humble craftsman. Simple trousers and a simple shirt covered his frame which was currently drawn up to its full height, the man's back straight as a ruler. He hadn't dressed up for the occasion; in calling for his aid House Zeng must already know what he was and ninjas do not turn up to meetings in full pajama uniforms. That would be gauche. Still, he had at least made sure that his appearance was meticulously clean. These were nobles, after all. They deserved his respect simply by being. This was what his entire clan revolved around: serving those in power because they had power; enriching the rich because they were rich. He was certain that House Zeng could rise to great prominence in years to come, and to granted the privilege of aiding their ascent, in however small a manner, was an honour.

Xiaoyu didn't have the faintest idea what mission Zeng Dong had in store for the rag-tag group, but he didn't hesitate. When given the chance to walk away he remained silent still, went down to one knee and bowed, and lowered his head in supplication.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Ayuka had been surprised but honored to receive the summons from House Zeng. She had not been in Goka that long but had managed to help out a few people in the city which must have been noticed. One of those she had helped was her new friend, Yukarii. Ayuka normally wouldn’t have come into contact with someone so different but she was glad that she had. The samurai had been learning a lot about previously unknown lifestyles in a short amount of time and so far it had not been an unpleasant experience.

Ayuka spent the day prior to her meeting with House Zeng polishing her armor and making sure her weapons were honed and shiny as well. She took great care getting ready the day of as a sign of respect to the prestigious house. With the help of Yukarii, Ayuka had learned all that she could about the Zeng family and from everything she could find out, they were a house who conducted themselves with integrity and honor – two things that were very important to Ayuka.

As she walked through the untidy appearance of the rented hall, the ronin began to have second thoughts. The hall was in disarray and had not been cleaned for their arrival. Even though Ayuka would have never chosen to meet anyone in a place this unkept, she had learned that such things were not as important to everyone. Yukarii and herself had also been joined by two very tall men, although one was not human and he seemed to be accompanied by a plant of some sort. Having grown up with stories of the yokai, Ayuka thought it odd but not impossible. In any case, Ayuka inadvertently drew herself up to her full height of 5’3” as to not be overshadowed – not that you could easily overshadow someone in samurai armor.

She stood very still listening to Zeng Dong tell them why they had been summoned. Ayuka made very sure not to look him directly in the eyes as a sign of respect since he was her superior. When he mentioned leaving, Ayuka stood rooted to her spot. She then bowed very deeply at the waist to show her respect and waited for Zeng Dong to address her directly.

Dong dimisses the scantily clad slave with a bare sniff and completely overlooks the foreign elf (and the plant). He gives the ninja the barest hint of a nod, while giving a full jerk of the head to Ayuka.

He addresses the samurai, as he goes on."A silent group. This is also a good sign. I was a bit concerned with your...eclectic attire but perhaps my contacts were not wrong."

Zeng Dong's face is unreadable as he continues, 'This mission is backed by the full weight of my House. If you intentions are now, or become, anything less then fully honorable, despair and disaster shall be swiftly unleashed by the gods and by myself. You will not be able to hide anywhere in Tian Xian from the Imperial Palace tot he jungles of the south. I will find you."

He slowly blinks once before going on, "You are tasked with transporting the most prized treasure of my house, rarer then our precious jewels, more stunning then our finest silks and more delicate then a cut flower. You are to transport the Flower of House Zeng, Lady Chyou to Hwangott, for her formal marriage."

As he speaks, he stamps once on the floor and a small wooden door opens, atop a small staircase at the back of the hall. Out of it comes a small, white-clad woman. She gingerly descends the stairs, carefully pausing at each one.

As she approaches, the natives sees she is the image of physical perfection. Her skin is snowy white, unlined and uncreased by time. Her eyes are like deep dark pools, wide set. Her feet are small and dainty, taking tiny steps. Her posture is ramrod straight, perfectly formed. Her clothes, while only moderately formal, are elegant and made of the finest silks and her jewelry of finest jade. Even her hair, coiled around her head and held with ivory pins, was exquisite.

She stands by her father, demurely bowing to him before saying, in a clear, pitch perfect voice laden with respect. "[/i]This[/i] is the best you could come up with, Trade Master of Goka?" Her eyes dart among the assembled group with obvious scorn.

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger) 5

When the summons to meet with House Zeng came, Otrov thought it was surely a mistake. He figured it had to have been, he'd only been in town a week or two. After double and triple checking with the messenger he decided that it'd probably be quite profitable to attend the requested meeting. So he donned his hides, honed his scythe and made sure that Zubi was properly fed before setting off to meet with the head of House Zeng.

Otrov has sat silently the entire time. His practiced slumped posture ,straightened just enough to fit into this somewhat formal meeting, was an attempt to more fit with his rather short companions. Zubi was staying close at hand as per usual. He barely noticed the evidence of the party from the night before, he had seen far more severe aftermaths of parties in his travels.

The elf listened attentively while the Trade Master explained the mission to them. He wasn't too preoccupied with the details, it mostly seemed like a basic transport mission. He had run dozens on his way to Goka. But when he found out that he was transporting a person? Well, it really didn't change his mind much at all. Person or cargo, his job was to make sure his charge arrived safely.

However, at her scornful words Otrov's angular jaw set. He adjusted his posture to take full advantage of his height, the only thing he had going for him when it came to being imposing. Zubi noticed the shift and shuffled slightly. He thought about saying something to the impertinent girl, but as she was the cargo and somehow related to his new boss, he figured he had better not do anything to cause tension.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Ayuka watches Lady Chyou approach and suddenly feels very plain and awkward. She is indeed stunning and graceful and as valuable to House Zeng as Zeng Dong has said. Years of practice kept Ayuka's face schooled as Lady Chyou's words were slightly derisive. Those of higher station often treated others in such a manner, even if Ayuka herself would not. However, Chyou's attitude was somewhat concerning. The samurai hoped it would not be a problem once they left Goka. She waited to see how Zeng Dong would answer his daughter.

When it comes time to speak, Ayuka addresses their host with proper deference, ”Zeng Dong-sama, you have honored me greatly with your request. Family is of supreme importance. I conduct myself with honor and you can trust Lady Chyou-san in my care. I will protect her with my life.”

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

When the Trade Master dismissed her with a sniff she felt a thrill of anger up her spine, How dare he, I should sic Visssh on him. She listened to the assignment and watched as Lady Chyou came down the stairs. She wouldn't want to admit it but she felt a certain arousal at the sight of the lovely human, it rather disturbed her to tell the truth and she thought, I must still be under that bastard's enchantments or drugs somehow, they'll wear off in time.,,I hope. Due to both the unexpected feelings and the insult Yukarii decided that, for now, she would simply listen. She wasn't honestly sure what would happen if she tried to say anything.

Male Human (Tian-Dan) Ninja 5

The ninja had risen to his feet again after demonstrating his willingness to serve through his supplication, but felt the need to kneel again once Zeng Chyou entered the room. Instead he lowered his eyes. Yes, this confirmed it all. The girl's beauty hammered home Xiaoyu's conviction that she was meant for greatness. She was not beautiful as other women were; this was not an erotic attraction, such as that displayed by the scantily clad horned woman who was apparently to be his ally. No, this was a noble beauty, a beauty that could only be earned through the reincarnation of sangpotshi. It marked her as a soul who had done many great deeds in a great many previous lives and was destined for further greatness. It was the difference between eros and agape, and Xiaoyu adored her for it.

GM Mowque wrote:
She stands by her father, demurely bowing to him before saying, in a clear, pitch perfect voice laden with respect. "[/i]This[/i] is the best you could come up with, Trade Master of Goka?" Her eyes dart among the assembled group with obvious scorn.

After a moment's hesitation the ninja spoke up, seeing none of the others answering. He had to; he was too eager for her approval to do anything else.

"Your disdain is only natural, your ladyship. Your grace renders all others humble. From the mountaintop all men appear as ants."

Dong smiles a bit as he replies, "See, my daughter. They are not so uncouth as you feared. Now please, be still." he says, in a kindly fashion. Chyou remains quiet, but spares a few hard looks at Otrov (and a tiny nod of approval at Xaioyu).

The Trade Master waves a hand at a nearby table. 'I apologize for the mess. Everyone in the city, outside those in his room, assume Lady Chyou will be leaving via ship tomorrow. So I want us to move quickly, to maintain secrecy."

He moves to a table, where the garbage has been pushed aside to make room for a large map of Tian Xia. While it is perhaps not the highly accurate maps of the old Imperial period, it is far from the Avistian maps of vague blobs and dragons. For Otrov, it is his first good look at this massive continent.

Map Here

Sorry for the low res, but this was the best I could find!

Dong points Hwangott and says, "This is your destination. How you get there is up to you, but safety is key. The travel time is not nearly so critical, you have many months and the wedding can wait for her arrival." He pauses, waiting expectantly.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

The map was quite impressive and Ayuka was pleased to see that Shokuro was roughly halfway between Hwangott and Goka. If necessary, they could always find safety in Shokuro. The additional information was welcomed but Ayuka had more questions. With another bow of her head she said, May I ask a question, Zeng Dong-sama?"

Assuming he gives his assent...

Once given permission Ayuka asked, "How will we be traveling with the Lady Chyou-san? She is much too important to walk or camp outside."

Zeng Dong ponders Ayuka's question before answering, "It depends on what route you pick. If you travel by ship then I can provide a vessel and trusted crew, which should be comfortable enough. If you travel by land, Lady Chyou is prepared to ride a horse. She is actually quite skilled and I have a mule packed with the basic of supplies including a large tent suitable for her station. While it is a shame to exclude them, for reasons of secrecy and speed, none of her maids or servants will be accompanying you." The lack of armed retainers is odd, but House Zeng is a merchant family, not the old land-holding nobility of old.

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

Yukarii stepped forward and began looking at the map as well, she'd be the first to admit that her knowledge of geography and travel wasn't great but at it wouldn't hurt her to try...probably. "It seems to me that if we are going by land we have two definite routes to use. The first would be to go southeast through Lingshen to Nanzu and then take a ship across to Changdo. After that we would only have to travel through Po-Li and then into Hwnagot." She paused a moment and took a breath before she continued, "The second route would be to go east to the Sea of Eels, sail acros the sea to Amamandar," she paused a moment and then said, "that's a strange name, I wonder where it came from?" She shook her head and then continued, "We would then travel through Amamandar to Kwanlai, the tengu lands, and through the to Tianjing, my homeland, to the capitol of Zetang. We could find passage on a ship from there to Hwangot."

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

"It does seem like travel by land would be best considering Zeng Dong-sama mentioned that Lady Chyou-san is expected to be leaving by ship."

Ayuka paused, unsure if she should ask her next questions, but she needed to know what possible problems to plan for. Zeng Dong-sama, you have mentioned your desire to maintain secrecy and provide safety for your daughter above all. Has something happened to make you suspect that she is in danger? Do you know of specific foes that we should be looking for? My deepest apologies if my questions imply anything to question House Zeng's integrity as that is not my intent. I just want to be properly prepared so that I can best protect your treasure."

Dong ignores Yukarri as throughly if she was a bit of furniture. A slave, doubly one dressed as Yukarii is, are generally disregarded in Goka, one of the major slave holding areas in Tian Xia.

Sorry, that is just RP. As a player, your route suggestion is of course, of high value!

After Ayuka speaks Dong gives her a sidelong glance, 'You are naive. I have led my House for thirty years. I would be more offended if you said we had no enemies then many." his tone is serious but they catch a glint of humor in his eyes.

When he goes on, he is back to his dour self though, Chyou standing silently beside him, fingering a jade necklace hanging on her pure white throat.

"There are three main dangers, that I can foresee, that you will have to avoid. The first is Bachuan. In ancient days, that is where my House resided in power. Every since the Rebellion and Usurpation they have hated House Zeng with an unabated passion. And for Lady Chyou to move so close to our old homelands...would be nothing but an affront to them. My daughter is nothing but a political issue to them. They would happily kill her to prevent the marriage."

He pauses then goes on, 'Secondly, there are other families in Goka itself who are not pleased at this marriage. As I have said, we have our share of enemies. This marriage will be a great boon to our family and our future prospects. Political capital, increased trade with Hwangott, lands and titles....many benefits. There are many here who would do whatever it takes to remove that possibility from my future. And besides, if House Zeng fails in our promise, perhaps another, less pure or noble house, may be chosen to be wedded? It is a tempting prize."

"Similarly, the third evil to be avoided. Everyone knows that the Flower of House Zeng would be retrieved at any cost. Her value as a hostage is beyond price, beyond her weight in gold or jade. Her ransom would be gigantic, and we would pay it, happily. Anyone along the way may decide it is worth risking our wroth to take our treasure. You must prevent that, so secrecy is vital, even far from Goka."

He looks down at the map, 'So, does this help pick your route?"

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

In the past Yukarii would have let Dong have a piece of her mind for his insulting words but she knew the stain pn her honor that being a slave was and further understood the social standing that came with it, fortunately for her that's why she didn't look at him when she spoke but rather to Ayuka. She knew that her heritage placed her in far greater reverence than him by dint of her connection to Heaven, and one day his lack of respect for that, slave or not, would become a mark against him. His statement of the dangers was most useful and she continued looking at Ayuka as she said, "Hmm, it seems then that perhaps the worst part of the trip will be when we are trying to enter Hwangot, I think that going the second route through Tianjing would be well worth the effort. If we can obtain passage on a vessel under the banner of Tianjing I think it's less likely that Bauchan would be willing to interfere with such a vessel even if they somehow know we're on board. Few wish to take the chance of offending Heaven by harming their children if it can be avoided."

No problem, I understand completely and so would Yukarii, she wasn't really talking to him anyway, more to Ayuka than anyone.

Male Human (Tian-Dan) Ninja 5


Xiaoyu listened in as the two women and the honorable Zeng Dong discussed the matter. The ninja was not a particularly experienced traveler; this was hardly his area of expertise but he was something of a problem solver. He had grown accustomed to viewing any objective as a series of obstacles. Surmounting those obstacles was what he was trained for.

So, he though to himself. What are our obstacles here?

Well, sailing across the Sea of Eels to Amanandar meant going into Koaling, the hobgoblin empire, an idea that seemed about as appealing as, fittingly enough, your average hobgoblin. Better to travel through Shokuro to Amanandar. But more to the point, trying to approach Hwanggot from the north necessitated close contact with Bachuan. From what Zeng Dong had told them this idea was right out. This journey would be plenty difficult as is. There was not reason to court disaster by going anywhere near Bachuan.
No, the more direct approach through Lingshen, Quain and Po Li was the more sensible choice. All three were perfectly civilized lands; populous, yes, but that just made it all the easier to disappear among the masses. But there was still a problem. Xiaoyu eyes narrowed as he glared at said problem on the map. The Chang Liao jungle. He didn't know much concrete about the place, but he'd heard stories about beasts, men, beast-men and more. Traversing it would not be easy.

Xiaoyu eyes shifted from the piece of paper over to the elf towering over him, the man who was apparently to be his traveling partner for the foreseeable future. Was that vine braided into his hair alive? He certainly looked the nature type, more so than anyone else in the room. The ninja was curious to know what he had to say.

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger) 5

Otrov stared down at the map. He was almost completely lost. Sure he was a very experienced traveler, but he had never even set foot on this continent until the past week or so. He tried to puzzle out the details of the map, and could make out the obvious, which led him to wanting to take a land route. But considering his lack of experience with the area he was wanting to wait until they were in the field to let his expertise be known.

Keeping silent, Otrov took this moment to examine the people who were going to be his companions. One was apparently some sort of concubine, the other a warrior woman and the last was apparently a stealth operative. Seemed like a pretty well rounded group, not the worst party he'd been with. Though, the prostitute was somewhat disconcerting why was she hired to go on an escort mission? Otrov couldn't suppress his smirk when he though about the type of escort mission she would be used to. He noticed the eyes of the stealthy party member and he focused back on the paper, looking for something to say to help further along the conversation.

"Pardon my naivety, but I am new to this area. What are some of the natural dangers we might be facing as we travel through these areas?" Otrov asked as he stared at the map. He saw a few wooded areas of the map but was unsure if they were jungles or forests. And no matter how detailed the map, they very rarely told you what kind of fauna to expect.

Otrov, do you want to roll anything? I think your party members wanted a Knowledge Geography roll...

The Trading Master gives him a bit of a look, but replies smoothly, "Depends on the area, I would assume. Wild creatures, bandits, local warlords. The usual problems on the road. I am no traveler, but I have read reports from my traders. Many of these jungles are full of some quite nasty peoples." he waves a hand dismissively.

But, I am hiring you to prevent such..inconveniences from bothering my House. Are you saying you are not up to the task?"

Otrov set his jaw once more to prevent himself from lashing out at his employer. "My apologies sir, I was just unsure if there was some obvious danger in one of these areas that I was unaware of due to me being a foreigner." His tone was as polite as he could manage, which meant that it was at least level. "I am more than capable of handling anything that may cross our way."

Otrov turned back to the map and once more tried to puzzle out its secrets, this time focusing on figuring out their best route, despite his limited knowledge of the area.

Knowledge Geography Roll:: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Zeng Dong shrugs, 'Obviously some of the regions are treacherous. I am sure the others could tell you. Shenmen is full of horrors and spiders, the Valashmai Jungle is full of cannibals and heathens, Kaoling is full of hobgoblins and their tributes.." He speaks like one to a child.

Looking at the map, Otrov can see many things.

I'll have to name some of these rivers...

The druid can see the Huang River, flowing between Lingshen and Quain, which is running high at this time of year. A good time to travel by water anywhere in the south. The downside is, during this rainy season, the jungles (everything from the far south in Valashmai to Chang Liao) will be much harder to travel through, due to the rains.

The Sea of Eels will be fairly calm this time of year, with many fishermen plying the still, blue waters.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Ayuka carefully makes a mental note of the possible dangers that have been listed off by Zeng Dong. Some of them were concerning; however, the samurai is confident in her ability with her sword. "It seems like our journey will begin with Lingshen. It may be prudent to leave our plans at that for now since sometimes the walls have ears."

Any major objections? Anything you want to cover before Dong hustles you out the nearest city gate?

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

Yukarii nodded her head in agreement, 'You could be right, I think waiting to plan further would be wise." She looked at their new employer and asked, "May we have the map, or a copy of it, to take with us? It may prove invaluable to getting your daughter to her destination safely."

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

If Zeng Dong dismisses Yakarii's question, Ayuka will repeat her question verbatim.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Will Zeng Dong provide horses for the rest of us as well or do we need to purchase them ourselves?

The House will provide.

Shall I move things along?

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5
GM Mowque wrote:
Shall I move things along?

I'm ok with you moving things forward. I can't think of anything more to purchase, other than horses and the things we need for Chyou to travel comfortably which you said would be provided by the house.

When Zeng Dong excused himself to make arrangements, Ayuka pulled Yukarii aside to speak privately. "I know that we come from very different worlds and I would never seek to change who you are. However, we may want to consider finding you more subdued clothing for when we accompany Lady Chyou. If you are in agreement, there may be times when we have to introduce you as her maid."

tag Yukarii

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

Yukari considered the suggestion for a moment and finally said, "I think Vissh-chan may have gotten me a set of traveling clothes, I don't think I have anything more suitable to a maid position though I'm sure we can pick something up." She smiled slightly as she said, "I have to admit Ayuka-sama that, while I shouldn't enjoy wearing it after what I've been through, I actually find this garment rather comfortable. Still, you are probably right."

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5
Yukarii wrote:
Yukari considered the suggestion for a moment and finally said, "I think Vissh-chan may have gotten me a set of traveling clothes, I don't think I have anything more suitable to a maid position though I'm sure we can pick something up." She smiled slightly as she said, "I have to admit Ayuka-sama that, while I shouldn't enjoy wearing it after what I've been through, I actually find this garment rather comfortable. Still, you are probably right."

Ayuka was encouraged by Yukarii's willingness to entertain a different manner of dress but her use of an honorific caused Ayuka's brow to furrow. "Yukarii, I don't know how many times I have to tell you to not call me Ayuka-sama. We're friends, please just use my name."

tag Yukarii?

We are headed to the gate, feel free to do any last minute shopping on the way.

Dong nods and says, 'Very well. It seems you have a plan. I shall meet you in two hours by the Gate of the Rooster. We shall be disguised."

A short time skip later......

Zeng Dong and his daughter are huddled near a stable, just at the inside of the huge stone gate that marks the Gate of the Rooster, which leads dead east. Here the road is paved and straight, and will be for many miles. Goka invests considerable monies to make it travel worthy.

Caravans are heading out, oxen pulling huge wagons. Dust is everywhere and it all smells rather terrible, a mix of dust, sweat and dung. The pair of nobles looks quite out of place although both are wearing simple clothes, and even Lady Chyou looks fairly ordinary, with her hair flat and sleek, and no makeup to be seen. She is still wearing the jade necklace and Ayuka's memory tingles. It reminds her of something...

'Is all ready?" Dong asks, 'I have my end prepared." he waves a hand at five horses, tied, complete with saddle bags. Behind them is a single mule, braying mournfully.

'No one has followed you?"

None of you detected a tail.

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

Yukarii nodded and said, "Of course's a habit I must learn to break Ayuka."

Not sure how much a maid outfit would cost but I'll pick one up on our way to the gate.

As Yukarii reached the gate it was obvious that she had changed into her traveling clothes, a serviceable outfit even if it didn't fit her quite right. She had also added a dagger at her waist and a crossbow slung across her back in addition to her pack, in fact the only thing that hadn't changed was the black silk collar she wore. There was one other noticeable change to her ensemble, a glowing sigil that appeared between her eyebrows. Every so often the symbol changed but it's size and position didn't. Yukarii bowed to Zeng Dong and said, "Yes Zeng-sama, I believe we are ready and I do not believe we were followed."

The sigil says, "YukariiVissshnickkckartalllinomagk"

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger) 5

Otrov arrived with the rest of the group, wearing almost exactly the same thing he was wearing to the meeting. The only difference is that instead of his hair hanging down in loose waves, it hung down his back in a braid that was held together by what seemed to be a living vine. Zubi trotted along at his side, now wearing a black collar around what passed for a neck for the plant. Otrov had his scythe strapped to his back as well as a pack that seemed to be either packed very efficiently or only half packed. He did have a parasol tied to the side of his pack, its delicate appearance seeming out of place with his more rustic gear. Though if one cared to bother looking, they would notice that Otrov was in fact also wearing fine slippers and a very nice pair of gloves in addition to his standard mish mosh of traveling gear and hide armor. He nodded in greeting to his party members and gave a more formal, yet equally silent, greeting to their employer.

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24 to check and see if there is an obvious reason for the mule to be upset.

Male Human (Tian-Dan) Ninja 5

Xiaoyu had arrived at the stable early. The two hour span had been more than enough to get the ninja's affairs in order; everything he owned he carried in a small magical pouch fastened to his waist. As such he had simply opted for scouting their meeting spot for anything suspicious while awaiting the appointed hour. This was an almost certainly fruitless endeavor, what with the Rooster Gate being such a busy area, but he didn't mind. Xiaoyu was very happy to have found a mission and a means to serve his clan and betters. He was eager to step into service as quickly as possible, and so he watched the trafficked gate patiently, looking no different from the earlier meeting with the exception of the dark grey travel cloak slung over his shoulders.

Zheng's take 10 on Perception is 19. Not expecting anything but you can never have enough Perception checks.

When all the relevant parties had arrived he filtered into the stable and greeted the Zengs with all proper deference.

"This servant has not seen any foul play yet, sir."

The ninja paused for a second before continuing. He wasn't quite sure who to address his next question to, but quickly settled for the father over the daughter.

"Sir, if I may... Given the secrecy of our journey I must ask, has a suitable cover for Lady Chyou been decided or shall such questions be tackled when encountered?"

This was something Xiaoyu had been mulling over for the past hour while observing the crowd. Certainly the lady Chyou must travel under some alias, a practice far from foreign to him. But he hoped to sort out any such details at the outset of their journey, rather than having to hastily prepare some halting cover when questioned by any opponent. Most of all he feared any situation that would force HIM to invent a new identity for the maiden. Heavens above! That would be wholly inappropriate for someone of his station.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Ayuka collected everything she felt they may need for the journey which included a survival kit. The first part of the trip she had already done once when she came to Goka from Shokuro but now she was traveling with someone very important. The samurai appeared to be traveling light but much was packed in her well-used satchel.

When Zeng Dong queried about being followed, Ayuka shook her head no and took up a guarding stance as they prepared to depart.

Zheng sees nothing out of the ordinary but there is much traffic (mostly outgoing) in the Rooster Gate. Otrov doesn't notice much about the mule except it seems to be young, probably its first real job.

Zeng Dong nods to Xaioyu saying, 'Very wise, Our cover story is simple. This is Mistress Bo, the daughter of a fairly prosperous merchant family. Sadly, all of her relatives died in a recent fire and she is traveling to Po Li to her uncles house. Everything else, is up to you. Keep it simple, is my advice.” Dong says, sternly, ”Exercise great care. I know this is a great responsibility, but lies sometimes must result from the context of what is happening. Keep your head down and you should be fine.”

He points to the horses and says, 'Everything is packed. I have included some ink and paper and a simple codex. At the next town, please code a message and send it back. I will be waiting for it. Now, please hurry, if I am recognized at the gate...all is for naught.”

Lady Chyou watches them imperiously, as if judging their every move and finding them wanting. Her horse is packed light, but she has two saddlebags tightly closed and sitting close at hand. Even dressed simply and trying to keep her head down,s he has the bearing of the nobility.

Anything else?

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

Don't think so.

Yukarii walked to one of the horses and gently began to stroke it's mane before as the others discussed any last minute questions. After a minute or two she spoke in a strange tongue that is spoken very rapidly and has a large number of clicking and sissing sounds and a moment later a head starts to poke up out of her pack and look around. The head is much like that of a serpent and seems to be all neck beyond that, it's body is colored in blending bands of purple and blue that make an almost aurora like pattern and it has a symbol that matches the one glowing on Yukarii's head in roughly the same spot on it's own. She looks at the horse, as does the serpent, and waits to see it's reaction to the strange creature.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Ayuka makes one last round of the horses to make sure everything is in order. Approaching Otrov and Zheng Xiaoyu in turn, Ayuka introduces herself. "As we will be traveling together, we should not remain unknown to each other." Giving them each a small bow of her head she says, "I am Yamanouchi Ayuka."

tag everyone

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger) 5

Otrov looked down at the shorter woman. Had they really not introduced themselves yet? He paused, a quizzical frown pulling at his lips. Tien was one of the languages he had just recently learned and so he was having some difficulty understanding how to form his sentences. "I am Otrov the Green," he said slowly, picking his words carefully, "and this is Zubi." he gestured down at the plant that was sitting next to him shuffling back and forth nervously. Zubi wasn't the biggest fan of horses, their vegetarian habits making him understandably wary.

Male Human (Tian-Dan) Ninja 5

Zheng turned to face the armored woman at her approach. He had been looking over what was to be his horse for the foreseeable future when she had decided that introductions were in order. The ninja was somewhat relieved to finally see this subject broached. After all, he was quite curious to know who his travel companions and fellow guardians were, a curiosity that was both personal and professional. However, he hadn't wanted to do this here. The perfectionist in him found it somehow wrong to exchange pleasantries in front of a master and employer.

The ninja observed Ayuka as she gave the two men of the party a light bow.

Hmm. A bit... vertically challenged for her kind. A samurai?

Zheng hesitated to use the term 'samurai'. It was a word laden with so much meaning and nuance that it was difficult to know when it truly applied. But the woman certainly looked the part, with her armor and weaponry, short stature be damned. Whether or not these reflected her true character was something he suspected would become evident during their journey. And the ninja was experienced enough to know that height did not make a warrior.

"Hello, Yamanouchi Ayuka," he replied, somewhat mechanically. "My name is Zheng Xiaoyu. I hope for a fruitful partnership going forth."

Zheng didn't think much of giving these people his true name, rather than one of his many aliases. He used it so seldom that it was practically unknown as is, and even should it be compromised and hinder his future service to his clan he wouldn't hesitate to abandon it. And besides, if the Zengs trusted these people then it was only courteous for him to extend that same trust.
Still, it would be advisable to keep a professional distance.

When the ninja craned his head back to look up to Otrov, as the elf introduced himself, he momentarily wondered if the woman had simply appeared so short because she was standing near this brown-haired tower.

I really hope I won't ever have to disguise you, buddy... You stand out like an orc in Kyonin.

Which was not entirely too far from reality. The man was so obviously foreign that Zheng cringed internally. He had nothing against foreigners. Zheng wasn't much of a xenophobe. But due to his vocation and conditioning the ninja reveled in anonymity. He suspected that that was partly why he was here now. This journey would be much simpler if the party could travel incognito. Otrov would not make that easy.

Not at all easy... he thought as he eyed the elf's plant familiar, currently shirking away from one of the more curious horses.

Then again, judging from his dress and manner Zheng guessed that Otrov was some sort of nature priest and probably wielded magic. That was always appreciated. So the ninja gave a nod of the head as acknowledgement to both Otrov and Zubi.

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

Satisfied that the horse wasn't going to give her problems when Visssh was around Yukari put her pack on him and then turned back to the rest of her group as they introduced themselves. Her bow was lower than Ayuka's was and she said, "I am Kanegawa Yukarii and this," she gestured to the snake like head looking around from her pack, "is Vissshnickkckartalllinomagk," the name was almost unpronounceable by anyone else there, it wasn't even clear how she was able to say it, "You can call him Visssh."

Let's move things along..

Dong smiles a bit, obviously pleased at the exchange of names, ’This is a good portent, exchanging of names before going on a trip. You have all been hired for this task because you each have special skills. “ he rummages in his pack before drawing out some small wands of willow.

He hands them everyone then instructs them to break them and leave one half in the dust. It is an ancient symbol of journey and partings in Goka, although it is a bit old-fashioned. Dong is, unsurprisingly for a descendent of an ancient noble family, a traditionalist. They notice that he and Chyou have tears in their eyes as they hug for, probably, the last time.

’Keep well, precious daughter. You carry the honor of our family..”
His daughter sits up straight and nods gravely.

Then he turns back to the group and bids them farewell, before moving back into the crowd.

bit of a time skip here

The next two days go well. The road is well maintained this close to Goka, with a firm packed base, gutters for rain, and strong bridges over the numerous small streams. Caravans fill the roads, heading both to and into the city. Massive wagons pulled by bawling oxen as well as travelers riding fine horses. A few times a single or pair of riders passes them, heading out to share a last bit of news with a caravan before they go too far.

The group avoids these others, trying to fall into a rhythm of travel. The horses ride well, House Zeng obviously has bought the best. The supplies are ample this early on and the weather is fine and clear (if a bit hot).

Lady Chyou proves to be somewhat difficult though. She rarely talks to them at all, riding in silence for hours. When she does speak she tends to give peremptory commands. Not rude or petty just…commands. A lifetime of habits is hard to break. She doesn’t complain about the dust, sores or other travails of the road however.

A few times at dawn or dusk the others catch her looking back at the distant, glowing city, looking pensive and worn. But she never says anything, and if noticed quickly retires to her grand tent.

On the evening of the second day they are approaching another fine bridge. In the middle are two cloaked men, sitting as if fishing. This is common enough, these small streams are the lifeblood of the area.

Suddenly, just as the party comes on the bridge the two figures spring up and run to the center of the bridge.

The taller one throws back his cloak and reveals himself to be a large, strong man. He is young, very young, with just the trace of a beard. He wears simple armor and has a rather impressive sword.

He points it dramatically at Ayuka saying, ’Release your prisoner, ye foul jailers! Let fly the Jade Feather of the greatest of houses!” his voice is high, but oddly pleasant and rolling. It is also loud, very loud.

Behind them they can hear Lady Chyou sigh, but not a worried sigh. A sigh of recognition.

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

Yukari had spent the next two days of travel riding on the horse or one of the wagons. Thus far she found the Lady Chyou to be a manageable traveling companion, she kept quiet and didn't complain, though the demands for this or that became quickly annoying. Still, it was tolerable as the Lady was at least trying. As they came upon the bridge Yukarii saw the two men sitting on the bridge fishing and thought nothing of it, at least until they jumped up that is. She heard the loud demand of the fools and realized that they had obviously been misinformed at best, or used at worst. She came down from the wagon, pack on her back with the flap open and the rune glowing on her head. Carefully she approached the two and, when she reached around forty feet from them, she bowed slightly and said, "I don't know who you think we are sir but I would greatly appreciate it if you'd let us pass, we simply wish to be left alone on our travels. We have many leagues to go before we're finished and have no quarrel with you." She then gave them an apprising look and continued, "Unless, of course, you are honor less bandits who attack travelers."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Ayuka dismounted and put herself between those on the bridge and Lady Chyou. The sigh that emitted from Chyou didn't escape the samurai's notice. Without taking her eyes off the drawn sword, Ayuka asked, "Are these youths known to you, Mistress Bo-san?"

tag Chyou

The man looks at Yukarii and actually bows, quite properly (if stiffly in his armor. "It pains me to correct one of our heavenly brothers, but I am no bandit. And I am certainly not without honor, gentle travelers. I am here to correct a great wrong. You are transporting a woman against her will."

He pauses, looking at Lady Chyou.

At Aykua's question, Chyou turns her head downward and nods. "I know him." Then she looks up, saying, "You shame me, Bai. And you shame my family by doing this."

He looks angry and says, "You shame yourself. We belong together! Your heart is a treasure to be enjoyed and given as you wish, not as a political bauble. I am here to save you from yourself, my love."

Roaring loudly he says, "Now, stand aside! I do not wish to hurt any of you!"

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

As the man yelled the serpentine head popped up from inside her pack and glared at him. As she stood there more and more of his serpentine mass slid from inside the pack until he rested on the ground. Vissh, with his matching symbol, reared up a good seven feet in length and glared at the insolent Bai. The serpentine being spoke in a chaotic riot of hisses and clicks, "HisssshsshotikkkklikCrrrrrickSStICK!" His mouth opened and long fangs sprang down dripping what must be acid judging by the sizzling sounds where the substance struck the ground.
Vissh Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Yukarii looked at her companion and said, "No Vissh, I'd prefer that you not eat either of them. I doubt they'd go down very well and I would prefer you don't get ill on me, remember what happened when you ate that guard when we met Ayuka? Horribly unpleasant wasn't it? Lets not and say we did." She looked back at the man, "In all seriousness sir, she has asked that you not do this, it would be best to respect her wishes. After all, it is her choice to do as her father asks of her or not," she looked back at Chyou and said, "and I will support whatever decision you make." With that she backed away to get behind Ayuke while Vissh retreated to protect her in case of attack by the fool.
Bluff for the eating a man story: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Diplomacy again if needed): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

Male Human (Tian-Dan) Ninja 5

Sorry for the slight post but I want to check; does Zheng know of this Bai?

Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Ayuka becomes concerned that there is a reason for Bai speaking in such a loud voice. Keeping on guard in case he is foolish enough to attack, Ayuka scans the area to make sure no one was flanking them.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

The man looks startled at the snake and hesitates. The other figure steps closer and thy can see it is not a man, or even a halfling but a wayang. The thin, spindly creature is a muted, dark red, with glossy black hair and a pointed nose. He looks quite terrified actually and tugs on the man's cloak muttering something about being eaten alive.

The wayang fear seems to mobilize Bai and he says, 'Nonsense, Eclis. We can't simply retreat in the face of fear." He takes a step forward, sword still out, "I have no wish to fight all of you, but I will."

Xaioyu does not recognize the young man (or the wayang) and his equipment seems to lack device or sigil, probably on purpose. His accent and speech mark him of middling class at best however, although strongly of Goka.

Ayuka sees no other threats other then the now sniveling wayang, who is next to Bai in the middle of the stone bridge.

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