The Hallowed Halls of Heroes--Lanarial's Story (Inactive)

Game Master Chainmail

Homebrew—The Hallowed Halls of Heroes
Current Map

Current Characters

Machine Soldier
GM Tribute

played by Chainmail (4,950 posts)
Mage Sniper

Elf Wizard 2 | HP: 6/16 (18)| AC: 11 (11 Tch, 10 Ff) | CMD: 13 | F: +4, R: +2, W: +6; +2 vs. enchantments; Immune sleep | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 | 0/7 - telekinetic fist (1d4+1 bludgeoning) | Active conditions: -1 CON; sickened; fatigued; voiceless

played by Rhanloi Ehlyss (417 posts)