The Bogshark Fiasco
Game Master
Lord Grey
Chapter 3 - Circling Sharks
The storm spins overhead. Lightning crashes, fiery explosions cast red glares in brief bursts over the city. Freezing rain sweeps the streets, and the cities' dazers shamble toward the lightning struck house.
HP 27/72, AC 17, Init +0, P.P. 13[darkvision60], Saves: S+8, D+0, C+6, I+3, W+4, C-1, Spell Save DC:15
Mother's bracer: Advantage on Swim Checks while wearing
Oathguardian, Greatsword of Desperation (which i can't find the stats for)
pretty sure that's it
And sorry for my lack of activity as well. I'll get a main story post up today or tomorrow morning

The sword of deception is - Greatsword of Desperation (+1 AC while the wielder's HP is less than half their total. Additionally, when struck it lets out a strange, softly-chiming tone. This tone changes from strike to strike and the purpose of this effect is unknown.)
If you'd like, feel free to narrate the sword's chiming mystery whenever you feel appropriate, like in combat. Just keep the reason as to why mysterious and a relatively patternless. I'll try to use this from time to time too. It isn't an overly loud chime, it mainly just replaces the natural sound of ringing metal with a strange tome, force increases the volume.
Magical gear looks mostly good. I think I remember handing out healing potions over time (Sister Kindness gave some back at the old hide out, I think?) But I don't remember if anyone has used these, or other small consumable items. Please jog my memory if you remember something I've forgotten.
Question for you gents... I keep looking at this next scene from different angles, and I'm trying to get a bead on how I want to direct it.
I'll tell you what I'm seeing, and I'm open to group preference:
- We make breaking in there a tactical fight. I create a battle map, such as in the citadel against the bullywugs, and we turn by turn this and make the goal getting the A Team to the door while the B Team runs defense.
- We narrate through it. I create a roleplay scenario, where we... incident-by-incident it. I narrate the challenge, you talk about the way you want to handle it, and I assume success but provide obstacles or temptations to deviate from the plan. Spells cast would still be considered spent, and I'd want group solutions to larger obstacles (Maybe some tight teamwork s#%~? xD), but you'd get in relatively unharmed as a near certainty.
What do you guys think? :) Which is the D&D itch you are looking to have scratched?
Oh! Grellik! About your armor, let's say Tease (Who was at the Rest) was able to arrange to have your armor returned during the Beldabar's Short Rest, consider yourself equipped in your heavy gear if you wanted it.
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
Sorry guys, the holiday season has been busy
HP 27/72, AC 17, Init +0, P.P. 13[darkvision60], Saves: S+8, D+0, C+6, I+3, W+4, C-1, Spell Save DC:15
sure, Tease can have gotten it. Oh and I can either tactics it turn by turn or we can do a general scenario situation. Either is fine for me
Alright, sounds like we're going to do BATTLE MAPS!
It'll take me a bit to get a map together, unfortunately my old hard drives aren't accessible anymore to pull my old bogshark tokens and maps off, so I need to remake stuff from scratch a bit.
I'm going to aim for having a map up this Sunday evening.
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
Late to this party but I'll add my two cents:
I liked how the storming the citadel went, with lots of it being narrative, But I do feel like the battlemap would allow for people's particular specialties to show through better mechanically...
That said, I'm just excited on general now that I'm back to being able to post a little more regularly. So whatever you choose will be the right answer regardless :)
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
Sorry, I was going to post this morning but CenturyLink was down (I prefer to make main posts on the compy because editing/formatting on the phone is a nightmare)
I'll get one up asap!
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
Interesting. I realized I didn't even need to hide to get sneak attack, because 'no enemy but my target was within 5 feet of me', my Swashbuckler ability. And confirmed that's the wording in the SCAG.
BUT I then checked Xanathar's to see if it's the same, and they added: "and you are within 5 feet of your target" condition to the ability. I think I'll update to Xanathar's version, it makes more sense.
Oh, very interesting. Yeah, I can see why they might have wanted to update that for the sake of the swashbuckling imagery.
Woof, rough week. Ill try to get a post up over the weekend!
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
A side note: creatures 2 size categories smaller/larger can move through spaces occupied by enemies. p.191-phb just in case :)
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
Trissae-nasaurus Rex, I'm dead XD
She roars, but only in whispers.
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
Sorry I'm slow on the response, I'll try to have it soon
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
speaking strategically, I think Triss put herself in a bind here. If I follow the wording on Polymorph, She's not Trissae- in dino form, she's a T-rex with Trissae's alignment and personality, only her game stat's including mental ones are set to the creature's so that's a 2 int...
I did read a dev commentary that confirmed that a spell caster using polymorph to change them self can and do maintain concentration for the spell. It's tad difficult not meta-ing too much being the T-rex and just doing like the smart thing lol.
An understandable RP dilemma. Just know that "inner Trissae" is in control at the end. While I appreciate that you will play dino-Trissae as dumber than normal Trissae, don't feel like you are "Trapped" in dino form, or any course of action, because you are too dumb to understand the situation you're in.
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
Farlyse portrait choice is ~fire~
Hell yeah it is!
Do you remember this?
I feel like I found some damn good portraits for these NPCs. Really brought them to life in my mind. I think Wen's is my favorite.
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
Hah nice! Thought that looked familiar, just 4 years ago..
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
Does Adrien get use of any Battle Maneuvers in this fight? He normally has Parry/Riposte for any time an enemy hits or misses him.
I understand, and have put a little bit of thought into this. I think the way I am going to rule it, because of the greater Sapphire thing going on, is that you can use any maneuvers in your backstory posts as part of your description. I'd also like to foster a feeling of division between the memories he is having and the association to the real world (Even though there ARE clearly associations).
Consider Adrien's fight to be in the dream world, and assume what's occurring in the real world is mostly SAPPHIRE driven, and not Adrien.
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
JFC, NOM'd. Trex is no joke.
Right?! Golly, she was not prepared to fight a child of Obtau
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
Adrien would be f@!%ed too. Half his health gone in 1 bite, restrained, and dead next turn if he couldn't escape the grapple. Even if he did, that would only delay death for 1 more bite.
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
I'd be interested to see what Adrien's average 1 round damage output would be. I happened to roll 1 point above the book average for the T-Rex
Yeah, Polymorph is hella good. In my regular IRL D&D group, we've used Polymorph in every campaign arc, and most of those times it was for a T-rex. There was once when I rode the giant-shark warlock, and another time we used a giant-ape to scale a tower to skip a dungeon crawl straight to the final encounter.
It's a damn good spell. The only real risk is dealing when concentration checks if its on the caster.
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
Should I continue with the flashback? Different memory?
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
I don't thiiink Cavell got a turn round 2? But I'm not sure how much it matters with the whole dream parallel thing? Just thought I'd mention it.
Ah, is that so! I've been trying to at least time your scenes out by turn, but it's true that with the dream thing, it's doesn't really matter a ton. We're kind of in fluid-time here.
Since Grellik might get involved, I think we'll have you both get an in-dream turn. Adrien's body, on the other hand, is still "acting" on his turns, just maybe not doing much at this moment, considering. I should narrate that detail better, I think...
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
Someone let a monster into the manor, da fuq, and it talks
"Adrien... ADRRIiIiieEeEEeen! Come with me Adrien! I am your family."
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
Level 9 (Fighter 6, Rogue 3)
+1 Proficiency
+2 Dexterity
+6 HP
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
I have access to Raise dead, has Mornak been dead for less than 10 day?
HP 47/63, AC 18, Init +7, Passive Perception 15, Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2, HD: 1/6 + 2/3, Insp: 0/1, SD: 4/4, AS: 0/1, SW: 0/1
Haha jfc, maybe? Let's try XD
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
She's a witch!
Trissae: Well, maybe...
I might have to go back and check, but I believe it's been less than a10 day.
Remember to level up in the discussion like Adrien, when you guys have time!
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
Sorry I've been so absent, I'll try to get stuff updated soon.
HP 27/72, AC 17, Init +0, P.P. 13[darkvision60], Saves: S+8, D+0, C+6, I+3, W+4, C-1, Spell Save DC:15
HP: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3I get +1 proficiency mod(so I guess the stealth check is a 14 total), of course, like everybody, and Indomitable (re-roll failed save 1/long rest)
HP 27/72, AC 17, Init +0, P.P. 13[darkvision60], Saves: S+8, D+0, C+6, I+3, W+4, C-1, Spell Save DC:15
and that's why we don't roll for HP XD
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
-hp +6
-hd +1d8
-Proficiency +1
-Song of rest (d8)
Raise Dead (If thematically appropraite,)otherwise: Mass Cure Wounds
Heat Metal for Geas
Oooof, dat 1. Bad luck.
I roll for HP all the time now, basically every character. I'm below by a few points from the average for one character, and above for another. Both feel more unique to me though, and I like the adventure of rolling and all the little newnesses that can bring to gaming :)
Leveling up looks good, y'all. Trissae, unsure if you're asking me a straight question or not, but I have no issues with you learning Raise Dead.
I'll try to get a post up tomorrow :)
AC 14, HP 44/61, Init +5, P.P. 11, S. DC 16, Insp: 1, HD: 6/9, BI: 0/4, 1st (4/4), 2nd (1/3), 3rd (0/3), 4th (0/3), 5th (1/1) Bard (9)
It was sorta a general question for anybody who wanted to chime in. I wasn't sure if it felt thematic or appropriate for the campaign.
HP: 55/71, AC: 15, HD: 4/9, Pass Perc: 16 (Darkvision 60), Init: +1, Spell Save DC: 14, Inspiration: Y
--Level 9--
Taking average HP: +8
+1 prof
3rd level spells, 2 slots
Learning spell: Protection from Energy
I've made you guys fight in so many basements.
Giants rat fight, Scarecrow fight, black dragon fight, mad wizard fight...
I'm certainly forgetting some. It's somehow fitting that the final boss is in yet another cellar or dungeon.
Im in the middle of moving NSP to a new location. I'm bushed. I'll try to get a post up in the next few days. Sorry for the lateness.
Had a busy weekend, and a long day of work today. I'll do my best to get up a post tomorrow!
How high is that wall, to the ceiling?