The Ballad of Bloodmarch Hill

Game Master Joana

Map of Trunau; Tyari's map

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Male Human Wizard 4 | HP 40 | AC:12 | FF:10 | T:12 | CMB:+2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc +2 | St:+2 |

"The link may be tenuous, but it is the best lead we have. We can tell everyone else we are heading that way to scout for any threatening forces. In truth, it can serve that dual purpose. If any of the town's attackers are regrouping, it seems like a likely area for them to do so. "

Dorn chuckles at Alicia's crankiness. Oh man she is the funniest, he thinks to himself, still grinning. He then looks over at Mahath, "Sounds good to me, lad."

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"Very well, then. I think Miss Blackblade may be interested in what we've discovered of late. She may even be aware of some of the history of Trunau that may assist us."
He strides off towards Ivory Hall.
"Let's go."

Dorn follows right along doing a quick take to make sure Skyreaver does as well.

Marikel leads the group up the hill to the Upper Quarter and Ivory Hall. The building is swarming with activity, but the group has earned enough notoriety that they are nodded in and directed to find the Chief Defender in the Meeting Room.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel nods to the Chief Defender.
"Miss Blackblade. I regret once again that I come with bad news. We believe a powerful artifact was discovered under Trunau. The attack on the city may have merely been a distraction but we believe this item to have been taken to the foothills of the Mindspins."
Marikel looks to the others.
"We were going to follow this up but thought you should be warned first. And, maybe, you might be able to advise where we could learn more of what may have lain under Trunau."

Female Human

"An artifact?" she repeats, staring from one to the next of the party. "You think that's what the Twisted Nail were after? Lessie Crumkin knows more about history than anyone in the town. Or you could ask Jess Meeson or Omast Frum; they've lived here longer than anyone else."

Female Human Rogue 4

Ali nods gravely, remaining silent. I suppose I need to talk to Lessie after all.

Female Human

"If the artifact's been taken to the Mindspins, that's good news for the town, isn't it?" Halgra goes on. "If it were still here, we might expect more attacks, but if it's been removed, our homes and children are safer."

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"We can only hope, Chief Defender," Marikel responds grimly. "My companions and I intend to find the truth of the matter. If there is an artifact in the hands of one who would command the Twisted Nail, then no one may be safe."
Marikel shifts uneasily.
"Certainly, with the attack repelled and a possible cause out of the way, you should be safe for now. But as the one responsible for this item falling into their hands, I'll be leaving in the next day or so to undo this evil. Be careful. Trunau forever. Live free or die."

Female Human

Halgra's brow creases with concern. "If there's anything we can do to help, you let us know," she urges. "You've acquitted yourself with honor in service to the town, and we're in your debt."

Dorn nods, "Aye, we will, madam. And thanks. Good day to ya," he nods, giving a wave as they leave.

Once outside, "Where to now, lad?" he asks Marikel. "I'm gatherin' we're headed to this Lessie Crumkin's place to see what she knows?"

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"Thank you all. Yes, it seems Miss Crumkin may be of some service. Miss Alicia, I believe she is known to you. Will you be able to talk to her?"

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia nods. "Yeah, I can talk to her," she admits grudgingly. As soon as they are outside, she starts in the direction of Lessie's shop.

Alicia heads toward the northernmost point of the Upper Quarter and the cul-de-sac enclosed by the family homes of the Sawyer, Crumkin, Kelver, and Plumb families. Lessie Crumkin's home is the largest, having been added on to several times over the years. The Crumkins have always followed Abadar, despite the lack of a church in town, and the god of wealth has clearly favored them.

The butler remembers Alicia, although clearly without any fondness, and begrudgingly announces her arrival to the councilwoman.

"What is it now?" Lessie asks. "Fencing goods, or more about Gorewillow?"

Mahath starts down the hill to pay Agrit a visit before departing. He finds the dwarf repairing damage her storefront sustained in the Twisted Nail attack.

Female Human Rogue 4

"Neither," Alicia responds. "What do you know about the Mindspin Mountains? Or the history of this area before Trunau was here?"

Male Human Wizard 4 | HP 40 | AC:12 | FF:10 | T:12 | CMB:+2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc +2 | St:+2 |

Mahath doesn't greet Agrit. Instead, he just picks up another tool and starts helping with the repairs. Without saying anything, he starts working with her. Out of habit, he works on the damage that is higher up that would be hard for Agrit to reach without some sort of ladder or chair. He works until she's ready to take a break. When she's ready to break, whether it is for the day or just for water, he'll talk to her.

"The rescue went as well as could be expected. I'm sure you've heard by now that she's survived."

Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
"Neither," Alicia responds. "What do you know about the Mindspin Mountains? Or the history of this area before Trunau was here?"

"'History,'" Lessie snorts. "Bunch of illiterate orcs battling each other back and forth over forgotten slights for centuries, if you want to call that 'history.' Mindspins aren't much better, though you add some giants to the mix. Janderhoff is in the Mindspins," she admits, "but if you want to hear about the dwarves, I'd suggest you go to Agrit or Omast. I'm no expert on dwarven civilization."


Mahath Kishion wrote:
"The rescue went as well as could be expected. I'm sure you've heard by now that she's survived."

Agrit grunts. "I suspect we'd all still be hearing it if she hadn't. What was it? Ransom demand?"

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel nods to Dorn.
"I guess I'll pay a visit and see how Little Miss Sawyer and her father are doing. I understand if you have other things to do. Then I'll chat with Miss Varvatos and let her know the full story."
Marikel takes a deep breath, and heads towards the Sawyer abode.

Male Human Wizard 4 | HP 40 | AC:12 | FF:10 | T:12 | CMB:+2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc +2 | St:+2 |

"A ransom of sorts, yes." He looks away as he admits "We gave him the necromantic rock."

Mahath Kishion wrote:
"A ransom of sorts, yes." He looks away as he admits "We gave him the necromantic rock."

Agrit takes a moment to digest this. "One spoiled child in exchange for the ability to raise a never-ending army of undead? That priest friend of yours bad at math?"

Female Human Rogue 4
Lessie wrote:
"'History,'" Lessie snorts. "Bunch of illiterate orcs battling each other back and forth over forgotten slights for centuries, if you want to call that 'history.' Mindspins aren't much better, though you add some giants to the mix. Janderhoff is in the Mindspins," she admits, "but if you want to hear about the dwarves, I'd suggest you go to Agrit or Omast. I'm no expert on dwarven civilization."

"What about giants, though? They have a history in the area, too? We found out what the orcs were looking for, and it seems to be some sort of rock the giants have a history with."

Male Human Wizard 4 | HP 40 | AC:12 | FF:10 | T:12 | CMB:+2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc +2 | St:+2 |
The Balladeer wrote:
Agrit takes a moment to digest this. "One spoiled child in exchange for the ability to raise a never-ending army of undead? That priest friend of yours bad at math?"

"He's good at listening to his heart. And there's no army of undead yet. We'll be leaving shortly to see to that. We believe we know where he's operating from. We're just here now to return the girl and to arm ourselves as best we can."

With that, he segues. "Speaking of arming ourselves, the good dwarf Dorn now carries a hammer and some armor that bears enchantments. I wasn't able to discern exactly what power was laid upon them. If I bring him by, could you take a look?"

Male Human
Marikel Selentin wrote:
Marikel takes a deep breath, and heads towards the Sawyer abode.

Baseil answers the knock at his door. A look of intense displeasure crosses his face when he sees Marikel, quickly to be masked by a broad, insincere smile. "Why, ...Padre," he greets him, the familiar title used by the townsfolk palpably awkward falling from his lips, "won't you come in?"

Marikel Selentin wrote:

Marikel nods to Dorn.

"I guess I'll pay a visit and see how Little Miss Sawyer and her father are doing. I understand if you have other things to do. Then I'll chat with Miss Varvatos and let her know the full story."
Marikel takes a deep breath, and heads towards the Sawyer abode.

"Fair enough, lad. I'll just take meself to the local inn and grab me a bite to eat I guess," he decides, shrugging. "I can always eat," he claims, winking, as he heads that way with his bird buddy in tow.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
Baseil Sawyer wrote:

"Why, ...Padre," he greets him, the familiar title used by the townsfolk palpably awkward falling from his lips, "won't you come in?"

"Why thank you, Mister Sawyer." Marikel strides in and turns when the door is closed.

"Now that Miss Zola is safe and you've both had some time to recover, I wish to pursue this Gorewillow fellow and bring him to justice. Any information you or Miss Zola can give me on where to start my search would be of great assistance. Did he ever mention a troll associate? Or the Mindspins? Understand, any help provided may aid our success."
Marikel remains standing.

Male Human
Marikel Selentin wrote:
"Now that Miss Zola is safe and you've both had some time to recover, I wish to pursue this Gorewillow fellow and bring him to justice. Any information you or Miss Zola can give me on where to start my search would be of great assistance. Did he ever mention a troll associate? Or the Mindspins? Understand, any help provided may aid our success."

"I knew the man only as a prospector," Sawyer insists primly. "It was strictly a business proposition; I would hardly have made small talk with the fellow. And I don't think it's appropriate for anyone to interrogate a child who has just gone through what mine has. I want her to put the whole thing behind her, not dredge up foul memories...."

"It's all right, pa," Zola remarks, appearing down the stairs. "I'll talk to the priest."

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel smiles politely.
"Thank you, Miss Zola. I want to stop this... person before they cause any more trouble. Did the people that held you mention any places, or names? Did you say they took you to a farm awaiting the half-orc? Did Gorewillow mention any other... acquaintances?"

Mahath Kishion wrote:
"Speaking of arming ourselves, the good dwarf Dorn now carries a hammer and some armor that bears enchantments. I wasn't able to discern exactly what power was laid upon them. If I bring him by, could you take a look?"

Agrit snorts. "That takes me back. My Great-Aunt Torra used to bring all sorts of dwarves by for me to 'take a look' at. She fancied herself a matchmaker." She shrugs. "Sure, bring him by."

Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
"What about giants, though? They have a history in the area, too? We found out what the orcs were looking for, and it seems to be some sort of rock the giants have a history with."

Lessie snorts. "Leave it to giants to have a history with a rock! The only civilized giants I know of are cloud giants, and I've never heard of any of those in the Mindspins. If you want to know about giants, you ought to ask Omast Frum."

Marikel Selentin wrote:
"Thank you, Miss Zola. I want to stop this... person before they cause any more trouble. Did the people that held you mention any places, or names? Did you say they took you to a farm awaiting the half-orc? Did Gorewillow mention any other... acquaintances?"

Zola snorts. "Oh, he rarely stopped talking. Mostly about Lepidstadt University, class of aught-five, and the Treyes Museum of Antiquities, and the freshers at Fifthstones, and on and on, like anyone was supposed to be impressed. That woman who met us at the farm house ... I think I heard one of the guides call her Melira."

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel waits patiently before responding.
"I see. Thank you for your assistance and your clever memory. I may be able to use that information."
Marikel gives a slight stiff bow to Baseil.
"And thank you for your time. If you should find yourself in any further troubles that require outside help, I can be contacted at the church."

Marikel departs, his mind running over the names he doesn't recognise. "The information about some distant unversity doesn't seem useful. I wonder if Alicia or one of her gossips might know where to find Melira. And if that farm lies towards the Mindspins."

Male Human Wizard 4 | HP 40 | AC:12 | FF:10 | T:12 | CMB:+2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc +2 | St:+2 |
The Balladeer wrote:
Mahath Kishion wrote:
"Speaking of arming ourselves, the good dwarf Dorn now carries a hammer and some armor that bears enchantments. I wasn't able to discern exactly what power was laid upon them. If I bring him by, could you take a look?"

Mahath snorts. "I certainly didn't mean it that way, but now that you mention it..." He stands. "I'll bring him by. Right now if I can find him. I'm not sure when we'll be leaving to track down the stone."

With that, Mahath will try to find Dorn and bring him back to Agrit's.

Making his way to the local inn/tavern/whatever this town has, "Alright, Reaver, I'm just gonna grab something to eat. You stay out here and behave yourself, alright?" He looks around a moment to make sure no one is near. "Dont'cha be eatin' anyone, okay? Okay." He then makes his way inside and finds a seat at the bar. "I'll have whatever you've got that's made of meat. And let's keep the drink light, I'm thinkin' today is goin' ta be a busy day. Water will be fine. Please and thank you."

Dorn has barely tucked into his plate of food at the Ramblehouse when Mahath finds him.


Marikel is walking away from the Sawyer house when Zola comes to the door and calls after him. "Priest! There's something else ... not a name, and I don't know if it will help. Just before we left the farmhouse, I heard the woman talking to the half-orc. She asked him ... something like, 'was he really going to take it to the fort?' And he said, 'It's in your best interests, isn't it? You won't be safe to go to ground there until they've cleared out.' I don't know what fort he was talking about, but I guess it's where he was heading with that stone?"

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"Thank you very much indeed, Miss Zola. That's very useful."

Marikel makes his way deep in thought towards the Church.
"I'd better say my farewells to Miss Tyari."

Female Human Rogue 4
Lessie wrote:
"Leave it to giants to have a history with a rock! The only civilized giants I know of are cloud giants, and I've never heard of any of those in the Mindspins. If you want to know about giants, you ought to ask Omast Frum."

"Thanks," Alicia grunts, heading for the door. "Ever heard of a giant named Uskroth?"

Male Human Wizard 4 | HP 40 | AC:12 | FF:10 | T:12 | CMB:+2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc +2 | St:+2 |

It wasn't too hard to track down Dorn, what with Reaver serving as a giant feathered beacon as to his whereabouts.

Mahath pulls up a chair next to the dwarf. "Oh, that looks good." he says, eyeing the food that was just delivered. "We should go, though. Agrit has agreed to look at those items we found, and I'm not sure how long she'll be there before she gets called away." He looks longing at the hot food before his friend.

Lol! I love it. With Skyreaver around, Dorn would not be very good at hide-and-go-seek. :)

Turning to see who's interrupted his fantastic meal - or possibly just 'meh', who knows - he stops in mid-bite as he listens to the wizard. Once Mahath finishes speaking, he then finishes his bite, chews and swallows. Noticing the human staring a mite too long at his food, "Alright, let's go. Unless you be needin' somethin' ta eat real quick. Did ya want some food, lad? You can have the rest of me own if you wish," he offers, pushing the plate of the food he has yet to touch in front of him.

Male Human Wizard 4 | HP 40 | AC:12 | FF:10 | T:12 | CMB:+2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc +2 | St:+2 |

Mahath sheepishly, but eagerly, accepts the remains on the plate and makes short work of them. With his mouth full of his last bite, he says "Sorry, with everything going on, I guess I haven't been eating. Maybe because half the time my stomach is in my throat! I don't know how you do this."

The dwarf shrugs. "It's easy, lad. I just do what I do when I need ta do it. C'mon, let's go see if we can catch this Agrit lass before she leaves town," he says, grinning as rises to leave.

Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
"Ever heard of a giant named Uskroth?"

"Uskroth?" Lessie asks sharply. "A bogeyman. A fairy tale to scare children. I mean, he was real enough in his time, I suppose. Called himself a Hero Chieftan and led an army of both his own kind and the Twisted Nail orcs when the Sunwall was breached. But the stories that are told of him -- that he was twice the size of an ordinary hill giant, that he inspired such loyalty that even death couldn't keep his followers from fighting for him, that enemies struck by his hammer Agrimmosh literally shrank in size.... They couldn't possibly be true. Not all of them, anyway." Her eyes betray a sudden avid interest. "Why do you ask?"


Mahath and Dorn leave the Ramblehouse to return to the House of Wonders. As they walk, they spy Marikel heading in the same direction, having left the Upper Quarter to return to Sanctuary.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel waves and heads towards the others.
"Mister Dorn. Mister Mahath. I've had some success with my... visit. Do you know of any forts in the Mindspin foothills? Or anyone who may know of such?"

Knowledge: Geography: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Scratching his head, "None off the top of me head, lad. But we're headin' over ta visit Agrit to get her ta take a look at some of the items we found. She might know of some. You can come on with us unless you've got somewhere else ya be needin' ta be."

Female Human Rogue 4

"Seems there's truth to some of the legends, anyway. Any idea where he came from? Or where he died?" Alicia asks Lessie.

Male Human Wizard 4 | HP 40 | AC:12 | FF:10 | T:12 | CMB:+2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc +2 | St:+2 |

Mahath looks at Dorn and remembers…

The Balladeer wrote:
Agrit snorts. "That takes me back. My Great-Aunt Torra used to bring all sorts of dwarves by for me to 'take a look' at. She fancied herself a matchmaker." She shrugs. "Sure, bring him by."
Mahath looks at Marikel and remembers…
The Balladeer wrote:
Agrit takes a moment to digest this. "One spoiled child in exchange for the ability to raise a never-ending army of undead? That priest friend of yours bad at math?"

Then he says ”Sure, let’s all go see her together. I can’t see any reason why not.” Even as he struggles to come up with a reason why not.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel looks in the direction of the church.
"Well, I was going to... but I guess that can wait. Let's go see Miss Agrit then. Lead on, sir."

Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
"Any idea where he came from? Or where he died?" Alicia asks Lessie.

"Hill giants," Lessie scoffs. "Where do any of them come from? A cave, or if they're feeling particularly well-off, the abandoned ruin of a more civilized people. Nomads, wanderers, restless savages! As to where he died, I couldn't tell you. They say he was finally killed by the Lastwall crusaders, and his followers scattered like rats once he was dead. I suppose if the crusaders got their hands on his body, his equipment could have ended up in Lastwall, or in one of their local strongholds. There are old forts scattered all across Belkzen that the crusaders left behind when they retreated from the orc advance. They've all been picked pretty clean by squatters and opportunists by now, though, unless the priests had a remarkably well-hidden vault."


Mahath leads Dorn and Marikel to the House of Wonders, where Agrit is still working on repairs.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia grunts, nodding her thanks, and heads out the door to seek out Agrit.

Agrit sees Mahath approaching with Dorn and Marikel. "A dwarf and a priest?" she asks him. "I'm to have my pick, am I?"

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