Tales of Esperim: The Cube

Game Master xXxTheBeastxXx

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The Open Keg is quite lively tonight. The storm outside has pushed most everyone--from fisherman to traveller--off the water and into port. And, being the only tavern in town, the Open Keg is open to receive them.

Filmore Buckets, the proprietor and bartender of the "Keg," is wearing his normal dour expression. But with every coin--copper, silver and gold--that slides into his palm in exchange for a drink or hot meal, his eyes brighten a bit. His wife, Penny, flits from table to table, collecting empty mugs and delivering food and drink with a flirtatious smile and a laugh like sleigh bells.

The big entertainment this night is a gnome bard who came in on the storm, named Grindy the Low. Many cheer as he dances on one of the tables to the music of his troupe, a wide-smile on his small face. His long, blue hair almost seems to dance with him as his feet fly across the table, to many rounds of applause.

The Music

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) Check: DC 15:
Grindy the Low named himself after an aquatic, goblin-like creature known as a grindylow

Knowledge (Local) Check: DC 15:
The song that Grindy's troupe is playing is an old dwarven jig, performed with bagpipes and drums

For some, however, the real entertainment is the Buckets' beautiful daughter, Eliza: Sleek and shapely at 17, and just as flirtatious as her mother. Many eyes follow her, though no hands join them, for fear of the dwarven bouncer: Rogar, standing at the bar. His flinty eyes scan the room, and his expression is grim.

Perception Check: DC 12:
Though Rogar's outward appearance is dark and serious, a glance toward his tapping feet tells you he is enjoying the music.

To Roland:
Gerald is asleep in a room upstairs. He would be on the boat, but the waves caused by this storm had even his hardened stomach churning.

Make any of the checks presented above you think your character might know, and then describe what your doings have been within the bar. Anyone who is staying the night here, pay 1 gp.

A mug of ale is 1 cp, a glass of wine (imported from Southern Estar, you know) is 2 sp, a glass of something stronger (whiskey, vodka, what-have-you) is 1 sp, and a hot meal (chicken, beef or seafood) is 1 sp. Water is free, but not necessarily clean.

Ordering an alcoholic drink calls for a fortitude save (DC 10 for beer, 11 for wine, 12 for spirits, all +1 per drink) or you become buzzed. A second failure and you become drunk (just act drunk, I'm not using penalties).

Male Human Gunslinger 1

After checking in rooms for the both of them, Roland and Gerald, Roland parts ways with his seasoned friend and heads down to the Keg for a drink.
Now there's a fine lady on this most "beautiful" night. It will probably not end the way I want it to, but hey, can't blame a guy for tryin, can ya?
"Eliza isn't? Could you be a sweetie and get one mug of ale and some good ol fashioned homemade chicken please?"
As Roland finishes his innocent dialogue, he let's a simple yet flirtatious wink to the fair young lass.
Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Knowledge 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 2

Forritude 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Male Human Gunslinger 1

In between Grindy playing, Roland flips some copper his way.
"Im quite a fan of the bagpipes from traveled souls, they invoke amd inspire character and emotion even from the hardiest individuals. You have my kudos sir. I'm a traveling sort of man, you wouldn't have heard any stories round these parts, have ye?"

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Sorry I should have post this first, basic description of Roland
Roland enters the lively Open Keg, lending a hand to the veteran to get him in a warm bed. Taking his trusty ol trenchcoat off, he slips into a new pair of socks, kicks his boots, and ties a new red dress handkerchief round his neck, buttons his dry brown cowhide colored shirt, and heads down to the Keg for some social livelihood and grub.

As you wink at Eliza, she shoots you a sly smile and bats her eyes, taking your gold and promising, "It's the best food and drink for a hundred miles." As she walks away, she gives you a wink in return.

Perception Check: DC 12:
Rogar is keeping a dark eye on you as you flirt with Eliza.

The food is, indeed, quite good. It's not quite at the caliber of the famous "Roast Cucco" back home, but there's no doubt that it's a juicy, well-seasoned bird. The ale, as well, is rich and flavorful. Overall, it's well worth your money.

As you flip Grindy the copper piece, he takes it graciously and bows low(er) with a wide sweep of his many-colored coat. Upon your compliment and question, he responds,

"It's good ta hear ye enjoy the music, lad. Ye can never tell with Southerners like yerself. The sounds o' the north don't usually ring so clear, the further down the coast ye go.

"And before ye ask, it's the tan on yer skin m'boy, that gives yer birthplace away. Hard pressed to find such sun up here. In regards to yer question, though, what d'ye think? A'course I've heard stories! Wouldn't be much of a bard if I didn't. What sorts a' stories ye looking for? I carry all kinds."

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Roland, raising a reassuring hand toward Rogar, hoping he reads it as I won't be starting trouble anytime soon, and not some low life bar hopper.
I'll try my hand, or feet! At dancing that is with the young beauty in just a moment, but first some friendly gnome to man speech.
" I hear things. I hear there's an old shipyard graveyard near these parts. I'm looking to salvage somethin. And how's the Aquian relations in these parts. As you notices I'm from the south, Hyrule Bay specifically, and I've done business with said people. Where are my manners! I'm Roland Morgan kind sir. I'm here with my good ol friend and mate, Gerald Butler, he's a bit under the weather so to speak, I don't want to overstep my welcome but that Eliza is quite a lively one. And I don't want to offend anyone in the slightest, or anger the more serious dwarven gentleman."

The gnome laughs as you finish, "Ye do like ta talk, don't ye? Well, let's see if I can sort all that out, eh?"

He puts one finger in the air, and says, "The stories o' the graveyard are more than true. Ye'd probably find some good treasures there, as well. But they be dark waters, and there's rumors that the dread pirate: Captain Nox uses it as a base o' sorts. No, I wouldn't be rummaging in the graveyard if I was you."

A second finger joins the first, "We don't get much in the way o' relations with the aquan folk up here. They prefer the warmer weathers. Ye might find a sea monster or two surfing the seas, but the mermaids and such generally steer clear. Magic likes to stick to the land up here, seas are too rough."

And finally a third finger flips up, "I wouldn't be tryin' anything with the girlie, if I were you. That Rogar's a good friend o' the owner, and he'll tan yer hide six way to Sunday, boy-o, if ye do more than send a smile and a kind word her way."

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

In the corner of the bar nearest the door sits a man in his mid twenties, a worn heavy coat the color of rusty leaves rests on the back of his chair. His dark eyes glowing in amusement at the nights festivities.

Adrian sat at his customary spot having decided years ago that it was the best place for him to be in case they needed a little extra help with a rowdy customer. He had 'helped' only once when one of the customer's friends thought to come at the dwarf from behind, a knife in his hand. Adrian had tackled the man to the ground wresting the knife from his hand before being thrown out himself, until Penny told Rogar what had happend. Rogar of course grumbled about not needing help and begrudgingly let Adrian back inside.

Perception:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Knowledge Dungeoneering:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

He smiles upon noticing the taping of the old dwarf's, well old by Adrian's standards anyway, foot and downs the remaining ale from his tankard in one quick gulp as a personal salute to the Bard's clever name. He the raises the tankard with a little shake and smile when he sees Penny glance his way placing two copper down with a wink as she approaches as well as a silver.

"Fine food as always Penny, I think I'll have some of the stuff I escorted in yesterday next. The whiskey should do fine."

Fortitude: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 This is for the ale, i'll put up another one when I'm done with the whiskey. The two coppers are a tip BTW

I'm subtracting gold for last night as well, Adrian's been here a day already and he is just finishing his usual... which is to say a tankard of ale and beef.

Male Human Gunslinger 1

"Haha, I'll take your words into consideration wise one. After all, I'm still a youthful man. And ya know what they say, the youth are destined to be danger bound, chasing and wanting what the heart wants. I like my best mate, choose to live life to the fullest. Cuz a life not lived, is a life wasted. I can drink to that. Cheers!"
Roland turns to Eliza, bows and gestures a hand
"Would you care to exchange pleasantries and dance on this dark and stormy night?"

Roland: Grindy shakes his head and hops back up on the table to dance as you offer your hand to Eliza. She smiles and says, "I'd love to, but I'm afraid my parents might have words with the both of us, should I shirk my duties. Perhaps we can dance later tonight, once everyone's full and happy."

Adrian: Penny approaches, takes the mug and the copper, and says, "I'd be happy to fetch it for you, Adrian."

She glances over at her daughter, who appears to be flirting with a young man. Would you mind keeping an eye on that one? It's a busy night, and I'd hate for Rogar to be alone if things get out of hand."

Knowledge (Local) check: DC 10:
You recognize the man as a Southerner, likely from somewhere on the Estarian tail. His blonde hair and tan give him away in a second. And his clothes speak of the rich lives often lived on the tail.

NOTE: The Estarian tail is an archipelago located in the south-western corner of Estar (the country you're currently in). Hyrule Bay is located on one of the islands.

Male Human Gunslinger 1

"Tis a date my lady."
Rolands winks as he sits back down enjoying the music.
Knowledge Local1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Roland takes notice of the fair and tan skinned man and gestures as to invite him to socialize.

Roland Morgan wrote:

"Tis a date my lady."

Rolands winks as he sits back down enjoying the music.
Knowledge Local1d20+2
Roland takes notice of the fair and tan skinned man and gestures as to invite him to socialize.

Cody, that man is you. The check was for Kenny to notice you.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 2

My bad, the other detail still stands though.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

"Of course Penny, always happy to lend a hand."

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Adrian glances toward the man to familiarize himself with his features before humming along with the music. Finding it hard to not enjoy himself despite the raging weather outside.

I'll wait till it happens again to introduce myself, even if it does seem harmless enough. As the whiskey comes he gives Penny a hearty thank you before enjoying the drink slowly.

Ammon has access to a laptop with the internet right now so if its all right I'll FWD him the link so Alayo/a ... cant remember... can join in the festivities.

If you can get him to post today, that'll work. Otherwise, I'm going to progress the story.

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Perception] 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Roland enjoying himself casually looks around, to gain a better sense of his atmosphere and of what's going on. Looking at Rogar and Eliza more intently to get a feel of where he stands, but also to see if anyone worth engaging in conversation is around.

Female Half Elf Bard(sea singer)

knowledge local:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Female Half Elf Bard(sea singer)

A beautiful Half Elf stands up after eating her dinner and starts to sing a lively drinking song.

Perform:Singing:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Roland: Scanning the room, you see that the majority of patrons are enjoying the music, feasting, and, of course, getting drunk. None of them seem particularly up for conversation. Eliza, you can see, shoots you a quick glance every now and again. Apparently, you made quite the impression.

Rogar appears to have moved on from you, and is, himself, entertained by the music and dancing that Grindy is exemplifying on another table. However, while Rogar appears to have forgotten, you can see another patron sitting at the end of the bar has his eyes upon you. He has dark hair, darker eyes, and a rust-colored coat, and he appears to be sipping a glass of whiskey (This is Kenny).

Alaya: Grindy the Low, who has, up until this point, been entertaining the group, joins you in song, apparently also knowing the verse quite well. The patrons of the bar also join in (or at least those sober enough to enunciate the words).

Female Half Elf Bard(sea singer)

While singing she grabs her mug of ale downs it and slams it on the table before directing her gaze at grindy and holding up one finger smiling while singing.
Fortitude:save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Roland nods assuringly at Eliza, taking note over the changeover between Rogar and the new man brooding across the room.
The elf singing adds a nice cultural touch!

It seems like interaction is beginning to wind down. If that's the case, I'll move the story along. If not, just post and let me know.

Female Half Elf Bard(sea singer)

She keeps smiling while singing til the end of the song.

The night winds down and many patrons wander off to their rooms. There are only a few left, sipping mead as they listen to Grindy tell the tale of how the great god Odur created the clouds in the sky. Penny and Eliza go from table to table, picking up empty mugs and empty plates, and Filmore wipes down the bar with a dampened rag.

The storm continues to howl outside, and rain hits the roof, walls, and windows of the Open Keg in sheets. The lights throughout the town go out, one-by-one as townsfolk go off to bed, and and a few yawns amongst the staff tells you that they aren't far behind.

Female Half Elf Bard(sea singer)

question is there and indoor bath house in the bar?

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Roland tunes in to Grindy, he sits near the out skirts of the tables sorrounding him. Though not a religous man he listens as many treasures stem from tall tales such as these. Also biding his time to exchange "pleasantries" with the lovely Eliza. He has purchased a bottle of the foreign wine for later. The storm does not bother him so. In fact it calms him and allows I'm to clarify his thoughts, the rain and wind blocking out all other distractions. The pretty gal aside, tales of the naval graveyard intrigue him, although not with out keeping in mind the Pirate Nox, sea monsters, and dangers of the open water itself.
Hmm.. I'll get to you in just a bit Hun. How much longer can we go on without open water defenses? I'll need to salvenge or scavenge one soon. And one of the fancy diving suits would be nifty too. In the meantime we'll just have to make due. It's not about getting what you want, but wanting what you've got! Where did that come from? No, that doesn't quite fit for a treasure hunter. How about... pow! Bust in gunz a blazin, kickin ass and takin names! Ya, that'll have to do.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

As the night winds down Adrian finishes his whiskey and slips on his coat before moving to one of the empty tables. Leaning back he relaxes and eyes the young man again before deciding he'd wait around for the bar to close before retiring to his room.

I should really remember to buy a book or two next time the caravan prepares its run.

Fortittude: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Female Half Elf Bard(sea singer)

After the bar dies down of all the commotion she starts to sing a softer melody. After the song she goes up to the bartender and asks if there is any work that she could do the next day.

by the way the song she sings is come sail away from styx and its in elven

perform:singing 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Alaya: Filmore eyes you up and down, and says, "I'm not sure the kind of help you could provide, girl. This is a tavern. If you're looking to 'venture, I'd suggest visiting the town hall after the sun's up. Even then, this is a quiet town. Not much in the way of excitement."

Everyone: Grindy finishes his tale, and tells the masses that he's off to bed. After a groan from the crowd, he sweeps his coat out in a bow, and heads into the back hall. Many of the patrons join him, leaving the bar all but empty.

"Well, that was quite the night, but I think we should all be heading off. This is last call," Filmore tells everyone, returned by another round of groans and a few final calls for ale and wine. He begins doling them out, trading drink for coin...

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Something pounds at the door, and all eyes turn to it.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

This time, the pounding is slower, and there comes the sound of something sliding down against the door.

"...Rogar, would you check that, please?" Penny asks. The big dwarf walks toward the door, loosening a hefty throwing axe at his waist as he reaches it. Tension thick in the air, he swings the door open.

A man collapses inside, having fallen to his knees against the door. You can see little more than a heavy coat covering a rain-soaked body.

Perception check: DC 15:
He appears to be carrying some sort of leather-coated case, and an open wound is bleeding out onto the floor.

Penny's eyes go wide, and she shouts, "Quick! Bring him in and lay him down!"

Rogar does just that, dragging the moaning man inside and turning him on his back. You can all now see a bloody trail leading from the doorway to where he now lies, in the center of the room. He clutches a leather case to his chest.

Perception check: DC 12:
You can now see the wound, a large puncture in his side. It looks like it may have been caused by a gunshot.

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Perception1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Perception1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Heal1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Roland's eyes dart to the mans wounds. His travels unfortunately have led him to see horrors that would haunt most men. Knowing a few tricks of the trade, he quickly springs into action. He pulls out his fathers dagger, a tool which had served him well, using it to pry out the deadly ball fallen in.
"Eliza quick, alcohol, we need to disinfect. You!(pointing to the closest individual) fetch some warm moist towels!"
Roland grabs the nearest person's coat using it as a head rest, and directs someone to hold his legs up, treating for shock.
Don't you die on me mate!

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Roland strips the man of his outer clothing. If they are to keep him alive, they will need to ensure his body is not restricted. He also grabs a few glasses of water to keep by, the man may be low on water and may need to rehydrate.
"Somebody fetch my good man Gerald. We need all hands on deck! Er, here I mean of course. Also fetch me a shot of scotch, doctor fuel."

Male Human Gunslinger 1

"You good sir(pointing to Adrian) would you mind checking the mans leather case? It could provide clues to our poor fellow's misfortune. And you milady(pointing to Alaya) talk to the man, a woman's soft voice brings comfort to souls."

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Adrian starts somewhat as the man collapses into the doorway before hopping to his feet, at the young mans request he does come forward to examine the item the stranger was clutching.

"Who ever goes for Gerald should get my shield and trident as well, mans been shot and he may be pursued. No offense Rogar but if the enemy has guns I'd feel much better helping you than not."

Wound doesn't look good, hopefully this... sailor knows as much as he seems to about mending wounds.

Male Human Gunslinger 1

In the midst of the action(looking at Alaya and and Adrian)"Names Roland, pleased to meet ya, well.. Under the circumstances maybe not so. But establishing repore is key to survival and life."

Female Half Elf Bard(sea singer)

perception:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Alaya looks startled by the man falling down and quickly walks over to the man that pointed at her. Lays the downed mans head in her lap and starts to hum a calming melody. She lays her hand over the wound and in elven she chants a spell healing the wound slightly.

cure light wounds1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Roland: Startled, Eliza freezes for a moment until you tell her to fetch the alcohol. She returns with a bottle of strong brandy and your glass of scotch, offering both to you wide-eyed. A patron leaves to fetch Gerald and Adrian's weapons after asking which rooms to search.

Adrian: As you approach and attempt to examine the case in his hands, he clutches it tighter, moaning, "No. Have to get it to Han. To Han." From your position, you can see that the case is thick leather, and etched with several runic symbols and flowing script. You cannot read the script, nor the runes.

Knowledge (Local): DC 15:
"Han" is the name of a semi-famous sage that lives in a tower he built on an island to the south, off the coast of the city of Cliffside.

Knowledge (Arcana): DC 15:
The runes appear to be words of power, though you cannot tell which words are inscribed in the leather.

Knowledge (Religion): DC 20:
The script is Ancient Celestial, a language lost more than a thousand years ago. These days, the only remaining samples of the script can be located in major cathedrals across the world, particularly in Illumia.

Alaya: The man does appear to calm as you sing to him, and your spell both soothes his pain and stems the bleeding. Though the wound is still open, it is evident that, should it not get infected, he will survive.

Sorry I haven't been on very often, lately. I've been dealing with a hefty virus on my computer, and it's eating up a lot of my time.

Male Human Warrior 5

Gerald stumbles out of the back hall. He glances around, blinking himself awake, and looks to Roland.

"What the sodding hell is going on? Roland? Who's that man? And why is there blood everywhere?"

The patron who went to fetch him follows, carrying Adrian's weapons. He rushes to Adrian, and offers them to him.

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Roland informs Gerald of the situation.
"His wounds should be clean, kind elven lady and Eliza thank you. If you all are able to tend to the mans needs, I must be going to track the assailant. All hands who have the means to help, please come with."
Roland grabs his things and Gerald able, steps outside initiating their investigation and search.
Survival1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Female Half Elf Bard(sea singer)

Knowledge:local1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Knowledge:arcana1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Alaya gets up and gets her things and follows the man that thanked her. and looks at him and starts to talk to him. Alaya also informs him about the runes and who the wounded man was looking for. Ill join you guys by the way my name is alya.

The man halts you as you step outside.

"Wait!" The man tries to sit up, but can only manage to balance on a single elbow. "They'll be coming! They'll swarm the town searching for it. I'm so sorry, so sorry. Don't go! You'll die, they'll kill you for it!"

Male Human Gunslinger 1

"Whose coming? How many? What is it exactly that you have? Is the town in danger? Any one who can hold a blade, hold a gun, or any magic prowness, come forth. Whoever these men or things are. Their close by and we must sweep the town and surround g immediate area."

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Who could have done this?
Knowledge1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Female Half Elf Bard(sea singer)

Aleya walks over to the wounded man and lays him back down and says"it will be fine i wont go down with out a fight and im pretty handy with my sword." Smiles "lets get all available guards and magic users and make a trap for them." While talking she pulls out her pipe and loads it with pipe tobacco and lights it up and slowly smokes it and starts to talk again. "They wouldnt expect us waiting for them" Smiles again

Perform:Inspire Courage 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Male Human Gunslinger 1

Hey, your guys' characters should know my name now. Roland announced his name as well as Gerald. I wanted to make a suggestion and see if you wanted to track these fools down. That's something Roland would do FYI.

The man coughs, "Goblins. Nox's goblins. They found my ship while I was sailing to Han's island, and attacked me. I was faster than they, and escaped, but not before they were able to shoot me. They'll be coming here. They want it. Nox wants it." He stares out at each of you. "He can't have it. He can't have the case, nor what's inside. It's too dangerous."

Roland's Knowledge Check:
You've heard that Captain Nox is wont to use goblins as his scouts across the seas. It is said that they are some of the most tenacious beasts on the seas, as well as some of the most deadly.

Rogar steps forward at the call to arms, and says, "We don't have much in the way of a town guard here in Orchard's Port. We've never needed it. But we do have a militia. I can go around, wake the able-bodied, but I can't promise organized troops. They're farmers and shopkeeps, not soldiers."

"Aye," says Filmore. "Ol' Rogar here's the best warrior in town."

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Your trying to get the box to old Han? The one by Cliffside? ... Nox too huh, this night sure is turning into a mess. Did you spot anyone other than goblins while running? If they have something smarter they'll probablly be expecting the trap, at least I would anyway. Roland, have you taken a look outside, this weather isn't good for tracking. Besides the guy said he was on his ship when they attacked, chances are they'll waltz right in... Orchard's Port is easily small enough to make them confident.

Standing Adrian scratches his beard as he grabs his shield, leaning his trident against his shoulder.

What's the best way to handle this... we need the trap it'll help but if they're expecting one... wait Rogar, Filmore... how good is the militia with their bows?

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

... not sure how i missed that. Perception should say Knowledge Local... my perception is 5 or something not 2.

Female Half Elf Bard(sea singer)

Alaya looks around and says Well if they can fight its better than nothing looks around again But we should make haste While talking she puts her hair in a pony tale and puts away her pipe and grabbs a chair and sits in it and says. Whats our tactics? while having a concerned look on her face.

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