Friendly Fighter

Roland Morgan's page

99 posts. Alias of Cody Neale.

Full Name

Roland Logan Morgan




Gunslinger 1







Special Abilities

Grit Deeds Guntraining Gunsmith








Common Aquan



Strength 13
Dexterity 18
Constitution 13
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

About Roland Morgan

Roland Morgan is a lone mysterious stranger. Born under a moving burning star He has travelled lands to far and near. Time as a wandering gunslinger has weathered Roland, seeing sea to sea and state to state of the world's worst thugs, Roland has nigh patience for the wicked.
Roland spent his childhood in the hills and wood companying Buckle's Foot. His mother a homemaker and rancher, and his father, Sherriff and rancher. Roland grew to use and carry shooters, as they would become his arm and reach. Roland enlisted for a time in Tritan's Guard, patrolling its borders, thwarting enemies foreign and domestic, curbing pirates, and criminals. He even once survived the Kraken.
His time in service came to an end and eventually earned his discharge. He returned home, but only for a time before he would earn his badge as a Tritan Marshal. As a Marshal, he would travel the lands in scourge of the foul and violators of the law.
Roland had seen a lot of blood and spilt some, but the worst blow was when he returned home and earned his star as a Sheriff. Not long after that, Bandits by the name of Sprocket, had come in superior force, arcana, and steel, ransacking his place of home and birth, family, friends, and fiancé pregnant with child.
Roland is now in pursuit of something he cannot not find. He now ventures westward in search of hope, vengeance, and beginning. He continues to pursue the last known remnant of the gang's associates, Magnifico, a mysterious stranger, both spell and gunslinger.
Finding and teaming with Azazel has brought much change and many events to life. Roland now sits as the head Marshal of the vast Greenbelt and kneels to its King. He has found new hope, family, his wife Keyna, and friends in these lands. He now searches for a way to restore Azazel to this land.


HP 12 AC  20  FAC  16  TAC 14
Initiative  8  CMB  6  CMD  16 BAB 1
Fort  3  Ref  6 Will 2


Skill Point+3+Ability=Total
Acrobatics 1+3+4=8
Craft Firearms 1+3+1=5
Disable Device (10)
Handle Animal 1+3+1=6
Heal 2+2=4
Knowledge Dungeoneering
Knowledge Engineering
Knowledge Local
Perception 1+3+2=6
Perform Harmonica (untrained)
Profession Soldier
Ride 1+3+4+2=10
Sleight of Hand 1+3+4+2=10
Survival 1+3+2=6
Swim Str1+Float device or dive suit1=2

Feats and Traits:

Never stop shooting


Anti Hero



Two Weapon Fighting -2, -2
Point Blank Shot +1 within 30ft
Weapon Focus Revolver

Special Abilities:

Deeds: Deadeye, Quick Clear, Gunslinger Dodge & Initiative, Pistol Whip
Grit 2
Gun training revolver



0pp 299 gp 9sp 10cp
Steamship (Chris's campaign) Raft (Oregon Trail)
Heavy Combat Horse, military saddle, saddle bags, quilt cloth armor

MW Revolver +7 1d8+4 x4 mis1 20ft + weapon cord
MW Revolver +7 1d8+4 x4 mis1 20ft + Weapon cord

Agile Lamellar Arms 1AC, Parade Armor 3AC, Studded Leather Legs 1AC
Barbed Vest & Neck Guard, Suit armor 1AC
Adventurer Sash, Bandoliers X2

Smoked goggles, Ear buds, Pocket scarf w/ Dr Mask Fire Resistant Boots,
Lead Combat Scabbards/Sleeve Holsters

MW WP Backpack, Bedroll, Winter blanket, Waterskin
Holy Silver Magnetic Symbol
Military Brooch & Signent Ring & Whistle & Star
50 Silk Rope+Grapple Hook, Lasso, Whip, wood stake
Block & Tackle, Gunsmith Kit
Harmonica, Game box, Mess kit
Flint & Steel, Tobacco, Flask of Whiskey
Braille Bracelet, Calumet, Skeleton Key

Torch, Rations x2 garlic, Canteen, Flask alcohol
Caltrops, Marbles, Firecrackers, black powder

Lead Bullets x40 silver x12 pit x6 tracer x12 ad x6