Tales From the Watcherverse

Game Master Echos Myron

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A killer GM with a killer smile.

Greetings right back!

Thфth wrote:

The first idea I've had for a street level guy is actually a version of a character that has been percolating in my mind for some 20 years. The game I was playing back then (Heroes Unlimited from Palladium Games) didnt really have a way to handle the concept, so I had to back burner it for a while. After that, he just seemed a bit dark fr most games. I'm a chil of the nineties, and as much as people decry that era as the Dark Ages of comic books, I did pretty much all my comic collecting during that decade, and I have a lot of fond memories of the 90's antihero.

The idea would be this: an ex-soldier who was traumatized when something went wrong in his life. I'm picturing a punisher style origin where his family was wiped out, or a mission gone wrong where he was the only survivor. However, in his case, whatever the event was, it was completely his fault, or at least he believes it was. As a part of the incident, whether by mystic, supernatural, technological or chemical reasons, he gained the ability to heal; not just heal a little, or quickly, but from pretty much anything, and pretty much instantly. Other than that power, he'd probably be something of a super normal. Psychologically, he is all kinds of messed up; though he was a bit of a badass once (SAS or SEAL, or some such), but now, he pretty much lives as a hobo. In addition to PTSD and depression, he had a massive dose of survivor's guilt, and as a result of all this, is pretty profoundly suicidal. However, do to the powers he developed, he can't seem to die! No matter how severe the injury, from decapitation, to dismemberment and more, he is healthy as a horse a roun or two later. So, he has no idea what to do with himself, he wants to die but just can't, and has basically nothing to live for. Within this context, he sees his other homeless companions getting roughed up by these guys or those, he's started acting out to defend them. He never thinks of himself as a hero, but rather just a nobody, trying to help out the most...

Let's work on this idea. I've always loved the concept of a super-normal character with a very tragic "power". His healing, are we going with regeneration, immortality, both?

From what I've read, characters with crazy ranks of regeneration can be a bit tricky to accommodate, but I am willing to work with it if everyone is all right with it.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Totally understandable, and ya, a character that cannot die, and cannot even really get hurt is going to be a challenge no matter what. The idea would of course be that other than the single power, he's a completely normal human otherwise. Immortality (or Immunity: Life Support) would probably be needed to make the character story make sense, otherwise he's bound to have tried killing himself via suffocation and starvation, and probably exposure (hypothermia) as well. If it was that easy, he wouldn't still be here.

Invulnerable Characters always pose story telling problems, but can be dealt with, they usually just require alternative and/or indirect methods. Can't kill him? Snare still works just fine, and he's only as strong as a human. Lock him in a jail cell, and he's stuck. Make the challenge about innocent lives instead of his own, and you'll instantly be pushing his panic button. Stick him in the classic villain orchestrated moral conundrum (do you rescue these guys, or those guys, because the other group is going to die/get mutated/be experimented on, etc.).

As always, if the concept looks at some point like it's not going to work, I have no problem coming up with another; I got a million of 'em.

Quick question, I know I already pitched a character, but did we want to do a group origin? A band of misfits, abducted by the DNAscent project and gifted with unique powers, band together and escape? Runaways was a group of children of major villains who were out to foil their parents plots.

Watcher had mentioned a reformed villain, we could go the Thunderbolts route, and all be ex-villains (Not masterminds, serial killers and what not, but jobbers who knocked over banks, and such but nothing too heinous) given a shot at a pardon, if we let the government re-image us as heroes and a chance at redemption.

Group origin anyone?

Also, I think we need to look at skill sets, only because as street heroes we should each have probably a single gimmick power, not grab bags of various powers. Someone with technical skills, investigation skills, intrusion skills, and interactions skills.

I am still not totally sold on my martial artist concept, as I have a few other ideas kicking around, so I am open to changing depending on the direction we want to go.

Totally fine with a character like that. as long as he doesn't turn into a nihilist, we're good.

As for origins, you all will already be established as a group (name is up to you). Come up with a group background and I will work with what you give me.
Ex-criminals looking for redemption, law enforcement tired of the bureaucracy, born-and-raised natives trying to stave off the growing local crime, or a mix of whatever you want.
The basic premise is that The Freedom League, like the Avengers, don't really get too involved with crime fighting on the small scale. While Avengers are off fighting Ultron's forces in Europe, Heroes-For-Hires are cleaning up Hell's Kitchen.

I still need to get acquainted properly with FC. Does anyone have a PDF or any resources on the setting to share?

One thing to keep in mind is that street heroes don't usually hit the raw power of the premier heroes. The New Guard is PL 9, to get the feel that they are a cut above Freedom City Knights (yes that's my suggestion for a team name :p) maybe we should be PL 8 & 120 points with a max tradeoff of +/- 3.

Just a thought. Off to bed now!

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Lower power levels usually do work well for a grittier feel. Street level Archetypes in the books can start out as low as PL 6

PL 8 +120pp sounds better.
Any solidified plans on characters? Any ideas to be bounced around?

M Human

So here are some thoughts

I want to play an X con who is a hero for parole.

My two ideas is a teleporting brick or some one with Nemisis like Taskmaster who can fight any one

Im totally cool with Freedom Knights

What if Duncan Summers recruited us and is having us work these missions and bank rolling us so to say

Currently going over locales, and it's looking like this story will be taking place in The Fens neighborhood. It's sleazy, scummy, and in need of cleaning up. Unlike the official version, ours won't be watched as much by law enforcement after it's been deemed too dangerous due to gang and mob activity. I'm thinking, if anyone would like to be that guy, that the Freedom Knights was started by a Fens native looking to clean the streets up. Finding like-minded people, the team is formed to tackle the area's criminal underworld. Any sort of funding has been under the table through FCPD, with Detective Rosemary Alcorn as their liaison. Of course, FCPD is stretched a bit thin, so you'd be getting the bare minimum from them.
How's that sound?

Joey, either idea could work. I'm interested in seeing a teleporting brick work, though a nemesis character would be really cool to see. You never really quite see porters packing punches, unless it's Cable. That guy can do, like, anything.

So, I've taken a hard look at my list of characters I typically play. In my table top group, I am one of the more active role players, and as such I tend to gravitate to party leader, or spokesperson roles. Characters like Invictus, my shield slinging North Guard, my City of Heroes tanker, Praetorian, and in the D&D realm, Paladins & Sword & Board Fighters.

So in this game I want to go a different route, I do enjoy the physicality of super strength based characters, I have a couple partial concepts but don't want to step on anyone's toes; especially Watcher ...

... the first is a pastiche of Nightcrawler & Gambit, but a couple of teleporters have been proposed. The idea being a short range (100' maximum) teleport is actually a dimensional jump, the 'between space' is comprised of anti matter, to which the character is immune essentially, but objects he carries, like cards, are not. As such immediately after he teleports, the exposed item can be thrown where it violently reacts with matter from our dimension. He would the the roguish rake, swashbuckler and ladies man that gambit is, but not cajun because I refuse to try to do an accent over a PbP!

... the second would be powerhouse, not a paragon like Invictus, but a full on powerhouse. Thinking I may go a Bruce Banner / Hulk idea here, with a doctor who worked for a questionable company, like Delphi International, and discovered that his work in gene therapy was being used in a nasty way, like the DNAscent project. He threatened to go public so they tried to kill him, breaking his back. This concept goes one of two ways; first he was exposed to the product of his modified work and involuntarily switches between genius paraplegic doctor, and rage brute. Or he is always a paraplegic doctor, but can augment himself with a Bane like adrenal infusion that lets him hulk out for up to say, 8 hours, after which he starts to degenerate into a mindless brute.

... the third and final concept is the least fleshed out, but a gang member who develops massive powers. Thinking like Havoc here, absorbs heat & radiation, and can expel it in powerful blasts. I hate flying blasters & force fields, so I may also go with some sort of kinetic absorption theme, where he absorbs kinetic energy and can convert it into super heated plasma.

Again all these concepts are just there to keep me from gravitating to a similar role as Invictus, and my typical modus operandi in RPG's.

How about a mix of all three?

A disabled man able to absorb kinetic energy and use it to boost his physical traits. As he absorbs more and more, he bulks up until it becomes physically detrimental. The only way to come down would be to expel bursts of highly volatile energy from physical contact or charge objects with the explosive energy.

You've got a little of a, a little of b, and a little of c.

Hero Points: 2|Damage Condition:None |Status Condition: None|Fatigue Condition: None| Def: 23 FF Def:17 KB:15 |Saves T: 5 F: 10 R: 13 W: 10 |Init:+0/+12 |Notice: 9 (microscopic, x-ray vision)

I was worried about proposing this idea because it felt a little too four color, but the other characters proposed have some powers beyond Daredevil and company.

I'm thinking of an Artificial Intelligence who can see anywhere there are machines and communicate with any machines. I built it with Datalink, Communication, Machine animation and mind control. For machine animation, I am thinking it can control machines to do what they can do. So I could attack someone with a crane, but not make the crane walk around. Make a microwave overheat and explode but not make a dishwasher attack someone. The character is sort of a combination of KITT without the car, the computer from Eagle Eye, and JARVIS. I built her with a sidekick who could be a gang member who she saved or could be the hero who initiates the group (the AI brings the group together but the sidekick is the heart, I guess). Sidekick is more Rick Jones useless than Michael Knight useless, but he has a gun and some parkour skills so he can help with surveillance or get her into places where she might otherwise not reach.

If that doesn't work, I would probably just go more Bat family/Daredevil superskilled human who hits people and has lots of skills.


I will build them both and try to find art and a name both will have similar back stories of being stuck into helping someone from the hood and someone dies because of the crime and the judge throws the book at him. He will also of been a boxer and now runs a gym for youth in the fens. Like he was as a kid.

I hate to say try something else, because it's something you'd really want to play, but it sounds similar to Techno Priest's skill set.

Hero Points: 2|Damage Condition:None |Status Condition: None|Fatigue Condition: None| Def: 23 FF Def:17 KB:15 |Saves T: 5 F: 10 R: 13 W: 10 |Init:+0/+12 |Notice: 9 (microscopic, x-ray vision)

No problem.


I was kind of thinking the same thing

Dr. Quark wrote:

This whole process has really reminded me how much I love Mutants and Masterminds. My flesh and blood group prefer Pathfinder, which I enjoy, but I love the freedom of this game and the ease of play. I am working on a modern urban fantasy campaign mashing up Monster Hunters International, Harry Dresden, and a few other things.

I would be interested in a parallel game. I have several ideas, most of which have been rattling around in my head for years.

A detective who can't be harmed (lots of immunities, no real powers other than guns).

A sword wielding ninja type has been haunting me recently.

There was a what if comic where the punisher bonded with the black symbiote, something like that would be cool.

A guy who no one can remember. Not sure how to build the powers, but experiences with him can't be stored in long term memory. Sort of like he turns everyone into the guy in Memento.

What about an artificial intelligence like the one in Eagle Eye? Present through omnipresent technology.

If it works out, it would be cool to put everything on the same Obsidian Portal site, NPC's could appear in both series.

The guy no one can remember sounds pretty cool and out of the ordinary. By "imprinting" on certain people, it allows him to remain in their memories. Or, he could be like Repairman Jack: so extremely ordinary that nothing about him sticks out. Throw in some fighting style feats and a bunch of skills and he could make for a very cool character.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Ideas, ideas, ideas...

What to go with...

Suicide/Deathwish: so, my first idea was laid out earlier, as a PTSD laden vet who has been cursed with the inability to die, something he rather greatly desires due to a rather massive calamity that occurred at his hands. Everyone he knew was gone, and after trying and failing at every possible attempt to end it all, he faded into the Fens, eking out an existence as just another invisible face living on the streets.

Idea 2: This one is from a story idea I had a few years back that I never got around to writing. Basically a young boy who grew up within a hellish political prison in some horribly repressive corner of the world. The guards there have created a no-rules type of fighting circuit, pitting prisoners against each other, often in full out death matches. He managed to survive and even thrive within this role as a pit-fighter due to a low level psychic ability that seemed to allow him to know exactly what his opponents were going to do, before they even did it. After years of this abuse, and becoming normalized to ridiculous levels of violence and routine murder, he escaped from the prison.

For the feel of his upbringing, think "In Hell" staring JCVD (one of his better serious performances, actually; the full movie is even on YouTube Link), with perhaps a touch of Unleashed.

Due to foreign meddling, the fight ring was exposed, and rather than be caught with the evidence, all evidence and participants were to be purged (better a transparent cover up than overt evidence and witnesses). On the run, he ended up in a rural catholic mission, and spent a few years there, maintaining a low profile. He had to learn very quickly what the real word was about, and just how messed up his background was by any objective standard. With the aid of the parish, he was granted a new identity, and graduated seminary, becoming a Catholic Priest. Eventually, he emigrated to the USA, given the shortage of priests in many cities. He took over/established a run down parish in the Fens, and began operating it as a mission/soup kitchen/shelter. Inevitably, he was drawn into using his other skill set as well, using his mastery of hand to hand combat and weapons skills to keep the downtrodden under his care safe from the people who were beyond the reach of his words.

The One: Another Jet Li movie reference. In that one, it had a sci-fi story that a cross-dimensional cop discovered that by killing another version of himself in a parallel universe, he received a portion of that copy's life essence, making him just that much more... everything. Smarter, faster, stronger, everything. In the movie, he faces off against the last parallel him, and loses, getting sent to prison, but leaving one other guy behind, who was just as fast and powerful as he had been. My character would be a variation of some sort on this idea, of a character who is basically just the epitome of human existence. No "powers" per say, but all sorts of abilities that push him beyond what a human should be able to do. Mechanically, this would use powers of course, but being low ranks of Super Senses, super strength, regeneration, quickness, etc. to just create something beyond human in every possible way. No single ability would be that off the wall, but every aspect would be just beyond peak human. Whether I would use "The One" type sci-fi background, or a genetic engineering experiment, or other explanation would require a bit of thought. On idea I had considered was making it some sort of zen thing, where a martial artist reaches some sort of higher plane of enlightenment, allowing him access to all the untapped potential a regular human could possibly achieve.

Let me know what sounds the most interesting in a character for your game, or for a team mate you'd like to work with. I think I have more ideas rolling around in my head too, but these are the first to pop out for a street level game...

Hero Points: 2|Damage Condition:None |Status Condition: None|Fatigue Condition: None| Def: 23 FF Def:17 KB:15 |Saves T: 5 F: 10 R: 13 W: 10 |Init:+0/+12 |Notice: 9 (microscopic, x-ray vision)

Taking a first shot at a character called The Dustman. His power set is somewhat akin to that of a horror movie villain without the immortality part. He has teleport 1 to let him move anywhere. He can kill you in your panic room and leave it sealed. He can do the Batman disappear trick, move up behind you when you aren't looking, etc.

The memory alteration is tricky. I made it a permanent cloud. I took lots of limited because really it is not that variable. He has no control of it. It makes everyone forget him, but he can't change what they remember or clean up their memory. I'm not sure if it still leaves room for the team to know him.

Dustman rough history:
His name is an urban legend. No one knows who he is or can remember ever having seen him, but they might know someone whose cousin saw him kill a guy. Some say he is a ghost, that if you say his name three times while looking into a mirror he will appear, or that if you write his name in blood and bury it in a grave, he will find you. Some believe that if you need someone killed, you should write their name on a stone and throw it over your back. What all of the stories agree on is that The Dustman is a killer. He may be coming for you, or you may be able to turn his attention to someone else, but he will have blood.

The truth is that The Dustman barely remembers himself, and if he did remember, he might think he was crazy. Because a long time ago, in a land far away, The Dustman was a hero. The kind of hero who saves the girl and bravely drives his sword into an evil wizard. But his story did not end happily ever after. The wizard was prepared for cocky little heroes, and even though he died for a while, he soon came back. Raging at having his plans disrupted, the wizard cursed the hero, and so he became a hole in the world. No one would ever love him again, no one would even know him. As soon as he left their side, they would forget all about him.

Over time, the hero slowly went mad, unable to have more than a night with a woman or more than a few drinks with a new friend. His isolation was total, and so he became angry. He lashed out, killing indiscriminately with the same weapon he had used on the wizard. When he grew bored, he began to focus his killing, at first striking those who preyed upon the weak, and later focusing on those who could not be reached. He learned to read and write and realized the magic in writing. Through writing, he could reach out to people, and they could reach back. For twenty years he has been an assassin, killing the targets that no one can reach, knowing that if someone sends him after a target, the target probably deserves it. And then one day he was walking through a dark alley and he heard a small thin voice, "Dustman, Dustman, Dustman, I don't know if you can hear me, but those men who stand in front of the market every day took my father, and I don't think they are going to let him go. Dustman, if you could help him I would be your best friend forever, even if you are a monster." On a whim, he lept up to the fire escape and over to the little girl's window. He thought she would be terrified, but she just looked at him with warm brown eyes and said, "Please, bring back my dad."

And so he did.

Dustman stats:

The Dustman

Power Level: 8; Power Points Spent: 158/160

STR: +3 (16), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +2 (14)

Tough: +2/+6, Fort: +8, Ref: +8, Will: +8

Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+13), Bluff 8 (+10), Climb 8 (+11), Concentration 4 (+5), Intimidate 8 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+8), Notice 8 (+9), Sense Motive 8 (+9), Sleight of Hand 4 (+9), Stealth 8 (+13)

Feats: Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, Assessment, Attack Focus (melee) 4, Blind-Fight, Critical Strike, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 4, Elusive Target, Equipment 3, Evasion 2, Improved Critical (Strike 5), Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Luck, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Tiger Leap, Uncanny Dodge (Sight), Veteran Fighter, Windracer, Wolf's Ears

Anonymous (Transform (Mental) 8) (affects: memories, DC 18; Cloud Area (80 ft. diameter, lingers - General) [8 extra ranks], No Saving Throw; Limited 3 (Only delete memories of him), Permanent)
Immunity 1 (aging)
Invisible to Machines (Invisibility 4) (Total concealment from all visual senses; Limited (machines only), Permanent)
Sword (Device 3) (Easy to lose)
(Strength Bonus) Strike 3 (Penetrating)
Strike 5 (DC 23; Penetrating; Mighty, Split Attack (2 targets))
Total Stealth (Invisibility 4) (Total concealment from all visual senses)
Vanishing Teleport (Teleport 1) (100 ft. as move action; Limited (Only when unobserved))

Equipment: Vehicle: Combat Motorcycle

Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +8, Grapple: +11)

Attacks: Anonymous (Transform (Mental) 8) (DC Will 18), Strike 5, +8 (DC 23), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 18)

Defense: +10 (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -3

Initiative: +9

Drawbacks: Cursed, common, moderate, No one can remember him

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 26 + Skills 18 (72 ranks) + Feats 34 + Powers 39 + Combat 28 + Saves 16 - Drawbacks 3 = 158

Validation: Anonymous (Transform (Mental) 8) - Permanent: This Power Flaw may not be taken for this power.

Rigor, how would you build a power set out of Idea #2? The low-level psychic angle sounds great. Seems like he's quick enough not only to pick up on their brain signals, but also use it against them. Reminds me of Mister X.

I'd say it would be a toss up between Deathwish (hehehe) and the 2nd idea, though I can easily see 2 & 3 combined.

Quark, Dustman is one scary SOB and a great bogeyman to keep the children of The Fens in line. I have some concerns with the technical aspects of the anonymity ability, mainly that it being a cloud would mean that, unless I'm mistaken, teammates within his 80 ft area would have to make constant saves against him. Half the time, his teammates are going to be swinging at him out of confusion unless they make the save. Invictus, Rigor, anything we can do build-wise to get around this issue?

Also, I finally caved and purchased a Hero Lab license for mm2e, though I still need to pick up the ultimate power expansion when I get paid.

Hero Points: 2|Damage Condition:None |Status Condition: None|Fatigue Condition: None| Def: 23 FF Def:17 KB:15 |Saves T: 5 F: 10 R: 13 W: 10 |Init:+0/+12 |Notice: 9 (microscopic, x-ray vision)

Yeah, I couldn't get some of the granularity in there. I guess we could add uncontrollable which gives GM fiat for who would not be affected. Since it is a magic effect, someone could have given the team something that makes them immune to the effect.

Also it is no saving throw, so only creatures immune to mental effects would be able to get around it.

Also, it wouldn't bother me if it didn't kick in for a few rounds. He can have a conversation with someone and they will remember the conversation while it is going on.

If you like the concept, we can tweak the build until it is functional.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

The easiest way to fix it would be the simple addition of the Selective extra, so that Dustman can choose whom he wishes to retain some knowledge of him. Other options might be to allow him various levels of memory erasure, allowing him to choose vague familiarity, or complete erasure.

He reminds me actually that the X-Men did something similar with their team, adding in a member a few years ago that they claim had actually been on the team for years, but had been absent from the comics and rosters since no one could remember him, and therefore never including him when recounting the events of any encounter. Found him: Forgetmenot.

Hero Points: 3 | Luck: 2 | Damage Condition: None | Status Condition: None | Fatigue Condition: None | Defense: 16 (14 w/o Dodge Bonus) KB: -9 | T: 12 (6 Impervious vs. Physical) F:12 R: 4 W: 7 | Initiative: +2 (+10 w/Super Speed Active)| Notice: +7 (Danger Sense (Hearing), Extended Vision & Hearing (-1/100'), Infravision, Ultrahearing, Microscopic Vision (Molecule size), Radio, X-Ray Vision)

It's be capped at Rank 8 (as a PL 8 game and it's AoE) so it's a DC 18 will check. Now, go with the original descriptor and it prevents him from entering long term memory, and so short term memory is still there.

A 1 point Immunity would make team mates immune, personally I'd drop the other invisibility effects, it'd shore up some points to up the physicality, and mix the character with a more crime fighter character.

The fact that he is both invisible, prevented from long term memory and invisible to machines seems like, overkill to me. The fact that PEOPLE can't remember him, but then watch videos of him breaking in is much more creepy to me.

I have to agree with Invictus that there should be more of a crime fighter aspect. I don't mind a hero shrouded in superstition who is rumored to kill his victims, but someone who kills regularly might be blurring the lines too much.

Hero Points: 2|Damage Condition:None |Status Condition: None|Fatigue Condition: None| Def: 23 FF Def:17 KB:15 |Saves T: 5 F: 10 R: 13 W: 10 |Init:+0/+12 |Notice: 9 (microscopic, x-ray vision)

The plan isn't for him to kill regularly now. He has been a purposeless killer, and a focused assassin, but now is moving on to something else. I want to keep the anonymity from being too expensive since I haven't figured out how to make it useful yet. I think I can actually take it with only one rank and "no saving throw" extra and it will affect any one not immune to mental effects.

Working on making him able to hear the Dustman chant locally, which would be cool.

The non-permanent invisibility is just super stealth. The permanent invisibility is so people can't record him or see him on surveillance. If he can be captured on camera, he is too easy to track, I think.

I think I could create a few devices that would grant immunity to the effect so other people don't have to spend points on it. Or selective and just hardly ever use it.

Hero Points: 3 | Luck: 2 | Damage Condition: None | Status Condition: None | Fatigue Condition: None | Defense: 16 (14 w/o Dodge Bonus) KB: -9 | T: 12 (6 Impervious vs. Physical) F:12 R: 4 W: 7 | Initiative: +2 (+10 w/Super Speed Active)| Notice: +7 (Danger Sense (Hearing), Extended Vision & Hearing (-1/100'), Infravision, Ultrahearing, Microscopic Vision (Molecule size), Radio, X-Ray Vision)

Ultimately, what do YOU want it to do? Do people just remember you differently? One person describes you as tall and skinny, while another describes you as medium height but stocky? Never really getting the features of your face right? Then take it as a Feature, or as Morph.

Another way to do it is to take it as Duration (Continuous) but not Permanent, so you can turn it on and off at will.

Hero Points: 3 | Luck: 2 | Damage Condition: None | Status Condition: None | Fatigue Condition: None | Defense: 16 (14 w/o Dodge Bonus) KB: -9 | T: 12 (6 Impervious vs. Physical) F:12 R: 4 W: 7 | Initiative: +2 (+10 w/Super Speed Active)| Notice: +7 (Danger Sense (Hearing), Extended Vision & Hearing (-1/100'), Infravision, Ultrahearing, Microscopic Vision (Molecule size), Radio, X-Ray Vision)

Ok, so here's a confession, I am a character junkie. I started with a ton of ideas, but they didn't 'feel' Street Level. Then I started searching my brains, came up with a few more concepts like I pitched above, but none of them felt street enough, especially after reading Thoth's concepts, and taking a look at Quark's build.

Now the following may be a little scary, I can modify as needed but I give you B!tch! She's a blind runaway with a traumatic past she would rather forget, she has her two dogs, Romulus and Remus.

Now here's the tricky part of the build, she has Possession 6, only against animals, she has the Conscious modifier on her Possession so the animals are aware of her, and a custom Extra allowing her to possess up to two animals at a time. She also has 4 ranks of Growth, Affects others only, with progression two, allowing her to increase any animal she possesses by a size rank. She'd ROCK in a dino world adventure! :D This effectively bumps Romulus and Remus up to two PL eight characters, but they are limited. They cannot communicate, they cannot manipulate objects easily, but they will tag team opponents and bring them down.

The builds are as follows ... I have included the Growth stats for the dogs as well ...

Alejandra Vasquez

Power Level: 8; Power Points Spent: 120/120

STR: +2 (14), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +3 (16), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +4 (18), CHA: +1 (12)

Tough: +3/+5, Fort: +5, Ref: +3, Will: +9

Skills: Bluff 6 (+7), Concentration 5 (+9), Diplomacy 8 (+9), Disable Device 7 (+9), Gather Information 8 (+9), Handle Animal 10 (+11), Knowledge (current events) 5 (+7), Knowledge (streetwise) 5 (+7), Language 1 (+1), Notice 5 (+9), Sense Motive 7 (+11)

Feats: Animal Empathy, Attractive (+4), Benefit (enigma), Connected, Contacts, Equipment 3, Sidekick 18 (+1 Extra Sidekicks), Well-Informed

Primal Bond (Possession 6) (DC 16; Conscious, Custom (Progression (up to Two Creatures)); Limited (Animals Only))
Primal Nature (Growth 4) (+8 STR, +4 CON, +1 size category; Affects Others (Only); Limited ((Possessed Creatures Only)); Progression, Affects Others (2 others))

Equipment: Cell Phone, Knife, Light Pistol, Lock Picks, Undercover Shirt

Attack Bonus: +2 (Ranged: +2, Melee: +2, Grapple: +4)

Attacks: Knife, +2 (DC 18), Light Pistol, +2 (DC 18), Primal Bond (Possession 6), +2 (DC Will 16), Unarmed Attack, +2 (DC 17)

Defense: +4 (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -2

Initiative: +1

Drawbacks: Disability, very common, major, (Blind)

Languages: Spanish (Native), English

Totals: Abilities 26 + Skills 17 (67 ranks) + Feats 28 + Powers 33 + Combat 12 + Saves 9 - Drawbacks 5 = 120

Romulus & Remus (Base Stats):

Power Level: 8; Power Points Spent: 90/90

STR: +3 (16), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +4 (18), INT: -1 (8), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +1 (12)

Tough: +4/+7, Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +4

Skills: Intimidate 10 (+11), Language 1 (+1), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7), Stealth 4 (+5), Survival 5 (+7)

Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 3, Defensive Roll 3, Diehard, Dodge Focus 3, Endurance (+4), Fearless, Improved Critical (Natural Weapons (Damage 2)), Improved Disarm, Improved Grab, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Pin, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Set-Up, Startle, Teamwork

Animal Physiology (Speed 1) (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd, Feats: Diehard, Endurance (+4))
Animal Senses (Super-Senses 6) (acute: (Scent), extended: (Scent) 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended: (Hearing) 1 (-1 per 100 ft), low-light vision, tracking: (Scent) 1 (half speed), ultra-hearing)
Natural Weapons (Damage 2) (DC 20; Mighty (+3 to damage))
Pack Tactics (Enhanced Trait 2) (Feats: Set-Up, Teamwork; Limited (Only with Remus))

Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +8, Grapple: +11)

Attacks: Natural Weapons (Damage 2), +8 (DC 20)

Defense: +8 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -3

Initiative: +9

Languages: Canine (Native), English

Totals: Abilities 20 + Skills 8 (30 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 13 + Combat 20 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 90

Romulus & Remus (while Possessed):

Power Level: 8; Power Points Spent: 102/90

STR: +7 (16/24), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +6 (18/22), INT: -1 (8), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +1 (12)

Tough: +6/+9, Fort: +8, Ref: +7, Will: +4

Skills: Intimidate 10 (+13), Language 1 (+1), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7), Stealth 4 (+1), Survival 5 (+7)

Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 3, Defensive Roll 3, Diehard, Dodge Focus 3, Endurance (+4), Fearless, Improved Critical (Natural Weapons (Damage 2)), Improved Disarm, Improved Grab, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Pin, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Set-Up, Startle, Teamwork

Animal Physiology (Speed 1) (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd, Feats: Diehard, Endurance (+4))
Animal Senses (Super-Senses 6) (acute: (Scent), extended: (Scent) 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended: (Hearing) 1 (-1 per 100 ft), low-light vision, tracking: (Scent) 1 (half speed), ultra-hearing)
Natural Weapons (Damage 2) (DC 24; Mighty (+7 to damage))
Primal Nature (Growth 4) (+8 STR, +4 CON, +1 size category)
Pack Tactics (Enhanced Trait 2) (Feats: Set-Up, Teamwork; Limited (Only with Remus))

Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +7, Grapple: +19)

Attacks: Natural Weapons (Damage 2), +7 (DC 24)

Defense: +7 (Flat-footed: +2), Size: Medium/Large, Knockback: -8

Initiative: +9

Languages: Canine (Native), English

Totals: Abilities 20 + Skills 8 (30 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 13 + Combat 20 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 90

Thoughts, comments, suggestions?

Hero Points: 2|Damage Condition:None |Status Condition: None|Fatigue Condition: None| Def: 23 FF Def:17 KB:15 |Saves T: 5 F: 10 R: 13 W: 10 |Init:+0/+12 |Notice: 9 (microscopic, x-ray vision)
Invictus Legacy wrote:

Ultimately, what do YOU want it to do? Do people just remember you differently? One person describes you as tall and skinny, while another describes you as medium height but stocky? Never really getting the features of your face right? Then take it as a Feature, or as Morph.

Another way to do it is to take it as Duration (Continuous) but not Permanent, so you can turn it on and off at will.

It isn't intended to be a power so much as a curse that he can sometimes use to his advantage. He is a hole in the universe. So no one can describe him at all. Let's say he goes into a little urban grocery and some thugs come in to rob it. He beats them up, some shots fly around, a thug gets thrown through a freezer door. He walks out.

By the time the cops get there, the thug remembers shooting at air and remembers being thrown through the door, but not how exactly. Did the guy behind the register do it? Maybe if he wants to leave a signature he writes Dustman in some spilt flour with his finger. And then it is a ghost story.

As another example, some cops are chasing him down a street and he ducks into an alley. He disappears and the cops round the corner. They suddenly can't remember why they are there, like when you go into another room and forget what you were doing.

I suppose it is fine if the player can control the ability but the character can't, and I can deal with using it to screw him over.

Looking over your stuff now.

Hero Points: 2|Damage Condition:None |Status Condition: None|Fatigue Condition: None| Def: 23 FF Def:17 KB:15 |Saves T: 5 F: 10 R: 13 W: 10 |Init:+0/+12 |Notice: 9 (microscopic, x-ray vision)

Those are two scary dogs!

Should the dogs have tracking? Also, they probably should have some minor drawbacks for not having hands?

Sounds like most of the group is going to be homeless, so when we get a headquarters provided it will be a real step up.

I like the feel of these characters. Very different from the other team.

Rigor, I'm liking the guy who can't die, just because it ties in thematically with me. We can have a spin off duo book called Accursed.

Hero Points: 3 | Luck: 2 | Damage Condition: None | Status Condition: None | Fatigue Condition: None | Defense: 16 (14 w/o Dodge Bonus) KB: -9 | T: 12 (6 Impervious vs. Physical) F:12 R: 4 W: 7 | Initiative: +2 (+10 w/Super Speed Active)| Notice: +7 (Danger Sense (Hearing), Extended Vision & Hearing (-1/100'), Infravision, Ultrahearing, Microscopic Vision (Molecule size), Radio, X-Ray Vision)

Honestly, the memory thing is TOO advantageous for a drawback. I would build it like this I think ...

Transform (Mental) 8 (affects: memories, DC 18; Cloud Area (40 ft. diameter, lingers - General), Duration (continuous); Limited (Only removes memory of Anonymous), Range (touch), Uncontrolled; Subtle (subtle))

For 9 points it's hella useful, but it only turns on or off when the GM decides. Also, people more than 40' away will remember you. I thought of changing it to area perception, but then people get a reflex check to not be affected by it at all. I think cloud works better, plus after you leave the cloud is still there, so they have to save again.

Also, the punster in me wants you to name him Nobody. Cops get into the above mentioned grocery store, looks like Nobody was here. LOL!

Thanks for the comments on Romulus and Remus! They do have Tracking, it's after low light vision in their animal senses power. I typically like complications more than drawbacks. Drawbacks help initially, hero points every time you encounter the situation help long term. I mean, look someones unconscious and tied up in a burning building, I'd have to bite an extremity and drag them, admittedly less painful than burning to death, but going to leave mark! Have a hero point!

Oh great, because Cujo wasn't enough!
I like the character, not so much her name, but I see some opportunities to rib on her in-game. Does she stay with her dogs during missions as an active participant, or is she left in a vulnerable state due to her powers?

So we have:
Quark with The Dustman, the cursed bogeyman of The Fens.
Invictus with B¡tch, the blind runaway with two deadly service pups.

Rigor with either Deathwish, the undying or El Padre, kickin' ass in the name of the lord.
Watcher with either PortoJon, the teleporting human brick or The Contender, ex-boxer, ex-con, the guy who will make you ex-breathing.

These characters all seem so fun. Once we've all decided, I'm going to read into everyone's backgrounds, ask some questions and start tailoring the story a bit to fit in line with what we've got.

Hero Points: 3 | Luck: 2 | Damage Condition: None | Status Condition: None | Fatigue Condition: None | Defense: 16 (14 w/o Dodge Bonus) KB: -9 | T: 12 (6 Impervious vs. Physical) F:12 R: 4 W: 7 | Initiative: +2 (+10 w/Super Speed Active)| Notice: +7 (Danger Sense (Hearing), Extended Vision & Hearing (-1/100'), Infravision, Ultrahearing, Microscopic Vision (Molecule size), Radio, X-Ray Vision)

Have you read Worm? It's a web series that is really an interesting take on super heroes. Definitely worth a look. It's where I got the idea.

Possession allows her to body to essentially meld with her animals ...

M&M 2E wrote:

check against the result of your target’s Will save. If you succeed, your body vanishes, merging with the target, and you assume control of the target’s body. You retain your mental ability scores, skills based on mental abilities, and powers with mental effects, and gain the target’s physical ability scores, skills based on physical abilities, and powers with physical effects.

The target’s mind is suppressed and unconscious while you are in control. A victim of Possession gets a new saving throw for each interval on the Time and Value Progression Table. Possessed characters used to carry out an action strongly against their nature get a new Will save immediately with a +1 to +4 bonus, depending on the type of action. A successful save ejects you from the target’s body; your own body reappears in the nearest open space. The same occurs when you leave the target’s body voluntarily.

The Conscious Modifier is as follows;

Conscious (+1): Your controlled subject is conscious and aware, but completely obedient to your commands. This means the subject can be commanded to relate knowledge or use skills based on mental abilities. Subjects are aware of being controlled once the Mind Control ends unless the power is Subtle, in which case subjects have no explanation for their unusual behavior or simply no memory of it (your choice when you end the control).

Now, in regards to control rolls when Possessing an animal, were she to use it on an animal that is not insanely loyal (Romulus & Remus are after all sidekicks) she would have to make control rolls, and be subject to being forced out for making the animal strongly against it's nature. Now theoretically when possessing the animal they would use their skills ranks but her Mental Stats & Will save.

If having two dogs is too much let me know and I can change it. I am thinking I may switch her name around, have her be of German descent, Kaitlyn Nein, heroic identity K-9.

Oh DUH! Two dogs are perfectly fine then. She sounds great.

Defense: 21 (17 w/o Dodge) KB: -2 | T: 3 (5 w/Undercover Shirt) F: +5 R: +9 W: +7 | Initiative: +8 | Notice: +7 Hero Points: 1 | Damage Condition: None | Status Condition: None | Fatigue Condition: None

I'll have her history & complications up soon. If we get the OK from Watcher I'll add her to the O.P. board as well.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

In regards to the reformed mass-murdering pit fighter turned priest, I haven't exactly thought out too far ahead on how the mechanics would work. Making them work according to traditional powers might be a bit tricky, as combinations of all sorts of things might be needed to make them work and make sense. The simplest solution would of course be to just give him unusually high combat bonuses for a normal, with the effect description merely being that it is due to him always knowing how his opponent is going to react, or what they are going to do next.

I like the idea of being a priest in the Fens, so I think I'm leaning towards that character, and having an old church/chapel, or even a small cathedral (awesome gothic ambiance), as a home base for the group would help things out a lot, I think. His work with the homeless and needy would also give him a very central role in the area, and a very plausible point of connection for all of the characters; whether religious or not, they have likely benefited from his help at some point, be it in protection, or merely food or a night's shelter.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Question: I haven't seen much in the way of two weapon fighting type builds in M&M. Is there a way to do it?

One idea I had was to make a pair of weapons as devices, and have them linked. Of course, linked powers typically have to be used together, which wouldn't make sense in this case. Thoughts?

Auto fire strike?

A killer GM with a killer smile.

I like autofire, and it makes sense for a low strength character, but I had already intended to use it with each weapon. The real question is how to use two. Would you be alright with a variation of Linked that was optional? Used simultaneously, or separate?

Defense: 21 (17 w/o Dodge) KB: -2 | T: 3 (5 w/Undercover Shirt) F: +5 R: +9 W: +7 | Initiative: +8 | Notice: +7 Hero Points: 1 | Damage Condition: None | Status Condition: None | Fatigue Condition: None

You could try this ...

Analyze Style (Drain 8) (drains: single trait - (attack or defense), DC 18; Range 2 (perception); Limited (Lowered Stats only Apply to Player), Limited (Only Against Assessed Opponents); Subtle (subtle))

Also check out this Cassandra Cain build, it's pretty close to what you seem to be thinking, though you would need to trim some points & PL's.

As for dual weapons ...

Dual Weapons is all in the traits, remember Power Attack is a descriptor.

Damage 3 (Mighty), Split. Assuming a 16 strength character, that can force either a DC 21 Tou check, or two DC 18 Tou checks on different characters. If you power attack, you can add up to 5, though you CANNOT add Power Attack to both weapons, that max of 5 is split between the two. If you take improved crit, it becomes sicker.

Remember it's about descriptors what is the EFFECT of dual weilding? Hurting your opponent more? Buy more damage, hitting multiple opponents? Split & Takedown Attack do that adequately.

At least in my opinion.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

I like the power, it has some potential I can certainly work with.

I'm reading through the Cassandra Cain build, and trying to see what I could extrapolate from 3e to work for what I have in mind.

Good suggestions; thanks.

An old MM3e character of mine had the following:


Instant Combat Analysis: Enhanced Trait 4

Insight +6 (+16), Advantages: Assessment; Limited: Insight only for Assessment
Points: 2

Perfect Strike(array)
. . Damage: Strength-based Damage 3 (DC 20; Alternate Resistance: Dodge)
. . Damage: Strength-based Damage 3 (DC 20; Alternate Resistance: Fortitude)
. . Damage: Strength-based Damage 3 (DC 20; Alternate Resistance: Parry)
. . Damage: Strength-based Damage 3 (DC 20; Alternate Resistance: Will)
Limited: Successful Assessment
Points: 6

He was from an alternate universe marvel game where the x-men were formed in 1985. His main mutation was immortality while his secondary mutation made him into more of a human computer, able to compute weaknesses without actively thinking about it.

Thought I'd share for more ideas.

Defense: 21 (17 w/o Dodge) KB: -2 | T: 3 (5 w/Undercover Shirt) F: +5 R: +9 W: +7 | Initiative: +8 | Notice: +7 Hero Points: 1 | Damage Condition: None | Status Condition: None | Fatigue Condition: None

Uggggh! As I was taking my jog I came up with a couple more things for me to consider with this build ...

Typically it will be her two pony sized Rottweilers on patrol of the Fens, so despite the Scandinavian theme I had going, it's unlikely Valkyrie will be her name, as she is rarely seen with the monster dogs ... she has to be possessing them ...

Secondly, being a more street oriented game, these dogs are getting hit by bats, shot, burnt ... and when she re-materilizes they just hurt more due to lower fortitude & toughness. Soooo, I need to AE a heal effect off of my Primal Surge ability I think, that only heals animals.

Also, Sidekicks don't have Luck, so I may pick up a rank, to represent each of the dogs having one.

So despite my newly minted alias, I think the nomme de guerre will be Hellhound.

M Human

How man points again?


M Human

Here he is so far his name will change and I want to give him a base and make some changed he is over points I know.

Rough story as a teenager he was sent to jail for being an accessory to a crime, he was able to hide his mutants powers because when ever someone would try to scan him his nemesis power would kick in a block the scan.
While in jail he kept to himself and no one messed with him because his powers would kick in and he would kick there ass. During a riot he saved a group of guards and peaceful inmates but his powers were able to be seen ever so briefly. He was transferred to Blackstone where Harriet Wainwright found him as an excellent applicant for Project Freedom now he is in Freedom Protecting the Fens and running his Boxing Gym and protecting all the kids who belong to his gym he has a no Gangs and No drugs policy that he strictly enforces.


Power Level: 8; Power Points Spent: 145/120

STR: +8 (18/26), DEX: +6 (18/22), CON: +6 (14/22), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +2 (14)

Tough: +6/+8, Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +2

Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+10), Bluff 13 (+15), Diplomacy 8 (+10), Gather Information 8 (+10), Investigate 4 (+5), Knowledge (streetwise) 9 (+10), Notice 6 (+8), Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Assessment, Attack Focus (melee) 4, Challenge - Improved Feint, Connected, Contacts, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 4, Elusive Target, Fighting Style: Boxing, Improved Block 2, Improved Critical 2 (Unarmed Attack), Improved Initiative, Luck, Power Attack, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack 2, Taunt

Adaptive Combat (Nemesis 5) (Limited (Only Personal Powers))
Mutant Dexterity (Enhanced Dexterity 4) (+4 DEX)
Mutant Strength (Enhanced Strength 8) (+8 STR)
Mutants Constitution (Enhanced Constitution 8) (+8 CON)

Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +8, Grapple: +16)

Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 23)

Defense: 18 (Flat-footed: 12), Knockback: -4

Initiative: +10

Languages: Native Language

Totals: Abilities 30 + Skills 15 (60 ranks) + Feats 29 + Powers 55 + Combat 16 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 = 145

There's gotta be at least ONE scene with Joey's and Rigor's character going back-to-back.

Personally, I feel having to spend equipment points on a base like the church or a gym is kind of crummy. I don't imagine you'd keep super computers or anything else super beneficial in either of the two. Would anyone be bothered if I waved the points for either of these?
Maybe you've got different plans for them, but I don't see either of the two benefiting too much past a place to sleep or congregate. The Cathode Cathedral has a lab, workshop, computers and the like, where as the church and the gym probably won't offer much.

M Human

I plan on using the gym in like story wise and dealing with the Kids of the fens and any drug dealer or gang bangers messing around with the members of my gym. But like a super computer or something like that would be a no.

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