TET(With a T this time)'s pantflyer campaign (No, it's not dirty.)

Game Master Halflingtime

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male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Or maybe Sorval wants to pass Ruul a dart... =P

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Swift:Drop sword
Move:Draw sling


Female Catfolk Magus 3|| Hp 11 / 26 (0 Non-lethal) ||AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 || F4 R3 W2||Init+4||

Sorry Ruul- already went this round... I can make you some javelins later if you would like.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Well Ruul has literally all of his starting money because his backstory sort of depended on him fleeing with nothing but the cloth on his loins, heh. Now that he's preparing for life as an adventurer he'll get some equipment. He just needs something now.

Male Tiefling Devil-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Zen Archer, Qinggong Monk) 3 [ AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 natural) HP 18/18, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7 | Init +4, Perception +10]

I think a sling would go well with the loincloth :D

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

I would have suggested that you throw Manny but Manny has only 2 HP

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!

Marduzi set down his spear, and there's a couple rocks.

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!


The woman nods, taking the schoolteacher to a toolshed not far away from the cottage itself. It smells of dirt and old canvas, and inside, leaning against a back wall and obviously well-loved is a gleaming wooden bow that the zen archer immediately recognizes to be a labor of love years in the making. Some of the aerodynamic scrimshawing is recent, but the bow itself is at least a year old.
If Worren made this, his natural aptitude in making bows is astounding.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Bummer. I was strongly considering the improvised loincloth/sling idea...

Picking up a larger rock from the ground, Ruul hurls it at the flying manbat.

Toss: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage: 1d3 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

I assumed 1d3 sounded right. Minus whatever range penalties.

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!

Of the flurry of attacks that follow, only Sorval's dart harms the beast. It continues its flight, heading out of the town whilst simultaneously becoming a silhouette on the large full moon.

Okay. Restart Init? I assume you're following. Because it is so injured, you can keep pace with it so long as you're chasing. You are on the edge of town anyway.

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Follow that bat! Manny grunts as he takes off down the street.

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!


There's a guard tower you should pass on your way out of the city.

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Hey, maybe we can tell the guards about the bat man and get some bows.

Male Elf Dervish Dancer Bard/2 | HP 12/12 (5NL) | AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 10 | Fort: -1, Ref: +5, Will: +2 | Init +5 | Perception +2

Horfil follows the bat. instead of doing all of the other stuff in the ooc...

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!

Sorry. Sometimes circumstances bite you. You more often than most. ;-; The universe will try to make it up to you later.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul nods and takes off after the monster.

"Try to keep up."

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Manny hurriedly knocks on the door or approaches any guard on duty. Hey there! Look over at the moon! That bat thingie has been killin people in town. Can we get some bows to shoot it down?

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!

GM Screen:

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Considering the structure is open-air on top, a dwarven guard leans over the side to address the knocking at the bottom.
"So that's what that is!T's creeping me out!" he calls from above, his voice echoing a little bit.
"The armory is on the second level! Hurry!"

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul rushes up the stairs/ramp looking for the armory.

"Do you have any javelins or short-spears?" he rumbles.

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!

The armory is obvious. Which is good, because the only person there is trying to take aim with a crossbow out a window next to some stairs.

There are 5 javelins and 2 short spears available.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul gathers them all up and, without even saying thank you, exits the small structure in pursuit of the fleeing shape in the night sky.

"Don't lose sight of it!"

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Manny rushes up with his sling. That stuff is too big for me, I'll use my sling.

Bugger..are we gunna try tracking it out of the city?

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

"Just stay on it. He's hurt. He'll have to stop sometime."

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Got it.


Male Elf Dervish Dancer Bard/2 | HP 12/12 (5NL) | AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 10 | Fort: -1, Ref: +5, Will: +2 | Init +5 | Perception +2

Horfil picks up a Short bow and a quiver of arrows 20 and continues after the bat thing.

"Thanks for the bow!"

Female Catfolk Magus 3|| Hp 11 / 26 (0 Non-lethal) ||AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 || F4 R3 W2||Init+4||

Sorval Expeditious retreat has probably worn off now- so she borrows a short bow and a quiver of twenty arrows.

I will return the bow and replace any used arrows; thank you... Sorval quickly bows and is off following the party.

Expeditious retreat was cast in the bar whem Ruul tripped Ukres.

Male Tiefling Devil-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Zen Archer, Qinggong Monk) 3 [ AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 natural) HP 18/18, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7 | Init +4, Perception +10]


Zeltor handles the bow, surprised by its quality - "This is most excellent craftsmanship..." - he comments absent minded.

Turning to the distressed mother, he adds - "I would like to do a search of this workspace, if you would allow me, and then it is time for me to leave. I will take up the search for your son immediately" - he respectfully expects the womans' consent, or not.

"I will keep following the creature while you retrieve ranged weapons" - Zeltor offers, as he moves along after their fleeing foe.

Will try yo move and shoot whenever possible - think at least this round, he should be able to.

Arrow Shot: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 2

Will I actually hit anything for the first time? :O

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!


"Very well." The woman concedes, but she remains watching.
Perception and Survival again, if you would.

Male Tiefling Devil-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Zen Archer, Qinggong Monk) 3 [ AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 natural) HP 18/18, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7 | Init +4, Perception +10]


Carefully putting down the well made bow, Zeltor begins his methodical examination of the area, with patient, trained eyes.

If possible, will take 20, else 10 -> Perception 18/28 | Survival 14/24. If not:

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

There is something haunting my rolls... A bat creature perhaps? :P

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!

Going into the guard tower and arming takes two rounds. So far, the people keeping the best tail of the monster are Zeltor and Marduzi.

GM Screen:

1d20 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 3 - 1 = 81d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 5 - 2 = 21 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Sorval's dart, Zeltor's arrow, and another lone projectile from the guard atop the tower force the monster to crash in the distance, screaming horribly.

Another, similar sound follows.
Actually. We're out of combat.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul continues sprinting towards the site of the crash.

"Maybe he didn't survive the fall..."

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Manny follows. Not much of a loss I see. Dern goatsucker.

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!


A portion of the shed contains a small workbench with woodcutting and boyar supplies. A crude drawing of a rose is planted above it, probably for good luck.
The tools have to be at least a couple of generations old. They are worn and well-used, though the smaller chisels are all over the place and far more degraded than the other bits.
However, lodged between the workbench and the wall is a partially-finished ring made out of wood covered in intricate symbols. Zeltor has seen them before; they are the signs of a common Taldan engagement tradition.
There is a great deal of other stuff in the shed as well. Mostly shovels, rakes, and extra canvas. However, there is a small stool that standons out near the workbench for the fact there is a toy next to it.
Small footprints little just as much of the floor as those that belong to adults.
Perhaps Ermes would watch and talk to his brother while he was working?

Male Elf Dervish Dancer Bard/2 | HP 12/12 (5NL) | AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 10 | Fort: -1, Ref: +5, Will: +2 | Init +5 | Perception +2

Horfil follows. "Maybe he did survive the fall...

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!

When the group reconvenes (plus one guardsman) at the site of the shooting-down, it is immediately obvious that the man-bat is quite dead. He doesn't revert to his human form, persay, but in his hybrid form, it's still easy to see his skull is stoved in and, well, when something dies, one can smell it.

"Eesh. Well, I guess nonlethal is a bit hard to accomplish on a flying object."
The guard from the armory admits, stowing his crossbow and waiting for some form of explanation.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul approaches and pokes the manbat with a hoof.

"This thing was responsible for a mess of crimes around town including nabbin' goats", the bull explains.

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!

"Erm... Your bagged friend mentioned murders. I hardly think I can expect anything other than a mashing for dealing with a goatnapper with lethal force." the guard articulates uncomfortably.
"Please tell me the other crimes are more noteworthy? And that you have proof?"

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Dead bodies in the attic where he was staying. Man, woman and kid. Been happening for a week and he he has been here for two.

Male Tiefling Devil-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Zen Archer, Qinggong Monk) 3 [ AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 natural) HP 18/18, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7 | Init +4, Perception +10]


With the half finished ring on his hand, Zeltor turns to the small boy - "Are you in here often with your brother Ermes?" - he also looks in expectation to the mother.

"A kid?" - Zeltor reacts at Manny's comment - "About what age?"

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Older, getting near bein a man but still a kid.

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!


Ermes nods slowly after looking at his mother for permission in much the same way Zeltor has.

"He does allow his brother to sit in on his crafting sessions, sometimes. From what I've come to understand, he tells Ermes stories while he does so."

Male Tiefling Devil-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Zen Archer, Qinggong Monk) 3 [ AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 natural) HP 18/18, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7 | Init +4, Perception +10]


Looking at the footsteps that crowd the area, Zeltor asks Ermes to place his foot next to several of them - "There are many footsteps in here - I would like to confirm if they all belong to the family" - he also makes the same request to Ermes' mother.

"What is your missing son's name, and how old is he?" - he asks during the process.

Female Catfolk Magus 3|| Hp 11 / 26 (0 Non-lethal) ||AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 || F4 R3 W2||Init+4||

I wanted tp play with the shortbow :p
Sorval checks to see if her dart is still in her target

Any chance we can stay in town for a couple of weeks so I can make a Light Crossbow or two? Both Ruul and I are going to need one...

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!

Yes, my dear cat. The guard's brown eyes bulge at Manny's announcement, proving the man to be less than used to this sort of crime. But, given the man's monster status, anything is possible.
"I need you to show me," The guard says simply, perspiring visibly despite the night's chill.


Everyone present allows Zeltor to examine their prints, and the mother provides her husband's spare boots to assist. None of the tracks in the shed are out of place.
"His name is Worren, and he is sixteen years old," the agrieved mother responds, her voice nearly breaking once more.

Female :D Check out my fetching opercles!

Sorval's dart is still lodged in his left leg.

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

Let's drag Mr flappy back with us. Manny is all set to head back to the inn.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul nods and slings the slain batman over a brawny shoulder.

"Let's go."

Female Catfolk Magus 3|| Hp 11 / 26 (0 Non-lethal) ||AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 || F4 R3 W2||Init+4||

Sorval retreives the dart out of the were-bat's leg as she follows the others.

Male Elf Dervish Dancer Bard/2 | HP 12/12 (5NL) | AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 10 | Fort: -1, Ref: +5, Will: +2 | Init +5 | Perception +2

Horfil follows the group, keeping an eye out for any more werebats. Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Male Tiefling Devil-Spawn Tiefling Monk (Zen Archer, Qinggong Monk) 3 [ AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 natural) HP 18/18, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7 | Init +4, Perception +10]


Zeltor nods after inspecting all the footwear - "Very well, I will begin my search immediately - as soon as I have any news I will make sure you are informed" - the monk offers a short bow and turns to leave, but then stopping again, he addresses Ermes - "You are a very brave young boy, thank you for all the help you have given me today" - then takes his leave.

While they are returning with the captured bat creature, Zeltor rushes to the room where the reported dead citizens have been found.

Trying to ascertain if any of them could be the missing boy - Worren.

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