Supreme Being's Tyranny of Dragons (5E) (Inactive)

Game Master scranford

The Tyranny of Dragons story arc using the new 5th Edition of D&D ruleset.

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Male 1/2 Elf Eldritch Knight/2, AC 18, Passive Perception 10, HP 21/21, Init +2

Tycandus turns to see the late comer, and wonders if this is the woman that has been dreaming about Greenest, but really doesn't think that that is an appropriate opener to a conversation. He watches as she talks familiarly with the staff, and his assurance rises, but he hopes the staff will mention that the small group he's with are heading in that direction. Hoping to head things off if they do, he makes his way to the bar.

"I'd like to buy a room for the night if there are any left, or just a pallet in the common room if there are not. Also, if you can tell me how early the merchant costers leave for Greenest, so I can make sure to be up and ready to go, that would be appreciated."

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Vanoe'adae wrote:


Vano sits with his back to the wall, not liking this "adventurers pen" one bit. It's not like he broke anything. On the other hand, it meant that the farmers and such who gave him dirty looks when he arrived can't get to him easily. Not that they would have reason to, he reminds himself.

"How much does a room in this place cost, anyway?" he says, doubtfully. "Maybe we can sleep in the stables or something."

Elsa overhears Vano's quest (not sure who you were asking). "It's 5 silver for a room, 1 to sleep on the common floor, and free to sleep in the stable, though the roof might leak a bit".

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Dorn Kindleheart wrote:

"The stables!? Now, now, don't give up so easily, friend. First see if there's a comely lass who strikes your fancy and is willing to put you up for the night. That's what I intend to do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to see to my own sleeping arrangements," Dorn said with a wink. He then went to the bar to strike up a conversation with a comely lass.

Well, as far as I know there isn't a Charisma (macking) skill test. So I'll figure I'll roll a Persuasion check. If you want a raw charisma roll SB just subtract the +2 proficiency bonus.

[dice=Charisma (Persuasion)]1d20+6

And here's an Insight check to see if she's married. That's likely to have been a problem before.

[dice=Wisdom (Insight)]1d20+1

I guess we'll retro to before everyone left except the staff and adventurers. There really aren't any prospects for "macking". The only descent looking woman is the one having a romantic dinner with her beau...and she looks interested in only him. The only other 'single' woman in the room was at the bar, and missing most of her teeth... so you'd have to lower your standards quite a bit.

Of course there's always Elsa...

or if you fast forward to the present...the comely red haired elf that just entered the room to speak with the innkeeper.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Narwa Miril wrote:

A redheaded elf stepped into the roadhouse's common area, pausing to shake the rain from her hair before making her way further inside the room. She wore robes, and walked using a quarterstaff, though there was no ailment that seemed to require her to do so, and had a pouch hanging from the sash that tied the robes closed.

Bright green eyes looked around the common room as she made her way to the bar, pausing to drift over the newcomers one at a time.

"Elsa, something warm to drink, please, and if Trilena's got anything warm made up, it would be delightful to have some of her wonderful cooking after being out in the rain," the woman stated warmly, smiling charmingly at the barmaid.

As she expected most of the locals have gone for the evening... don't really like the way they look at you anyway... As the three dwarven miners that frequented the establishment passed her on the street only moments before.

You do however see a table full of new arrivals. They seem to have been relegated to the 'Adventurers Pen' for some reason.

Sitting on the stumps are a dwarven priestess of some sort, a ragged looking elf, a elf blooded warrior, and a rather large human, with his head down on the table. Just leaving the pen and headed towards where Elsa is cleaning cutlery is a dashing human man with a rapier, and a flute tucked into his belt.

Elsa clears a place for you at the table between the kitchen door, and the fireplace... The dwarves normal table... then hustles to the kitchen looking warily at the approaching man.

"Hi Narwa". "Have a seat". I'm sure there is some stew left, and I'll bring you some hot tea... unless you want something with a little more bite".

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Tycandus wrote:

Tycandus turns to see the late comer, and wonders if this is the woman that has been dreaming about Greenest, but really doesn't think that that is an appropriate opener to a conversation. He watches as she talks familiarly with the staff, and his assurance rises, but he hopes the staff will mention that the small group he's with are heading in that direction. Hoping to head things off if they do, he makes his way to the bar.

"I'd like to buy a room for the night if there are any left, or just a pallet in the common room if there are not. Also, if you can tell me how early the merchant costers leave for Greenest, so I can make sure to be up and ready to go, that would be appreciated."

As the newcomer is seated, you can deduce that she is probably not a local, but neither is she a stranger, as she seems to be welcome here.

Toblen replies to your request. "A room's 5sp for the night, but that includes breakfast". "We still have a couple left if you're interested". "A space here on the common room floor is 1-sp, but be prepared to wake early if you take that option.

He then crosses his eyes and steps out from behind the bar, standing on a low stool.

"Attention all"! "I hear-by declare that until this week I had never heard of this Greenest". "I don't know where it is". "As far as I know I've never heard of a caravan headed there". He then steps down, and busy's himself with cleaning the bar.

"Pip"! "Bedtime"! Pip argues for a while watching the adventurers eagerly, the with a protest heads up the stairs, slamming the door behind him at the end of the upper balcony. Toblen just looks at his wife, and shakes his head.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

So let's summarize as everyone seems to need a nudge... :-)

  • Though the inn is mostly empty except for you six, and the staff. It seems to still be open if anyone was to enter.
  • Everyone that was there earlier has left for the evening. They're locals and went home as they have to work in the morning.
  • Except as stated in the spoilers above... if you made your roll... nobody in the tavern has ever heard of Greenest... Therefore it probably neither a significant nor a close-by city.
  • The only lead you have is the innkeeper stating to Zennor that if anyone in this town knows anything about Greenest it would be one of the two trading posts in town.
  • It's pretty obvious that you won't be able to get any more information from the people present about Greenest... though they might have other information about other things.

HP 24/24 INIT: +3 / AC: 14/16(shield) / PassPerc:14 / STR:+5, CON +5
Toblen wrote:

"Attention all"! ... "Pip"! "Bedtime"!

Awakened suddenly by the announcement Bor's head rocks the heavy table as he pushes off and lets out a boisterous roar, "rrrrAAAAAAAARRggghhhhhh!!! YES! BEDTIME! Barkeep! I will tend to your stables needs in exchange for the cover of its roof and the promise you might go easy on my new companions purses. What say you good man?!" Fists on hips and teeth baring a most proud grin, Bor finds himself amid an aura of awkward silence.

Female High Elf Level 1 Wizard

You do however see a table full of new arrivals. They seem to have been relegated to the 'Adventurers Pen' for some reason.

Sitting on the stumps are a dwarven priestess of some sort, a ragged looking elf, a elf blooded warrior, and a rather large human, with his head down on the table. Just leaving the pen and headed towards where Elsa is cleaning cutlery is a dashing human man with a rapier, and a flute tucked into his belt.

Elsa clears a place for you at the table between the kitchen door, and the fireplace... The dwarves normal table... then hustles to the kitchen looking warily at the approaching man.

"Hi Narwa". "Have a seat". I'm sure there is some stew left, and I'll bring you some hot tea... unless you want something with a little more bite".

Narwa's smile to Elsa widened a bit as the woman spoke, and the elven woman took a seat, leaning the staff against the table.

"Tea would be lovely, actually," she replied, looking towards the group in the 'Adventurer's Pen' before letting her eyes turn towards the man with the rapier and the flute, still smiling charmingly, but slightly less warmly to him. "Did new entertainment get hired while I was out?"

Cantrips, 1st 5/5
HP 18/18 | AC 13 ff13 t10| Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +3 | Init +7 | Perc +5, low-light | crossbow +4(1d8) crit 19
Male Human Sorcerer 2; 1,300xp | 26.88gp | Effects: None

Sure, I'll make an @$$ of myself to the new PC. I am a bard, after all. :-)

Dorn steps up to the beautiful woman at the bar.

"You poor dear. You're absolutely drenched. How about a song to cheer you up? Name your favorite tune, and I'll play it. Free of charge. A gift to a fellow weary traveler."

Narwa, feel free to shoot me down as hilariously as you like.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female High Elf Level 1 Wizard

The woman startles and cuts off any more questioning to the barmaid as Bor makes his announcement, giving Dorn a wide-eyed look suddenly.

Dorn Kindleheart wrote:

Dorn steps up to the beautiful woman at the bar.

"You poor dear. You're absolutely drenched. How about a song to cheer you up? Name your favorite tune, and I'll play it. Free of charge. A gift to a fellow weary traveler."

She blinks several times, and smiles once more. "Something...calming, as it is late?"

Zennor finishes the last drink and buys a room for the night. She hands over the 5 silver pieces and bids goodnight to the others.

"I look forward to seeing you in the morning. After prayers to the dawn, I intend to speak with these costers and possibly obtain more provisions once I understand the distances and directions involved."

The dwarf stumps to the room and closes the door, entering somewhere small, clean and dry. Soon she is snoring gently, her clothes drying a little and hammer nice and close.

Cantrips, 1st 5/5
HP 18/18 | AC 13 ff13 t10| Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +3 | Init +7 | Perc +5, low-light | crossbow +4(1d8) crit 19
Male Human Sorcerer 2; 1,300xp | 26.88gp | Effects: None

Dorn thinks it over a moment.

"I know just the thing."

He moves off to the small stage and begins a soft, fluttering sad little tune, a favorite of his little sister. It was the one song, she never grew tired of.

It reminds me of Mom. Well, before she started drinking, I mean, she had told him once.

Dorn played the The Tragedy of Blue Fire. It was a song about the death of Mystra, and the fall of the Weave. A tale of a man who loved magic, and felt it fall away from him. Some said it was about Elminster, others said it had been written by one of his famed Daughters. Others believed it was about all mages.

None of that mattered to Dorn. This song only reminded him of his sister and his vow to bring her back from death, even if he had to challenge Kelemvor himself.

Performance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female High Elf Level 1 Wizard
Dorn Kindleheart wrote:

"I know just the thing." Dorn said, as he moved off to the small stage and begins a soft, fluttering sad little tune.

Dorn played the The Tragedy of Blue Fire. It was a song about the death of Mystra, and the fall of the Weave. A tale of a man who loved magic, and felt it fall away from him. Some said it was about Elminster, others said it had been written by one of his famed Daughters. Others believed it was about all mages.

Narwa listened to the bard as she quietly ate the stew, watching him play as she drank her tea. She sighed wistfully, pulling a crystal focus from her pouch, running her thumb over it as she listened, a rather far-away expression on her features.

Once he finished, she gently set the focus back into the pouch, set the now empty tea mug down, and softly applauded.

"Beautifully played. It reminds me much of many things," she replied as her applause slowed to a quiet. "It seems that Tolben has made an excellent choice in entertainers."

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Bor Bersk wrote:
Toblen wrote:

"Attention all"! ... "Pip"! "Bedtime"!
Awakened suddenly by the announcement Bor's head rocks the heavy table as he pushes off and lets out a boisterous roar, "rrrrAAAAAAAARRggghhhhhh!!! YES! BEDTIME! Barkeep! I will tend to your stables needs in exchange for the cover of its roof and the promise you might go easy on my new companions purses. What say you good man?!" Fists on hips and teeth baring a most proud grin, Bor finds himself amid an aura of awkward silence.

"Yes"! "You may sleep in the stables". "In fact that's a capital idea". "I'll even give you an ale on the house before you head out".

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Dorn thinks it over a moment.

"I know just the thing."

He moves off to the small stage and begins a soft, fluttering sad little tune, a favorite of his little sister. It was the one song, she never grew tired of.

It reminds me of Mom. Well, before she started drinking, I mean, she had told him once.

Dorn played the The Tragedy of Blue Fire. It was a song about the death of Mystra, and the fall of the Weave. A tale of a man who loved magic, and felt it fall away from him. Some said it was about Elminster, others said it had been written by one of his famed Daughters. Others believed it was about all mages.

None of that mattered to Dorn. This song only reminded him of his sister and his vow to bring her back from death, even if he had to challenge Kelemvor himself.

Performance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Even the surly Innkeeper is moved by the song, and brings Dorn a small bottle of his finest spirits. "If you're so inclined". "You're welcome to stay here and perform any time you, board, and tips included".

Two great performances in a row...sounds like an inspiration point to me.

-Posted with Wayfinder

HP 24/24 INIT: +3 / AC: 14/16(shield) / PassPerc:14 / STR:+5, CON +5

Bor retreats from the interior as the bard begins playing once more. The night air is sticky with humidity but not wholly unpleasant. Bor pours the last ale all over himself more to wake up than to slip further into drunkenness. He shakes it from his hair as he turns the corner and sees the modestly described disrepair of the stables behind the tavern.

He finds a rudimentary pitchfork and mucks out a stall for himself. The hay will be softer once turned. There's the hole the barlady mentioned, he thinks as he looks up.

Bor finds some hay bales that have been picked at but not entirely used and a bag of feed with a hole cut into it. A sign of chores gone unfulfilled. It had been a long time since he had tended to a stable and this night brought back fond memories. Surehanded, a bale was spread across the other stalls. The smell of the stable improved a couple steps.

He retraced his steps with the bag of feed filling buckets. The longer he spent in the stable the more he felt he owed Toblen for his previous behavior inside. Within the hour drink had lost its grasp on him and he was climbing up to the roof with some shoeing nails and scrap wood he had found laying about the stable.

Clouds had started to dissipate and the moonlit hole gaped with the darkness of the stable interior. Several nails and a couple rough hewn boards and the hole was patched. It was a crude fix but it would do for now. Bor laid on his back upon the roof and found himself thinking about Leosin as the stars lulled him to sleep.

AC 15 Init +4 pass perc 13 hps 17/17 Inspiration 1/1 str-1, dex+4, con+1, int+2, wis+1, cha+0 arrows 24/24

Vano watched Dorn bantering with the pretty elf and sighed. The human had a silver tongue, that was certain. He'd never really had that kind of gift. He could hustle with the best of them, sure, you didn't last long as a beggar if you had all your limbs and couldn't spin a sad tale at a moment's notice, and he once passed a bag of horse manure off as magic elf-cake, but with the fairer sex, he really lived up to his name. Step-into-Shadow, it meant, and in the shadows was always where he seemed to be with women.

When the big fighter started roaring about mucking out the stables, he opened his mouth.

"He said we could sleep in the stables for free...." but the big man had already charged out to do battle with the hay. As the others seemed to be getting rooms, he nodded.

"I think I'll bed down in the stables as well," he said. "We'll find these trading posts in the morning."

As he walked out into the night, he breathed a little easier. He liked the dark, liked being out of sight. He could do many things, but he felt best when no one could see him. There was a banging from the roof of the stable, and Vano considered his bow. It seemed foolish to string it and draw an arrow for something that sounded like work. So he draw a dagger and slipped around to see Bor fixing a hole in the middle of the night.

He smiled to himself and put the dagger away, slipping into the stable and climbing up into the hayloft. He burrowed his way through the hay til he reached the corner of the roof, as safe a nest as he was likely to find. After a time, Bor finished his work. He climbed up and bedded down not far from Vano, and the elf closed his eyes in the dark and waited for sleep to come.

Just before he drifted off, a terrible thought about the fighter struck him. What if he snores?

Up to you, Bor, if you see Vano sneaking in or not.

Cantrips, 1st 5/5
HP 18/18 | AC 13 ff13 t10| Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +3 | Init +7 | Perc +5, low-light | crossbow +4(1d8) crit 19
Male Human Sorcerer 2; 1,300xp | 26.88gp | Effects: None
Narwa wrote:
"Beautifully played. It reminds me much of many things," she replied as her applause slowed to a quiet. "It seems that Tolben has made an excellent choice in entertainers."

Dorn bowed with his usual flourish, but felt a little off-center after the song. He had played that song hundreds of times since his sister passed, but for some reason his regrets were particularly strong this night.

"Thank you, milady."

A hundred lines came to mind at that moment, more than a few tried and true, but he suddenly felt like being alone just then. And so he said nothing. And only offered the woman a friendly smile.

SupremeBeing wrote:
Even the surly Innkeeper is moved by the song, and brings Dorn a small bottle of his finest spirits. "If you're so inclined". "You're welcome to stay here and perform any time you, board, and tips included."

"The pleasure, good sir, was all mine. You are a fine patron. And this is a worthy and upstanding inn you have here. And clearly you are a man rich in family -- treasure that," he told him sounding somber all of the sudden.

He gently took the bottle. "Now, if you would kindly show me to a room, I would like to retire. It's been a long road today."

Once he was settled he sat staring at the bottle.

"It's a bad habit to drink alone," he said softly aloud.

He drank half the bottle anyway.

Female High Elf Level 1 Wizard

Narwa watched as the room emptied, both during the song and after. She gave the bard a polite smile and nod as he left, as he seemed to be the last aside from the herself.

Once it was just her and Elsa, she bayd the barmaid good evening, and retired to her own room.

And I assume we'll roll into the morning tomorrow?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

So morning dawns with the spell of cooked pork, and herbs drifting from downstairs to waken Narwa, Dorn, Zannor, and Tycandus.

Tycandus and Narwaz>


You both had the dream last night. You both have one level of exhaustion. (Disadvantage on all ability checks) till you get a good long rest. For this you both receive one inspiration point.

Vaon didn't sleep quite as well, but is still rested, and Bors is glad that he had the forethought to run a nail through his sleeve into the roof, as he rolled during the night and would have rolled off. He awakens a bit stiff, but otherwise fine.

Soon everyone meets for a delicious breakfast to discuss the plans for the day.

Bors and Vaon> It would cost 3 cp if you wish to enjoy the meal of brains, eggs, and grits with red-eye gravy.

Zannor> Perception Check DC-15


Since your room was in between Tycandus and Narwaz, you heard both of them tossing and screaming in the night. Obviously a nightmare. And both of them have the red eyes, and physical signs of fatigue.

Cantrips, 1st 5/5
HP 18/18 | AC 13 ff13 t10| Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +3 | Init +7 | Perc +5, low-light | crossbow +4(1d8) crit 19
Male Human Sorcerer 2; 1,300xp | 26.88gp | Effects: None

Dorn awoke that morning feeling a bit hungover, but not too severely. He used a minor illusion to create a mirror. And then groomed himself with a few doses of magic. He put on a set of fine clothes and added a small dab of perfume.

"Never an excuse not to look your best," he said aloud as he dropped the illusion.

"Good morning, one and all!" he greeted everyone warmly.

-Posted with Wayfinder

HP 24/24 INIT: +3 / AC: 14/16(shield) / PassPerc:14 / STR:+5, CON +5

Bor had been up since dawn tending to the other stalls in the morning twilight. His newly tattered shirt hung from a nail as he deftly handled and organized harnesses, hay bales, wagon parts and other miscellany. He filled a trough with water from a nearby well and dipped his head in a crude attempt to wash away the evening.

He gathered his gear. A bottle of oil used for treating saddles had been discovered in a crevice of one stall. It worked just as well on leather armor giving it a supple rejuvenation. He donned the armor and topped it with his newly torn shirt. Sleeves rolled to the elbow, Bor shored up his belts and sheaths, checked the truth of his arrows and the edge of his sword. His pack portrayed a preparedness for almost any situation with all manner of tool and instrument strapped to it.

He hoisted the pack easily with one hand and gathered sword, shield and unstrung bow in the other and headed inside. Tracking the scents of breakfast newly made was easy even for the fighter.

The sight of his new companions gave him pause. Attempting to remember any potentially embarrassing actions he might have made the night before but as the tavern was still standing it couldn't have been all that bad.

"Good Morning to all!"

As he ate and lightened his purse a little further, "How were your sleeps? We should plan provisions for a long journey and set off before the noon sun heightens. The High Road can also be a hot road if I've heard correctly."

Male 1/2 Elf Eldritch Knight/2, AC 18, Passive Perception 10, HP 21/21, Init +2

Tycandus made his way blearily down the stairs, rubbing at the back of his neck and covering a yawn. With little sleep to be had last night, he was feeling the effects of it now. He laid down a few silver pieces in gratitude to the barkeep when the keep pushed a cup of Khave his way.

Making his way out into the sunlight, and shading his eyes a bit, he spotted Bor, and Dorn and gave a half-hearted wave, and although his brain told his mouth to say good morning, the whole came out came out as a muffled "Gmrng"

He shook his head swiftly and looked over to the merchant costers. They may not be heading towards Greenest, but Tycandus was certain that they would at least know where the city was, and could give directions.

Cantrips, 1st 5/5
HP 18/18 | AC 13 ff13 t10| Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +3 | Init +7 | Perc +5, low-light | crossbow +4(1d8) crit 19
Male Human Sorcerer 2; 1,300xp | 26.88gp | Effects: None

We have leads saying to hit the local trading posts: Barthen's Provisions and Lionshield Costner. That should get us directions to Greenest.

-Posted with Wayfinder

AC 15 Init +4 pass perc 13 hps 17/17 Inspiration 1/1 str-1, dex+4, con+1, int+2, wis+1, cha+0 arrows 24/24

Vano slipped out of the hayloft and wandered into the inn, picking bits of straw and hay out of his hair and clothes. It wasn't the most restful night he'd ever spent, but it was far from the worst. He smiled at the others as he pulled up a stool at the bar and counted out three coppers for the morning meal.

"If some go to Barthen's and some to Costner, we can meet back here and compare notes," he says, and stuffs himself on brains, eggs and grits. He tastes the gravy and then carefully, while nobody's looking, slips another copper onto the bar.

"Did you try this?" he says to Tycandus, pointing at what had been a full plate of food. "It's as good as anything in Waterdeep, I'll tell you that much."

Prayers come with the dawn, first and foremost to her Goddess but secondly a formal request to the Morninglord for aid as well. The messages are uncomplicated and taken from the prayer book of the Safeheart.

Perception check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Zennor keeps his thoughts to herself for now and descends ready and packed. For a dwarf her movements are rather graceful, especially since she is unarmoured. She takes a seat quietly so as not to disturb the others then tucks into the breakfast - leaving the meat to one side.

Later she pays and waits for others to finish. Taking in the rough countenances of some present, Zennor decides that action may be wisest.

"I intend to go to the Lionshield Coster and ask for directions. Anyone care to come too?"

HP 24/24 INIT: +3 / AC: 14/16(shield) / PassPerc:14 / STR:+5, CON +5
Zennor wrote:

"I intend to go to the Lionshield Coster and ask for directions. Anyone care to come too?"

Bor looks up from his plate and swallows the last bite, "I'll accompany you young lady. I may be of some assistance in procuring necessary gear and information... and well, I'd like to see more of this town."

Female High Elf Level 1 Wizard

Narwa takes time waking, and preparing herself for the day - despite not getting restful sleep, she does everything she can to hide the fact she is fatigued. After making sure all of her components and her crystal focus are in her pouch, and the last remains of her coin are in their much smaller belt pouch, she takes her quarterstaff and makes her way down into the commonhall.

Deception roll for making herself look pretty pretty even though she should look dead and fatigued? 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

The elven woman is friendly with the staff of the roadhouse, ordering breakfast with some sort of caffeinated drink(or strongly sugared drink, spacing out if coffee-like drinks exist in this setting ATM), listening to the conversation of the newcomers.

"Where might you all be headed? I travelled here from Neverwinter, and I've travelled quite a bit previously," Narwa comments as she pauses in her meal. "I may have passed whatever town you're seeking to find before."

Cantrips, 1st 5/5
HP 18/18 | AC 13 ff13 t10| Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +3 | Init +7 | Perc +5, low-light | crossbow +4(1d8) crit 19
Male Human Sorcerer 2; 1,300xp | 26.88gp | Effects: None

I've read more than a couple FR books where coffee is a thing. Probably imported straight from Maztica.

Okay, just googled Maztica to make sure that I had the proper spelling. It might not be there anymore. Fricking Spellplague, man.

"The town of Greenest. It seems to be a popular destination among dubious, adventuring ne'er do wells ," Dorn replied goodnaturedly.

"I'll also come with you to the Lionshield. The name alone is just so - evocative. Should be fun."

AC 15 Init +4 pass perc 13 hps 17/17 Inspiration 1/1 str-1, dex+4, con+1, int+2, wis+1, cha+0 arrows 24/24

Vano gives the elven woman a nod and looks at the others.

"Trouble is, none of us know how to get to Greenest," he explains, and then turns to Bor, Dorn and Zennor. "If you're all off to the Lionshield place, I'll head for Barthen and see what I can discover."

Zennor stops as the elven woman interjects her question and waits for the others to finish, nodding to Bor, Dorn and Vanoe'dae as they reply. Then she takes a moment to weigh up the new arrival.

Insight roll 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

But elves are hard for a dwarf to read, especially one from the mountains. Or is it that this one can cover her thoughts very well indeed.

"I am blunt because if its far then we are wasting walking time. Need provisions and maybe information on the lay of the land and the threats along the way so talking with the Coster may happen too. Its all time away from the march. So as one stranger to another, they call me Zennor and these are my companions to Greenest. Do you know the way there?"

Male 1/2 Elf Eldritch Knight/2, AC 18, Passive Perception 10, HP 21/21, Init +2

Tycandus smiles at Vano's offer of the food, "Thanks, Vano, I'm just not sure my stomach will handle that at the moment. My sleep was troubled and I'm still trying to wake myself.

He grins a bit at Zennor's approach, "Zennor's already taken care of her introduction, let me fill you in on the rest. The large, well weaponed man is Bor, our observant one in the dark is Vano, Dorn is the entertainer, and I am Tycandus. Any information you might have about Greenest would be welcome. The best I can tell you is that it's a ways south. Which I'm afraid isn't much. So we're going to provision ourselves as we can, and see if any of the merchants have wagons heading that way that we can travel along with. He looks at his new companions, "If we're all travelling in the same direction, I don't see why another hand wouldn't be helpful and welcome. I've always thought 6 was a luckier number than 5 anyway." Tycandus produces a slightly oversized coin from a pocket in his cloak and flips it idly in the air.

Female High Elf Level 1 Wizard

Narwa watched the others, listening as they explained themselves and introduced themselves and each other to her. Her eyebrow arched slightly, her head tilting as they spoke of Greenest and their lack of information about the town, a curious expression forming on her features.

"Well met, everyone. My name is Narwa, and I have been quietly trying to find what I could about the same place as well," the elven woman replied. "Though I've only been here a short time longer than any of you, I've not found much. I chose to recover a bit from my journey and to equip myself a bit more before truly digging into my investigations."

She pauses, and looks towards Vanoe'adae with a soft, charming smile, nodding to the other High Elf as she finished her meal and set down her fork and knife. She motioned to Elsa, paying for her meal, then reached for her staff.

"If you don't mind the company, Vano, I shall join you in visiting Barthen's Provisions," Narwa says smoothly, smiling once again at the other High Elf.

Zennor takes off with Bor and Dorn, with a promise to meet back in the Inn in an hour or so. She gets directions to the southern end of town and waits for the Coster with the blue lion in open up.

"I need rations as well. Its been a long march down here. Do you belong to any college or fraternity Dorn. You play and sing so well I would have thought some noble would have snapped you up with his patronage?"

AC 15 Init +4 pass perc 13 hps 17/17 Inspiration 1/1 str-1, dex+4, con+1, int+2, wis+1, cha+0 arrows 24/24

"What?" Vano says. "Yes, I don't mind... I mean, no, you can.... I'd be happy to have your company. Narwa. I'm Vano ... as you know. Pleasure to meet you."

He decides his mouth is better occupied finishing off the last drop of coffee in his cup, and then he hops off the stool and smiles.

"Off to Barthen's, then. Hopefully, someone will know where Greenest is." He frowns, puzzled. Nearly his whole life had been spent in Waterdeep. He is still getting used to the idea of how big and empty the world outside the walls is. Big enough that a whole town can be lost in it.

Cantrips, 1st 5/5
HP 18/18 | AC 13 ff13 t10| Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +3 | Init +7 | Perc +5, low-light | crossbow +4(1d8) crit 19
Male Human Sorcerer 2; 1,300xp | 26.88gp | Effects: None

"Zennor, I will have you know that I was tossed out of one of the finest bard colleges in all of Waterdeep," he said with a smile.

"And there were a few offers," he admitted. "But I'm not exactly looking for a life of ease and luxory. I made a vow, a long time ago. And I can't fulfill it if I'm entertaining children in some noble's manor."

-Posted with Wayfinder

HP 24/24 INIT: +3 / AC: 14/16(shield) / PassPerc:14 / STR:+5, CON +5

The air was crisp this day unlike previous. The streets were coming alive with the noise of chores and business. Bor walked tall with head laid back into interlaced fingers, elbows splayed wide. He listened to the other two converse about occupational learning and such and felt confident that the decision to accompany these new acquaintances was going to be tale-worthy.

He smiled wide and jogged to catch up ...

Male 1/2 Elf Eldritch Knight/2, AC 18, Passive Perception 10, HP 21/21, Init +2

Tycandus walks a ways with the others, before heading to where any merchant wagons would be stowed, and also looks for any militia that might be around to ask in both locations about travel south towards or to Greenest.

"I'll go check with the wagon masters and the militia. They're usually pretty well versed on where everyone is going."

"A vow? I can understand how thin noble blood can be. We dwarves are proud of our ancestors but some of their children are not so blessed. I think you would do well at whatever you set your mind to. With all that talent, I am intrigued. Hopefully you can share your oath with me one day."

Zennor looks back at Bor catching up and slows a little to allow the huge man to catch up. Not difficult with his long legs. She moves more like a prowling bear, solid and loping easily.

Six of us seems a lucky number. There is a small town somewhere out there that is threatened by wyrms. I wonder how quick'y we can get to them and help protect the poor folks. I feel their pain.

Female High Elf Level 1 Wizard
Vanoe'adae wrote:

"What?" Vano says. "Yes, I don't mind... I mean, no, you can.... I'd be happy to have your company. Narwa. I'm Vano ... as you know. Pleasure to meet you."

He decides his mouth is better occupied finishing off the last drop of coffee in his cup, and then he hops off the stool and smiles.

"Off to Barthen's, then. Hopefully, someone will know where Greenest is." He frowns, puzzled. Nearly his whole life had been spent in Waterdeep. He is still getting used to the idea of how big and empty the world outside the walls is. Big enough that a whole town can be lost in it.

The elven woman nods as she moves to follow Vano out of the roadhouse, still smiling charmingly.

"It's always possible this Greenest was destroyed in the Spellplague, or one of the many aftermaths that occurred in its wake, and that's why no one recalls where it is," Narwa said as they made their way to Barthen's, using the quarterstaff like a walking stick, despite showing no need to do so. "There were so many incidents of destruction during and afterward, even recently with the strange events related to the machinations of the Gods, people don't always keep track of which town had what horrific incident."

She paused as they neared the provisioner's shop, lowering her voice some.

"And once a place is gone, and travellers stop speaking of it, people simply forget as they hear of other places and carry on with their lives," she concluded, "unless they have some personal tie to the location, they have no reason to keep track of it without fresh news."

All of this rather dire information was delivered with a rather calm and serene expression, and an even toned voice. She even gave Vano another charming smile as they drew even closer to the provisioner's shop.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Finally home. I'll get a post up tonight (I apologize for the delay. Always tough when it's a new game, but glad to see that you carried the day :-))

Let me first clear up a few things about both Phandalin, and Greenest.

First Phandalin. It's a small frontier town, built on the ruins of an old town. It's claim to fame are the mines of the Sword Mountains. It is not on a trade route, and caravans do not pass through it. There is roughly once a week a wagon, that arrives from Neverwinter, delivering supplies to here and other out of the way places. There is no Caravan yard, and only two inns, and two trading posts exist in the town. There is no militia, and only one temple. It's a very small frontier town.

Greenest. OOC its also a very small town, and located 900 miles from here, so especially with no mass communication, it's no surprise that nobody from this town knows anything about it. I'll dispense some clues later tonight when I post the encounters from the two scouted locations, but mostly you'll have to hit the road, head in that general direction, and hope that as you get closer, someone will know more... Sorry no Google maps here :-)

Male 1/2 Elf Eldritch Knight/2, AC 18, Passive Perception 10, HP 21/21, Init +2

Tycandus waits for the others to come back, and can see from their rather dour looks that nobody was very successful in getting any information on where this town was.

"Well, it looks like none of us was very successful in getting more information. I guess all that's left is for us to just start walking south, hope we catch wind of the place, hope we can catch up with some sort of caravan or something that will help us travel south faster. Looks like we're on foot and on our own."

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Narwa and Vano> At Barthen's Provisions...


Barthen's is the biggest trading post in Phandalin. It's shelves stock mostly ordinary goods and supplies. The place is open from sunup to sundown. Barthen's does not stock weapons or armor, but characters can purchase other goods here. (Less than 25gp). Characters in need of Weapons or armor are directed to the LIonshield Coster.

The proprietor is Elmar Barthen, a lean and balding human male shopkeeper of about fifty years with a kindly manner. He employees a couple of young clerks (Ander and Thistle) who help load and unload wagons, and who help customers when Barthen is not around.

When you arrive they just finished unloading the wagon, and are loading it with some locally made honey, and finished wood furniture.

When the characters inquire about Greenest he pulls a map from under the counter, and begins to inspect it with a large magnifying lens. After some moments he perks up. "Ah"! "Here it is". "I knew I'd seen that name before...I'm a sort of student of maps, especially of the Sword Coast". "It seems to be a long way from here however. I'd head to Baldors Gate to see if you can collect any more information". "Or maybe to Scornubel, it's even closer". "Why would you want to go there"?

Do you want to discuss anything else with the trader, or purchase anything?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Nennor, Bor, and Dorn> Lionshield Coster

Hanging above the front door of this modest trading post is a sign shaped like a wooden shield with a blue lion painted on it.


This building is owned by the Lionshields, a merchant company based in the city of Yartar, over a hundred miles to the east. They ship finished goods to Phandalin and other small settlements throughout the region,but this outpost has been hit hard by banditry. The most recent Lionshield shipment due in Phandalin never arrived.

The master of the Phandalin post is a sharp tohgued human woman of thirty-five named Linene Graywind. She knows that bandits have raided Lionshield caravans, but she doesn't know who is responsible.

In a back room Linene keeps a supply of armor and weapons all of which are for sale to interested buyers.

When asked about Greenest she consults a log book of transactions for the Lionshield merchant company. She fines a reference to Greenest as a small town on the Uldoon Trail...the most direct road between the eastern cities of the Dragon Coast, Cormyr, and Sembia, with the Coast way running south to the great cities of Amn, Tethyr, and far Calimshan. Many caravans pass through this town bringing gold, but it has few recources, and is mainly just a stop on the journey. The name Dunn Parpet is listed as a good place to rest the animals, and park the wagons for the night, at a fair price. In a footnote it mentions that the candied hummingbirds offered here are delicious if a bit expensive.

If you wish to shop, or explore any other leads / stories please feel free to do so.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........



At some time during the morning, you realize that a small scrap of paper has been discreetly slipped into your pocket. When you read it, it reads thus... The Redbrands run this town.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........



You go off looking for a merchant caravan, or city militia, but find out quickly just how small this town is. You do run across another small trading post, called "The Phandalin Miner's Exchange", but it is closed at the moment. In addition some places of note are a small but new Shrine of Tymora, and another more rundown inn called the Sleeping Giant. The Sleeping Giant, has a couple of tough's out front who watch you intently as you walk around. The largest building in town is the Townmasters Hall, which seems to be locked up at the moment as well. In addition you do notice a large manor...almost a castle at the East end of town.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Please state any other things you want to do / accomplish before meeting back at the Inn around 10:00 am.

You can adventure in town a while, or just hit the road and begin the trip south.

Much of the way south is among well traveled trade routes, and there are several large cities along the way. We can go through this travel as quickly or as slowly as you'd like. I can narrate what you come across as you travel, and if you want to pause and investigate something, just let me know.

AC 15 Init +4 pass perc 13 hps 17/17 Inspiration 1/1 str-1, dex+4, con+1, int+2, wis+1, cha+0 arrows 24/24

I have no idea who the redbrands are. Unless I'm told otherwise, I'll assume that Vano also has no idea.

"We've got a friend there," Vano says to Elmar. He turns to Narwa and gives her a friendly, familiar smile. Hopefully, she'll play along. "It's been a long time since we've seen him, and, well, he's getting on in years." He looks at the map in some dismay. They're even further from Greenest than they are from Waterdeep, and it took him forever to get here from there.

"It seems we've a long journey ahead of us. I suppose we'll need some supplies. Food and such." He shakes out a handful of copper and silver coins into his hand and frowns. "Well, I suppose we'll hunt on the road. But how much are your rations here?"

At work so I'll sort out the shopping details when I get home to the PHB.

Zennor stops briefly when Bor opens his mouth to speak. But the frown and sudden stop of anything resembling speech followed by him slamming the mouth shut ends that.

At least there was no belch. I wonder if he knows that in some dwarven clans the belch is considered a challenge to arms.

Zennor enters the Coster and explains the situation, the directions that follow make her frown a little. Ontharr would surely have mentioned the distance and that 900 miles is quickest negotiated by ship not dwarven foot. She examines the rations and other bits and pieces while Linene waits and wipes clean a bottle.

Joking she asks, "is there a wizard in town with spells to get us there quickly? Or a magic device that heads for Greenest?"

"No, I joke. By Beshaba that is not what I expected. You don't happen to know of a wagon or caravan heading south soon, Mistress Linene? I do not mind working my passage as a guard and healer. Or where can we get six horses, perhaps five and a pony would be better?"

SB, is it right that we will get no xp for the 900 mile journey before the adventure starts?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Vanoe'adae wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

"We've got a friend there," Vano says to Elmar. He turns to Narwa and gives her a friendly, familiar smile. Hopefully, she'll play along. "It's been a long time since we've seen him, and, well, he's getting on in years." He looks at the map in some dismay. They're even further from Greenest than they are from Waterdeep, and it took him forever to get here from there.

"It seems we've a long journey ahead of us. I suppose we'll need some supplies. Food and such." He shakes out a handful of copper and silver coins into his hand and frowns. "Well, I suppose we'll hunt on the road. But how much are your rations here?"



My bad. Disregard. That should have been for a different character. Still learning the characters ;-)

"Ah I see". "He must be a dear friend indeed to travel so far". He then laughs in a friendly manner. Our traveling rations go for 3 SP for a days worth". He then pulls out a semi heavy sack full of dried fruit, dried meat, and a hunk of cheese wrapped in another cloth.

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