
Dorn Kindleheart's page

174 posts. Alias of wicked_raygun.

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I may be a minority here, but i am liking the new spells so far. Mostly I am looking at from the fact that enchament/illusions spells are now more viable. Yeah blasting may be bit weak at low levels but I also at least in my mind it is more viable at higher levels as resitance/immunity took a major nerf as far as monster are concenred.

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What makes this worse in my option is general training, if taken for every ancerstery feat, can double the amout of general feats avaible to the charcter

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Voss wrote:
Colette Brunel wrote:
As another example of usage of human ancestry feats, a low-level sorcerer or wizard could take General Training for Armor Proficiency, thus saving themselves the trouble of having to cast mage armor.
You're going to need to explain why that's bad.

I think it is more that they can do preatty darn easily where other races really cant do that, or if they do they have to give up there general feat to do it type of thing.

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I agree. Given the nature of the system, granting class and general feats makes human/half elfs and half orcs way better then they outta be. I can see a single general feat at once, but being able to take it mutible times is way out of line in my option. Also yes I do beleive dwarfs are in need of a sprucing up to make them on par with the rest of the races.

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The way I see it Multiclassing will work.

You have a level 14 human who is 10 level fighter and 4 levels rougue. you level up to 15 and decide to take another level in rogue. Now you qualify for another class feat. You can ethier choose to take any feat a level 5 rogue can or you could take anything a level 10 fighter can. I doubt there will be way to gain both at the same time, your just going to be able to pick and choose what you want between however many classes you choose to take.

I also don't see it being possible to trade out general or skill feats for more class feats. Pazio seems to be treating these feat types as different currencies and dont think you will be able to trade out as you like between them, if you could I see you running into the skill feats will never get picked conundrum.

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I am 100 percent a okay with this type of monk, the push for more modulartiy in PF2 is definitely a giving these guys a much needed buff in my option.

I am also not super worried about the ac as the way I see monks should not nessarly be standing in one spot and getting wailed on. The monks are going to be fast and the fact that Attack of oppurtinty are no longer standard means these guys can be duck in and out of combat. With the the new action econemy they can move, punch, then move out again and not nessarly get a AOO.

Something to think about I think

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193) will PF2 teach me the true meaning of love

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Also I will say very impressed with this class preview. I am loving that now counterspelling will be easier then ever as it might mean I use the the darn thing. No more of the clunky sacarficing your one action to do it in the hopes that they cast a spell you can counter.

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Charlaquin wrote:
Love no most of what I’m seeing here. One thing I don’t care for is critical failure on a save against Phantamal killer forcing you to make a second save. Just feels kind of clunky to me.

Phantamal killer always had a second saving throw vs now you only have to fail one saving throw for it to do something

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Hmmm it seems to me that the alchemist is going to be one of those "we are really going to see the system before making a judgement on classes". The rehaul of alchemy items does excite me as I always found it sad that it was pretty much ignored in the old system except as a thing yo sometime found on monsters. Also remember archtypes are going to be in this book day one so there could well be a melee focused archetype day one. We do have the public playtest, so for those of you who are feeling a bit gloomy, we will get our chance voice our objections once we get a better look at the picture.

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Occultist have a absurd amount of diversity to the point you can easily have a balanced party using nothing but occultists, especially if you are including archetypes. They can heal,buff,do nukes, skill monkey and be a front line fighter.

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White necromances are though are the ones that dont raise the dead. Specifically because undead are evil. What they can do though is use a lot of necromancy spells such as turn undead and finger of death

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