Supreme Being's Savage Conan PbP (Inactive)

Game Master scranford

Savage Swords and Sorcery in Hyboria.

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Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

HI guys. Sorry about the delay. End of the year has been crazy, and I've got some travel coming up next week. I haven't given up on this game as it's enjoyable, but will be putting it on Hiatus until after the first of the year. Hopefully you guys will stick with me when I pick things up again.

Aquilonian Bounty Hunter, 5 Bennies/ Pace: 6, Parry: 8, Toughness: 9(2), Charisma: 1 0 Wound

Thanks for letting us know. I have no problem with the pace of the game. I’m enjoying the setting, story, and RP with my fellow players.

Ophiri Thief Ag:d8 Smt:d8 Spt: d8 Str: d4 Vig :d4 Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 4 Bennies :3/3

Yup, take whatever time you need. See you in the new year!

I'll be here as well. Really enjoying the game. Happy holidays and a happy new year!

Just dropping in to wish everyone a happy new year! Tomorrow I'll be heading home and will be able to pick up posting once more.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Finally getting caught up, and new post will be up by tomorrow at the latest. Hopefully everyone had a nice holiday, and all are still here!

Human (Nemedian) Male Novice XP 5 | Agl d8 Sma d8 Spi d6 Str d6 Vig d6 | Pace 6 Parry 8* Tough 6 Cha 0 | Notice d6 | Staff d10 (Str+d4), +1 to *Parry | Luna 66 | Bennies 3, BB 0, GB 0 | Status Normal
Supreme Being wrote:


Fell free to determine what you would have been carrying, and what was stolen. I'll give you a benny for putting yourself in this situation.

I think you meant this "Septimilius."

Human (Nemedian) Male Novice XP 5 | Agl d8 Sma d8 Spi d6 Str d6 Vig d6 | Pace 6 Parry 8* Tough 6 Cha 0 | Notice d6 | Staff d10 (Str+d4), +1 to *Parry | Luna 66 | Bennies 3, BB 0, GB 0 | Status Normal

I'm good with Mirian's suggestion on Guard duty. Once Demetrio has satisfied his curiosity about the Crone, he would be happy to take the day shift to allow his comrades more time in the city with the markets open.

Human (Nemedian) Male Novice XP 5 | Agl d8 Sma d8 Spi d6 Str d6 Vig d6 | Pace 6 Parry 8* Tough 6 Cha 0 | Notice d6 | Staff d10 (Str+d4), +1 to *Parry | Luna 66 | Bennies 3, BB 0, GB 0 | Status Normal

SB: What I want to do is with my 366 Silver Luna, purchase Turanian Mail for 100 Silvers from the Savage Sword of Conan (p.12). And I'll be selling my leather armor from SWD for 1/2 price which would be 25 Luna.

Do I need to make a Streetwise roll to find it? If so can I recruit Mirian or Barnabas to do it for me? :-)

If this is Kosher, SB, let me know and I'll update my character sheet.

The Turanian Mail weighs 15 pounds -- the same as my leather armor -- and is a +3 Armor bonus as opposed to the +1 from current armor.

Ophiri Thief Ag:d8 Smt:d8 Spt: d8 Str: d4 Vig :d4 Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 4 Bennies :3/3

Going to be travelling the next couple of days to Florida, visiting with family then off to Disney World for 4 days, then travelling back home.

So posting might get spotty at times, should have a connection everywhere, just might be too busy having fun with the family :)

Bot me if necessary, please.

Human (Nemedian) Male Novice XP 5 | Agl d8 Sma d8 Spi d6 Str d6 Vig d6 | Pace 6 Parry 8* Tough 6 Cha 0 | Notice d6 | Staff d10 (Str+d4), +1 to *Parry | Luna 66 | Bennies 3, BB 0, GB 0 | Status Normal

Have fun, man.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Aquilonian Bounty Hunter, 5 Bennies/ Pace: 6, Parry: 8, Toughness: 9(2), Charisma: 1 0 Wound

I like the hinderances Septimilius has. Thanks for the reminder though that they are removable with xp. Another thing he can “lose” money on are charms to protect him against sorcery. i imagine them as rocks, wood, cheap metal, and bone too that ward against evil eyes, blood magic, etc. Of course they don’t work so he spends a good amount of his money convinced the next one will. Or maybe that they do provide a low level of protection (not in any game mechanic sense of course) but he is just unlucky enough to run into some intense situations. Good use of using medical treatments to divest him of coin too.

Human (Nemedian) Male Novice XP 5 | Agl d8 Sma d8 Spi d6 Str d6 Vig d6 | Pace 6 Parry 8* Tough 6 Cha 0 | Notice d6 | Staff d10 (Str+d4), +1 to *Parry | Luna 66 | Bennies 3, BB 0, GB 0 | Status Normal

It's kind of funny that we keep expecting Mirian to be all thievy. When she's clearly a fighter, to use a class description, if you look at her character sheet.

Ophiri Thief Ag:d8 Smt:d8 Spt: d8 Str: d4 Vig :d4 Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 4 Bennies :3/3

K, I'm back! Had a great time in Florida, back to regular posting...
thanks for your patience.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Barnabas Nossa wrote:

K, I'm back! Had a great time in Florida, back to regular posting...

thanks for your patience.

Great! Welcome back to the party. We're finally getting things revved back up again...

Where were you in Florida...? Disney...? I live about 45 minutes from there.

Ophiri Thief Ag:d8 Smt:d8 Spt: d8 Str: d4 Vig :d4 Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 4 Bennies :3/3

Yup. We visited my dad in Panama City Beach for a few days, then down to Disney for 4 nights....lots of fun :)


Demetrio wrote:
It's kind of funny that we keep expecting Mirian to be all thievy. When she's clearly a fighter, to use a class description, if you look at her character sheet.

That's because she's clearly an excellent thief :)

Human (Nemedian) Male Novice XP 5 | Agl d8 Sma d8 Spi d6 Str d6 Vig d6 | Pace 6 Parry 8* Tough 6 Cha 0 | Notice d6 | Staff d10 (Str+d4), +1 to *Parry | Luna 66 | Bennies 3, BB 0, GB 0 | Status Normal

Barnabas, the d4 on your damage exploded. You get to roll it again and add it to the total.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Human (Nemedian) Male Novice XP 5 | Agl d8 Sma d8 Spi d6 Str d6 Vig d6 | Pace 6 Parry 8* Tough 6 Cha 0 | Notice d6 | Staff d10 (Str+d4), +1 to *Parry | Luna 66 | Bennies 3, BB 0, GB 0 | Status Normal

Crap, sorry. I forgot I was up. Post in a minute.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

My apologies, but I'm going to have to drastically reduce the time I spend with online games for the foreseeable future. Due to an upcoming wedding, and several personal issues, I am unable to continue to efficiently post in the majority of my games. I appreciate the opportunity to game with each of you, and hope that life will eventually allow me to return to more of the games.

Again Sorry, and thanks.


Ah, that's a shame. It was fun while it lasted though.

And congratulations on the wedding! :)

Human (Nemedian) Male Novice XP 5 | Agl d8 Sma d8 Spi d6 Str d6 Vig d6 | Pace 6 Parry 8* Tough 6 Cha 0 | Notice d6 | Staff d10 (Str+d4), +1 to *Parry | Luna 66 | Bennies 3, BB 0, GB 0 | Status Normal

We understand, man. We appreciate the time you put in. And thanks for the entertainment.

Aquilonian Bounty Hunter, 5 Bennies/ Pace: 6, Parry: 8, Toughness: 9(2), Charisma: 1 0 Wound

Good luck! I’m sorry to see the game conclude. It was fun and very enjoyable. Plus, I got to play Savage Worlds for the first time. Thank you!!

Ophiri Thief Ag:d8 Smt:d8 Spt: d8 Str: d4 Vig :d4 Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 4 Bennies :3/3

Too bad ,but gratz on the wedding.

Thanks for the opportunity to play , it was quite enjoyable.

No need to say sorry. We all appreciate you giving us notice and not just disappearing.

Take care and hope to see you again!

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