Strange Aeons (Inactive)

Game Master nomadicc

That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.
- H.P. Lovecraft

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Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

Does he have a key?

Aenian shouts out,

"So what are you gonna do if we make a racket?"

Ven hears Aenian call out to the thing in its own language. It walks over to peer at Aenian through the grate.

"Melisenn wishes you alive, for now, but she made no requirements for you to keep your tongues"

The fish-man clicks his talons together in a tic-tac pattern and licks his toothy maw.

Aenian, you are at 1 hp, FYI.

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

Does it have a key?

Not that you can see.

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Ven will taunt the creature the best he can. "Hey fish guts, I got something for you in here!"

He blasts the creature with a magic missile and then backs away from the door.

damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 2) + 2 = 5

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

"Ya gotta get it out of my mouth first."

Aenian spits at the beast through the crack.

Aenian's spit ball hits the creature square in the nose. It appears hardly perturbed, licking slowly at the saliva with a long, wormy tongue.

Then Ven blasts it with magic missiles. It recoils, snarling some curse in its tongue, then walks out the door to the side.

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Ven calls out to Aenian through the gate, "What now? Can you pick your lock?"

He gives the door a kick to check how sturdy it is.

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

"Lemme look around this cell shortly ... which room are you in? I'll send you some light ... stick your arm out the window."

If Aenian can see Venn, he will send a dancing light his way.

Searching the room for something he can improvise thieves tools with.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20

You're in adjacent cells, you have no LoS to each other. I failed to mention earlier, but you are stripped of all weapons, armor and gear obviously.

Ven bounces off the sturdy cell door. As far as he can tell, it is locked and barred from the far side.

Aenian looks around the cell but finds it empty but for the chamber pot. The door across the cell block is remains open. You hear a clink of chains, and you can partially make out what appears to be someone hanging by their arms.

Map updated...

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

I'll still out the dancing light as close to Venns cell as possible.

"Oi, you! Hanging there. What are you about?"

Female Changeling Spiritualist 3

Initially there is no response from the other prisoner, but the chains clink again. After a few moments, a familiar voice responds. "Ae-Aenian?" Winter asks, groggy and disoriented.

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Ven responds with surprise. "Winter, what are you doing here? Did Melisenn capture you also? Lowls is going to pay for this. Any ideas on how we can get out of here?"

Female Changeling Spiritualist 3

"I... I don't know," she replies, sounding dazed. "I was jumped on the street. I was on my way to meet you at the Sleepless Agency."

"I'm chained to the ceiling. I tried to get Autumn to break me out, but they beat me senseless when I try. Trillis Mavaine is in here with me, but she's been unconscious, maybe in a coma."

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

[B]"We need to get out of these cells and recover our stuff. We may be able to help you. Tell us what you've observed. Do you have any spells left you can cast?"[/b)

like liberating command ...

Female Changeling Spiritualist 3

As she talks, she steadily becomes more awake and vigorous. "I've been in this cell block since I woke up. The deep ones have a leader -- a sorcerer I believe -- calls itself Itsquaal-Thoal. And there's something else, a humanoid ooze.? I don't know... I never got a good look at it."

"No spells... I might be able to call Autumn, but I need an uninterrupted minute. But I'm in no condition to fight anything."

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Ven sighs, "I may be able to charm a guard into letting us go, but I don't speak whatever infernal tongue that fishguts speaks. We may have to wait and see what they want from us. If they we're going to kill us, they would have done so by now."

A hint...

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

"Start calling Autumn, Ven and I will distract the guard should it return."

Winter starts her ritual, drawing on the intense emotions of her half-sister's life and death in a ritual summoning. Even from the next room, you sense waves of jealousy and bitter anger.

The door at the end of the cell block opens and the fish-man returns, now carrying a wand and a long dagger.

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1


"Heya fish man, you coming to answer my challenge? You're gonna need more than a stick and a kitchen tool. I'm ready!"

Aenian will move the dancing light over to bob right in front of the gaoler.

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Ven will summon his dark half as he calls out to the guard. "Came back for more, eh Fishguts?

He blasts him again with another magic missile.

damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 1) + 2 = 5; +1 bleed

"The knife is for your tongue. The wand is for your friend."

The creature ignores the dancing lights, waving his arm through them as if they were a swarm of flies. The distraction gives Ven a moment to blast it with another volley of missiles. It snarls viciously then raises the wand and retaliates with force missiles of his own.

Magic missile vs Ven: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 2) + 2 = 5


M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Ven collapses unconscious and bleeding.

stabilization check: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (7) - 4 = 3

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

Aenian will smash himself up against the wall out online of sight.

Stealth: 1d20 ⇒ 17

I'm assuming you missed the +9 modifier...

After Ven gets blasted to the floor, Aenian ducks and hides in the corner beside the door. There is heavy breathing at the grate for a few moments, then the fish man laughs.

"You use your mouth and scurry at the first sight of..."

A loud metal clank and thump, then the cell door opens with a squeak.

Autumn steps in, flexing her fists. "I assume you wanted to get out of here."

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

Disarm Wand: 1d20 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 3 + (4) = 13

Aenian goes in quickly hoping the gailer doesnt spy him and tries to wrest the wand out of his grasp.

Aenian slips past Autumn and into the room... and finds the fish man lying on the floor, black blood pooling around its head.

"You're welcome," Autumn quips.

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

"Huh, that was quick." Aenian looks up to see if Winter is still on the wall and then quickly grabs the dagger, wand and keys and goes to Ven to stabilize him.

"Get Winter out, quickly ... and thanks, you're a lifesaver"

Autumn smiles grimly then moves to free Winter. Aenian grabs the gear and unlocks Ven's cell. There are no keys, just a mechanical lever barring the door. He is able to stabilize Ven. Winter comes to the door a minute later, wearily leaning on Autumn. Beside them is a middle-aged woman, pale blue eyes and graying, shoulder-length hair, wearing a tattered black robe and covered in bruises and abrasions.

"Don't move," the woman says, voice croaking dryly. She dabs an open wound and scribes a spiral symbol of Pharasma with the blood. Holding a hand over it, she channels healing energy over the four of you.

Channel: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 3) = 12
Channel: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 3, 5) = 14
Channel: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 4) = 16

After the third channel, she sets down on one knee, exhausted.

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

As Ven gets up, Arnian gives him the wand, "I heard the command word, it was in Aklo. Goes something like, Aggkhhhg."

Adjusting to his new surroundings he checks on Winter and then heads to the exit quietly to see if anyone else is around, dagger in hand

Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Ven rubs his head as he marvels at the wand. "This should come in handy."

He follows Aenian to the exit.

Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

How many charges on the wand?

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

Aenian checks to his right to see the other cell and if anyone is in it,

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

Missed the new priestess ...

Aenian moves in to check on the priestess, "Your holiness, any idea why they took you? We will need to move quickly and quietly. Are you able to walk? We arent out of danger, yet. And we need to find Vaustin."

Aenian checks the third cell, finding Vaustin there, bound and gagged. There is also another young man, cowering in the corner.

The priestess introduces herself as Trillis Mavaine. She shakes her head at Aenian's first query. "I'm not even sure who 'they' are, or how I got here. The last thing I remember, I was sleeping in my home. I heard a noise downstairs and got up to check. Something cowled me from behind, then... then they must have knocked me out." She winces in remembered pain. "I can walk, but I'm afraid little else."

She eyes the fallen fish-man and shudders. "What is that?"

Knowledge (nature) to identify the creature...

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Vuloo nods at the other prisoners, "Let's work together and we may still get out of here alive."

He looks down at the dead fish creature with disdain.

Knowledge, Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

"No idea, but it isnt the first strange thing we have seen here.", while he frees Vaustin, Aenian explains what happened to them on the way here to include the strange deja vu memory and the bat creatures.

Trillis and Winter listen, and the cleric shakes her head again. "Living in Thrushmoor for several years, I've heard tales of deep ones, a race of evil man-fish hybrids who dwell in the dark depths of Lake Encarthan. They are said to worship Great Old Ones or some vile abominations of the deepest waters. I would be skeptical if I were not looking at such a creature."

Vaustin thanks you for freeing him. The young man remains cowering, watching you with wide eyes.

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Ven listens at the western door before opening it up. "Let's get out of here."

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

Aenian shudders before nodding to Ven and taking point. He checks to make sure Vaustin is coming with them and isnt oberly paralyzed with fear.

I think you both might have missed a detail again. There's another man in the cell with Vaustin... they are the one who is frightened. Let's sidebar that resolution and get things moving.

Vaustin nods thanks as he regains his feet, rubbing his wrists. "Water?" he grunts with a frustrated croak. "This one was here when I woke up," he says, gesturing towards the young man.

Trillis looks into the cell and lets out a remorseful sigh. "His name is Sholn. He is a dock worker. He and his sister Holissa were orphaned a couple years ago." The cleric moves to check on the man, who eyes her warily but does not flinch away.


Leaving the cell block, the adjacent room is used for wood storage. The walls are lined with sturdy shelves laden with chopped wood. A couple of axes sit propped in the corner, and a small hatchet is driven into a stump used to split smaller logs and make kindling.

The door to the north lies open, revealing a wooden staircase going up. The southern door is heavy and metal-framed. It lies open an inch -- you hear strange voices and rummaging from beyond, and a heavy fishy stink hangs in the air.

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

Before w depart the cells

"Boy, you OK? Tell us what you've seen here."

In the next room

Aenian puts a single finger to his lips and moves to collect the axes and hatchet. He gives an axe to Vaustin and holds the other 2 out to Winter, the priestess, and the young man offering.

Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

He then moves to the metal door to listen in and see if he can see inside.

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Ven watches with trepidation as Aenian approaches the door. He tries to make out what the voices are saying.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Sholn shakes his head, makes to speak a few times but then just shakes his head again and remains silent.


Vaustin takes the axe, and Winter the hatchet. Sholn takes the second axe but remains in the back with Trillis.

Aenian sneaks up to the door and peeks through the opening. The many wooden shelves in this pantry are stacked with wooden crates, paper-wrapped packets, and small clay jars sealed with wax. Smoked trout and other dried fish hang from metal hooks fixed to the ceiling. A number of boxes and containers have been emptied and smashed, and now lie in pieces on the floor, along with discarded fish bones and other refuse.

Three of the deep ones are busy ransacking the place, speaking agitated in their gurgling alien tongue. Ven does not understand the words. Like the jailer, they are in Aklo. One tears into the side of a large smoked trout, while another is using a small pry bar to open a crate of dried figs.

"Bah! How can they eat this? This dried up thing is hardly even a fish any more," one scoffs. "I would never touch it if I were not so hungry for flesh."

"How long until we can feast on them?" another asks, nodding back towards the jail. "The young one looks quiet delicious."

"At the new moon. Then their flesh will be ours."

"Ugh, so long to wait..."

Map updated.

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

Aenian waves the others back and indicates the stairs and then heads there himself.

You quietly back away from the pantry and move up the stairs. They end in an angular hallway. The walls are of thick, blocked stone. There are three doors leaving the hall -- north, south and east -- and a shuttered arrow slit.

It is dark, but there are unlit torch sconces beside each of the doorways. A couple of small, empty crates sit the corners. You notice dirty, webbed footprints leading from the stairs to the door to the east.

Map updated.

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

Ven searches the area and then listens at each door.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Ven hears some muffled voices through the eastern door, but he cannot make out what they are saying.

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

Aenian opens the arrow slit to see if he can get a sense of where they're located and then checks the other two doors to see if they're open.

Perception North: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

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