Strange Aeons (Inactive)

Game Master nomadicc

That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.
- H.P. Lovecraft

Current Characters

Aenian Ryder

Male Half-Drow Empiricist 4 / Inspired Blade 1 (HP: 45/51 5 Dex Drain // AC: 20 (24 w/shield), T: 14, F: 14 // F: 2 R: 9 W: 5* (+2 vs death, +2 vs ench/illusions, +3 vs charm/comp) // Init: +3, Per: +14 // Know: Arc 10, Rel/Loc 11/Plane 10/Dung 9), Disable: +13; Sense: +8, Stealth: +10; // Red Dest: +10/1d6+5 Ranged: +7
  • Score: 37
  • Threshold: 4
  • Edge: 18
  • Damage: 5
  • Paranoia (DC 11)
  • Inspiration: 4/6
  • Mind Swap: 1/1
  • Panache: 2/5
  • Studied Combat: 4/4
  • Extracts: CLW / blend / shield / long arm / cat's grace 21
  • Dancing Lights: 1/1
  • Darkness: 1/1
  • Fae Fire: 1/1
  • Mut: 0/1

played by DM Fflash (572 posts)
Sir Holton

Male Human Paladin (Oath Against Fiends) 13; AC 25 (32 with SE), HP 82/(temp max 124), Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +17, Init +1, Greatsword +17/+12/+7(2d6+7/19-20x2)
Spells 3/3 3/3 2/2; 0/4 smite evils (+7/+8/+7); 0/18 LH(6d6), 0/2 DB (+2)
1st: Divine Favor, Bless, Protection vs. Evil, Lessor Restoration 2nd: Resist Energy, Inheritor's Smite, Ironskin 3rd:

played by wehrpig (1,062 posts)
High Clockmother Athenth Llanalir
Trillis Mavaine

Human Cleric of Pharasma 5; HP 26/33; AC 18; Init +0; Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +8; Spells 3/5 1st 1/4 2nd 0/3 3rd; Dagger +3/1-4+3 Wand B 38/50 Wand CLW 40/50 Wand PfE 47/50 Wand DF 49/50 CH 0/7

played by wehrpig (55 posts)
Superstitious Mercenary
Vaustin York *NPC*

Male Human Fighter 5 (HP: 11/45 (neg lev: -10/40); AC: 21; F: 6 / R: 2 / W: 4 - +1 fear; Init: +1; Per: +2; Warhammer +9/1d8+4; Light xbow +6/1d8)

played by DM Fflash (58 posts)
Ven Vega

M Samsaran Psychic (Amnesiac) 5; Perception +9, Init+1, AC 12, HP 19/34, Fort +1, Ref+2, Will +5, Crossbow +3 (1-8/x2)
Bolts: 30 Sp: 0/7 1st; 5/5 2nd PP 3/5pts DH 7/8 MM Wand 44/48
ss: 46, st: 4, se: 23

played by wehrpig (520 posts)

Current NPCs

Dawn Piper
Autumn Klaczka *DM*

played by nomadicc (10 posts)
Bear trap
DM NomadSage

played by nomadicc (5,649 posts)
Winter Klazcka
Winter Klaczka *DM*

Female Changeling Spiritualist 3

played by nomadicc (68 posts)

Previous Characters

DM Fflash

(5,909 posts)
Skeletal Technician
GM Space Nomad

In space, no one can hear you scream

played by nomadicc (408 posts)