Ven Vega |

Ven shrugs, "I'm a new recruit to Zandalus. I'm still trying to figure it all out. Anyway, we should stick to together."
He heads out into the hall to the next door. He then turns around, "Are you coming or not Jules?"
bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

DM NomadSage |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Jules furrows his brow, eyeing you both with an uneasy gaze. "'New recruit'? Don't feed me that crap. I've never seen you before now. You aren't with Zandalus... and this is not gonna go over well with him," he says, pointing at the two fallen apostles.
He sighs, still caught in the spell's compulsion. "You better get outta here. Go back to wherever you was hiding, and hope Zandalus doesn't send more of us that way. I won't be able to cover this mess for long."

Ven Vega |

Ven shrugs, "Have it your way then."
He then detects magic on the woman and searches her for anything of interest. Once complete he moves to the closest door and prepares to follow behind Aenian.

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

Aenian, who has spent some time reading over the journal and references to Zandalus in it looks up at Venn, "This Zandalus may be the source of the nightmare dreams ... it looks like they were trying to link us and cure him. Doctors may have gone the wrong direction. I fear we're going to have to learn more about him. Let's check these two unexplored areas back to the west and then take the unconscious dude back to Winter and see what we can get out of him."
Aenian waves at the eastern door and the pool of blood in front of it, "I'd like to heal up before we go towards that."
I see a door to the west in the room south of us (which we need to search as well) and a door back in the slime hallway ... did the hallway extend to the west beyond the slime trail?

Ven Vega |

Ven nods, "Yes, this Zandalus sounds like trouble. Perhaps Winter will know more."
Ven opens both of the remaining doors in turn - the one at the end of the hall and the one in the room.

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

-Posted with Wayfinder

DM NomadSage |

@ Aenian: The unopened room back in the slime area is "Ratch's room", according to Ginny Two-tails. The corridor does not go further west due to a collapse.
After the combat, I did not go back and describe the open rooms. Roll20 map updated with labels.
Personal Effects Storage
The room to the north, where Jules and his unconscious apostle companion are currently, is a storage room filled with several racks of cluttered boxes and sprawling collections of haphazard junk, apparently the personal effects of Briarstone's many inpatients. As you entered, the second apostle was busy ransacking the contents.
Records Room
The southern room, from which the female apostle emerged, has several rows of matching cabinets. Many of the drawers are open and their contents--volumes’ worth of stray parchments--blanket the floor, apparently the work of the dead apostle.
The strong door on the west wall appears to be locked.

Ven Vega |

Ven will detect magic in both rooms and will perform cursory searches.
Perception, Storage Room: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Perception, Records Room: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
He then points to the locked door. "Aenian, can you pick the lock?"

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

"Yup, sure can," Aenian replies darting a look at the pooling blood as he moves hurriedly away from it.
Check for Traps first!: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Disable: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

"Guess I can't, actually," Aenian looks forlornly at the lock.
"We can break it down or look for a key. Someone must have a key, right? This was a working hospital before it went crazy. One of the doctors, maybe?"
On a whim, the half elf tries the ring of keys they used to escape the prison cells.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

"Or I could just try again ..."
Disable: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
"..and again."
Disable: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

DM NomadSage |

Ven detects no magic auras in his cursory search. The contents of the personal effects room appear to be mostly clothing and assorted small items turned in by inmates upon arrival. A thorough search might turn up something valuable, but it will take time. The room was already cluttered before the arrival of Jules and his companions.
The records room holds Briarstone's individual patients' personal histories and treatment records sorted into alphabetical order, although several stacks of recently used records stand on side tables waiting to be filed. The apostle was making a haphazard search before your encounter, adding to the mess. You could probably turn up some useful information, but it will take hours of work.
As Ven searches, Aenian concentrates on the complex lock. After a couple minutes, he finally manages to decipher the pattern and get it opened. Within, the walls of this crowded room are covered by filing cabinets, holding even more records. A battered old painting of a somber, towering structure hangs in the only open wall space.

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

"Venn, i think it's time we return to Winter and rest. In the morning, I suggest we spend time going over these records and those we found in the earlier room to see what we can discover on Zandalus and dreaming."
He eyes the painting, "But we should probably take this, you know, in case it's worth something and some unsavory type tries to run off with it. " Aenian then slips it off the wall and into the haversack.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Ven Vega |

Ven studies the painting for a moment trying to see if he recognizes the building. He then nods at Aenian, "Good thinking, my friend. Let's head back."
Knowledge, History: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

DM NomadSage |

The painting has no specific details that make its subject identifiable. As Aenian detaches the painting from the wall, it reveals a small brass latch that slides open a panel. Inside a small, hidden hollow, you find several leatherbound ledgers with dates running back over a decade. They contain notes -- written in Administrator Losadro's hand -- detailing a number of cases she had treated or observed over the years, with the case of Ulver Zandalus being the most extensive.
Additionally, there is a small lockbox, and a rapier in a crimson scabbard. Its basket hilt is decorated into the shape of a cardinal, and an etched gold band bears the name 'Red Destiny'.
The sword and something within the lockbox radiate magic.

Ven Vega |

Ven studies the blade before handing it to Aenian. "Nice blade. Seems to be magical. I can probably figure out what it does if I study it longer."
He attempts to open the box after studying it for traps. If locked, he hands to Aenian to pick the lock.
He gathers up the ledgers to take back to the chapel for further study.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

Aenian takes the box, "Huh, appears to be a "lockbox"," the investigator holds up fingers as air quotes and then looks at his hands, unsure as to why he did that.
"Lemme see what I can do here," he sets it between his legs and tinkers with the lock.
Disable: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

DM NomadSage |

Ven is unable to determine the magical properties of the rapier. Aenian has more luck with the lock, and it opens up after a few moments' work. Inside are 40 gold coins, six pearls, and a calling card for the services of the Thrushmoor offices of the Sleepless Detective Agency, led by Cesadia Wrentz, that prominently bears an accusatory eye.
Anything else here, or in any other rooms, or headed back to the chapel?

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

"I believe it is time for the chapel and some discussion with Winter followed by research... and if you can figure out what that rapier does, I'd love to give it a swing. But this place is so jacked up, I dont dare use it without identification for fear of a curse or weird nightmare infusion ."
-Posted with Wayfinder

Ven Vega |

Ven nods and shrugs. "After what we've seen, your paranoia is justified. Best not to trust anything here. Yes, let's get out of here."
He follows Aenian back to the chapel.

DM NomadSage |

You make your way back to the survivors' area. Vaustin and Denman are still on guard, having erected a makeshift barricade of sorts around the shattered remains of the door. They wave you through; Vaustin with a welcoming nod and smile. You find Winter in the chapel, as before, tending to the injured.
Rest & Research
As you rest for the next day or so, you have a chance to read through Administrator Losandro's ledgers. Most of the cases detailed are eclectic but otherwise mundane. Notes about Ulver Zandalus dominate the last several months of entries.
These are summarized on a handout, added to your Roll20 journals.
With a concentrated effort, Ven is able to determine the properties of Red Destiny (a +2 rapier), and one of the pearls in the lockbox (a pearl of power (1st)).
Were there some other unidentified items left from Losandro's office?
Most of the books and files are in the library, Losandro's office, or the records rooms. Did you wish to spend any time data-mining in these locations?

Ven Vega |

Ven will take some time to research the mysterious building in the painting, Zandalus, Cesida Wrentz, Thrushmoor's history and this asylum's history. He will check the library, Losandro's office, and the records rooms.
Let know which knowledge checks Ven should make.

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

Aenian raises his eyebrows when Ven explains the power of Red Destiny, "This is incredible ... should help us with the next string of weird things we come across, no? May I?" Aenian holds out a hand to Venn.
As he dances lightly about the room with it, "I assume you'll be taking the pearl as well ... seems useful for an arcane user."
Aenian will aid in the research as best as he can, but only after we've rested and he's taken a shot at getting healed again at night and again in the morning.
Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Aenian still won't let Winter come near him and is starting to harbor a bit of directed animosity towards the woman.
We have some other unidentified items: incense, candle, phylactery and dagger per the spreadsheet (unless I just didn't update it when it was id'd)

Ven Vega |

Ven admires the pearls but shakes his head. "I'm afraid I can't use it."
I believe the pearls can only be used for casters with prepared spell slots - the psychic is like an int sorcerer.
Ven will study the remaining magic items until he can identify them.

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

Actually think we have 2
Aenian wants to research nightmares becoming reality and the thing that chased us.
-Posted with Wayfinder

DM NomadSage |

After an 8-hour research session, you can attempt a Research check vs the library's complexity DC. One may be the primary checker, while the other(s) may Aid Other. A successful check will reduce the kp by 1d4 + Int modifier, increased by +1 for every 5 points over the target DC. Rolling a natural 20 is like a critical threat in combat. (Research damage die increases with more ranks in the Research skill, or if you have it as a class skill. 1d8 with 5 ranks, or class skill; 1d12 with 10 ranks, Skill Focus feat, or both class skill and 5 ranks.)
Also, ontinuous research grants a cumulative +1 for every 8 hour block you spend in the library. This bonus fades if you stop researching for a month or more.
So, in short, you steadily work down the library's kp and earn information bits at certain thresholds. If you reduce the libary's kp to 0, it has no further useful information to give.
The combined texts of the library and Administrator Losandro's office offer a significant amount of information on the history of Briarstone and Versex county, as well as myriad mental disorders and their treatment. The challenge will be to discover the information useful to you.
Research Check: Knowledge (local, history, or religion), DC 15. The quality of the texts grants a +2 bonus to your check.
You are able to identify the remaining magic items: a tin filled with incense of open thoughts, a lesser talisman of healing power, a candle of spirit protection, and a phylactery of faithfulness. The dagger is a +1 dagger.
While you research, Doctor Losandro remains as you found her, immobile and continuously spewing forth the multicolored mist. With some time to think, Ven identifies her condition...

Winter Klaczka *DM* |

A little while after Aenian rebuffs Winter's healing once again, she returns with Nasya at her side. "Aenian, your initial distrust of me was not unusual, given the circumstances of this place. But it has continued and even seems to be growing into a resentment, though I've done nothing to warrant it."
"Nasya here has more than a decade of experience assisting the mentally ill. She believes you have the classic symptoms of paranoia." She holds up a wand. "The magic in this can help restore some of your mental control, but you have to let me use it. Or, if you wish to try, you may use it on yourself."
Lesser restoration reduces the madness check DC by 2, cumulative per use, maximum once per day.

Ven Vega |

Ven will spend eight hours researching the origins of Briarstone asylum.
Knowledge, Religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
kp: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Ven informs Aenian of Losandro's oneirogen nature.

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Aenian ponders Venn's discovery. "Is that the source of the nightmares then? Do we need to ... uh, shut her down?" He shivers as he says this last bit.
Will Save to accept Winter's help: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
"I'll take care of it myself, thank you very much," Aenian swipes the wand from Winter's hand.
He will then use it on himself away from the others. (On the alchemist list, which I believe makes it spell trigger for investigators)
Will Save for more help this evening (DC15 now): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
"I'll be damned, it works ... I guess you aren't all bad, Winter. You can cast your creepy healing spells on me, just this one time though!"
Updating loot list with claims

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

"The candle should help with any haunts if we need to break them down without being hurt by them ... do we have any un-exorcised ones to take care of right now? I don't think so. We can pass the phylactery on to Winter or someone else with devotion. Not sure about the incense ... but it might be handy at some point if we can't or don't want to talk out loud."
Where did the talisman come from? I didn't have it on the list

Winter Klaczka *DM* |

There were three talismans in Doctor Losandro's stash. That might have gotten mixed up in the descriptive text.
Winter gives Aenian a wan smile, "I'm happy you are seeing that I'm not a threat. You may keep the restoration wand, but I may require it again for the other survivors." She leans in, concentrating a moment while touching Aenian's shoulder. Healing energy passes from her and over Aenian's wounds.
CLW: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
"Ven, do you require any healing?"
CLW: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
The wand of lesser restoration has 6 charges left.

DM NomadSage |

Research in the Briarstone Library
Looks like you both missed the +2 quality bonus on your rolls. Add that, and a +1 cumulative bonus, if you decide to continue another 8 hours...
Your first foray into the library texts turns up mostly information relating to the asylum's history and some lore on the isle itself. While you dig through the myriad texts, Genny Two-tails watches, emoting an ever-changing mixture of curiosity and boredom.
Located on Briarstone Isle, Briarstone Asylum was founded in 4585 with the support of Count Haserton Lowls I and Rozenport’s Sincomakti School of Sciences. The asylum devotes itself to the treatment of patients with mental diseases and those in need of psychological care. Its staff also pursues humane, nonmagical treatments of such disorders. With the exception of restraints, most physical and surgical treatment methods were phased out at Briarstone over a century ago.
Briarstone was originally intended to be a fort, positioned to protect Thrushmoor and trade along the Danver River from pirates sailing Lake Encarthan. The fort’s construction began in 4315 and was plagued by accidents, culminating in the death of its overseer, Captain Anoch Atherton. Construction on the fort was halted and rumors spread that Briarstone Isle was haunted. To expunge the taint of urban legends, Count Haserton Lowls I convinced the church of Pharasma to perform a successful, island-wide exorcism in 4584.

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

Aenian rubs his eyes, "History is great, but we need to connect the dots. Let's keep at it."
Know Religion 2nd 8 : 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 Inspiration: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

Inspired, Aenian finds some lucrative texts,
Crit confirm: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Total Knowledge point reduction: 2d8 + 16 ⇒ (3, 4) + 16 = 23
bonus is 4 for it mod, 4 for rolling 20 over DC. Both doubled?

DM NomadSage |

Looks like it should be just +3 for the extra (+1 at 20, 25 and 30), but otherwise the math looks good. 21 total damage!
Although tired after a long session of research, Aenian finds a thread linking several documents. The next eight hours pass in a heated blur, but you come up with some interesting chunks of Briarstone's history. After sixteen hours of research, you are both fatigued, mostly mentally.
Captain Anoch Atherton didn’t die in a construction accident. The overseer of Fort Briar’s construction disappeared, only to be discovered a week later, his entrails strewn across the site. After Atherton’s death, work halted on the fort’s construction, but locals still reported seeing lights in the deserted, half-constructed structure. Rumors attributed the tragedy to the Briarstone Witch and claimed that she’d curse or kill any who trespassed upon her home.
Folklore attributes many disappearances and spates of bad luck in the Thrushmoor region to the Briarstone Witch, an elusive crone said to inhabit Briarstone Isle. The first reports of the Briarstone Witch date to the early 4000s, soon after the founding of Thrushmoor by a congregation of psychopomp-worshiping homesteaders. These tales attribute many good works to the witch and present her as a figure who helped the settlers survive their hard early years. Some tales refer to the witch’s servant, called the Tatterman.
The Briarstone Witch was not a legend. She was a Kellid interested in lesser-known cults and occult knowledge. As she shared her esoteric knowledge with Thrushmoor’s settlers, she joined them, and as she exhibited her power, she eventually came to lead them. However, in 4050, the report of a Pharasmin inquisitor accused the people of Thrushmoor of engaging in “perverted rites in mockery of Pharasma and her servants’ names.”
Encouraged by the Briarstone Witch, the people of Thrushmoor split from both the church and the national government. When emissaries of the state marched to retake control of the town, they found the entire population had disappeared. Although a few gruesome stains marked buildings across the empty town, no other evidence of the people was ever found. The unsettling event became known as the Thrushmoor Vanishing and hundreds of years passed before Thrushmoor was resettled.

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

Total was 37 with the inspiration point
-Posted with Wayfinder

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

"Huh, this Tatterman isn't new to this area. He was the apprentice of the Briarstone Witch. If he's the apprentice, I'd hate to meet the witch ..."
Was there a date of the Thushmoor Vanishing or was it 100s of years before Atherton's death?
Aenian yawns, "I need to rest, Venn ... you think there's more here for us to find tomorrow?"
"We should ask Winter about these Pharasmin references, see if her church knows anything about them."

Ven Vega |

Ven nods as Aenian recounts what he's learned. "With such a troubled history it's no wonder that this asylum is haunted. There may be more to learn, but I'm eager to complete our exploration of the ruins. Let's see if we can find a way out of here tomorrow."
Ven will ask Winter about what Aenian learned. "Are you aware of some sort of schism between Thrushmore and the Church of Pharasma, and the resulting vansishing?"

Winter Klaczka *DM* |

The research results seem to be in reverse chronological order/significance. The Thrushmoor Vanishing occurred around 4050. The fort began construction in the 4300s, ending when Captain Atherton died. The asylum was built about 200 years after that.
After the long day of research, you return to the chapel compound to rest. While you eat, you explain your discoveries to Winter.
"Accuser Omari spoke a little of Thrushmoor and its strange history, but nothing that seemed of any great significance to the current Count Lowls. She did not mention any schisms or breaks with the church of Pharasma. Granted, the Thrushmoor Vanishing you mention was nearly seven-hundred years ago."
"What else have you found in the library and offices? Any records or clues as to your own stories?"

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

"We did find one vague reference to something called the Tatterman. Are you familiar?"
I can't recall how much we told her of the dream so I'm erring on the side of caution
-Posted with Wayfinder

Ven Vega |

Ven will spend a day researching his and Aenian's history.
Knowledge, History: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
kp: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Winter Klaczka *DM* |

The library has no individual patient records, but the records room does. Searching through the mess the apostles left will take time rather than research methodology.
Winter's eyes harden, "That name was on the lips of some survivors here, a horror they saw in their nightmares when the asylum fell. All of them recalled fleeing it, but little else. Happily, the chapel's blessing has kept our dreams safe, and none have mentioned it since."

DM NomadSage |

I meant to add...
Ven spends several hours in the records room, sifting through the mass of ransacked records. The logical part of your mind takes over and you start making sense of the mess. Eventually, your efforts turn up a stack of recently admitted patients, and you find your own records among them.
Sponsor: Count Haserton Lowls IV
Description: Male half-elf. Apparent drow descent. Age unknown.
Initial Diagnosis: Amnesia (psychogenic fugue), severe disorientation
Sponsor: Count Haserton Lowls IV
Description: Female dwarf. Orange mohawk, multiple scars across arms and torso. Age unknown.
Initial Diagnosis: Amnesia (psychogenic fugue), severe disorientation
Sponsor: Count Haserton Lowls IV
Description: Male human. Short black hair. Borderline obese. Age unknown.
Initial Diagnosis: Amnesia (psychogenic fugue), severe disorientation
Sponsor: Count Haserton Lowls IV
Description: Male samsaran. Emaciated, possibly malnourished. Long hair and beard. Age unknown.
Initial Diagnosis: Amnesia (psychogenic fugue), severe disorientation

Aenian Ryder |
- Score: 37
- Threshold: 4
- Edge: 18
- Damage: 5
- Paranoia (DC 11)
- Inspiration: 4/6
- Mind Swap: 1/1
- Panache: 2/5
- Studied Combat: 4/4
- Extracts:
CLW/ blend /shield / long arm/ cat's grace21 - Dancing Lights: 1/1
- Darkness: 1/1
- Fae Fire: 1/1
- Mut: 0/1

"Well, that settles it then, Venn. This Count Lowls knows us, hell, looks like he sent us here. Combined with his family's history in the area, maybe we'll uncover something of value. Let's find a way to end this waking nightmare and get ourselves out of here to go confront him. You think we should go tackle that beast spitting out of the Doctor?"
Aenian glances at Winter suspiciously, "Guess if you have any thoughts on the smoke spitter, you could provide them here as well."

Ven Vega |

Venn nods at Aenian, "Let's get out of here and then hunt down Lowls. I don't know if there is much we can do to help the woman. I suggest we complete our exploration of the Asylum and then devise a plan to escape."
He waits to see if Winter has any advice concerning assisting the woman.

Winter Klaczka *DM* |

Winter considers what you have told her and looks over the pieces of information you have uncovered. "Here," she says, pointing at an entry in Losandro's journal. "She mentions 'The Chain of Nights' a few times, some text Count Lowls gave her to help treat Zandalus through his dreams. Its clear she was planning to pursue some experimentation based on what she read, and that is her very last entry. Toilday was also the night of the tremors." She ponders a few moments, considering the possibilities. "If that experiment was some kind of occult ritual that went awry, it could be what set off this whole nightmare. Its also probably what turned her into an oneirogen."